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Sam-n-Danny1 ok so if you want the link then you have to put http/www. Cause it won't work if I write it with the http/www. Ok so here it is jpg
Fanficaholic yeah, miroku is the guy that grabs girl's butts! Lol poor, poor sango/Valerie
Disclaimer: I don't own anything!
Chapter 2: …spazz
The group of friends landed in a 'THUMP' on a patch of dirt, where a little orange kit was digging.
"Inuyasha! You just ruined my whole! Idiot." The little fluff ball whined. Danny got out of the whole,
"Hey kid, I think you have the wrong person." Shippo looked confused,
"Kagome, what's wrong with inuyasha? He hasn't hit me or something." Sam moaned and opened her eyes.
"D-Danny? Why are you wearing dog—"
"PERVERT!" Valerie slapped Tucker hard across the face.
"Hey I can't help it, Val! You just look so good in that outfit!" Tucker said in a goofy anime face. An old lady with an eye patch over her eye came out of a hut,
"Lunch." And she went back in.
"hey! I'm in my ghost form! AH! Where's my ears! Oh my god I have dog-ears! And a sword!" Danny all of a sudden yelled panicking. Tucker looked at his hand,
"Why do I have beads around my—AHH! SOME ONE HELP ME!" his wind tunnel started and it was sucking in every single tree around them.
"Tucker! Stop this thing!" Yelled Valerie falling into the vortex that was tucker's hand. He quickly put the beads back on,
"Sorry, Val. Sam? Are you ok?" Sam was sitting by a tree rocking back and forth mumbling something.
"Sam?" Danny asked coming closer. The closer they got, the more they could hear her whispering
"Black, bats, dark, black, bats, dark." Over and over.
"BLACK!" she yelled running over to Valerie who was dressed in Sango's demon hunter outfit.
"Give me that! Its black—" the old lady came out of the hut again,
"Hey! Are you deaf? I said lunch!" Everyone went silent and followed her inside confused.
"Um…do we know you?" Valerie said once they got food. Keade looked like they went mad.
"Yes, ye should know who I am. Are you ticked in the head, Sango?" This made Valerie even more confused,
"Who's Sango? I'm Valerie; this is Danny, Tucker, and Sam. Who are you two?" she said pointing to her and Shippo.
"Yeah and what's with the dog ears and sword? Where are we?" Danny said getting up.
"Danny, sit do—" Sam got cut off by Danny plummeting into the floor. "What the hell was that?" Tucker said.
"Ye really don't know where ye are. I am keade. I am a priestess and this is the Feudal Era. How did ye get here?" Keade asked. Danny recovered from the 'sit' and sat up straight,
"Well I am Danny Phantom, I think. I'm half ghost and half human, Valerie is a ghost hunter, Tucker is a Techno nerd ("hey!"), and Sam is a Goth. We some how got sucked into a ghost catching thing my dad built and landed here. We are from Amity Park, 2005. Can you please explain why we are dressed like this!" he said
"I think you all switched places with Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku." Magoya said jumping onto Danny's shoulder.
"AHHHH! A TALKING FLEA!" the 16 year old yelled. 00
"O…kay…so who are they?" Sam said, slightly scared. Keade explained the stories behind each of them and told them about Naraku. (I am waaaayyy to lazy to write all of their stories!)
Ok thanks for the reviews! Whoop R&R!