CHAPTER 1: The beginning

Edited 2nd time.

Kingdom Hearts 2 fan fictions, written by HoSkei.


Twilight City –You know you want to live in this peaceful and fancy city!

A maid slowly entered the living room, right on time to see her young master rolled down the floor from the couch, made a big "THUD" sound. 60 kilos of Riku's meat hit the cold hard floor.

That's usually how Riku wake up when nobody is around to disturb his sleep. He swore under his breath and stood up; he massaged his hip then roughly threw the square pillow back on the couch.

"What time is it now?" Riku scratched his messy bed head.

"It's five pass eleven, Riku-sama. Do you want to have breakfast... uh ...lunch now?" The maid glanced at her cell phone checking the time.

"What? Why didn't you wake me up?" Riku's jaw dropped. The maid didn't answer, but stared at the broken vase which Riku thrown at Kadaj- his big brother when he tried to wake Riku up yesterday; and luckily, the silver-haired master dodged the attack of his younger brother. No one should be bother Riku in the morning and it's a must-not. Think about it, she should clean up that mess today.

Riku doesn't feel like going to school at all, since he had already missed half of a school day, or beside he's in a very lazy mood now. So Riku decided that he'd take a walk downtown and wait until 1p.m for the afternoon classes.

It was started to rain. Sora sat inside the classroom pulling his spiky brown hair with the eyes half closed while letting his mind wandering outside with the rain. He's bored to death with this dreadful Kanji class.

But hey, things around Sora had been strange lately, and he couldn't help noticing it. Was that because of autumn's climate-changing effect? Kairi, his close friend, giggled whenever he says anything, even when it's not funny at all. His mother Takiko left home early and doesn't come back until he was in bed, and it kept happening for the last 2 weeks. And Roxas, his own twin brother? Roxas' attention now was all on a small picture of some mysterious person that he took out and looked at it whenever he's alone. Was that odd or not?

But not as strange as seeing the Kanji teacher approaching in his funny walk with the notebook rolled on his hand and whacked Sora hard on his head.

"Pay attention or you out to the hallway."

Such a peevish old man, Sora thought, pouted with an angry look on his face (even thought it looks more like he was about to cry). Some classmates giggled, turned all the way back just to see that cute expression of Sora. So to avoid all the gazes, the brunet darted his eyes to Roxas' seat which was diagonal from where Sora was sitting. That photo again, heh? One day I will snatch that and see what the heck it is…

The Destiny Island was famous of its peaceful landscapes, with deep blue sea and gentle wave rushes to the shores. And it's even more beautiful after the rain. From the school's terrace, Sora could see some of his classmate happily throwing themselves into the cool water with their uniforms fully on. Then the next thing he saw was the janitor hastily ran down to the shore pulled their ears and dragged them back to the school's main building.

Sora spotted a familiar spiky blond head on the other side of the roof. Who do we have here…


"Sora!" Roxas jumped all the way up, swinging his arms around until he gained back the balance then bewildered hid the photo away in his pants pocket.

"Roxas, what are you having there?" Sora inclined his head, eyed on the blonde's pocket.

"Want some drink?" Roxas raised up a bottle of soda, quickly change the topic before Sora start asking 'let me see that thing' for the 1098 th times.

"Nope. Come on, show me that thing!"

"What thing?"

"That thing" Sora still stared at Roxas' side pocket. "You know what I'm talking about."

"Sora …I never know that you're such a pervert! What thing of mine do you want to see?" Roxas' raised his eyebrows and pretended to be surprised. Then he laughed and threw Sora a drink.

"Fine! I have… secret photos too! And I will never show you mine!"

"Right" Roxas laughed, "Secret photos of baby Sora with naked butt trying to strangle me in the sleep. I remember that one."

The blonde snorted as the blood rushed up Sora's face and heated it up.

"Uh huh? In that photo there's also you butt, too!" Sora protested hopelessly.

"Oh my god! You guys saw each other's butt already?"

Both Sora and Roxas started, twirled 180 degree. Kairi was making her way up to the roof.

"Gosh, couldn't believe those sweet talk we usually seen in shounen-ai manga would actually happens in real life, and right in front of me!" Kairi squealed frantically and rubbed her blushing cheeks and it was such a wonder that they weren't burning from friction. Then quickly, she pulled out from the skirt pocket a digital camera.

"How about a pose of Sora putting hands on Roxas' neck and Roxas, you raise Sora's face with your hand?" Kairi bounced from where Sora stood to Roxas, bending and pulling their arms try to put them in the pose.

"What –the –heck?" Sora and Roxas asked. Sora wringed his nose, said "You forgot to take medicine for today, heh?" and got a glare from Kairi, so he turned away and stared blankly at the sky.

"Look, Kairi, we're not under your command, so pardon us." Roxas irritated pulled Sora with him. "And why don't you stay away from those 'shounen-ai' thingy? It doesn't suit you so well, if you wanna hear the truth."

"Roxas, do you have problem with that? Don't insult my hobbies, okay? And beside Sora is also my friend, too!" Kairi's smile faded, she folded her arms on her chest and frowned, but then she blinked as Roxas let go of Sora's arm and approached her.

"Don't you ever forget what you did to Sora 8 years ago", Roxas bended over and talked in a low-toned voice. Kairi's expression all blanked, as she tried hard to keep the camera in her trembling hands.

Not with a clue what Roxas and Kairi were talking about, Sora pushed his soft drink's cap down and finished the whole bottle for good.


The white haired boy sitting at the desk near the window slowly raised his face, wearing the murderous expression that saying "I'm going to kick the heck out of the wannadie that's yelling my name".

So it was Yuffie.

"What do you want? A flying wrist? I'd gladly give you one." Riku ran his fingers through the long white hair, frowned deeply.

"No, bastard. We're going to hang out in Shussei district t'nite!"

"Got 3 "tickets" for me and the other two, eh Yuffie?"

Kadaj entered the classroom, with Yazoo and Cloud walking behind him.

"You have to go anyway, so no resist!" Yuffie twirled and faced them, beamed.

It's funny; the more Riku wants people to get the hell away from him, the more they coming. It just like Riku is a giant human magnet or something like that. And Riku extremely wanted to stay away from his older brother, because Kadaj can read through his mind.

"Come on, just let the past go, Riku!" Kadaj frowned thoughtfully. "Okaa-san won't be happy to see you suffering yourself like that."


"Okaa-san this, okaa-san that" Riku rolled his eyes, exhaled and glance up to the cleared up sky.

4 p.m: the wonderful times when school is over, and it's even better when it's 4 p.m on Friday.

Riku slowly walked out of the school building, with his group of friend included Wakka, Leon, Yuffie, Selphie, Namine and… something is… well… not so normal about Kadaj and Cloud that Riku couldn't explain what, until…

"Did you guys just hold hand half a second ago?" Selphie jumped in front and stopped Kadaj and Cloud on their path. "I saw it! What are you two up to?"

Cloud and Kadaj exchanged look. Cloud didn't say a word, only silently turned away to hide his blushing face. Kadaj, otherwise, smiled bashfully and said, "Uh, we started going out."

So that's what that was a little bit out of ordinary that Riku couldn't figure out. The group hooted, whistled and patted Cloud then hugged Kadaj, congratulated them as if they're just married or something like that. Big deal…

When they walked outside the school gate, there're 3 bicycles glide passed by, and a short, blond boy ran after. They nearly crashed into Raijin – member of "Twilight Disciplinary Committee" group.

"Hey, where're your eyes? Be careful next time or Seifer will teach ya a lesson, ya'know!" Raijin yelled after, with his wrist raised high up. Seifer-their group leader sighed, flipped Raijin's ear and told him to zip it up.

Riku noticed three little 6-grade girls on the bikes -Yuna, Rikku, Paine, a.k.a Yuripa the 'Treasure Hunters' trio and the blond boy was Tidus. Poor little boy, he liked Yuna since he first attended to the academy 2 year ago, but Yuna was too immature to actually care.

Autumn seemed like a season that all people acting weirdly, a lot of wedding being set up, and people fall in love with each other even more than in St. Valentine. Riku had no time for that. Actually, he had no time for anything. The white haired boy leisurely untied his necktie and get into the car.


Sora happily jumped on his blue skateboard, and Roxas followed behind him. They usually raced home like that, saving a bunch of time. Within 5 minutes after the school was out, they were already standing in front of the house. No light from inside. Roxas exchanged look with Sora, as he inserts the key into the hole.

"Tadaima, okaa-san!" Said Sora and Roxas.

… No answered from inside.

"Told you mom won't be home, Sora! You gonna cook dinner tonight." Roxas patted Sora's back with one hand, the other held on to his precious skateboard.

"Fine!" Sora kicked his shoe on a side and sulkily stepped in the kitchen.

Sora and Roxas were so used to see their mom got home late. She said because of company business. They don't complain much, because they knew she's working hard so they would have enough money to eat, to go to school.

Roxas thrown his body into the bed and carefully took off the photo in his pocket. The picture looked like it had been take in and out for trillions of time, with wrinkles and hundreds folds. As Roxas sniffed out something smells horrible, he sat up immediately and put the picture away.

"Sora! You brought home a wild skunk again?" Roxas stuck his head out the hallway with one hand covered his nose.

"No, don't be crazy, I'd never do that the second time." Sora's voice echoed back from the kitchen.

"So what smells so bad? Is that from the food you're cooking?" He sniggered.

There was no reply, but a chain of footsteps' noises raced on the hallway approaching to the bedroom. Sora in an apron with a burned-black wooden ladle on his hand, stood on the doorpost to give Roxas a deadly glare.

" Just joking, Sora! Say… it's Friday night. Do you want to wander around in Twilight City? I have enough money to stay there until Monday, if you want to!"

Sora knew his twin brother would do anything to hide his weakness away from people. But they couldn't get through his eyes though. So together, they rushed out of the house with their skateboards and took the ferry-boat to get in land.

Twilight City is always bustling, whether it's Friday night or not. But the district of Shussei was so crowded that driving car there would be the last thing you ever do before you starved to death in the car without moving an inch in 1 week.

Schoolgirls and ladies love spending half their life in the Moogle jewel store, while boys and office-men got drunk and exchanged all his cash into coins at the Cid's game arcades. Teenagers madly bounced and stamped their feet on the dancing metal pads, and some swiveled the plastic gun skillfully on their hands like professional assassins. Riku called this place "The heaven on earth". He took out another 200yen coins and quickly inserted into the machine, and shot the guts out of all the zombies on the screen in a flash.

Meanwhile, his female friends in the group are concentrating on the Whack-a-Crocodile game. Yuffie over-killed a crocodile and the head of the plastic crocodile broke a piece. Namine quickly opened her drawing skit and took out her super glue, before Cid the arcade owner- Yuffie's uncle found out.

"I am starving here. Can we eat yet?" Selphie finally got bored with the game. "It's 7:18 already."

"Cloud's group just left. I should call them back" Leon took his hand off the pocket; other hand released the plastic gun. Riku walked outside the crowded game arcade and sat down, looked at people walking by. The weather started getting cold, since it's already the end of October. Already 4 years since his mom passed away. Riku sighed.

"Swallow those god-knows-what in your mouth before talking!" Roxas scolded.

Sora hungrily finished the whole big bowl of tofu ramen, while Roxas raised his eyebrows and stared at his twin brother, afraid that if he look into other direction, Sora will just get lost in this Shussei and the next week, people would send home a corpse that looks suspiciously like Sora.

"Wah--ugh! I'm stuffed!" Sora groaned and rubbed his belly.

"Let's go!" Roxas stood up, stepped on his skateboard.

"But is it fine to skating on the street? It's not like on the island, you know."

"Become a rule breaker once in a while, Sora!"

"Yaaaaa! Watch out!"

"Huh?" Riku started when he heard the shouting from behind. Before he could turn his face back to see what it was about, the two kids dropped from the sky and landed right on Riku's back.

"Itaii…" Sora pulled a wry face.

"I told you to jump! Baka Sora!"

"Damn it Roxas! Take your foot off my--" "GET OFF ME YOU TWO FRIGGIN' BRATS!" A growl from underneath told Sora and Roxas that they were landed on someone. A hot headed one. The two brothers gulped and stepped on a side. Riku brushed his clothes as he stood up.

"Er…I am truly sorry. Are you okay?" Sora gave out a wry smile asking for peace, hoped that they won't have their butts kicked.

"Do I look okay to you?" Riku scowled at the brunette, massaging his sprained left arm. "Can't you read? No running in this area, porcupine-head."

"Right, you white haired…uh…dude, first of all I said I am sorry-" Sora stood up; his eyes stared straight at Riku's. "-Second of all, I am not a porcupine head, and third, we are not running, we're skating!" The "porcupine" word really touched Sora's nerves. Roxas patted his hand on his forehead, grumbled "not again."

"You know what, Mr. Cactus Head I Know Everything? The fine for skating in this Shussei is 8,000yen, I shall tell you that, in case you don't know because you just came out from the tropical zoo in Africa." Riku laughed sarcastically.

"What's wrong Riku? I heard you yelling out here!" Kadaj walked up to Riku, and looked at Sora and Roxas. "What are you going to do with those juveniles?" Kadaj raised his eyebrows as he looking at Riku, implicated. Riku still eyed on Sora. Kadaj smirked with interest "Oh, our Riku had grown up so fast! And I am glad that you picked out such a cute pair!"

Riku immediately scowled at his older brother. Luckily, Riku was still concentrating on the two kids dropping out from the sky case, so he quickly turned back and faced the 'porcupine head' again.

Sora silent and frowned, tried to understand what those two were just talk about them. It took Sora a while to realized that he had been mistaken with the teenage prostitute. His face turned peach red, but no dare to argue. There're two of them and ---

Suddenly remembered that Roxas was with him, Sora twirled back. Roxas was sitting down on the bench looking to another direction. That's odd, usually whenever get in a fight, Roxas always the one who start it, and he always win in every kind of arguing.

"Guys! Can we eat now?" Selphie called from the other side of the road. "What are you doing there?" She crossed the street to see what taking them too long.

"DestiIs High School" Riku looked down at Sora's school coat, where the school's logo was sewed obviously on the left hand side. "I heard that school was filled with shrimps and rats. No doubt that you came out from there."

Sora can't argue anymore. He knows where his place in this city.

"Leon and the others are sitting in the Nikko restaurant right in that corner" Selphie pointed her thumb finger to the tall building. " Quick quick, or Yuffie will lead the whole group to the karaoke if you guys don't come there in 5 minutes."

"No, not the karaoke!" Kadaj and Riku answered quickly, and Riku dropped the fight. They know what it's like when Yuffie got drunk and sing the Doraemon theme song. And after that, Leon, Cloud would hang them up for making the whole group turn deaf.



Riku walked along with the other two, threw a last 'Someday I Will Teach You A Lesson' look at Sora, as Sora slightly turned his head back and gave the older boy his 'Bring It On' glare. They walked away in opposite direction.

"Roxas, you should have backed me up!" Sora picked up the pillow on the bed and threw it at Roxas.

"You never know where the limit is. I won't help you anymore from now on." Roxas caught the pillow and lay his head on it.

"That city jerk! He looked at us as if we're local morons. That damn city he's living in is just 3 kilometers away from this island."

"And look, you earned 2 new names in 2 hours! 'Porcupine head'..." The blonde busted into laughing. "Hahah, and also…'Mr. Cactus Head'. That dude is such a genius!"

"What? But still better than his white head. He looks just like those 89 years old pervert guys that sometime wandering in Shussei district!"

"But he's good looking, right, onii-chan?" Roxas sat up, smirked.

"Yes, better looking than Taka-san our nasty neighbor." Sora folded his arm and rested his back on the wall. Roxas laughed harder, because everybody on the island know how good looking old Taka is. No more description or it might cause vomiting to those who are reading this while eating.

"And what with the light green- emerald eyes…" Sora murmured undertone. He hated to admit it, but that jerk was indeed really good looking.

In the neighborhood, someone was sneezing.