Me- okay I know I have other stories to work on but right now I have to get this one out of my system. This is a mix of humor, romance, and angst.

Warnings- this does have yaoi and heterosexual romance galore! So if you don't like it don't read.

Melody- Why wouldn't someone like yaoi?

Me- Melody, there are some people in the world who are crazy in the bad way

Melody- You mean Priests still live (yes she is referring to the past priests)

Me- in a sense

Disclaimer- I do not own Yugioh, Quizilla, or Harry Potter...though wouldn't I be so rich.

Summary- It's a fic centered around Yugi, Ryou, and Malik. Yugi's been rejected by the one he loves but refuses to let it bother him. Ryou is in love with a person who wouldn't give him a second glance unless he was famous. And for Malik..the person he loves doesn't see him as anything more than someone he lives with (or a fuck buddy). The eventual pairings would be...Yugi/Bakura, Ryou/Otogi later Ryou/Jou, Malik/Marik, and hints of Yami/Seto and Jou/Mai.

Yugi's Pov.

I think one of the worst things that can happen to a person is loving someone who they know doesn't love them back. But you go up to them anyways and confess your feelings with a bit of hope. Though you're mostly confessing because your friends said it would be okay, that there was know way they couldn't want you, and now your praying to whoever is up there that they'll love you back. But this isn't a fairytale. And they don't. And you heart is shattered in to a million pieces.

-Amaya Sesihiro

I snorted at reading this paragraph. I don't think this girl knows how much she hit the spot. With a sigh I click the back button on the computer looking at more of the depressing love stories.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not hooked or anything because the person I liked tore my heart to pieces, picked them up, and threw them in my face. Not at all. I'm just a bit more defensive now. Cautious of who I trust and open my heart to.

Getting off the internet I try to focus on running the counter. Not like there's been any customers yet but you never know. They might just magically appear. Doubtful but still I can't have Yami walking in to see me slacking off again. We've gotten into way to many mock arguments and I have to prove to him that I do work.

Then again he's probably off doing the naughty with Seto. Haha. I always knew they would get together. Especially when I walked in. I shudder at his thought. It's definitely not a pleasant one either. I'm perfectly fine with my yami's relationship with Kaiba but I'd prefer not to know the details. And that night was way to informative for me.

Oh...I can't help but ignore an email when I get one. Let's see what this one says.

Hey Yugi!

I know that you're on the computer and won't answer the phone so I figured I'd get to you through email. Wanna go out tonight and catch a movie. It can be us single people since Bakura's out with Marik again. Actually Malik was the one who came up with the idea. So you going to come. If so email back

Love your oh so secret admirer,


I laughed at his ending and responded saying I would go. Us hikaris have become the best of buds lately. Bakura and Marik were always together so Malik couldn't even get close to Marik (only the love of his life). Poor kid. And the person Ryou liked wouldn't notice him unless he became famous or something so he was out of luck as well. And me...well let's just say myself and Bakura haven't been on the best of terms in a long time. what to wear is the question. You never know who you could see and I want to look hot! Tight black leather pants? Definitely. Tight black shirt with fishnet over it? Why not. Collar? Can't forget it. Bitch boots? Perfect. Applying eyeliner I carefully added some chap stick to my lips. I study myself in the mirror wondering just why I couldn't get someone.

'You still like a certain thief'

'No I don't'

"Uh-huh, you sound like a bitch in denial"

Okay I so don't have time to argue with myself again. Maybe later when I'm not busy. Blocking out that voice I make my way back into the shop turning off the computer and putting the 'Closed' sign up.

I've just realized I have no idea when we're supposed to get going. Going over to the phone I dial a number all to familiar to me and listened to it ring until Ryou's voice was heard over the line.

'Hello. Bakura Residence' Shaking my head at the formality I started fiddling with my collar.

"Hey Ryou, it's me Yugi. What time should I go over there" I asked.

'Well see. The movie isn't until 7.' I glanced at the clock, 6:15. Not bad since the movie theater is a block or two from Ryou's. 'So you could come now if you don't mind Bakura being here. I mean he just came back and I didn't think he would be home so soon. He's not seeing the movie or anything just himself and Marik came back here for a break. I'm sorry Yugi. I can understand why you wouldn't want to come' Alright, now I had to interrupt. Ryou could ramble when he wanted to alright.

"Ryou, it's fine. Trust me. Just because he's there doesn't mean I can't be there either. That was in the past. I'm hardly affected by it." A little white lie never hurt. I mean of course I'm still affected by it somewhat. What he did was...let's just say it's in the past that's for sure.

"So long as you're sure. I think Malik would like the company too. Considering Marik's here as well." Yeah. Aren't we just so lucky to get to suffer together.

"Yeah sure. Be there in a few." I replied. After saying bye I hung the phone up and leaned against the wall. I can do this. It's no different than any other time I had to confront him.

Grabbing my keys I made sure to lock the door to the house/shop and I was on my way. No I don't have a car yet so I make do with walking. There is no problem with that either. I stay healthy.

Next thing to do. Build up all my confidence. I know that I shouldn't be nervous I mean it's just Bakura and like I said I'm completely over him. Almost.

Shit, I probably should have brought my jacket it's freezing out here. Walking a little faster I made it to Ryou's house in record time and pounded on the door stomping my feet out of habit. The door opened to Bakura casually leaning on the opposite wall.

"You look like a gothic slut" Remember all that confidence I had. Well the Confidence Lady took it back saying I used up all my tokens. Wonder how I get some more.

"Nice to see you to Bakura" I say waiting for him to move and let me in. Nothing's happened yet...Anytime now...Alright I am cold!

"Bakura let me in' With that damn arrogant smirk of his he moved over 'allowing' me access into the house before plopping down onto the sofa beside a bored Marik. Ryou was right about Malik, he was sitting by himself on the rocking chair just kind of staring into the distance.

Well since I wasn't about to sit near the psycho duo I happily walked over to my Egyptian friend and plopped myself down onto his lap.

"Hey Malik" I said giving a sultry grin and he wrapped his arms around my waist squeezing a little.

"Hey sexy" he purred out before pecking me on the cheek. I love Malik I do, I mean him and Ryou were the only people that noticed something was wrong before it was to late. We're always so clingy though, Ryou to sometimes. Just because we needed the comfort you know. Okay I don't even know who I'm talking to. So I guess you wouldn't know. I need to stop doing that.

"Just like I said. A gothic slut" This comment was obviously from Bakura. Can't he just leave me alone. Stupid sexy thief.

"Leave him alone Bakura. You talk like half of Domino city hasn't had your dick up them." Thank you Malik. A little harsh but so true. Bakura was a man whore and I swear he slept around more so after what happened to throw it in my face.

"Don't talk about what you don't know Malik" Bakura spat out and Ryou finally entered. I was wondering when the white-haired demon in disguise would show up. Yes I meant that to. There is a whole other side to Ryou people have never seen. It's always the quiet ones though so no one should be surprised when he bursts, seriously.

"Are you guys ready" he asked oblivious to the conversation before he came in the room. That's good to because he always feels guilty over what Bakura says and does.

This is when I realize what he's wearing. I bet you're all expecting me to say he's in a tight shirt or leather pants or something but nope. He's in the same outfit as always. Sweater and jeans. Malik too, same old violet hoodie and black cargo pants. He ditched the leather pants awhile ago. Remind me to convert Ryou into a freak with a leather fetish when I have time."Yeah, what movie are we seeing" We really need to start thinking our plans through.

"Oh I want to see Harry Potter but if you don't I guess we could see something else" Now see, why does Ryou have to put on the act and chibi face. He knows even if we didn't like the movie we'd see it just so we wouldn't have to see that face the whole time. The boy knew how to throw a guilt trip all right.

"No Harry Potter's fine. I've been wanting to see it myself" I rolled my eyes, apparently Malik thought the same.

"Let's get going" I said standing up and heading for the door. The next thing I know the scent of leather is filling my nose and looking down I notice a faded leather jacket in my face.

"Take it, I know it must get cold standing on street corners" Now see, why couldn't he just give it to me and say, 'Here you go Yugi, just so you're not cold'. But no, he has to be all bitchy about it.

"Thanks Bakura, I'm so glad you care" I said with sarcasm before going out the door. I had to admit the jacket did keep me nice and warm.

"What was up with that" Malik asked while we were walking.

"I don't know. It's Bakura when is he ever predictable." Good point Ryou. The guy is strange. That's one of things I like, liked, about him.

"So...Ryou, we haven't heard about a certain someone for a while and usually he's all you talk about." I pointed out. Which was true, it was very hard to get Ryou to shut up about him.

"Oh...You see, Otogi has a girlfriend, so it would probably best if I gave up" he said his eyes shaded by his hair.

"Yeah probably" I hit Malik across the back of the head. Of course I agree with him but we're supposed to be 'friends' and be optimistic for the person.

"You still have a chance Ryou. He just doesn't know how incredible you are" That sounded very corny. I think they both know that from the weird looks I'm receiving.

"What? I'm trying ok." Yeesh, you can all stop looking at me like that now.

"Of course Yugi" Ryou said throwing an arm around me. Finally we're at the place, it only took us forever in a day. Glancing at the time I was very relieved it was only 6:45. Plenty of time to get everything settled and grab tickets.

After getting the tickets we made our way into the theater grabbing seats toward the back. Thankfully the theater wasn't to crowded and with a relaxed sigh I settle back into my seat.

"Yugi can you get us some popcorn" Ryou asked sweetly. Sure why the hell not, like I have nothing better to do.

"Sure Ryou" Getting up I pass several people who probably hate me right now for going in front of them but oh well, they'll get over it. Except for the person whose shoe I just stepped on they may hold a grudge.

You know what really sucks about movie theaters. It's waiting in these huge long lines to get overpriced food, and then after all of that you miss the first five minutes of your movie. Joy. Standing in line I look down at the carpeted floor memorizing the pattern. Blue, Green, Red, a thin line of gold and then it starts all over again. What, it's not like I have anything better to do.

"How's da floor" an amused voice asked and I looked over at Jou who had his arm thrown around Mai's waist.

He shocked me for a moment with his voice. Over the past few years he has definitely matured, well to an extent. But his accent has lessened probably from being around Mai so much.

"Same as always. What movie are you here for" Let's change topics, I mean you can only talk about a floor for so long. Trust me I know, me and Ryou have done it.

"Just Friends...what about you" Mai answered for him. I moved up a little as the line made progress.

"Harry Potter, have you seen it already" Probably..they're here every night pretty much. Movies is their romantic date. I even had Joey take the quiz for it on Quizilla.

"Yeah, it's pretty good. You'll like it" After standing in line with them talking about things such as Mai's new dog, I finally got our popcorn and went back into the movie.

Lucky for me it started exactly when I walked in so I didn't really miss anything. Making my way up the stairs I continue to piss of the people in the aisle by walking by them. Oh this person is really going to hate me, I just made them lose half their mistake. Sitting down between Malik and Ryou I handed over the popcorn and the drinks that I got knowing if I hadn't they'd make me get some. With all that settled I sat back and enjoyed the movie.

I really loved this movie a little more than the others but I did have one problem with it. Dumbledore. The guy's supposed to be all calm and composed but was hardly that in this movie...his beard made him look like he was smoking to. Instead of it being white it was yellow. Ugh...he was ok but I didn't think that character was played to his full potential. I did like the ball scene very much and Cedric's death was well acted.

Maybe I should stop there before I get caught up in how his death should've had a little more gore. Heh...I'm only slightly maniacal I swear the rest is cute and innocent.

"Yugi are you ok. You've been sitting there laughing for quite some time now" Whoops, the look on Malik's face is pretty funny though.

"Oh I'm fine. Maybe we should head back now" Yeah, I needed to be home in time for a good t.v. show I like. Oh please don't tell me none of you have late night soap operas.

"I suppose it is getting a little to late" And this is where we insert the dramatic sigh. Granted I wanted to get to my t.v. show but I couldn't help but feel a smidgen of guilt. Ryou was probably going home to an empty house, that or to a house with Bakura and his latest conquest. Either way he loses and at least when I go home the house is empty for sure.

"You can crash at my place" Wow, Malik's is really being observant and thoughtful tonight. Now Ryou will be used as a shield from Isis. Isn't life a one-way street.

"I know what your both thinking and Isis is working late at the museum tonight so don't even let your thoughts finish" Alright I have to give him credit there, he just knows us oh so well.

"Guess I'll meet up at your house tomorrow then" I say before waving and making my way towards the Game shop. I really am grateful of the jacket now considering it's even later and colder out. The downside is I'll have to associate with the thief again tomorrow to give him back his jacket. I wonder if it's too late to fall of the face of the world now.

It'd be so great if you would all review...because even if it's just "nice story" I really appreciate it. You want to flame go ahead but I'm not going to say anything back...maybe