Duck woke to the sound of chirping birds. The sun pooled into her room illuminating a soft morning glow. As Duck crawled out of bed she did it with grace, But something about her wasn't right.
'I feel emptiness, I feel like a drag.' Duck had implied. As always before school every morning Pike and Lilly came in with sunshine smiles carved into their faces, but duck could only manage a fake smile barely one in fact.
"Good morning Duck , are you feeling better?" Pike asked. Lilly noticed a change in her and thoughts a mile a minute whirled around her brain.
"Oh Duck are you pain from what poor mean old Fakir did? Don't you worry about it everything's all right, Pike showed him who not to ever mess with!" Lilly spoke with the usual dreamy tone. Duck heard it, but she just couldn't react to what anyone was saying to her. Like everything she wanted to simply do, say or let out was closed in it's own little bubble. It was like she was there watching a movie that she simply had no control over, or even no say in the matter. Duck just finished putting her school uniform on with not a single remark.
When Duck didn't respond to what Lilly and Pike Said to her, they simply took it as her still getting over from yesterday so both girls abandoned any more conversation as all three walked to classes.
From afar, a pair of black beady eye's watched from a distance, Just watching and staring, seeing how well the curse that was set to illustrate it as a simple wish was working. After awhile, the black bird took flight in the air. The dark creature flapped it's wings sending a message in the air that change and danger were very close behind, very close behind.