Ok, so this is set 5 years after the season 5 finale. (For a summary of who is where and what has gone on, please see the end of this chapter) Please review and enjoy…..

Disclaimer: I own nothing


Part 1 'Lukey's Taylor Zen Part 2'

"Hello" Rory had the phone held between her shoulder and her ear so she had her 2 hands free to pack her suitcase, again. Over the years Rory had become accustomed to talking on the phone at the same time as doing countless other things, packing being the main one.

"Hello, its Levi" a little boys voice spoke quietly on the other end of the phone

"Oh, Hey Levi baby its me Mommy," Rory smiled as she heard Levi's voice

"Guess what?" Levi was just as excited, as Rory was to hear her voice

"Honey, is your dad there?" Rory would have loved to have stood and talked to Levi for hours, but, she had a plane to catch and she was already very late

"Me and Dylan are finger-painting with Benny" Levi said as if ignoring his moms request to talk to his father

"Well, isn't that nice sweetie, is your daddy there?" Rory asked again, trying to sound as polite as possible, although when you are this late its very hard not to sound rushed.

"Erm, I'll pass the phone to Dylan, bye mommy, I love you" Levi said happily, realising his mom didn't have the time to talk

"No, Levi, Honey, is your Daddy….. There?" Rory begged, she loved Dylan too and obviously wanted t talk to him, but her main priority right now was to talk to Logan

"Hey Mommy" Dylan said happily as he collected the phone from Levi

"Hi Dylan baby, is your Daddy there?" Rory asked hoping to get more out of her younger son

"No" Dylan answered simply

"Well who is then?" Rory asked now going into overdrive worrying about her sons being alone I that huge house.

"Benny" Dylan said again simply, Dylan had always been the quiet one

" Ok, Dylan, can you please put Benny on the phone for me sweetie, I'm really in a rush right now" Rory begged

"Ok, here's Benny, bye mommy" Dylan said, he was obviously a little more understanding than Levi

"Bye baby" Rory said her voice filled with relief

"Love you" Dylan, said sweetly

"Yes Dylan, I love you too" Rory laughed

"Hey Rory" a familiar voice said, Rory breathed a sigh of relief, finally someone she cold talk to

"Oh hey Benny" Rory said politely

"Hey" Benny said once again

"Could you please do me a big favour and Tell Logan that Joe will be by at 8 to collect the boys" Rory said quickly, however much she liked Benny, she never seemed to get along with her

"Sure thing," Benny said happily

"Thanks Benny, bye" Rory said

"Bye Rory" Benny quickly replied as she put down the phone.

Rory breathed a sigh of relief and putting her cell phone away in her jean pocket, she closed up her suitcase and headed for the hotel room door.


"Hey Lukey" Lorelai skipped happily into the diner

"Hey" Luke smiled from the storeroom

"What, why no don't call me that" Luke suddenly realised that Lorelai had called him 'Lukey' again

Luke took a deep breath and remembered Zen

Lorelai instantly knew what this was; she hated Luke's Zen.

"Oh no not another Zen I hate it when you do Zen" Lorelai moaned

"Well I'm doing it" Luke said with a fake cheery smile

"Bum, how's the Taylor Zen part 2 going?" Lorelai looked across the street and saw Taylor waving a banner around with Kirk trapped underneath it

"Not well" Luke followed Lorelai's gaze to see Kirk trying to unravel himself from underneath the banner

"Ooo go Luke, rant Luke" Lorelai loved it when Luke ranted, it took her mind off the fact that about 2 minutes later she would have to walk past the magazine stand, her least favourite part of the day

"He's just so, no no, I'm totally Zen" Luke started to rant but held back, remembering the vow he had made earlier in the week

"Oh Luke why Luke?" Lorelai was completely mocking him and Luke knew it

"Because i've learned to hold my patience, especially when it comes down to dealing with the nuts in this g-d forsaken place"

"I give it a week" Lorelai laughed as she grabbed a muffin and skipped away again towards the door

"Well you have more faith in my Zen that I do" Luke laughed. Lorelai ran back over to the counter and softly kissed Luke's cheek "So, I'll see you at home Lukey" and with that Lorelai skipped off, leaving Luke to deal with his Taylor Zen.

Luke smiled after her as he then turned his attention to the window of the diner, he saw Taylor and Kirk fighting around with a banner, his whole Zen part 2 thing, went right out of the window.


Luke and Lorelai are together but they are NOT engaged (there will be flashbacks so you will get to see why they aren't). Rory and Lorelai have spoken but aren't talking to each other if that makes sense (There will be flashbacks showing you that a swell) Rory was with Logan for 2 years, now she is not. Rory is a famous Hollywood actress and Logan is famous for being rich, he also now lives in LA and is engaged to Benny (A world famous supermodel). Rory and Logan have 2 children, Levi, 4 and Dylan, 3.

That's all you need to know for now. When the next one is posted, I will again explain the new characters and what has gone on with the old characters. Please review thank you
