Author's Warning: I haven't seen Evolution yet but all the other X-M:E fics have inspired me. If I mess something up then please let me know. Oh- and as a side note: I've been seeing alot of Rogue/Scott pairings and I just wanted to tell everyone that IT IS SICK. Rogue is cool and Scott is a tightass prep. The only real pairing there should eva' be is Rogue and Remy. So *plbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb* Oh BTW I gotta say writing a southern accent is damn tough. Kudos to all who can do it.
To all those who are waiting for new chapters to my other stories- sorry y'all. The muses made me write this one. Blame them.

Demon Lover
By BithaBlu

Rogue looked out the window of the art room of the Bayville high school and stared at the rolling clouds outside. The dark churning in the sky appealed to her present mood and she grinned slightly as a bolt of lightening flashed. 'So like mah,' she thought, 'Dark, untouch'ble, despised by the happy people...' Rogue sighed and turned her attention back to Ms. Wendlen, the only teacher Rogue thought was tolerable in the high school.
"Today class, we will be trying something new," Ms. Wendlen chirped from the front of the room, "I will be giving each of you a title of a painting you may or may not have heard of and then you will paint the image that title brings to your mind. You'll have all week to work on this project so don't worry about having alot done today." The teacher smiled and began walking around the room, passing out titles. Rogue let her eyes wander back to the storm swirling outside and zoned out. As Ms. Wendlen strode closer Rogue could hear some of the titles the other students were being given; The Scream, Entrance to a Quarry, Self Portrait, Telephone in a Dish With Three Grilled Sardines at the End of September... Rogue grinned at the last one. It was a Dali picture that she had a poster of hanging above her closet door. She had bought it because the title had made her smile back when few things had made her smile. That was a month ago. And Rogue was seriously thinking about going back to buy another oddly named poster just for that brief moment of gleeful joy that Dali's titles gave her. When Ms. Wendlen finally got to her, Rogue smirked. Before the teacher could give her a title to work with Rogue suggested deviously, "How 'bout Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Blind Horse Biting a Telephone? Ah think Ah could work with a title like thah." A broad smile crossed the teacher's face, "Why Marie, I didn't know you liked Salvador Dali." The smile faltered a bit and she hesitated, "I was actually planing on giving you a different title though. I hope you don't mind." Rogue's mischievous smile fell but she quickly replaced it with a fake cheery one. "Ah'm fine with any title Ms. Wendlen," Rogue said politely. Inside she was screaming, 'Please nothing happy! If she gives me Sunflowers or Children At Play I'm gonna scream.' Ms. Wendlen made a tight little smile and lowered her voice, "Now this isn't a title I usually give to my students but I think you'll have fun with it," the teacher paused and despite herself Rogue actually leaned forward in anticipation, "I'm giving you the title of Deamon Lover. I hope that inspires you." The teacher grinned but then looked slightly hesitant, "Just nothing too vulgar, OK? I don't want to get in trouble with Ms. Darkholme for promoting pornography." Rogue gave her a conspirital smile and nodded.
When Ms. Wendlen wandered back to the front of the room Rogue stared at the blank canvas in front of her and contemplated her title. Deamon Lover... Rogue let her imagination roll the title around in her head. What would a deamon lover look like? Would he be a devil standing over an entranced damsel? Rogue quickly dismissed that thought. 'Why would anyone want ta fuck somethang that looks that nasty? All big 'an red 'an pointy.' She thought about what a deamon would have to look like if it were to be enticing to human. Then Rogue shrugged and started working on the background. She knew it was going to take her awhile to figure out what he would look like so she might as well get something done.
Ok, don't worry- there's more. I just feel like breaking things up into chapters right now. And there is a point to this story. I'll get to it in the next chapter. Which should be up in a few hours. Or weeks. Whatever.