

In her sixth year at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger asks for Professor Snape's approval to carry out a joint Potions and History of Magic project. This is the story of the events that follow.

This story was written after Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was published. It does not fit in with Book 5 onwards in J. 's world.


This story is not suitable for readers under the age of seventeen. It contains graphic sexual content, including rape. If this subject is offensive to you, please do not read this story.

About Rape in fiction

Whether people would like to admit this or not, rape is a common fantasy for many women. It doesn't mean that they'd want it to happen to them, and it doesn't mean that they think it's anything other than sick in real life. But I'm not going to pretend that rape fantasy doesn't exist.

When I started writing this story, I wrote the rape scene. That was all it was intended to be - a pwp (pawn without plot) rape fantasy, with no intention of it becoming the long story is now is. I wrote Chapter 1 to give it an intro, then published it. People reviewed it and liked it, so I continued. I was stuck in the position of knowing that there was no way a rape victim would fall in love with her rapist, but wanting to continue a story that I found erotic to write and that other people enjoyed too. So I suspended reality and the characters found a way to get over it. Yep. It's fantasy.

Having said that, seventeen years later I wouldn't have written it the same way. I would not have been prepared to have a student fall in love with a teacher who raped her. I now feel uncomfortable with the original plot, but I'm not going to apologize for it. Instead I'm leaving the original exactly as it was written, and adding a completely different re-write under a new title "A CHANGE OF SEASON". Some of the chapters are exactly the same, some are modified, some are completely new. There's no rape, but still lots of sex. It's still fantasy, though. Let's face it, in the world of JKR, nothing that happens in this story would ever happen - the trick is to keep everyone 'in character' while allowing them to do things that are 'out of character'. What can I say? It's fanfiction!

This story was originally published between December 2001 and April 2002. When Fanfiction changed their policy about ratings on the site, I deleted it due to its sexual content, but later after reviewing the policy carefully re-published it. This is the story that started me writing. When it was originally published, it had over 1400 reviews (9 of them were negative). When I re-published it here in 2006, I considered revising it, but decided not to. This is the original version, with no changes.

If you want to read the updated, totally consensual, version, go to my profile and read "A Change of Season".


Most of the characters in this story were created by J.k.R. , not by myself, with the following exceptions:

Malcolm Baddock, Hermione's Parents, and Natalie McDonald appeared as names only in the original Harry Potter stories. I have given them characters.

Alistair Baddock is entirely invented by myself.

The locations in the book were created by J.K.R. , with the following exceptions:

The underground caverns and tunnels

Snape's personal quarters

Snape's home "Haven", including its grounds

The pubs – "The Star and Spell" and "The Happy Kneazle"

The situations and storyline in this book are my own creation.

Chapter 1 – The Project

Now or never, thought Hermione to herself, steeling herself ready to face the uncomfortable conversation she was about to start.

"Professor?" It was the third time this week that Hermione had tried to approach her Potions Master about this, but had, at the last minute, changed her mind on the previous occasions. Now she had his attention and there was no turning back. He turned to her, stiffly, which she took to be an invitation to continue, despite his impassive expression. "I wanted to ask your advice about my final project, please."

"Indeed?" It seemed that this would be all the response she would get from him, so she continued.

"In History of Magic, I've been studying early developments in Potion Making, and I'd like to do a combined project for the two subjects. Professor Binns has already agreed to it, as long as you approve."

Hermione began to squirm under Snape's penetrating gaze. "And what would this project entail?" he demanded after a long and unnerving silence.

She gulped. "Well, there's very little documented on the development of early healing potions, even for what are considered today's basics. But I've found documents on the work of Rupert the Blood-letter, and Angus Snell Twinklehoff, who seem to have been the first wizards to experiment in this field. I would like to do a research project to prove or disprove whether their work could have led to the first real and working applications of these potions."

Again silence. For a long moment, Snape's expression did not change, then, just for a moment, Hermione thought she could see a hint of approval in his eyes. Then it was gone. He turned away, impatiently, back to his desk.

"Your idea may have some possibilities, Ms. Granger, if you can commit to the great amount of effort it would undoubtedly involve. And", he added, "if you can convince me of your competence to work on the practical aspect of the project." He turned back to her, his expression detached and aloof. "I plan to begin reviewing my stores tomorrow evening. Everything must be checked and recorded. If you wish to obtain my approval for this project, you may demonstrate your knowledge of magical ingredients by assisting me in my work. You will also explain in more detail the approach that you will, if permitted, take to developing the potions."

Hermione's heart leapt. "Thank you, Professor."

Snape snorted. "Realize, before you thank me, Ms. Granger, that I am a long way from giving my approval. I will not commit my valuable time to this project unless I am fully satisfied of your ability to complete it effectively." He turned away from her, and began walking briskly to his office. "If you wish to proceed on these terms, report here at 7pm tomorrow, to assist in my stores." And he was gone.

Well, that didn't go too badly, thought Hermione, relieved. In a sense, his offer to test her knowledge of ingredients by working in the stores was a veiled compliment. Very veiled, she thought. Some of the things he had in there were extremely hazardous. He must have some level of confidence in her abilities, otherwise she couldn't have got that far. With this in mind, she hurried to her next class, wondering, as she went, how much time she would be able to spend in the library between now and the next evening. She had some research to do - Snape would not be easy to impress.

"You agreed to what?" asked Ron, incredulously. "You're going down there tomorrow, to actually help him?"

Hermione sighed - this was exactly the reaction she'd expected. "It's not to help him. It's to convince him to let me do my project."

"Oh, well that explains it. You're going down there in the hope of convincing him to allow you to do a particularly tough project that's going to involve tons more work! Say no more!"

"The early development of Potions interests me, Ron."

Ron simply couldn't understand Hermione, sometimes. Correction. Ron couldn't understand Hermione most of the time, but now was particularly confusing. "Look, if we were allowed to choose our final projects based on our interests, I'd be studying the Chudley Cannons!"

Sometimes, Hermione found her friend's attitude to her studies exasperating, but today she just laughed. "I'll be in the library," she called, stepping towards the portrait hole.

"Really? I'm shocked!" Shaking his head, Ron stared after her, then headed towards Neville. "You'll never guess what Hermione's doing ."

The thought of being alone in the dungeons with Snape had not seemed so bad at first. Speaking to him after class had been in the cold light of day, in a room only just being deserted by her friends, and when Hermione was on her way to another lesson. Heading down to the dungeon alone, with the darkness drawing in outside, and the prospect of a long time alone with him, made her agreement with the Potions Master seem a different thing altogether.

She had been inside his office once, but only for a moment, with the rest of the class in turmoil outside the door. She had barely had a moment to look round, but she remembered it to be a dark and forbidding place. Apprehension grew as she tried to picture being there with Snape. She suppressed a shudder, then mentally shook herself. Get a grip, Hermione, she thought, forcing herself to knock lightly on the door to the classroom, then, softly push it open.

"Ms. Granger," Snape's voice was almost a snarl as he greeted her. Not a good sign.

"Good evening, Professor." Well, she would be civil, even if he found it too difficult.

Snape looked up from the book that he was writing in on his desk. "I did not expect you to show up, so I made a start without you."

She ignored his comment. "Where would you like me to start, Sir?" she asked, determined not to be dragged down to his level and give him reason to criticize her.

For a moment, he said nothing, as though considering, then stood. "Very well. I've started with the potions in the general stores in here. There's nothing too dangerous here - I couldn't leave anything important around for the likes of Neville Longbottom to drop." He pointed towards the open cabinet, displaying rows of neatly labeled bottles, placed on shelves by students, in a haphazard way that she knew infuriated him. "We shall check all of these before continuing with the more . potent . ingredients in my office."

And they were down to business. Hermione reviewed the contents of the bottles, packets and jars, checking stoppers were in place, labels were legible and correct, and re-organizing them into logical order. Snape recorded the items and quantities in the book, as she read them out to him. For each ingredient, he would quiz her on its properties, uses and hazards as they worked. Her answers were almost flawless, and he found little to fault, despite the fact that the questions became more difficult as he realized the extent of her knowledge. In classes she always answered, when he allowed her, always achieved the required results and good grades, despite being judged more harshly than most, but she had never been given the chance to shine. He seemed surprised as she answered a particularly difficult question about the properties of SilverBeetle wings, and Hermione realized suddenly that she was enjoying this opportunity. It was her chance to demonstrate her true knowledge to him, and the increasing difficulty of his questioning gratified her. She smiled to herself.

"Ms. Granger," Snape's voice caught her unawares, "is something amusing you?"

Should she tell him the truth about why she was smiling? No, that would bring up the issue of his dismissiveness to her in class, and she did not want to provoke an argument at this point. "Nothing, Sir. Sorry."

"Very well. It is getting late and you have been most helpful. You clearly have an even more thorough knowledge of Potions than I was aware of." Compliments? He continued. "We have not had the opportunity to discuss your plans for your project, but if you would be willing to continue to assist me until the work in my stores is complete . ?"

Hermione risked a smile at him. Unexpectedly, it was genuine. "I'd be happy to. Thank you, Professor."

"Dismissed." His closing word was little more than a grunt from where he appeared deeply engrossed in the book on his desk. This surprised her after what had been an almost civil conversation. She shrugged. Maybe that was the reason - a few too many not-unkind words and he became uncomfortable. The guard had to go back up. She wondered about this, but she wondered more about her own curiosity. Was she really trying to understand this man?

The next evening followed a similar pattern at first. They were working on the stores held in Snape's office, now, which were far more hazardous and potent than those available in the classroom. Her knowledge of these was less thorough, but the Potions Master seemed willing to use the time to teach as well as test. She learned more in those few hours than she could have done in a week in the library. Her previous nervousness at the thought of working with him in his office barely came to her mind as she found herself deep in conversation on a subject that fascinated her.

She outlined her plans for the experimental potions she wanted to brew for her project, and the results she expected to obtain, and was rewarded with useful suggestions on how to improve her ideas. He hadn't said so directly, but surely this meant that he would approve her project?

At times she began to forget the habitual severity of her teacher, in the light of the relatively easy communication that now seemed possible between them. It came back to her with a jolt, though, as she fumbled a bottle and dropped it. Snape leapt to his feet as it hit the floor and shattered, spilling the black liquid onto the stone, and splashing onto Hermione's feet. Instantly she yelped in pain. Looking at the damage done to her shoe it was easy to see why the pain was so bad, assuming it was doing the same thing to her skin as to the leather. She staggered backwards, unable to think about anything but the burning on her skin.

"Stand still, girl!" ordered Snape, sharply. It was not a voice to be disobeyed, and gave her something to focus on. She watched as his wand was raised, and pointed towards her feet. In her confusion, the words he used did not register, but almost immediately the pain subsided. Her head span. She looked up at him gratefully.

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"How could you be so clumsy, you stupid girl," he snarled. "These potions are kept in here for good reasons. You should have more respect for them." The usual coldness was back in his voice, and she had a sudden and terrifying impression of what Neville went through every time he dropped something in a Potions lesson, which was often.

"I'll clean it up," she said helplessly.

"No!" he growled. "You've done enough damage. The freezing spell I placed on your feet is only temporary. Madam Pomfrey has the correct treatment. Report to the Infirmary immediately, or it will wear off."

Hermione managed to hold back the tears as she fled through the classroom, but released them as she flew up the stairs to the main castle. How could she have messed things up so badly? Snape's recognition of her had never been particularly important, in comparison to the other teachers. She felt no need to earn the respect of a man she had always disliked so intensely, but now - to feel that she had begun to gain that respect and then lost it - it tore at her pride. Worst of all - there was no chance, now, that he would allow her to work on the project that she so desperately wanted to carry out. She had ruined everything with one clumsy mistake!

She felt the pain coming back to her feet as she hurried towards the Infirmary, but it no longer seemed to matter, compared to her wounded pride and her worry about how she would be able to face Snape the next time they had to meet.

Hermione was afforded some partial relief in the knowledge that they were unlikely to meet until Monday's Potions lesson, but this was not to be. The incident with the bottle had happened on Wednesday, and she had only one Snape-free day before running into him, almost literally, on Friday afternoon. It happened as her route from Arithmancy to History of Magic took her past the staffroom, just as Snape was stepping out. Looking into her bag for her books as she hurried, she almost collided with him.

"Ms. Granger," his voice stopped her in her tracks. Not now! she thought. A shiver ran down her back. "I trust that Madam Pomfrey was able to counteract the effect of the other evening's clumsiness?"

"Yes, Professor Snape. I'm fine now, thank you," Hermione wasn't quite sure if he'd intended it as a question after her health or simply as a jibe to remind her of her mistake.

"Then I expect you at 7pm to complete the work that we had to cut short. With a great deal more care this time, I might add."

"Sir?" Hermione had not expected this.

"I had intended to complete it yesterday, but as you failed to attend and I was not aware of which items had been checked and which had not, I was forced to postpone the operation."

She was stunned. Surely he didn't want her to continue after what happened? "I didn't think you'd want my help again after my mistake, Sir," she said, genuinely surprised.

His response was quick and irritable in tone. "Do not assume that an error, negligent and intolerable as it was, gives you the right to renege on your commitment."

"No, Professor Snape. Of course. I'll be there at 7pm."

Hermione's next surprise came only a few minutes later when, explaining to Professor Binns that her lateness was due to speaking to Professor Snape, he smiled at her and commented, "Ah, good. Your project, presumably, Miss. Granger? I was so pleased when he told me yesterday that he would be willing to approve the joint project. I'm expecting wonderful things from this!"

A/N: (Dec 2001) This is my first upload of a story. I've written a few, but until last week I had no idea that other people did the same! I was amazed (and relieved) to find out about Snapefic. I thought I must be weird, writing down some of my Snape / Hermione fantasies! Seems like I'm not alone.