And here is another chapter. There was a bit of writer's block going on so it took a while to write this chapter. I'm pretty happy with what broke my writer's block anyway. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Thanks for the reviews. They make me smile.


A few days later, it is Friday and Lorelai decides that she should go to dinner at her parent's house. Alone.

She arrives at the house and stands at the door for a few minutes before she finally knocks. A maid comes to the door and escorts Lorelai inside, taking her coat and purse.

"Mrs. Gilmore is right in the living room", the maid tells Lorelai who nods and walks to the living room.

Emily spots her daughter, "Lorelai! You didn't tell us you were coming!"

"I know. Am I interrupting something? Do you have a function tonight?"

"No, we don't. Would you like a drink?" Emily asks as she walks to the bar area, "Is everything okay?"

"Sure", Lorelai shrugs.

"Well, that wasn't very convincing."

"Yeah, well. I've been stressed."


"There's something I want to tell you. Because when things like this happen, I just want you to comfort me."

"Oh my. Well, let's sit", Emily hands Lorelai some red wine and they sit across from each other and sit in silence for a minute or two.

Lorelai finally breaks the silence, "I lost a baby on Tuesday."

"Lost, as in…?"

"Well, I didn't misplace one", Lorelai says quietly but sarcastically.

"You miscarried", Emily states.

"That I did."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Lorelai", Emily stands and hugs her daughter who holds on tightly.

"Thank you, mommy…", Lorelai whispers.

They sit as they are for a few beats and then Lorelai lets go abruptly, fixing her eye make-up.

"Have you told Luke?"

"Yeah…he's pretty upset, too. We decided a few weeks ago that we wanted to have kids. I didn't even know I was pregnant…"

"You can keep trying."

"I know. And we will."

"Have you seen a doctor?"

"No, I'm fine. Actually…I'm going to go", Lorelai gets up and starts slowly walking to the door.

"Wait", Emily gets up off the couch to go after he daughter, "You don't want to stay for dinner?" Emily asks once she reaches Lorelai.

"No, it's okay. I need to get back to Stars Hollow."

"Well, alright", Emily says, defeated, "Please call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, mom", and both women smile shyly.

Lorelai walks out of the house, getting into the Jeep and then slumps over the steering wheel in tears.


Lorelai drives home from Hartford quickly, sometimes driving significantly above the speed limit. She spots a liquor store about ten miles outside Stars Hollow. She enters the store and quickly buys some Jack Daniels and Jose Cuervo.

Arriving at her home, Lorelai walks in, plasters a smile on her face, and goes in search of her loved ones. She finds Lea sitting on the living room floor with Sophia. She looks at Lorelai suspiciously.

"Where's Rory?" Lorelai asks.

"Her bedroom. What's going on?"

Lorelai pulls the Jack out of the bag and dangles it in front of her, "Party!", and with that, Lorelai turns around to go into Rory's room.

"Lorelai, are you okay?" Lea runs after her, with Sophia's little legs "running" behind her.

"I'm fine!" Lorelai calls behind her. And then she walks into Rory's room to find her sitting at her desk, "You're 21, right?"

"Uh, yeah…"

"So no cop is going to kick down the door and arrest me for getting you drunk?"


"Great. Now, let's get started", Lorelai turns to head to the door.

"Mom, wait."


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

"Should you be drinking?" Lea asks, concerned, as she exchanges a worried glance with Rory.

"Well, it's not like I'm pregnant anymore!"

"We know, but still…", Rory responds.

"But nothing. I want to get drunk. And I want to get drunk with my daughters", Lorelai realizes her mistake and glances apologetically at Lea.

"How much drinking did you do already?" Lea asks.

"Did you DRIVE?" Rory asks, half yelling, very concerned.

"I have done no drinking. Yet."

Rory and Lea look at each other and shrug, following Lorelai into the kitchen. Lea picks up Sophia and sits at the table.

After a few beats of silence, Lea decides to be the first to talk.

"Sophia would like a shot, please."

And with that, the mood is lightened.


I have nothing written after this chapter, so it might take a while to get the next chapter written and posted. Plus, finals are coming up and that'll be hell. But I hope you enjoyed this one. Please review!