This was inspired by with their song Looking For My Leopard!Total songficness!

Disclaimer: The song belongs to and the characters belong to Tamora Pierce. Except for Duckie, who is mine, and mine alone to be obsessed over.

Warning: This is going to be terribly short! The song isn't that long, really…

Looking For My Duckie

Jon ran around, screeching, "Duckie! Duckie, where are you?"

Oh I'm looking for my Duckie, where can he be?

Oh my Duckie's probably somewhere, looking for me

I don't know where my Duckie is, and it's after dark,

I hope he isn't getting mugged out in the park!

It was very dark now, and Jon was very worried. And besides, it was way past Duckie's bedtime! And this was the thieving hotspot of Corus; all of the thieves gathered there to rob merchants, traders and wealthy nobles…

So I'm wandering along the streets, out in the rain,

Shouting for my Duckie who has got lost again,

My Duckie's navigation skills are totally crap,

I'm going to have to teach that duck how to read a map!

Jon wondered why he hadn't taught Duckie to read maps, he was always getting lost!

"Duckieeee?" Jon called.

Lalalalalala, lalalalalala, lalalalala, looking for my Duckie…

Lalalalalala, lalalalalala, lalalalalala, looking for my Duckie…


Duckie waddled round a corner, and shivered. He blinked at a sign, which said: The palace, this way - on it, and waddled around in circles, before heading back own a side road. He pulled a map of Corus out from under his wing, and stared at it. He did not know that it was upside down. He waddled around in circles, when he saw Jon behind him.

"Duckie!" he shouted. Duckie quacked and jumped onto his owner's head.

Lalalalalala, lalalalalala, lalalalalala, looking for my Duckie…

Lalalalalala, lalalalalala, lalalalalala, looking for my Duckie…

They walked back to the palace together.

"Bedtime, Duckie!" Jon told the duck.

Yay, finished my first songfic! If you can call it that… Bring on the Big Brother final! Oh, and please review!