Hi everyone! I was bored, so I just decided to write something real quickly.


Why did I want to grow up?

Why did I want to leave home?

Why did I go to college?

Why did I get stuck with a roommate that gets drunk every night?

Why don't I have any friends?

Why doesn't anyone like me?

Why can't I concentrate on my studies?

Why don't I want to be an novelist anymore?

Why don't I care about life like I used too?

Why did I decide to follow what I thought were my dreams and leave my real dreams behind?

Why couldn't I stay a child?

Why couldn't I continue telling my stories?

Why didn't I just stay in Neverland?

Why didn't I just stay with Peter Pan?

...because I chose to grow up and live my life...a life I don't think I want anymore!

The End.