Aw, the day has finally come, folks. The last chapter, AW! Haha! I have to say that I really enjoyed writting it, it was fun, lol. So please, just for this last chapter, send lotz of reviews, no flames. Enjoy and thanx, reviewers!


It had been a few hours since Phobos had died from the battle and now everything in Merridean was beautiful and Elyon was now queen. "Oh wow, that was a huge battle, I need to relax", Elyon sighed as she sat on a bench outside in the beautiful garden. "No suprises, no nothing. Just relaxing out here", Elyon smiled. Suddenly a bright burst of light appeared in front of her and Jason stood in front of her in a quick and freaky flash. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!", Elyon screamed. Elyon had stood up from the scare and was now face-to-face with Jason.

"Oh my that you Jason?", Elyon smiled wide, showing her bright teeth. "Elyon? Oh my god!", Jason gave Elyon a huge hug. "I guess you got some of the powers too, huh?", Elyon laughed. "This is so weird", Jason laughed as well. They let go of each other and sat down. "So what have you been up to, cousin?", Jason asked. "Oh nothing, I'm into the 'queen' thing now", Elyon smiled. "So does this make me, like,a prince or something?", Jason smiled. Elyon laughed.

"In conclusion, the mucsels and bones work together",Cornelia explained. Cornelia and Jason presenting their projects. The class clapped loudly for their presentation. "Well done, Mr. Jacaman and Miss Hale. You outdid yourselves; I will give you an A+", Mrs. Lopez smiled from the back seat. "Yes!", Cornelia and Jason cried in joy. They gave each other a high five. Jason carried the project back to their desk.

"Next is Uriah and Will, please", Mrs. Lopez said. Will and Uriah stood up and went to the front. Uriah was holding the sorta sloppy project in his ugly hands and Will cleared her throat. "Fellow class mates, Uriah and I made this project in exactly 2 hours, so please excuse the really messy glue marks", Will smiled nervously. She started to explain everything, Uriah only holding it and looking around findind a distraction. There was an awkward silence surrounding the room when she stopped talking. "Thank you, let's go already!", Uriah said in frustration and both went to sit down. Everyone clapped. Will sunk down on her chair from the embarrasment. "Well, that was...nice. I'll give you a B", Mrs. Lopez said.

"So, Cornelia...everything is know, between us?", Jason asked, feeling embarrased. Cornelia nodded, "But you have to promise you won't tell anyone". "Yeah, I promise", Jason smiled. The bell rang. "Class dismissed. Have a nice weekend", Mrs. Lopez waved and went to her big desk. The kids rushed to their lockers and out the school.

"You're cool, Cornelia. Not a lot of people would let that...go, you know?", Jason smiled as they walked towards the gates. Cornelia was about to speak when Hay Lin called out to her."Yo Corny, are you coming to my house? We're gonna watch the horror movie marathon on channel 2", Hay Lin called out from the field of Sheffield Institue. "Yeah, duh", Cornelia smiled. Jason stayed where he was to smile as Cornelia walked a few steps to her friends. "Oh and Caleb is coming", Taranee grinned. "An even bigger duh", Cornelia laughed."And guess what?", Will grinned. "What?", Cornelia asked. "He's right behind you", Will grinned even wider.

Cornelia turned to Caleb's embrace, "Hi". "Oh my gosh, total suprise. I thought you were gonna be with the rebels to 'party' until you came with us at 7", Cornelia returned his hug. "Yeah, well, I wanted to spend more time with you guys", Caleb smiled. "Yeah, cause we're awsome", Irma winked.Caleb and Cornelia let go of each other and smiled sweetly. "Ahem", Jason coughed. Caleb looked back and turned his whole self. He looked extremely macho (lol). "Caleb", Jason's eyes narrowed. "Jason", Caleb frowned. "Guys?", Will stepped in between them with threatening eyes.

Caleb sighed, "Ok, I'm...sorry, Jason. I should've been nicer". "Me, too. I'm sorry. It was very immature of us. Let's start again, ok?", Jason extended his hand. Caleb smiled at him and shook his hand. "Yay!", Cornelia skipped next to Caleb and smiled at Jason. "I'm sorry if I came between you two", Jason blushed. "It's ok, Jas", Cornelia smiled. "Yeah, we'll forgive you", Caleb nodded. "Thanks", Jason smiled widely. "Hey Jason, you wanna join us for Horror Marathon night?", Hay Lin offered. Jason shook his head with a smile. "Thanks a lot, Hay Lin, but I promised Elyon I would go visit her today. Very long story, don't ask", Jason smiled. "Elyon? Elyon Brown?", Irma asked with her eyebrows up. "Yeah, turns out they're related", Caleb explained. "Ooohh...freaky", Irma shivered but smiled.

"We'll see you around, Jason", Will smiled as the group started to walk off the grounds. Cornelia quickly ran back and kissed Jason's cheek, "You're such a good sport, Jas". Jason smiled widely. Cornelia waved and ran back to hold Caleb's arm. "Oh, don't think it's over, Cornelia. I'll be back for you...and Caleb will be gone. You'll see", Jason grinned and started to fade away.


I'm so sorry if it was short, but it was ok, right? I thought the Elyon and Jason thing was funny, lol. So I bid you all good-bye and I hope to talk to you all soon! You'll be seeing my name in different stories now, lol. Bye! Thanx a bundle!
