Hi guys! I totally hope this story will turn out to be a good one. Send in reviews, no flames! And by the way, this is DEFINETLEY CORNELIA AND CALEB, NO ONE ELSE WITH CORNELIA OR CALEB!

(Author of Walking in a WinterWonderland with You, and Under the Earth Guardian's Spell)


"Alright, class, it's the time of the year to pick lab partners", Mrs. Lopez (Made it up) explained to her class. Cornelia, Will, and...well, was...Elyon were in that class, everyone else was in another class. Cornelia and Will made contact, and made a silent "You wanna be my partner?" question. They both giggled (I know, it's nothing like the show, but it's been a while now...). Everyonestarted chattering. "Don't get so confident, class. I'LL be picking your lab partners", Mrs. Lopez sat down on her chair. "What!", everyone exclaimed. "Yes, your behavior in every class has been horrible. So now, you are forced to work with the partner of my choice", she said. "Aw man!", people started complaining. Cornelia and Will shared sad glances. Cornelia sat behind Will. They had the usual 2-person desk like any science lab, but Cornelia's was empty, because Elyon was no longer there.

Knock! Knock!. Everyone turned their faces to the door. Mrs. Lopez got out of her seat and opened the door. "Um, yes hello, Miss. I'm-", a voice said. "Yes yes, you're in the right class. Come in", Mrs. Lopez stepped aside to let a person in. Everyone looked closely to see who it was. A boy with beautifulhazel eyes, and black long hair (what I mean by that is...not long enough to make a pony tail or anything, lol) came into the class. All the girls gasped. Cornelia made a "Whatever" face at Will, who shared the same face. "Besides, you already have Caleb", Will whispered and grinned. Cornelia smiled and blushed. They weren't together...yet, but she knew that the time would be soon.

"Class, this is Jason Jacaman", Mrs. Lopez introduced him. Jason smiled sweetly at everyone, but his gaze ended on Cornelia. He just stared at her...looking at the beautiful blond angel. "We were just about to assign lab partners, Mr. Jacaman", Mrs. Lopez put her hand on his shoulder. Jason looked up at her and smiled. Driiiiiiing! The bell rang. "Well, I guess I'll pick next period. Dismissed to lunch!", everyone was already gathering their books and getting out of the class.

All the girls winked at Jason as they left the door. Jason just smiled nervously as they passed. Will passed the door and waved sweetly at Jason, "Welcome to Sheffield Institue". Jason smiled and waved back at her. Cornelia passed after Will, just smiling at Jason. She flipped her hair out of her eyes and followed Will to her own locker. "Um, wait!", Jason called out to Cornelia. Cornelia turned around. Jason walked up to her. "Hi", Cornelia smiled. "Hi", Jason also smiled. "Hey, where's your locker?", Jason asked as they both walked down the hall. "Right around the corner, you?", Cornelia replied. "Oh, me too", Jason smiled joyfully. "Cool", Cornelia walked around the corner with Jason (Jason was a little taller than her, ok?).

The girls were also at their lockers and saw Cornelia come to her locker with a boy opening the locker next to her (the girls' locker was next to Cornelia's, remember?). They raised their eyebrows as they put in their books in the lockers. "I'll see you later, ok Cornelia?", Jason turned pink. "Ok, sure. Bye, Jason", Cornelia closed her locker and waved sweetly at him. He smiled nervously and left the corner.

"Jason?", Irma raised her eyebrow. "Yeah, he's in our science class, right Will?", Cornelia put her hands on her hips. "Yeah, he'sa new guy. It totally looks like he has a thing for you, Corny", Will grinned. "I know, he's not so bad, but...", Cornelia blushed. "Yeah, yeah. You're already taken by!cough! Caleb !cough!", Hay Lin said. "Well not yet, but we all know what's gonna happen, right girls?", Taranee grinned. "Dang, Corny's got two guys following her, both very cute", Irma grinned. "Hey!", Cornelia glared. "Oh, sorry, but it's true. Who's it gonna be, Corny?", Irma appologized. "OoOoOh! Pressure!", Hay Lin laughed. "It's so obvious who Cornelia is gonna pick, right?", Taranee looked at Cornelia. Cornelia raised an eyebrow, "Of course! What would make you think I would change my mind?". "That's what I thought, now come on, I'm starving!", Hay Lin said. "Yeah, come on girls, let's go to the caffeteria", Will said. The girls started to walk towards the cafeteria, all but Cornelia.

Cornelia opened her locker and went through her books. She got out a little pink book from way behind. She looked around to see if anyone was there. She opened it, there was signatures in there, like Irma. She put:

Hey Corny!

You know I'll always be there, rain or shine. Especially when we're teasing each other like usual. - Haha! Just kiddin', Corny. Luv ya tonz (as a friend, duh).

Kisses! Irma -

Those kind of stuff, from all her friends and old ones. Right now, though, she turned through the pages. Where is it? It's around here somewhere, she thought. She stopped at one page:


You're one of the best people I've ever met, really. I've never met another girl like you, you're amazing. Never change, Earth Girl, because I wouldn't like any other Cornelia. I'll always be there, promise.


There was also a mini picture of him in the corner. She got it and looked at it with a dreamy smile. There was also a necklace that he gave her for her birthday a year ago (it's not the one from Make A Birthday Wish, Cornelia. It's something else). She had it in the page, hanging, as a reminder to how much she loved him. She picked it up and placed it around her neck. She looked at it with a smile. "Cornelia?", she heard someone say. She quickly shut the book, put it in her locker and closed it. She turned around and saw Jason coming from the cafeteria doors.

"Oh, hi Jason", Cornelia waved nervously. "Are you ok? You haven't gone to lunch, your friends told me to look for you", Jason said. Ugh, they're probably testing me for who I like better or something...it has Irma written all over it, she thought. "Yeah, I'm fine, some of my papers fell, so I had to pick them up. I'm going to the cafeteria right now", Cornelia said as she began to walk towards the cafeteria. "Oh wow! That necklace is so beautiful, it doesn't even look like it's been made here! I didn't see you wear it before", Jason smiled as he looked at the beautiful necklace around her neck. "Oh, well, let's just say it reminds me of someone very special", Cornelia smiled dreamily to the doors in front of her, as she grabbed the beautiful emerald in her hand.


So much more than that! I totally promise. Send in reviews, no flames!