Yo! I just wrote this for some random reason... lol. And, just to let you know, this is NOT twincest. Twincest is NASTY! Fred and George are twin brothers, not lovers. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Not mine.

NOTICE: This is another fanfiction dedicated to Kiki, or SiriuslyFunny, who I think will really enjoy this.

My mind has gone blank. I can't believe it. He's gone. We grew up together. Me and him. Him and me. Best friends forever. I'm sitting out here, the water from the grass soaking into my trousers. But I hardly notice it. I'm numb. Completely numb.

Fog covers the earth. When I walk, I feel like I'm navigating my way through clouds. It's so thick that I can barely see. The fog reminds me of my life. I don't know where I'm going. I can't see. When George was here we could just get through life with laughing. But now I don't know if it's enough. I've never really thought before. I've never had to. But now I do. Because I don't know how to function now that George is gone. I've never been away from him before. I went to summer camp alone once, and that's the loneliest I've ever been.

Except now. Loneliness tugs at my heart, never letting me forget it. An aching, throbbing pain fills my stomach. A rock has lodged itself permanently in my throat. Every time I look at something my eyes well up with tears because it reminds me of him.

George and I used to tell people something. "Laughing makes you live longer." That's what we always said. And for the longest time, I believed it. George and I were supposed to live forever. But it didn't happen like that. I remember the day that it happened.

We were running down a dark tunnel, with water dripping from the ceiling. The Death eaters were chasing us. Harry, Hermione, George and I. Ron had been killed long before. George and I had been assigned as protectors for Harry. We were running, me in the front, George in the back.

Suddenly, in a flash of light, chaos and panic took over. Every death eater shouted a curse, and our line of four became disoriented and disorganized. Somehow, George and I ended up next to each other. He looked over at me and smiled.

"Who doesn't enjoy a challenge?" He said laughing. I grinned. Suddenly, the dark cave was illuminated by a green flash. I saw the jet of light headed at Harry, who was right in front of me. I ran, and tackled him and Hermione down to the floor. I kept them down, hoping they were okay.

I saw another flash of light. I jumped up. George was running towards me, smiling. The green light was headed straight at him.

"NOOOOOO!" I yelled, pointing behind him. He turned, and the smile melted off his face, and was replaced with horror. And then, in seemingly slow motion, the bolt of green connected with his body. He fell with a loud thunking echo. Harry, Hermione and I all ran over, not caring if there were still death eaters (which there weren't). Hermione began to sob uncontrollably. Harry looked up at me.

"I hate to ask but... which one are you?" He asked. I stood shaking for a moment. Then, I replied.

"I- I- I'm Fred. I'm Fred." And then it hit me. George was dead. Gone forever. I broke down, kneeling next to Hermione. I grabbed his dead body, and began to sob heavily into his T-shirt. George was not going to come back. I was never the same again.

Now, I have one more thing to say. To all of you who ever heard "Laughing makes you live longer." From me and my brother: We lied.

You like? I hope! R&R, and remember, flames are for arsonists!