If you're a major fan of JackxKimiko you might want to leave now. Anyway this wasn't my idea. That credit goes to Rainbow Worrier, I'm just writing it and adding a few things, but it's still Rainbow's basic plot. So I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown. Yes, shocking, I know.

Summary: Once again Jack is staying at the Xiaolin Temple, but this time so is Jesse. Jack has a major crush on Kimiko, but there are a few things in the way of his "love" like the plot of a certain cowgirl. JessexJack


Jack laid under the clear night sky thinking the hardest he could. What could have been a wonderful night for anyone else was a miserable one for him. The sky was a dark shade of purple, you could see all the stars, and he was laying in a lush green field, but his problem was it was only him…

Earlier that day Jack had gone to that open field to retrieve a Shen Gong Wu, but once again he was made into a fool and lost the Shen Gong Wu. He didn't even make it into a showdown. He was the first there and almost had it, but Kimiko had kicked him out of her way and he landed where he still laid. He didn't even try to go after her; from the minute he saw her he knew he had already lost.

Kimiko… Jack couldn't get her off his mind. It had been this way for weeks. He definitely had a crush on the girl. Jack believed if she knew him better, she'd certainly feel the same way toward him, but how was Jack to get closer to Kimiko?

Then it hit him.

He could give up on ruling the world…

And join the fight for good.

Evil wasn't treating him as well as he thought it would anyway. He defiantly wasn't getting anywhere or anything out of being evil. Jack had thought it'd make him rich, popular, happy, and most of all he thought he'd get the chicks. But no, nothing.

So as he lay there under the dusky night sky he decided it was time for a change. The "xiaolin losers" had just let the "hick's" sister redeem herself. Maybe they'd give him a chance. And if they were to give him that chance then he could get closer to the dragon of fire.

So Jack decided that the next day he would go to the Xiaolin Temple and smoothly ask if he could stay and train with them.


"Please! Please! I need someone to help me fight my inner evil!" Jack whined latched onto Master Fung's leg. They were in the main room of the temple. Jack was definitely being smooth.

Master Fung sighed "If you can truly-"

Jack jumped off of Master Fung's leg and started flailing his arms "But I have no where else to go! Except home, but I can't-"

"Well it's that no good scoundrel Jack Spicer! What are you doin' here?" Jesse, the "hick's" sister, yelled entering the room.

"There is no need to worry. Jack is only here to apologize." Master Fung calmly reassured her.

"AND Master Fung was just about to say that I can begin training at the temple." Jack insisted.

Master Fung sighed again "Yes, Jack. If you truly want to, you can stay."

"I'm not taking no for an answer! I came here to- What? I can stay?… Really?" Master Fung nodded. Jack through his arms up in the air and screamed out "YES!"

"Master Fung, you can't be serious, lettin' this no good mama's boy, that'll just switch sides again, come and live in the temple with us! He'll just ruin everything!" Jesse yelled.

Master Fung shut his eyes and started to walk away. As he did he softly said "It's the xiaolin way."

Jesse stood on one side of the room and Jack stood on the other. "So where's Kimiko?" Jack innocently asked not wanting to waist any time.

Jesse glared back at the redhead, she didn't seem to have heard his question. She then spat out "You better watch yourself."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll get right on that. Now, are you going to answer my question or not?" Jesse just crossed her arms and continued to glare "I'm guessing that's a no…"

"Why are you really here? Gonna steal all our Shen Gong Wu or did ya' just realize you're a loser?"

"The second one." Jack answered bluntly.

Jesse struggled to hold back a smile and still act tough and serious "You better be telling the truth or else."

Jack raised an eyebrow "Or else what…?" Jesse still just glared "Ok. I'll just go now." Jack said pointing to the exit.

"You better not try anything funny, or else."

"Yeah, I got it. I have to be a good boy, 'or else'." Jack waved his arms around as he said "or else".

After Jack left Jesse couldn't help but smile and let out a small giggle.


Jack ran through the Xiaolin temple on the look out for Kimiko. He'd only looked through half of the temple and was already tired. Then he tripped over something or rather someone.

"There you are!" Shouted the green dragon, Dojo.

"Huh?" Jack murmured as he picked himself up.

"Master Fung told me to come and find you to give you you're robes and show you you're room, but you must have been hiding or something…" Dojo kept mumbling.

"Huh?" Jack repeated still confused.

"Anyway, you're rooms right through that door, your robes are already in there. You'll be sharing the room with the others." Dojo said pointing to one of the many doors around them. They were out in the courtyard surrounded by separate building all part of the temple.

"I remember." Jack said quietly.

Dojo began to laugh "I would think you're trying to pull something, but you've lost you're drive completely! Ha, ha, you haven't gotten a Shen Gong Wu in how long? Three- four months now? Ha, ha!"

"Shut-up!" Jack shouted defensively "Do you want me here or not?"

Dojo put one of his fingers up to his chin and began to tap it "Not really…"

Jack's anger began to show now as his blank stare became an annoyed glare "You didn't have to answer." He said flatly.

Dojo smiled "But aren't you glad I did?" Jack's expression answered his question, but being Dojo he ignored it "Hurry up and change into your robes! You don't want to be late for your first day of training."

As Jack walked into his new 'room' he mumbled something about having to wear pajamas again.


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