Title: Heaven Beside You

Chapter 15: Unlovable

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Ocean.

Warning: A general warning for this, and future chapters. Expect sex. It's about time, and I think you guys have earned it. With that said, I really don't want to post a specific warning on each chapter indicating what's going to happen because that totally ruins the plot and/or any surprises. So expect the unexpected, be intelligent readers, and if you don't like the way things are heading, (it'll be pretty damn obvious when they start going down that path), then don't read if it makes you uncomfortable. Sometimes I forget that the rest of the world isn't completely desensitized to everything like I am, and other times I wonder what it would be like to return to an innocent state of mind...I wonder, but I sure as hell don't want to go back there.

A/N: Okay! I'm a little rusty, so bear with me folks. You may have noticed that this has been going on for a year. A whole, bloody year. So thanks to everyone who's supported my little endeavor here in one way or another! Granted, it'll probably take another year to finish...-cough- Anyway...here's the next chapter. It was incredibly hard to finish because I am getting increasingly lazy, but I do try. Really. I just need occasional beatings with a motivation stick, that's all.


"Unfortunately," Albel sighed, directing Fayt's attention toward the two guardsman making their rounds at the bottom of the stairs. "We're not the only ones awake at this hour."

The pair of Storm Brigade soldiers were going about their duties a little too slowly for Albel's liking, and the attempted discreet glances being cast up toward the second floor were much too curious. Talk around town was bad enough without giving any new ideas to those inclined to gossip. The last thing they needed was proof that something was going on.

Fayt chuckled softly, curbing his disappointment with laughter. It was surprisingly hard to let go, but he managed. Only a few seconds needed to pass after Albel's warning before he was able to step away from the embrace. "Ah, good night, then." Fayt nodded in respectful farewell and turned away to seek his own bed.

"Good night," Albel repeated, standing alone in the darkened halls, long after Fayt was gone. He waited until the lights in the guest room flickered out, and then, reluctantly, Albel sought the comfort of sleep for himself.


Not long after he had settled down, Fayt was awakened by a strange feeling. Sensing another presence watching him, Fayt turned toward his bedroom door. He always slept with it slightly ajar, allowing the faint glow from hallway lanterns to light the small guest room so it was more cheerful and welcoming. Those same lights were now treating him to a sight he never expected, at least, not tonight at any rate. In his doorway was the unmistakable silhouette of a man he had grown to love.

It was surreal. Tonight, Albel had come to him. Standing in the doorway, silhouetted by the glow from outside, Albel was presented to him in a vision of stoic beauty. The shape of that body, which Fayt had become so accustomed to, was special to him, despite the fact that he was so familiar with every inch of the man who stood framed in his doorway. Every time Albel graced Fayt's field of vision, he couldn't help but stare in stark idolatry of the man.

But the Albel Nox who greeted him now was not entirely recognizable as the same Albel he had spent so much time with day in and day out. It was another side of the warrior then he knew, perhaps even a side that Albel himself hadn't realized existed until their confrontation that afternoon. Gone were the adornments of war that had clearly marked Albel as a violent entity, replaced with the naked simplicity of humanity. Fayt's Albel, the Wicked One, had cast off his layers of defenses and emotional protections along with his armor.

Albel was dressed in an elegant violet robe, which was certainly something Fayt could never have envisioned, not that he was dissatisfied with the change. It must have been silk, or perhaps some material even finer judging by the way it clung to Albel's slender frame in some areas, hanging loosely in others, altogether shaped accordingly to suit him.

It was so thin that it seemed to be a part of him, an extension of Albel's character which was softer, gentler, and more subdued than what he usually displayed to those around him. There was nothing flamboyant about his choice either, nothing which flaunted his well-defined muscles and toned form while emphasizing every one of his striking features in the most glaring way possible. Dressing provocatively had always been beneficial for the cunning swordsman, but tonight was a special occasion.

In the simplistic nightwear, Albel's physical delights were muted, but no less attractive in Fayt's eyes. It could have been the way the fabric hung loosely, inviting an active imagination rather than clinging skin-tight to every inch of flesh as his clothing usually did, save for the skirt which had always shown more that Albel could have possibly hidden.

One arm, his right one, rested uneasily on the doorframe, ample folds of fabric gathering at Albel's elbow. The other still remained hidden, stealing itself away inside the safety of the second sleeve.

No claws means . . . no gauntlet?

That's when Fayt finally understood. Albel was laying his character on the line, in the same way as he would by allowing Fayt to hold a sword to his throat. He was vulnerable, and he knew it, but still Albel came, showing no signs of retreat that Fayt could see. But to Fayt's knowing gaze, there was a slight hesitancy in the older man's manner. A noticeable insecurity, for lack of a better word, as if the fear of commitment, or possibly rejection still governed Albel's movements. A pessimistic attitude was advising him to stay back, and remain sheltered in the safety of isolation.

Albel was always strong; there was no question of that. He was obviously intelligent, and intuitive to an extent, but in affairs of the heart, Albel could only cringe at his inexperience. In this initial moment of their union, Albel was not the aggressor, the cunning seducer waiting patiently to pounce on his virgin victim. Nor was Fayt a simple conquest waiting to happen. The young man would not be a weak, pathetic child who would give in unquestioning to Albel's desires. If he wanted Fayt, he would have to work for it. The boy could not be fooled or tricked into anything, which had resulted in this tentative lovers' meeting.

Albel had come to offer himself to Fayt, as lover, as master, as owner, to dominate and subvert in a manner acceptable to both of them. It was up to Fayt to agree to the terms of their contract, and to add any amendments if he so desired it. It might have been his only chance to gain the Wicked One's services and love for the small price of his own. It was an equal trade if ever there was one, and a partnership that Fayt had no trouble accepting with all of his heart.

Fayt left the bed and approached Albel without making a sound, his manner calm and gentle. He acted as one does when drawing close to a wild animal, afraid to startle, but also wary of unprovoked attacks.

Albel watched him come with quiet anticipation, letting none of his overeager urges rule his behaviour. No matter how much he would have liked to grab the youth and fling him down on the bed, if only to satisfy his new found sexual appetite, Albel would wait until the boy offered himself. It would be pointless to take something without consent. That would be meaningless, although he couldn't help but scowl at how long everything was taking. Fayt was painfully slow in his task, and it was driving Albel mad with frustrated anxiety.

When Fayt was finally near enough, Albel caught him deftly and pulled him close, initiating an embrace which lasted longer than he had ever dreamed possible. Pleased with the sudden move, Fayt did nothing to stop it, and actually wriggled a little closer, twining one arm around Albel's torso possessively, while slipping a tentative hand under the neckline of the silken robe.

The boy's hands roamed freely, relishing the smooth cloth of Albel's garment as it brushed against his fingertips, inviting him to explore further. His fingers traced Albel's well-defined collarbones, and slid lower. The flat of his palm rested lightly on Albel's chest for a moment, surprised to find that the man's skin was almost as smooth as the robe he wore.

Leaning his head against Albel's shoulder, Fayt sighed and proceeded with his examination. Above him, Albel was resting his forehead against Fayt's, allowing unruly bangs to tickle the younger man's face.

In light of the boy's obvious attraction to him, Albel surrendered to this last temptation. Thoroughly. Fayt's kindness had defeated him at every turn, and in every possible way, yet the reward for losing was such that he really didn't mind in the slightest. Albel was finally willing to indulge in something everyone else took for granted. It was a new craving, and one he still hadn't become used to. That night he actually needed to feel the touch of another, and in doing so, experience the absence of his pain. For a moment, the dull ache of emotional torment had left him. He would take a chance, give in to love, and attempt the selection of a life partner who would remain by his side and face any and all challenges with him.

As for Fayt, his emotional victory had driven him into the Wicked One's waiting arms, happily too. Of course Albel still found it hard to believe that anyone could be drawn to him so strongly, and he still didn't know why, but it was becoming less and less important to know the reasons for Fayt's actions. It was clearly something which only Fayt would be able to understand, so Albel could only sit back and reap the benefits of his lover's desire, as well as his own.

Before long though, Fayt's diligent caresses faltered. He had yet to come to terms with his actions. "So, you want to be with me?" Fayt questioned finally, pulling himself away from Albel's tight, almost desperate embrace.

"I guess . . ."

Fayt shrugged. It wasn't much, but he'd take it. "Come on then. Is my bed okay? Or should we go to yours?" The questions were posed in such an innocent way, as if Fayt was discussing the latest weather. His nonchalance proved his comfort level and any doubts Albel may have been entertaining were swiftly dispersed and sent on their way, free to torment some other unlucky soul. Albel had had his fill of uncertainty.

"Here's fine," he offered as a reply. Simple, but to the point. Albel's curt answers were speaking volumes.

"Good." As Fayt broke their contact and began pacing toward the bed, his guest gained one more vital piece of knowledge about his potential lover. When he was alone, Fayt slept in loose fitting flannel pants. These same pants had the tendency to slip down a little as he walked, which treated Albel to more of Fayt's backside than the boy probably wanted him to see at the moment. As if their groping session hadn't done enough to rekindle his desire, the alluring curves of Fayt's slender hips which peeked above the waistband of his pants sealed Albel's fate.

Exerting every bit of willpower he possessed, Albel calmed himself. With great effort he fought against this sudden attraction. More than anything, he wanted to capture the boy, and rub every delicate part of Fayt's flesh against his body in order to appease the uncomfortable heat between his legs, but he couldn't. The worst part though, was seeing that Fayt had no concept of his own body. Oblivious and inconsiderate of his guest's suffering, Fayt sauntered to the side of his bed, absently tugging at his falling pants before pulling back the covers and crawling in. His back had been turned to Albel the entire time, and if it had been anyone else . . . Fayt's chastity wouldn't have stood a chance.

Does he actually intend on sleeping? After doing this to me? Albel fumed, gritting his teeth against yet another throb of arousal. His entire body had been pulsating with excitement, knowing that the cause of it all was finally within reach. A wild gleam came into his eyes, and desire ruled his thoughts as Albel stormed toward the bed and its unsuspecting occupant.

With one arm, he yanked Fayt over so that the boy was flat on his back, ignoring the frightened gasp which followed the move. He straddled Fayt's hips, and the younger male glanced nervously at him. The look of surprise and uncertainty which Fayt wore only amplified his feelings.

"What do you think you're doing?" Albel demanded. His tone was low and dangerous, coming frighteningly close to snarling in his effort to sound both threatening and seductive. "If you didn't want to do anything, you shouldn't have invited me in, or to stay." Albel tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes in thoughtful distaste. "And you shouldn't have touched me like that."

Albel leaned down, lips meeting Fayt's who still couldn't resist him, feeding his untameable lust. Fayt kissed him back, trembling all the while. Part of him wanted this, and enjoyed what was happening, but something didn't feel right.

Albel eagerly began grinding his hips firmly against Fayt's body, only to feel nothing at all. Fayt wasn't reacting the way he had expected, and it troubled Albel more than he was willing to let on. The elder man parted from him, giving Fayt a moment to catch his breath before receiving another seductive taunt from the Wicked One.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it? What you always wanted from me?" The words weren't spoken so much as breathed into him, with Albel's hot breath surging against his better judgement. Fayt's only answer was to flush crimson at the offer. Albel knew. How long had he known about those thoughts if he was willing to act on them so soon?

When Fayt refused to acknowledge his words, Albel nipped an earlobe, drawing a sharp cry from the younger man. The reactions the pain triggered within him were so completely wrong though. Fayt groaned, but it wasn't unpleasant.

A mischievous grin spread across Albel's face when he finally felt something stirring against his lower half. "So you like that, eh?" Albel purred, sitting up quickly, rubbing something warm and unfamiliar against Fayt's tense stomach.

Fayt paled as his body relayed the new information to his sex-fogged brain. Under that robe . . . he's not . . !

"Answer me, fool!" Albel craved dominance and control, but his partner was showing fewer and fewer signs of compliance, which forced the wicked man to act on his own.

While under siege from Albel's questions, Fayt remained stunned and silent as his mind processed the situation. All he could do was stare in mute shock at the older man who towered over his flattened form, noting the crazed desperation which flickered through crimson eyes as they silently begged him for confirmation.

Instinctively, Fayt nodded, still dazed by the intensity of Albel's desire for him. It was his penultimate victory. Fayt had Albel at his mercy once again, but he surrendered before anything could prolong their potentially painful battle. Albel needed to know that he was wanted, and Fayt was only too happy to oblige him. He had always had a soft spot for the Wicked One, after all. He couldn't bring any further pain to those expressive eyes, and he certainly never wanted to see them flicker and dull in defeat ever again.

Against his wishes, Fayt was being drawn into Albel's whirlwind of emotion, and the elder man's fierce need for reciprocation had weakened his will considerably. Sitting upright, Fayt met Albel's hungry eyes, noting with a sinking feeling the mad glint which hinted at the man's feverish state of arousal. It was lust, simple, but not necessarily pure, which made Albel's eyes sparkle in anticipation. In the wicked recesses of Albel's mind, rejection was no longer a possibility and he fully believed that Fayt would not stop him.

And truly, all things appeared to be going Albel's way. Fayt's arms were coiling around him, as he began exploring Albel's body with hands and lips, using all the attentive delicacy one would expect of their beloved. For Fayt, it was getting considerably harder to ignore his own needs, which only Albel could fulfill, and nearly impossible to justify not giving the lascivious warrior what he wanted.

For the moment, Albel's movements remained forceful and precise as he scooped Fayt into his arms, running sensitive, scorched fingers through the boy's bright tresses, only to snarl at the expected flourish of pain the action caused him.

"Is this your answer? Your commitment, Albel? Or are you just using me?"

But Albel quickly shook his head. It was a very positive negative if ever there was one. "I want to be with you."

"For how long? Just for tonight?"

"Isn't that enough? Don't even try to tell me that you're not tempted to take my offer. Consider this a hands-on appraisal of something I wish to make exclusively mine." There was something desperate about the way Albel touched him now. His caresses were firm, and surprisingly gentle, but also rushed as if he sensed the moment wouldn't last.

"Hmph, nothing but a test drive, eh?" Fayt muttered sullenly. There was a distinct bitter edge to his words, and Fayt frowned at his own conflicted feelings. His body stiffened defensively and recoiled as his wanton desire began to fade.

Albel looked at him, puzzled. The terminology had gone over his head. For the moment, lust had been cast aside for confusion and curiosity, which Fayt was much more comfortable with.

Fayt had always been careful of what he said, avoiding whenever possible the lengthy explanations for various terms and phrases which came natural to others like him, much like the things Albel said were sometimes beyond his reach. It would be impossible, and frankly pointless to initiate Albel into his own culture just so that the swordsman could understand a few specific innuendos and analogies. But now it appeared as though a lesson was in order.

Stroking Albel's head as if he was calming a disobedient child, Fayt tried to explain his dilemma. "On Earth, when someone wants to purchase any kind of vehicle or ship, you're allowed a test drive. If you like how everything works, you buy it. However, if something doesn't please you the first time around, then you're free to look elsewhere without making any commitments to anyone. If the product doesn't meet your standards, or fill your requirements, it's returned and left for someone else. How do I know you won't . . . decide that even I'm not good enough?"

"You should know me better than that, fool. I don't take anything lightly, not anymore. You wanted me, and I want you. Why wait?" Albel asked, breaking down their issues into the most basic components.

Why, indeed. "I already told you why," Fayt murmured, his arms once again coiling around Albel's shoulders, clutching at the body as if to feel out the truth of the older man's heart, but unable to concentrate on anything aside from feeling Albel's lips traveling across his skin as they explored him, marking his flesh with playful nips.

"But this feels good right now, doesn't it?" Albel replied, rocking his hips against Fayt's arousal hard enough to force a ragged gasp from the younger man. "Hmm, now tell me you don't want it."

Fayt bit his bottom lip and considered his situation, quite confident that his objectivity had vanished without a trace. If experience had taught him anything, it had showed him that one doesn't always have the leisure of waiting. Even if he was unsure, would giving in to the moment truly hurt him? Fayt sighed, clinging to Albel, but still mired in indecision. "Of course I want this, but . . ."

Sensing what was coming, Albel quickly wilted, and halted his attentions, falling into Fayt's embrace in defeat. It was that "but" which he dreaded. And the dread he felt was quickly made known to his partner.

"You're not ready. I see." Albel shook off the embrace, and would have retreated to his side of the bed, but Fayt grabbed him again and held him fast.

"I'm sorry . . ." Perhaps waiting would hurt them more than acting on what they felt ever would.

"Bah, forget it. I'll wait you out, fool. It's not as if I have anything better to do . . ." The flippant sarcasm was back with a vengeance.

"You mean that?"

"I've no reason to lie, and every reason to be honest." It had taken him long enough to come to terms with his feelings. A little more time spent in pursuit of Fayt wasn't a problem. Besides, things would be even more entertaining now, and Albel was looking forward to toying with the younger man now that everything between them had changed.

At that moment, Fayt finally realized what should have been obvious to him. Albel didn't act without good reason, after all. The offer of intimacy and the indulgent withdrawal were both signs of something greater. "You care that much about my feelings?" About me?

A half-hearted shrug was his only answer. Once backed into a corner, Albel had reverted to type.

Chuckling to himself, Fayt shook his head. Albel's reaction didn't surprise him so much as it amused him. Comforted him. Warmed his heart with its feel of familiarity. But the time for patterned interactions was over. Fayt would start by taking the lead, as was his duty, if not his desire.

Patience had never been Albel's strong suit. Even so, Fayt could never have imagined just how easily, and quietly things would progress. As Albel watched on in curiosity, Fayt ran his hands calmly over the other man's hunched shoulders and started removing the thin robe.

With little effort the garment loosened and slid down, revealing ghostly pale skin. Albel shivered quietly under his touch, and Fayt reasoned that the unnatural colour was only due to the chill of night, nothing more. The intense heat of his own body seemed to disagree though.

When Albel had undressed in the past, it had always been dark, too dark for Fayt to have seen anything beyond blurry outlines and misshapen shadows. Now though, he could see everything in the glowing moonlight which streamed through his uncovered window.

Alabaster skin marred by dull red scars stood out the most to him. They were, at best, proof of Albel's fortitude and persistence. Even as Fayt admired the strange beauty of what he saw, the story Albel's body told was not a happy one. Years of war and harsh training had left painful reminders of exactly how Albel had suffered. Serpentine streaks left by the claws of beasts, and swords of men alike, curved across the whole of his flesh like ties of bondage, both constricting and inescapable.

He could have been so many different things. Infinite futures would have been made possible to him if he had been born on Earth, but to have lived only for the sake of greater strength . . .

A small sigh slipped out as remorse got the better of him, leaving Fayt no choice but to cover up his thoughts with actions. He released his mind to the night, emptying his head of troublesome thoughts as his eyes passed up and down Albel's form yet again. Would he ever get tired of him? Would there ever come a day that looking upon this man would cease to excite him?

Albel's tongue slid gracefully along his partner's pursed lips, drawing him into a passionate kiss which wiped every single thought from Fayt's mind and left him quivering with desire. He would not be allowed to lose focus. After a few dazed and unintelligible mumbles of satisfaction, Fayt resumed his attentions.

While his mind refused to stay blank, and his thoughts still bothered his peaceful mental silence, Fayt remedied the situation as best as he could by massaging his concern away. With every stroke of fingers on flesh, Fayt eased the tension within them both. Albel would be bound to him from now on, and his body would reflect that change.

Fayt nuzzled his companion's neck sympathetically, placing fervent kisses up the side until that, too, had reddened to a healthier shade. Silent, except for occasional sighs of pleasure, Albel still hadn't admitted anything. Words were nothing but an unwelcome addition. They would only disturb the joy of his silence.

Next, the boy slid his hands lower and reached between the swordsman's legs to stroke his arousal, wishing that the pleasure of the moment could vanquish the sins and pain of the man's past. The sounds Albel had been making intensified as Fayt touched him, but the boy insisted on making him work for his release.

"I want . . . I want you to show me how you feel." Fayt said suddenly as he withdrew. It was an open invitation, a challenge even, and one Albel couldn't ignore. Fayt had seen what he needed to see, and was now giving Albel permission to do as he pleased. Albel was not going to let the opportunity slip by him.

Consent? Without wasting another moment on foreplay, he was well past that anyway, Albel took Fayt by the shoulders and forced him down on his back, only to descend upon the boy's quivering lips with his own. Fayt opened his mouth without a struggle and the Wicked One entered eagerly with an expert tongue.

But before too long it became painfully obvious that Fayt was unaccustomed to being kissed under such circumstances. His tongue merely floundered in meek surrender as Albel drove his own against it fiercely, attempting to elicit a response. I bet, aside from me, he's only been kissed by his mother, and never like this. Disappointed, Albel broke away and sighed deeply.

To his credit, Fayt looked up at him adoringly and implored for more but when he realized it was not forthcoming the boy shook violently with despair. I'm not good enough. I can't satisfy him. Damn it! "This was a mistake Albel. I'm sorry. We never should have bothered." Fayt made motions which resembled leaving and Albel quickly grabbed his wrists and held him down.

"I didn't give you permission to leave, worm," he drawled before leaning forward to whisper in Fayt's ear, tantalizing him with words of encouragement. "Don't be a fool. You are unsullied, Fayt. I can mould you into the perfect lover and then, you will please me like no one ever has." Albel's mouth watered at the thought. He was certain that the younger man would do anything for him, and do it with the kind of vigor that only comes from the belief that you are inadequate. That feeling was one which Albel knew all too well.

Albel gave him an apologetic smile and slid a hand along Fayt's stomach and over his chest. Well toned muscles tensed reflexively, and the smooth skin tightened in response to Albel's flowing caress. "Your body responds nicely to me, doesn't it, Fayt?" Albel's fixed smile grew smug then as inspiration struck.

A mouth that had only ever smirked and scowled at him, and a tongue that had always lashed out at him with insults and playful taunts, were now moving here and there, working steadily over every inch of his ever yielding body. Fayt never thought he'd experience their touch against his naked skin, or feel his heart hammering in his chest because of it.

In his efforts to please, Albel teased him in ways that bordered on cruelty. He never seemed to linger long enough in any one spot, and always moved on long before Fayt had been satisfied. Before long, Albel's determined teasing had left Fayt craving more, positively aching to be touched and tormented by him.

Albel pinched a hardened nipple for attention, and moved close once again, seeking yet another of Fayt's innocent kisses. It was beyond gratifying to play with Fayt in this manner and for the moment, Albel completely forgot that love had even entered the picture. His desire for Fayt was blinding him to everything else.

Frustration and impatience were taking their toll though. Fayt was wriggling just a little bit, which would have been more than welcome, if he hadn't been moving himself away from Albel in a vain attempt at retaliation.

He was, of course, easily caught and stopped by one very determined Albel Nox.

"What else were you expecting?" Albel asked, grinning with utter amusement at the sight of Fayt's antics. "I wouldn't do this if there was nothing in it for me, now would I? It's fun," Albel mused, "to watch you squirm."

"You sadistic bast - oh gods." Fayt couldn't help himself and he moaned his approval as Albel's wandering fingers shifted south and quickly made their way down the front of his pants. What had he gotten himself into?

Fayt opened his mouth to protest once again, but Albel silenced him with powerful and completely irresistible lips, devouring the half-muttered objections, and overruling them, moaning softly as their kiss deepened. Little did he know that the sounds he made had put Fayt fully at ease. This was not a time for thinking about actions and consequences. What mattered most of all to Fayt, were the hot lips pressed against his own in passionate persistence, begging him without a word to let himself go, and fall into the bliss Albel was offering him.

The final blow against common sense came when he felt slender fingers casually stroking him while steadily working away at the waistband of his pants. Fayt's entire body shook with fear and anticipation when he felt a rush of air brush against sensitive, tingling nerves as Albel pulled the protective trousers away and encircled Fayt's swelling erection with his fingers, drawing it out into the open.

Albel composed himself and parted from Fayt, tilting his head just enough to look his lover over from the waist down. His gaze shifted at will, taking in everything with greedy eyes.

Fayt looked deceptively delicate, proving that time spent in Albel's presence had indeed changed him. Frequent exercise had toned him better than any battle simulator ever could have. Matching exertion with a sparse diet had neatly ridded him of his weight advantage over Albel, and, in time, Fayt would likely become just as wiry as his partner.

Fayt, too, turned his head and smiled at the view. Flushed, yet feeling slightly numb to embarrassment after so much contact, Fayt was able to appreciate what Albel was doing to him. Was it pride he felt, seeing Albel's smug grin stretch from ear to ear just because of him?

"Eager, aren't you, Fayt?" Albel murmured softly. There was no answer necessary, but Fayt gave one anyway, nodding weakly as he pushed himself wantonly into Albel's hand until the other man tightened his grip. Albel continued to smile absently while watching Fayt's glorious reactions to his touch. It would be easy to please the boy. Hell, if he allowed it, Fayt was obviously more than willing to please himself.

But as Albel casually traced his finger in intricate motions between the youth's legs, easing them gently apart, it became clear that Fayt was still uncertain about what was expected of him.

Fayt placed the palms of his hands on Albel's chest and calmly pushed the other man away from him. "Albel, what are you-"

A brief flash of anger crossed glowing red eyes at the denial, but when Albel saw the look of self-conscious confusion on Fayt's face, his own features softened with understanding and he shook his head at his own stupidity. I should have known it would be like this. I would have to fall for an amateur, but to be honest, it's better this way. He can't control me. I have power over him at last.

"Don't tell me. Let me guess. This has never happened to you before, correct?" Albel ceased his actions and pried for information. "You're completely inexperienced?" Fayt nodded hesitantly and Albel sighed. Taking hold of the younger man's trembling hands which were beginning to dig into his chest, Albel gently brushed them away.

"And I'm not just talking about the fact that I'm a man. You've never been with a woman either, have you Fayt?" It's pretty damned obvious he doesn't have a clue. I'll make his first time memorable, at least. He'll never want anyone else to touch him after this. Only me. Gods, what have I done to deserve this gift?

"Do you want me to stop? I won't force you if you're unwilling."

"N-no, it's just that . . ." Fayt flattened his body against the bed a little more and avoided Albel's questioning eyes. Being the center of attention was starting to bother him.

"Are you afraid? You know I won't hurt you." The words he spoke were foreign to him. Fayt might not doubt him, but Albel certainly doubted himself. Would he be able to keep that promise?

"What if I want you to?" Fayt smirked, looking positively daring as he spoke. He would do anything, say anything, if he knew it would counter Albel's unspoken doubts. A little pain would be a small price for their happiness.

"You've become fond of pain, Fayt? I suppose that's my influence, hmm? Well then, if that's the case . . ." Albel grinned and bowed his head, acting perfectly accommodating. "I'll do anything you ask, just say what you want from me."

"What is it that you want, Albel?" Fayt said as he reached up with both arms and pulled Albel into a tender kiss. Fayt was infinitely gentle, and Albel's lips parted for him with little coaxing, allowing the younger man's tongue to slide inside his mouth. Accepting the Fayt's advances was proving to be quite satisfying. Fayt shifted his focus and gave Albel a teasing peck on the cheek. "Mmn, well?" he mumbled.

Albel nestled into Fayt's neck and spoke, his voice hovering somewhere between a whisper and a growl. "I want to make you come, and have your taste linger on my lips. Is that too much to ask?"

Albel flushed when Fayt's arms tightened around him. It was unexpected, and Fayt's reaction sent a shiver of pure relief through his partner as the boy silently shook his head, burying his face deeper into the crook of Albel's neck.

Flustered and confused by Fayt's reaction, Albel's confidence wavered. "I don't understand."

Fayt sighed and released Albel, then leaned against the headboard of the bed so that they were face to face. Fayt's expression, a mix of sadness and gratitude, allowed Albel yet another glimpse into the heart of Fayt Leingod. "You're probably the only one, who wants something so simple from me. I'm glad."

Unexpected praise, Albel learned, was the best he would ever receive. Lost for words himself, Albel rested his forehead against Fayt's and closed his eyes. He needed to think.

Long ago he had learned how to take what he needed from his partner in order to fulfill his urges while leaving the other wanting. But being with Fayt was different. To consider someone else's needs along with his own was a frightening prospect and, to be honest, Albel didn't know if he was up to the challenge.

"Fayt?" Still looking thoughtful, Albel opened his eyes.


"Sit up," Albel ordered. It wasn't a harsh command, but neither was it a simple request. "And don't bother asking why. You'll see." Albel grinned and rose to a sitting position, delighted when he saw Fayt do the same.

The young man was willing to give him everything, and, for once in his life, he wanted it all. To feel another react with joy under his experienced hands. To hear sounds of happiness come from his lover. To have a lover in every sense of the word and not just a casual bedmate taken out of pure physical need. Albel closed his eyes for a moment and just enjoyed the expectancy. Love, and the desire to please, was making this better than he ever could have imagined possible.

After all, Fayt should have been beyond him. What the fool saw in him, he never could figure out. But whether Fayt's intentions were driven by pity, love or something else entirely, no longer mattered. To preserve his flimsy grasp on sanity, Albel couldn't ask why any of this was happening. All that was needed was his acceptance.


A/N: Hehe, I'm stopping it there because I'm a tease ;) Besides, if I continued on from here this chapter would be too damned big for me to handle so…a little split was in order. Oh, and you guys can go ahead and review if you want. I won't stop you, I promise!