"I can't believe this," Temi screamed.

"Can't believe what?" Adri asked coolly. "That the school was blown up, that we're living at the Xavier Institute, or that we're being forced to go to a normal high school?"

"All the above," Mona whispered trying to fold her wings into a shirt.

"Mona, stop! You're only hurting yourself," Ms. Thorne said walking into the girls' room.

"But I can't go to Bayville High with my wings sticking out like this!"

"Look, I talked to Professor Xavier, and he's agreed to let me keep you and Candie home and home school you."

"Yes!" Mona exclaimed flying around the room ditching the t-shirt she'd been trying to wear.

"Mona! Put a shirt on, There's boys here," Amber yelled running into the room.

"Speaking of the Xavier students, Charles has also assigned each girl, or group of girls one of his students, to help show you around school, where your classes are and stuff of that nature."


"Yes, but only for the first few days."

"Can I have a boy assigned to me?"

"I let Charles do the assigning Megan. He's tried to put students with similar interests, or powers together."

"Um Ms. Thorne, what about my power?"

"Just wear gloves and long sleeves. I'm pretty sure you've been assigned to Rogue. Is that her name, that girl who can't touch?"

"Yes, mah name is Rogue," Rogue said from behind Saretta causing her to jump.

"Oh, good morning. I was just explaining to my girls about the assignment of buddies Charles has planned."

"Yeah, he asked me ta come up here an tell y'all that the other students are ready and waiting in the living room for your girls."

"I'm so sorry to keep them waiting. Girls, please follow Ms. Rogue."

"She's weird," Mercy whispered to Remie who looked at Rogue and then nodded signing something that caused Mercy and all the girls around her to laugh.

"Anna, step to the right, we're going straight."

"Thanks Fallon." The Thorne Academy girls had spent their first few days at the Institute trying to learn the layout of the place, however there were still some slip ups, including Roschelle getting lost, Olivia accidentally wondering into the danger room, and Megan apparently forgetting where the girls' dorm was so she slept in one of the boy's rooms for three nights in a row.

As Rogue had said, most of the Xavier students were gathered in the living room waiting for the girls.

"Hey girls!" Bobby yelled as the girls walked in looking at the X-Men with various expressions on their faces.

"Prof's already given us the names of the girl, or in some cases girls that we'll be helping around school," Kurt explained. Most of the Xavier students were indeed holding pieces of white paper with names on them.

"Which one of you girls is Fallon?" Ray yelled waving a piece of paper with Fallon's name scribbled on it in red ink.

"I'm Fallon, and you are?" Fallon asked walking over to Ray, her shoulder length blond hair shooting off small sparks of electricity as she moved.

"I'm Ray, why don't we go wait for the others in the van?" Ray suggested smiling at Fallon when she agreed.

"Um, like Adrianna?" Kitty called wrinkling her nose up as she tried to read Adri's long name.

"It's Adri."

"Like cool, I'm Kitty."

"I know," Adri said flatly rolling her eyes and glancing at her friends.

"Like, okay, well you're like with me, so let's go. My parents totally gave me a car for my like birthday!"

"Great." Adri made a face then turned to Brittany and Roschelle, "I'll see you two at school, hope you do better with the assigned partner thing than me." Roschelle was still making faces as she followed Kitty out of the room.

"Poor Adri," Brittany muttered standing next to Rogue who was looking at her assigned partner sheet.

"Accordin ta this, Ah've got another girl. Sissy?"

"She's the redhead over there," Brittany said pointing to where Sissy was curled up in a little ball trying to hide behind a chair.

"Thanks." Rogue walked over to Sissy. "Hey ya." Sissy raised her head looking more than a little freaked.

"Somethang wrong?"

"Too many voices," Sissy whispered her greenish eyes darting around the room at all the remaining students.

"Yeah, there are a lotta people here. C'mon let's go somewhere quieter," Rogue suggested. Sissy nodded and allowed Rogue to help her to her feet.

"Brittany, mah car's parked over on the left side of the garage. You can go on ahead.

"Kay, and Sissy should be fine in a few minutes." Rogue nodded and helped Sissy to the garage where Remy was already sitting in the driver's seat of her car.

"Bonjour Monsieur Le Beau," Brittany answered in perfect French.

"You didn't tell Remy da new fille speaks French."

"Ah didn't know Swamp Rat. Girls, you'll be sitting in the back seat. Brittany, there's a pair of shoulder length gloves under the seat if you want them, your hands are smaller then mine.

"Thanks" Brittany replied sliding on the gloves and smiling at Rogue, who smiled back.

Meanwhile back in the mansion's living room, the remaining X-Men were trying to find their partners..

"Um, why do I have three students?" Amara asked looking confused.

"Who do you have?" Carson asked looking up from braiding her waist length hair.

"Temi, Taylor and Kandra," Amara read from her paper.

"Oh, Taylor and Kandra count, pretty much, as one," Olivia explained as Kandra walked over to Amara with Taylor sitting on her shoulder.

"She's so small," Amara whispered looking at Taylor who just fluttered her micro wings a little and rolled her eyes.

"See, this is why you have three. Taylor and Kandra are never separated."

"Oh, okay, now where is Temi?"

"Over here!" a girl with pink hair yelled looking excited.

"I've got my three Roberto, so I'll be in the van," Amara called to Roberto who nodded.

"Mercy! Megan!" Jubilee screamed while standing on the coffee table.

"But you're a girl," Megan complained as Mercy zoomed over to Jubilee, moving so fast Jubilee didn't realize she was there.

"I'll introduce you to all the boys at school," Jubilee promised looking around for Mercy.

"Behind you," Mercy said causing Jubilee to mutter something about annoying speed demons, which only made Mercy laugh harder.

"Annabelle? Is there an Annabelle here?" Kurt asked bamfing around the room.

"I'm Annabelle." Kurt smiled and bamfed to the girl who had just said that, but the minute he saw her, he did a double take.

"Um, do you have an image inducer?" Annabelle smiled and nodded, her red hair bouncing as she moved her head, which had a pair of small red devil horns on top. Her skin was also red and she had a devil tail. Carefully she clicked her gold and ruby bracelet on and her appearance changed to that of a red haired Native American girl.

"Is this better?"

"Ja, now where are the Gardener sisters. I've got both of them too."

"They're over there shredding the curtains," Annabelle said adjusting her baseball cap, even though her tiny horns were hidden by the image inducer.

"Gilly, Kristen," Kurt called and smiled as the two furry girls look over at him. Gilly, the older of the two, stoop up and walked over to Kurt clicking her image inducer on.

"What about your sister?"

"Kristen, mew," Gilly meowed causing Kristen to scramble over to the group on all fours completely ignoring the image inducer Xavier had given her

"Um, does she know how to work her image inducer?"

"Yeah, she just doesn't like it much. And she keeps trying to reprogram it."

"Oh, here let me help you," Kurt said. Kristen nodded purring a little as she stuck out her wrist and allowed Kurt to adjust the image inducer so she looked a little like her sister only with different hair and fairer skin.

"Is this okay?" Kristen nodded mewing a little.

"She said 'thank you'," Remie signed looking up from the school book she'd stolen from one of the Xavier students.

"You're velcome," Kurt replied leading the three girls out to the van, which he was driving today.

"You must be Remie," Sam said walking over the girl who had used sign language. She nodded.

"I'm mute, but I can hear what you say," she signed watching Sam.

"I know. I'm Sam Guthrie."

"Are we taking the van with the others?" Remie signed quickly making Sam wonder if she had super speed too.

"No, us and most of the remaining students will be taking Amanda's car. She's Kurt's girlfriend."

"Does she live here?" Remie asked shoving the school book in her backpack.

"No, she lives with her parents, but she leaves her car here a lot since Kurt just teleports her all over town," Sam explained. Remie nodded.

"Okay, we still need to find Carson. Amanda will be showing her around once we get to school."

"Carson's the one over there, lifting up the sofa."

"Carson, your buddy's meeting us at school."

"Kay, which car are we taking?" Carson asked her long hair up in a single braid which still hit her mid back.

"The white one."

"Dibs on the window!" Roberto and Anna laughed as Carson, Sam, and Remie headed to the garage.

"Fine, I can't see out anyway," Anna called after them.

"Are you going to Bayville too?"

"Yup, I'm Anna Calahan. Could you help me find the person Professor assigned to me?" Roberto glanced at his piece of paper and smiled even though he knew Anna couldn't see it. Part of Anna's mutation required her to wear dark glasses making her legally blind.

"No need to. You're with me."

"You're Roberto right?"

"Yes, I'm also driving today, so why don't you ride shotgun so I can keep an eye on you?" Anna smiled.


"Odette, do you think we'll be together?"


"Odette and Olivia?"

"Yeah," the twins answered in unison.

"I'm Rahne and ye two are with me."

"Irish?" Olivia asked.

"No, Scottish," Odette corrected.

"Your right lass."

"See told you so," Odette said sticking her tongue out at Olivia as they followed Rahne to the cars.

Bobby looked at the two remaining girls and immediately walked over to the prettier of the two.

"Hi, I'm Bobby."


"Who's your partner?"

"Um, I don't know yet."

"She's mine," Janie Howlett, formerly known as X23, said walking into the room, her brown hair swishing around her waist as she snicked her claws in and out glaring at Bobby.

"Um, okay then," Bobby said gulping and darting over to the remaining girl.

"Hi, um..." Bobby fumbled with his piece of paper.

"Cayte Carter. You're Bobby Drake and you are not going to ask me out," Cayte ordered causing Bobby to blink in surprise.

"Right, I'm not going to ask you out," he repeated his eyes glazing over a little.

"Good, now let's go," Cayte said grabbing her backpack and walking towards the door with Roschelle and Janie.

What the heck was that Bobby wondered as he hurried to catch up with the girls.