Disclaimer- I don't own anything to do with Harry Potter. I only own this plot.

Hermione stormed down the corridors of Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry that warm night. She was on prefect duty to patrol and she was highly annoyed because 1. In potions that day, Malfoy made a vulgar remark about her body and her looks, causing Harry and Ron to jump to her defence and getting two weeks detention each. 2. She had been late for transfiguration because she had fallen asleep in her Gryffindor common room and 3. Malfoy was just being a complete moron.

She was lost in her thoughts as she headed down the corridor. Just then, she tripped on something and fell to the ground. She groaned and rolled onto her back, gently touching her cheek that had collided with the cold ground. She opened her eyes and she met grey ones, staring back at her.

'You better watch where your going mudblood. The floors are already infested with dirt and you just add to it' he sneered. Hermione got up to face him.

'You tripped me you git!' she snapped back. The handsome, blonde boy looked back at her with a cheeky smirk on his face.

'You were in my way. But now, I have your filthy germs all over my shoes!' Hermione rolled her eyes. He was so immature sometimes. Well, most of the time. He acted like some prince that got anything…even a speck of bread on his cloak, he would scream bloody murder.

'Oh please. You are so childish. If you cared that much about you shoes your highness than maybe you should not have deliberately stuck out you leg when I walked past' she quirked and eyebrow at him. Malfoy looked back at her with a glint in his eye. It kind of scared her. Even though she would never tell anyone that. Especially him.

'I am above you Granger, you were in my way, so I have the authority to do as I please' Hermione scoffed at this.

'Are you serious?' she laughed 'you are higher than me? And this is coming from a son of a death eater? One of the lowest forms of witches or wizards?' Hermione was to busy giggling to herself to notice Malfoy's change in expression. He suddenly became angry. He could feel his face turning red with anger as he watched her laugh at his expense. No one did that to a Malfoy.

He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her. She flew backwards and hit the wall. For a moment it felt as though the wind had been nocked out of her. She bent over slightly and reached her arm back to touch her back. It was now throbbing with pain. She was sure to have a bruise there tomorrow. She looked up at Malfoy, under her eyelashes. She could see him breathing heavily, with his fists, clenched at his sides.

She lifted herself back up as he came towards her. He was intimidatingly close to her now, she could smell him. She hated him more now that she ever had in her life.

'How dare you talk to me like that? You filthy, disgusting, piece of mudblood trash' she opened her mouth and closed it, her face replaced with a scowl. She lifted her hand back to slap him. As she brought it down, he caught her hand. He clenched his hand around his painfully and pulled it down twisting. Hermione gasped out in pain.

'You will pay for that attempt mudblood' she tried to wriggle her now, painful hand out of his grip. But her held on tighter. With his other free hand, he brought it up to hit her, but as he did, she managed to get her hand out of his grip and violently pushed him back. He fell onto the floor as Hermione began to run down the corridor, trying to get as far away from him as possible. She held her wrist as she ran.

As she neared the end of the corridor, she looked back and sure enough Malfoy was running up behind her. She let out a scream and turned a corner running as hard as she could. Tears of fear began to fall down her cheeks as she heard his footsteps running up closer behind her. She began panting. She heard his growl of frustration. It shook her to the core.

Just as she was about to turn another corner. She was grabbed by the back of her robes and flung backwards. She hit the ground on her back with a thud. The next thing she knew he was on top of her, holding her arms on either side of her head.

She screamed as she frantically tried to push him off her, but it was no use. He was much stronger than her and was holding her down.

'Get off me Malfoy! Or I swear I will hex you into oblivion!' she tried again, but failed.

'You will be punished. No one does that to me and gets away with it. Did you forget who I was when you did that? Because any person with a brain would never even think about it' he pressed harder on her wrists, only increasing the bruises. He rubbed his pelvis against hers, as he tried to stop her from moving.

'Malfoy! This is not funny! If you don't let me go…you will get into so much trouble…expelled…UGH!' she was getting frustrated. It also built up her fear.

Malfoy looked at her. His face built with anger.

'You will know what pain is. You ever touch me like that again, and you will know' he reached into his pocket, letting one arm go…big mistake on his half. As he reached in his pocket, she pulled her arm back and scratched him across the face. He let out a yell in surprise and pain and quickly let go of her grabbing his now bleeding cheek.

She didn't hesitate. He was still half on her. So she scrambled backwards and turned her self around. As she was about to get up and run, he grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her back. She screamed as she clawed at the ground to stop her from going back to him. He quickly positioned himself on her again.

'You stupid, mudblood bitch' he yelled breathing hard. He grabbed her wrists and pulled her up to him. A tear escaped her. He saw this. But this was Malfoy we are talking about. He wasn't soft. He was cruel and hard. But there was something at this that made him pause for a second. He looked deep into her eyes. Then he quickly snapped out of it.

He pushed her back down, hard to inflict more pain and made sure this time, she could not move. All the while, Hermione was kicking and screaming.

'SHUT UP!' he yelled. But to no success 'I said shut up, you fucking mudblood' she didn't listen.

'Malfoy! Get off me! I hate you, I hate you so much! I wish you were never born…you are a foul, evil…' but she was cut off when Malfoy lips suddenly smashed onto hers. She froze for a second. She didn't know how to react. Malfoy was kissing her. Before she could respond in any way he pulled away.

'I told you to shut up!' he said frustrated. The scratch on his face bleeding. Hermione's face screwed up in anger and she tried to hit him. Will she ever learn?

'Don't you ever do that again! Now I will have to live with the taste of you disgusting, death eater lips on mi…' she was cut off again when he kissed her, this time it was passionate. With in seconds, their tongues were frantically running against each other for dominance. He had let go of her arms and she instantly put them around his neck bringing him closer. His hands ran along her body. The kiss grew and grew as it heated up. Touching every inch they could of each other. It was as if all their hate and loathing had exploded in this moment of pure heat and passion.

He broke the kiss and began to lick and kiss his way done her neck. Hermione was completely out of breath by the kiss. She had never experienced something so full of hatred and heat. She opened he eyes and he sucked on her neck, leaving his marks. Suddenly, he reached for her shirt and ripped it open. He pushed off her shirt and ripped off her bra, kissing and licking everywhere he could. A moan escaped her lips as he continued this torture. She roughly pushed him up and ripped his shirt open and pushed it off. She kissed down his neck, leaving her own marks. She was instantly rewarded with a grown.

He couldn't wait any longer; he hiked up her skirt and ripped of her underwear. Hermione was somewhat delirious. All this hate and passion was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

He threw her underwear aside and went to his own pants; he unbuckled them and unzipped them. Both of them panting heavily. He pushed them down. With out a moments hesitation, he thrust hard into her. She screamed form this sudden pleasure. He was not gentle. He was rough. He moved harder and faster. She was actually moving across the floor, she could feel the ground cutting her back. She screamed and moaned as he moved rougher. He groaned as he did. She reached for his back and left marks all the way around as his pounding became harder and rougher. Both of them had never experienced such passion before. Sure Malfoy had many girls, but never one with this sort of hatred and heat.

Hermione was no virgin. She had lost it the year before…fifth year to her muggle boyfriend of three years. They had broken up at the start of this year, due to her schooling.

Their screams and moans echoed around the corridor as they neared their climax. He was pumping harder into her. She brought her legs around his waist and if possible, brought him deeper into her. She began to move with his thrusts, inflicting more pleasure. Just as she did this, she screamed and bit onto Malfoy's shoulder as her climax came. He screamed out from the pain on his shoulder, but this only turned him on more. With one final grunt and thrust, he climaxed. He was rubbing against her as he came to a stop. Both were completely out of breath. Sweat was pouring off their bodies. This had been the most intense 'session' either of them ever experienced.

His hair was sticking to his fore head from the sweat, as he looked at Hermione, who was the same.

He leaned down for another, heated kiss. Both panting against their lips as tongue was added. He then pulled away and pulled himself out of her. He got up and began to put on his clothes. Hermione sat back for a second and did the same thing. She got up, and pulled on her clothes. As she pulled her skirt down and fixed it up, she looked over and Malfoy; who was zipping and buckling his pants.

They finished dressing. They looked up at each other. With out a single word, they both turned in different directions and headed for their common rooms. In that one look, they had silently decided to talk about this, another time.

Hermione walked slowly to the Gryffindor common room. She was in an incredible amount of pain. She stumbled trough the portrait hole and up to her room. She slowly got dressed into a tank top and pyjama pants and slowly lowered herself onto her bed. She fell asleep instantly.