I do not own Naruto I only own my characters I made up.

This is sort of an introduction of the 'my' characters.

May: Doesn't know now anything about her past.

Suki: Mother of May and had the same dream ever since she gave birth. Is an Uchiha (not part of Sasuke's family)

Jiro: Father of May.

Hiroshi: A poor old man that finds May and takes care of her.

It was a dark cold night, Suki woke up, terrified. She was breathing heavily and her heart felt like it had just skipped a beat. She had that dream again, the same dream that she had ever since she gave birth to her daughter, and she had a feeling that it's telling her something, something that she had to do, but what? Suki's head jerked up to hear a crying baby just outside of the room, she got up and walked to her daughters room and saw her crying in her crib. The baby was about 1 month old. Suki picked up May and started singing with her angelic voice.

Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top
when the wind blows, the cradle will rock
when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
and down will come baby, cradle and all

and with that, she had fallen asleep. Suki put her back in her crib and kissed on the forehead and left.

When she came back to the room, she realized that Jiro was awake. She climbed to the bed and lean her head on Jiro's shoulder.

"You had that dream again, didn't you?" Jiro suddenly spoke.

"Yes." Suki said.

"What happened?" Jiro asked.

"Our clan...Our clan was being slaughtered; it was only me and you that were still alive. And there was this boy, he...he was looking at me, and..."

She couldn't continue. She had tears streaming out of her eyes. Jiro just pulled her into an embrace.

"Don't worry, I am right here. It was just a dream." He said trying to calm her down.

"It's not like that. I have this feeling it's telling me something." Suki said.

"Maybe something might happen." Jiro answered.

Suki rose her head to see Jiro's face. She had heard every word he said to her. And maybe he was right, maybe someday her same dream might become a reality, and the boy in her dream might come after her and her family. Suki knew that she and Jiro had to face him someday, but there was no way that he would get her daughter, and she will make sure of that.

Suki got up and dressed herself in a black cloak and entered the baby's room. Jiro just followed with her sudden actions.

"What are you doing?" Jiro questioned.

"I'm protecting what is precious to me." Suki simply answered and she had wrapped a blanket around her daughter and walked out the door, and Jiro just followed.

"Are we running away just because of a dream that might not even come true?" He said angrily.

"I'm not running away I'm staying. I have a feeling that the dream will become my reality, but I'm not letting anything happen to my daughter. If anything happened to her I wouldn't care if I live or die." she said.

"But what if the feeling you have is wrong?" Jiro spoke.

"I trust my heart, and it's telling me that to do this."

"Then I'm coming with you." Jiro said.

"No! You must not; if they find out even if one of us is missing then the whole village will start looking for us. You must stay and make up something while I'm gone." Suki explained.

"Fine, but be careful out there, be back tomorrow night." He said.

"Okay, I love you Jiro."

"I love you too." He said back. They kissed, and Suki ran off.

The next day...

It was now afternoon and Suki didn't know where she was, all she knew was that she was in a village. Suki found a bench and sat down, she was looking at her sleeping baby, and all she could do was stare at her daughter until her eyes filled with tears that threaten to fall. She knew she would never see her again she just knew it. She reached to her pocket and it revealed a heart-shaped golden locket, with the baby's name on it, and inside of the locket was a picture of Suki, Jiro and May happily together.

"This is for you, so you will know that you had a family of your own." Suki spoke.

"I love you, May." She said and kissed her forehead. Suki put the locket around her neck and placed May on the bench and left. She walked away with tears falling freely on her face; she just walked until she couldn't hear the crying of her baby.

When Suki left the baby immediately started crying. It was now over 3 hours and no one had picked up the baby, and the baby was still crying, until there was this old poor man that lived on the street walking, and heard a cry. He followed the noise and it lead him to a little baby girl on a bench. He walked up to it and picked her up.

"Hello there, my name is Hiroshi. Where did you come from?" he said while looking around if anyone was looking for a baby.

"I wonder why someone would leave a child here. Oh, what's this?" He said while taking a close look at the locket's carvings.

"So? The baby's name is May. Poor thing, she must be hungry for being out here for so long." he said while patting her on the back.

"If no one will take care of her, then I will." Hiroshi said.

A/N: So there is chapter one of Finding Myself. Sorry if it was boring, don't worry; it will get more interesting later on. Please Read & Review! Mostly the review part!