Chapter 3 The Reincarnation
Kagome smoothed out her tight blue jeans, frowning down at the rips in the knees. "Oh well…" she shrugged and took a hold of the two clips in the front of her bra and drew them together around her breasts, snapping it into place.
"Now I need a shirt." She stooped down and rustled through one of the many boxes that she still didn't have unpacked. "Nope…nn-no. Uh uh…" Kagome let out a heavy sigh as she tossed the rejected shirts into a pile on the bed. "Where are all my good cloths?"
She reached her hand in again and pulled out a small blue tube top, it was a little too plain, but it had to do. Kagome draped it over her head and let the top rest around her neck as she removed the straps off of her bra before hauling it down and pulling her arms out. She then put on the necklace Sango had given her, which she had taken off before she got in the shower.
She tugged it straight and looked into the mirror, turning sideways. The shirt came up over her bellybutton a little, and her jeans hung low around her hipbones. She frowned; not really liking the impression the whole look was going to give her. But lets face it, she really didn't feel like changing again.
"I guess its time to go…" she turned to face the attic door and frowned. 'I'll have to check this out later…' she thought as she turned away and headed out of her room, closing the door behind her.
"Mom I'm going to Sango's." Kagome said, sticking her head into her mother room.
Lurea smiled as she held out an empty box to Kagome. "Have fun, and drop this off in the dining room on your way out."
"Yeah sure." Kagome took the box and turned on her heels, heading back for the stairs.
"Honey are you sure that's what your going to wear?" Lurea called after her.
Kagome stopped at the top of the stairs for a second, and then sighed as she started to walk down. "Yeah mom, don't worry about it." She answered, throwing the box onto the dining room floor.
After shoving on her sneakers she left the house, stopping momentarily to look at the Goshinboku before heading off to Sango's.
"Hey! She's here!"
Kagome cocked her eyebrow at Sango's reaction to answering the door; a strong smell of liquor and smoke that drifted into Kagome's nose as she entered the house, closing the door behind her.
All eyes turned to her, and she was greeted with one big drunken scream followed by a couple whistles and hoots. "Okay guys shut up." Sango said, she draped her shoulder over Kagome's and led her into the kitchen. "I am so happy you showed up. I told everyone that your were coming, and they couldn't wait to meet you."
"Oh really." Kagome said, eyeing Sango carefully. 'I think she may be a little bit drunk.' She thought as the two girls sat on the kitchen counter.
"I know…I know. I'm a little tipsy." Sango said wearily, looking Kagome in the face. "But I still know what I'm doing, and I'd like to get to know you a little better."
"Okay." Kagome said with a slight shrug. "Ask me anything."
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Sango asked quickly, nearly jumping off the counter.
"Kind of." Kagome said shyly, directing her eyes down to the floor. 'Hojo…'
"Okay, explain." Sango said, resting her chin in her hands. "How does this 'kind of' stuff work?"
Kagome laughed a little and scratched the back of her head. "Well, back at my home town I went out with this guy named Hojo. We agreed to try and keep the relationship going even after I moved…like going to see each other on holidays and keeping in contact over the phone and stuff." She sighed. "But I never got a chance to call him since we left home two days ago."
"Oh my darling that's not a real relationship." Sango said, putting her hand on Kagome's shoulder. "Long distance things just don't work out. Believe me…I tried."
"But we love each other." Kagome said. "And it'll work out…I know it will."
"I hope it does, but hun, I loved my man too…" Sango sighed. "Well you know what? I'm going to get you to meet him anyway." She jumped down off the counter.
"Meet who?" Kagome asked, looking at Sango oddly.
"One of mine and Miroku's friends is looking for a girlfriend. Please don't say no right away. Please." Sango said. "Just get to know him…be friends with him at least if you don't want to date him yet."
"Yet?" Kagome sighed, she may as well…but she definitely WASN'T going to even think about going out with this guy, no matter who he was. "Fine, I'll meet him."
"Great, he stayed sober just t sit down and have a talk with you. I'll send him in." Sango quickly left the kitchen.
Kagome frowned and lift her leg up into the counter, crossing them and resting her arms in her lap. 'Sango what are you trying to do to me?' she thought, allowing a small smile cross her lips. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad…no, she wasn't going to give up on Hojo, but she could still get to know people right?
She looked up just as a young man strolled timidly into the kitchen. He was rather tall, and had long brown hair which, like Miroku's, was done up in a ponytail. His eyes were crystal blue and rather lively; his ears were pointed and he had a brown tail sticking out of the back of his teals. 'A wolf youkai.' Kagome thought fondly as she smiled at him from where she sat.
"Hey." He said as he put his hands in his pockets, not really making eye contact with her. "I'm guessing your Kagome."
Kagome nodded when he finally looked at her. Actually…he wasn't all that bad looking. "Yeah I'm Kagome." She gave him a reassuring smile, trying to calm him down a little. "What's your name?"
"I'm Kouga." He said, returning her smile with a rather charming smirk. "So, how are you liking Tokyo so far?"
"Its not bad. I haven't really been anywhere…the only place besides my house I've been so far is here. I haven't even looked around the entire shrine yet." Kagome answered.
"Oh, well there are lots of places around here where you can have fun." Kouga said with a shrug, leaning on the counter next to her. "Clubs, dance halls, loads of places."
"Sounds fun. When we get settled in I'm going to have to go to some of those places." Kagome said with a thoughtful look.
"Great…erm." Kouga turned to her. "You know, I you want to go I will be happy to show you around all the hit spots…whenever you get settled in that is."
"Well…Kouga." Kagome fumbled with her answer. "I um…"
"Hold on sweety."
Kagome looked up, her eyed widened at what she saw…she definitely wasn't expecting to see this.
The man that stood in the doorway of the kitchen had a single blue line coming down from each of his eyes, and he had a extension of face hair attached to the back of his head with a comb. He was wearing a pair of baggy blue jeans that hung on his slender hips, and his shirt was baggy, white, and opened up down to his pierced belly button.
"Damn…" Kouga grumbled upon seeing him.
"Listen, Kouga honey I need to talk with the young lady for a second." The man approached them and grabbed Kagome's arm. "I hope you understand."
"Jakotsu…" Koura grumbled, making fists at his sides. His blue eyes narrowed at the other man in a threatening manner that never really seemed to affect him.
"I'll have her back to you in no time, god." Jakotsu turned to Kagome. "Come with me, babe. I got to have a chat with you."
Kagome shrugged as she let Jakotsu drag her away from Kouga and out onto the front porch, closing the door behind them.
"Okay, I know this isn't really my place. But listen please." Jakotsu said, eyeing Kagome carefully.
Kagome nodded and shrugged slightly. "Um…alright…Jakotsu?"
Jakotsu smiled to the sound of his name, then turned a little serious. "Hun, I have to warn you. Don't let that guy take you anywhere."
"Erm, why not?" Kagome folded her arms over her chest and frowned in confusion. "Its not like I'm going to date him…I have a boyfriend."
"Then my dear, run far away from Kouga." Jakotsu warned. "If you even try to throw that wolf a bone he will be all over you for life. Wolves mate for life you know."
Kagome looked at Jakotsu weakly. "Is he really like that?"
"Trust me…there's a damn good reason why he's single." Jakotsu said, suddenly getting dreamy. "If only he just had his looks and not that damn possessive feature he'd be the perfect male."
Kagome laughed and scratched the back of her head. "You hate the possessive quality as well?"
"Don't we all?" Jakotsu asked. "It's not even a quality…it's an annoyance." He sighed and rested his chin in his hands.
Kagome laughed softly, she couldn't believe this. She actually found someone she could really relate to, and it was a guy! "I have to ask you something, I told Sango about it and she don't think it will work…but you seem for knowledgeable."
Jakotsu chuckled then smiled fondly, his eyes shut. "Ask me anything, love."
"Do you think long distance relationships can work?"
Jakotsu's eyes slid open; he seemed to be staring off into space for a moment after, just thinking. He then smiled a little and turned his eyes to Kagome. "Do you love the boy?" he asked quietly.
"Yes. With all my heart." Kagome stated. "We've been together for well over a year now."
"Does he love you?"
Kagome seemed almost floored at the question. Why couldn't she answer it as quickly as the last? Of course Hojo loved her! There was no way in hell he couldn't have thought otherwise…right? "Yeah, yeah he does."
Jakotsu watched in silence as she struggled to answer the question, smiling in slight amusement. "Well, then I think of that's the case you two shouldn't have any problems." The man then stood and stretched his arms over his head. "If I were you I'd fly on out of here now before Kouga comes looking for you."
Kagome smiled as she stood. "Thanks, Jakotsu."
"Don't mention it." Jakotsu winked. "I'll tell Sango that you've gone home for undisclosed reasons…erm…your mom called you and wanted you home." He laughed a little and scratched the back of his head. "I'll think of something to tell her."
Kagome smiled and gave him a small wave. "I'll see you later then?"
"Yup, see you around." Jakotsu then turned and wandered back into the house, closing the door behind him.
Kagome nearly skipped all the way home, for once she felt happy about the whole moving bit; Jakotsu had lifted her spirits a little. 'Hojo and I are fine, and when we get the phones up I'll be able to call him…better yet, tomorrow I'm going to charge up the battery on the cell phone and call him tomorrow night!'
Kagome paused before running up the stairs leading to the shrine, noticing that their truck wasn't in the driveway. 'Off exploring?' she wondered with a shrug, finishing her climb and heading for the darkened house.
With a small sigh she opened the door and stepped in, turning on the light in the kitchen as she did so. There was a note on the counter next to her, and next to the note was the cellular phone. Kagome picked up the note, giving the phone an odd glance before she read what her mother had written.
"Gramps, Souta, and I are gone to the movies. We decided not to waste a perfect night and wanted to explore a little. I charged the phone so you can call Hojo when you get back, don't be too long. Love Mom." Kagome beamed as she scooped up the phone and raced up over the stairs to her room, not knowing that she had company lying on her bed.
Inuyasha watched her as she entered and sat next to him, he smirked. "She can't see me." He said, watching the numbers she dialed. "How come she can't and her dopey little brother can? Fuck. I'll have to do something about that too."
"Hey, Hojo." Kagome said as she stood up walking over to the mirror.
Inuyasha put his hands behind his head and watched her carefully. "Giving the boyfriend a call are you? I hope you don't mind if I stick around?" he smirked. "Okay, I'll take the fact that you aren't paying attention to me at a yes."
"I'm fine, we are on the shrine now…" Kagome paused and laughed a little as she slid her tube top up over her head and tossed it on her bed. "Yeah it is kind of creepy but hey, I never really expected it to be anything else." She played with her bra strap as she spoke to him.
"Wow…I private peep show just for me!" Inuyasha laughed as he looked at her. "You shouldn't have…well…yeah since you moved in on my space you owe me this."
"Yeah…" Kagome's voice lowered. "Okay, um…can I call you back after then?" her hand fell lifelessly to her side. "Oh, I thought," she listened to him, her eyes narrowing slightly to his words. "A date? Hojo! I thought we…no, I thought we agreed. Stop it."
"This don't sound good." Inuyasha said, amused. "Do us all a favor and shed off your bra now…come on your so close. I need something to remember you by after I drive you and your family away from my shrine."
"With who then?" Kagome's voice angered as she started to pace around the room, her free hand on her hip. "Yumi! Your going on a date with my best friend! Hojo! No I won't calm down." Kagome sputtered a little, shaking with rage and betrayal. "I can't believe you'd do this…you said we could make it. Fine. Fine I don't care anymore, I can get a date here whenever I want one!"
Inuyasha watched as the girl threw the phone at the wall, popping the battery out on contact. "Ouch." He muttered, watching her sink to the floor.
"I can't believe he'd do this to me." Kagome mumbled, her face in her hands.
"Oh well, you win some you lose some." Inuyasha said with a shrug. "Can't expect to get everything you want, Princess."
Kagome paused, her eyes opened wide. "Wh-what?" she took her hands from her face and looked to her bed, seeing the still form of the hanyou resting across it, smirking to himself. She jumped to her feet and watched as his smirk melted away when he saw her eyes on him.
"Oh fuck." Inuyasha muttered, sitting up. "You see me now too!"
"Oh my gods…" Kagome sputtered as she backed away, catching herself room falling on her dresser. "Its you…y-you…Souta was right…" her chest heaved up and down with fright as she watched him stand.
"How the hell can you two see me?" Inuyasha asked accusingly. "What makes you two so different from everyone else! You couldn't see me two minutes ago when you were on the god damn phone!"
"Stay away from me!" Kagome picked up a brush and held it out threateningly at him. "I'm warning you…"
"You going to brush my hair for me if I don't?" Inuyasha asked with an amused chuckle. "I want you out of my shrine."
Kagome's eyes narrowed. "Stay back I said!" she yelled, seeing him take another step towards her. 'Okay think…you read plenty of books with Yumi about subduing ghosts and spirits…what can be done here?'
"You look scared." Inuyasha said as he took a couple more steps towards her. "And you look just like Kikyo…why? Can you answer that for me?"
'Fuck it…I can't remember anything! I'm just going to throw stuff…' Kagome thought as she let the brush drift at him. To her dismay it flew through throw the hanyou's chest.
"Ouch." Inuyasha said sarcastically. "You got me."
Kagome picked up a book and threw it at him, getting the same result. "Dammit leave me alone!" for some odd reason, she drew her hand up to the beads around her neck and ripped them off, throwing them at the hanyou. "Back off!"
What happened next astounded both of them…
The beads broke apart in mid air and got an eerie purple glow surrounding them, they floated in mid air for a minute before attaching themselves around Inuyasha's neck.
"What the hell?" Inuyasha yelled trying to tear the bead off with no success. "What did you do witch?" he boomed, running at her.
Kagome didn't waste any time, she turned on her heel and ran out of her room, her heart pounding against her ribcage. 'Damn, damn, damn, damn…what the hell was the good of that! Better yet how the hell did I do it?' She jumped on the railing on the stairs and slid down, running for the front door.
"Get back here you." Inuyasha hissed as he ran after her, jumping down all the stairs with one leap.
Kagome burst out through the front door and ran for the stairs, she paused seeing the form of an elderly woman standing at the top. "Run!" she exclaimed, running to her.
The woman had an eye patch, and looked rather intimidating the way she just stood there, her hands behind her back and her shoulders straight. Kagome looked back, seeing Inuyasha run through the door. "Dammit…"
"I see there are prayer beads around his neck," the woman said.
"You see him too!" Kagome exclaimed.
"Yes child, I'm a miko of course I can see him." She elderly woman looked at Kagome. "You put those beads there?"
"Yeah…please don't ask why…" Kagome kept her eyes on Inuyasha, seeing him turn his golden gaze towards them, grinning. "What do we do he'll kill us…and I can't hurt him!"
"If you put those beads there you have the power to subdue him…he is but a spirit and a miko's powers can over power him."
"I'm not a miko!" Kagome said frantically as Inuyasha ran at them.
"Shut up and command him to stop!" the woman yelled at her. "Say the first thing that comes to your head!"
Kagome kept her eyes on Inuyasha, her heart beating faster as he got closer. 'What do I say?' she thought, her eyes landing on his ears. "Um..erm…SIT!"
Inuyasha stopped I his path, the beads glowing. "What the-gah!" his face crashed down into the cement.
"So, what your saying is…I'm a miko." Kagome said calmly, looking at the woman whose name she had learned was Kaede. "And I'm…your sisters reincarnation?" she looked at the picture of Kikyo Kaede had given her. "How?"
"Kikyo died fifty years ago." Kaede said. "As did Inuyasha. Kikyo's soul didn't stick behind though…we don't know where she ended up."
"I have my fucking doubts she's Kikyo." Inuyasha grumbled. He was lying on the kitchen counter, his arm hanging over the side. "She may look like her, but there is no way in hell she's Kikyo…and I don't want her or her god damned family here either."
Kaede shot Inuyasha a look, and then looked back to Kagome. "It was no mistake that you ended up here…something's happening." She said.
"Why you think this was planned?" Kagome asked. "How?"
"I can't explain, but never mind for now okay?" Kaede stood. "Just…try to live with each other, unless Inuyasha wishes to cross over."
"If I could I would you old bag." Inuyasha grumbled. "You know I'm stuck here."
"So am I." Kagome grumbled as she crossed her arms, watching Kaede walk to the door. "Where can I find you if I need you?"
"I'll show up if you need me." Kaede said as she walked out through the door. "Just like I did tonight." She closed the door softly behind her.
Kagome groaned and stood up, walking up over the stairs.
"Where the hell do you think your going!" Inuyasha snapped, running after her.
"To bed." Kagome answered as she walked up and entered her room, Inuyasha right behind her.
"No, you listen." Kagome spun around. "I don't want you causing any trouble around here for my family, got that!"
"Fine, fuck. But that's not what I was going to talk about."
"What then?"
Inuyasha smirked. "Do you find it cold?"
"What?" Kagome shook her head in annoyance. "No, why?"
"Because you've been running around this entire time without either shirt on."
Kagome froze, looking down at her chest. She was only in her bra, and her nipples, hardened from the night air, were very visible. Her cheeks heated up. "DAMMIT! SIT!"
Kaori: FINALLY got this chapter done. Gosh, lol. Thanks ya'll for the wonderful reviews!