Thank you Reviewers!

sokejyuuken: It's alright, there's nothing wrong with your grammar. LOL, first time I've heard a GaaHina pairing being called funny. Thanks a lot for the compliments, I really appreciate it. And if you do see something wrong tell me so I can fix it.

wing-chan 01: the pairing will be decided as they story goes on. It's your decision whether or not you want to add it in your C2. Thanks for the review!

Lala: Sure, I'll put some SasuHina in it. Thanks for the review!

The Dark Hanyou: Why do people always say this is interesting? LOL, anyway thanks for the review!

wah: Sure, thanks for the review!

Love Squared: Well, that incident is very crucial. And Naruto wasn't poor always, just after a while. And…there's no ItachiHinata in this…

Kenji Star: Thanks, what you said.

jessica: Thanks for the, enthusiastic review.

Ang: Just imagine Kotoko is a really reliable person who Hiashi knows. And, sure thanks!

GMan: Thanks for the review.

Called Charon: Thanks, here's the update!

Suzuran: Yup, I read that chapter…he sounded waay too Sasuke-obsessed or as I like to call it 'shounnen-ai weirdness', it's just gross. Especially in their fight in the waterfall, that way just disgusting. NejiHina is good, except for the fact that their blood relatives, if they weren't I would totally support their pairing. But all the same, I like the pairing.

Rachael: Sure, thanks for the review!

Nobody: Talk about impatient…thanks for the review!

mon: Thanks, here's my update!

Bet You Love That: …………

Magy: Thanks!

Punkey-Monkney: Thank you!

hono ookami: Thanks, NejiHina, got it!

Kathy: Thanks, your vote is in!

theShadowstar: Thanks!

Lady Bridge: Yup, hurt Naruto very much. And Hinata becoming s singer…I just couldn't thiunk of anything…

Shiz: Thanks. I know how annoying little siblings feel, I have an annoying monkey sister…

BloodRed Eyes: Yup, your so right. Thanks for the review!

furumi: Thanks!

Vx2: Of course I made it Hinata centered…I hate Sakura.

xpakux: You're right it is fourteen pages exact. And yes it is a pain of writing long chapters, but I've gotten used to it. I write a maximum of fifteen and a minimum of thirteen. Plus you're right, NaruHina is way too generic. I've liked many pairings for Hinata (especially GaaHina, but it's not for me to decide)

POLLS (Every chapter I'll show you guys how the poll is going so that you can know which love team is winning, note other people are also voting)

GaaHina- 11

NejiHina- 7

NaruHina- 4

SasuHina- 8

Note: If the other guys won't get Hinata then there will be SasuSaku, or NejiTen, or NaruSaku, or any other pairing that will eventually come to my head. Sorry for Gaara though…Or something else…? I don't know…I'll think about it eventually…And sorry for the long update…I was really busy with school work, a stupid campaign I was forced to join, exams, projects, and clearances. Not to mention the extra babysitting jobs and the work during weekends. Hopefully you'll like this chapter even though it's a little drafty for me.

PS: If you send me a review for one pairing with one vote then it becomes one for each pairing you vote for. Depending on how I read your review, but send me more reviews with your vote then you'll get what you want…maybe.

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Naruto and never will. But one day I'll kidnap Masashi Kishimoto and threaten him to give me the anime, Buwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I mean…ahem…you don't care about my dreams.



When you withdraw into silence like that

you can't laugh, right?

The picture of you smiling innocently

as you walked through the empty school

as if the wind wouldn't let you fly

is fading,

but even now a wind still blows there

and the tears won't stop

What's left behind after days gone by

is always, just a scene.

The times we played around, the times we crossed each other

I want to see them right with my own eyes.

I can't see you any more

We chased the after same dreams into the distance

Sepia-colored days - always

shine, as our precious treasure.

Bells echo noisily

At the station platform at twilight

I bowed my head a little, my voice couldn't reach you

And it made me lonely

When I think about expressing my feelings,

why do the words suddenly disappear?

Even though I realize what's so precious,

so irreplaceable, I can't say it.

Search after something, open the door to your heart.

The sky you looked up at as you were going to give in to doubts...

Stay as you are, believe in your own strength

Let's go in search of a new season.

I can't see you any more

I'm going on to the next stage

Sepia-colored days - Sayonara

I won't forget how you gave me a big wave goodbye

Pushed by the evening winds

the train slowly begins to move.

Someday, let's come back again, to this place,

to sepia-colored days, to summer...


"Act Two: Kyuushuu…"

Hinata woke up, the next thing she knew, she was somewhere else. A place she did not recognize, her head still felt extremely dizzy. She tried to move, but her hands were tied behind her back, and so were her feet. Her hair was slightly messed up and a piece of cloth gagged her mouth. Her dress was also crumpled up. She was lying in a single sized bed with dusty covers. The room was sealed shut and heaven knows where she was right now. All she knew was…she was kidnapped. She looked at her surroundings, only little light entered her eyes. She saw a window bolted and nailed on with wooden planks. Small rays from the moonlight outside could be seen. The room was small and looked like it hasn't been used in years. She sniffed in some of the dust that were spreading everywhere. She coughed and moved slightly.

"So…you're finally awake…"

She looked around and saw a dark figure standing in the doorway. She could barely make out the features, but eventually, made it out when they stepped into the light…

Neji-niisan! Her screamed his name when she saw her cousin's face beneath the moonlight. Why is he here? Why…why…why…There were various questions going through her head right now. Was Neji the one who had done this to her?

"She's finally awake eh" another man came into the room. She immediately recognized his jet black hair, pale skin, and onyx eyes. It seemed that Uchiha Sasuke has been included in this scheme. Neji approached Hinata with such cold eyes, she was afraid of what would happen, even though he was her cousin. She closed her eyes in fear of what they would do to her, instead she felt the piece of cloth wrapped around her mouth disappear. Neji had just untied the cloth around her mouth.

"I'm sorry…" he whispered in her ear as he sat beside her "I promise Hinata, nothing will happen to you…"

"Quit the brotherly act already Neji" said Sasuke "I bet you have a lot of questions now don't you Ms. Hyuuga"

"…I…I…" she couldn't speak out of fear. Fear knowing that her cousin was there as one of the villains, instead of her savior as always, she had lots of questions in mind, but she didn't have the courage to ask.

"You were right, she is a weakling" he said coldly turning his back.

"Shut up Uchiha" said Neji "Don't say anything more about Hinata"

"Hn, she'll have more surprises in store for her" he said.

"Shut up!"


"Hinata…I'm so sorry for this…" he said as a painful feeling shot up inside of him. He has kidnapped his own cousin, took her away from her own home, and kept her prisoner along with other people.

"Neji-niisan…why…?" she said as tears slowly crawled out of her eyes drowned in tears.

"I can't expect you to understand this situation Hinata…" he said "This has nothing to do with money…or you…especially you…"

"Then why…why?" she said as the tears flowed even more. Neji looked at his tear shot cousin bound in ropes. He took out a white handkerchief and wiped away her tears.

"S-so a-a-all this ti-time…yo-you were go-gone…you we-were pl-planning this…" she said "I-I wa-was so wo-worried a-about you…"

"Hinata, please" he said "I don't expect you to forgive me after this…I'll tell you everything soon…I promise you, I didn't want to do this…"

Sasuke watched the two cousins talk to each other with painful feelings. Somehow he felt sorry for Neji, because he knew Neji never wanted to do this, but due to the circumstances, he had no choice. Seeing that made feel a small knot in his stomach, but this did not concern him. Hinata was a kind girl, and he knew that. Yet, this was all a plot not against Hinata, but the person who governs her.

Hyuuga Hiashi.

He did something to Sasuke that no one could ever forgive. Something so vile, so hateful, so despicable…that words alone could not describe it.

"You had your time Neji" he said "They need you back there"

"Hn…" Neji stood up from the bed and took one last look at his crying cousin, and finally, he left.

"I bet you've got a lot of questions right now eh…" he said as he sat down on a wooden chair by the side of the door "As them now because I won't answer them later"

"Wh-where a-am I-I…?" she asked nervously.

"This is your father's old vacation house twenty three years ago. I don't think he even knows he used to own this place after all those other houses he put up"

"Why di-did yo-you b-bring m-me he-he-here?"


"Against what…?"

"Against your father. We don't need any money from him, I already have all the money I'd ever need"

"What did my father ever do to you…?"

"That's a long story" he said "Anything else?"

She remembered people fainting and vomiting in the ballroom.

"Wha-what happened to-to the others?"

"We placed scentless knock out gas in the ventilation system, don't worry you'll all live after sniffing in some. You'll just be knocked out for a while"

"What has my father ever done to you?" this time she sounded serious.

What has he done to me? Hn, that's a funny apparition…he thought "Tell me something…are you aware that your father has assassins?"

"A-assassins…?" she was shocked "Of course not! He would never have such things!"

"Oh contraire…he does" he said "Five years ago, your father and my father were the owners of the top companies in the country, the Uchiha Company and the Hyuuga Company. They were of the same rank. One day, Hiashi did something to my family that I could never forgive…he had my parents assassinated"

Hinata lay on the bed dumbstruck. Her father? Had someone assassinate innocent lives? Why?


Sasuke and Itachi were at school that day, five years ago. Both unaware of what could happen later on that day…

"Yo! Sasuke bastard!" screamed a blonde loudmouth friend of his.

"What do you want this time dobe?"

"Hinata and the others are having a small get together later after school in the Peninsula Hotel" he explained "Only a few people are coming so there're gonna be no goddamn reporters sniffing at our necks"

"…whatever" came his reply.

"By the way…Sakura's coming" he said in a teasingly sort of voice.


"C'mon bastard, she's liked you since kindergarten. Give her a beak" he said "She's nice, cute, smart, and of the same social standing so you won't have any problems with her!"

"Be quiet" he said "I'm not interested in women"

"Right…" said Naruto sarcastically "I know you like her, c'mon admit it!"

"Shut up dobe, I've more important things to worry about than that" Plus it's true, I'm not interested in women at all. He thought.

He picked up his cell phone and called his brother.

It rang. He heard his brother's voice on the other side.

"Yo, aniki (big brother) " he said "Tell mom and dad I'll be coming home late"

"Geez oto-oto (little brother), did you know that there's an important dinner later tonight, and you're not going to be there?" he said "Mom and dad wanted all of us to be there"

"What is it this time?"

"Some sort of contract... I was hoping you'd go 'cuz I got something else to do as well"

"I'm sure they won't mind if we miss this one" said Sasuke I don't really care about it.

"Whatever…I'm not going either, I've got a meeting to go to"

"With Samantha or Chelsey?" he teased.

"Shut up, and it's Rachael this time"

Itachi was one of the world's best playboys, complete opposite to Sasuke. If their parents found out, well let's just say it's gonna be ugly.

Sasuke walked towards his black Mercedes, wherein there was a driver in a white suit waiting for him. He just looked around with his usual cold stare. Sometimes he wished he had never been born into such a rich family, he just wanted a normal life with his family. He never wanted anything to do with any of this. The driver opened the door to the backside of the car, Sasuke looked inside and found someone he didn't expect to be inside.

"Aniki! What're you doing here?" he asked when he saw Itachi inside texting on his cell phone.

"What? Can't I play jokes once in a while?" he said "I thought I'd join you and your friends for a while"

"What do you want? Don't tell me you like one of my friends"

"Actually yes, that Akira girl seemed cute"

"Hn, I don't care just don't say anything stupid"


"Oh yeah, I don't have a friend named Akira"

"My mistake then"

Sasuke slammed the door shut and turned on his iPod. Itachi and Sasuke didn't seem to get along with each other much, but actually they were closer to each other than anyone else. Sasuke felt his cell phone vibrate and looked at the message which arrived.

'Yo, sorry I had to text. I found out that Jin, our so called driver is sending messages on everything we do to our parents. Put your cell phone on silent mode'

'Sheesh, you think you could've told me earlier'

'I just found something out, the Hyuuga company seems to be up to something bad. Some of my spies found out they were planning to kill someone'


'I'm not sure, but they were saying something about Road 86'

'A simple road? What's there?'

'I don't know, but I have a really weird feeling about this'

'So…what're you gonna do?'

'Here's the plan. I told Jin to drop us off at the mall. Once he drops us off, we'll go inside for about 15 minutes, then come out the other side with a different car. We'll go to Road 86 and find out who and why they're going to kill'

'Got it, so I'll text Naruto and the others to cancel?'

'More likely'

Sasuke's blood was rushing through his veins, he has always had a bad vibe about those Hyuugas. He pitied their daughter Hinata though; she was way too nice for that life. He watched the bypassing cars out the window as they approached the mall. Jin was acting so strangely though. Once they came down from the car, their plan started…

End of flashback.

"Oi, Sasuke bastard! Is she already awake?" Hinata heard a voice from outside the door, that voice was familiar, and it belonged to someone she knew. No…it couldn't be…

"She's awake dobe" Sasuke replied. That name was the nickname of someone she knew, deeply. The voice did not reply, instead the door opened quietly and revealed a man with blonde hair and blue eyes staring from the other side.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata's eyes were shaking, it was enough that her cousin was one of the kidnappers but Naruto? What the hell is going on…?

"Here's the stuff you wanted…" said Naruto as he gave Sasuke come clothing. A simple and plain white shirt paired with blue jeans and a pair of slippers. Sasuke threw the clothes beside her and placed his hands in his pockets coolly.

"If you wanna wear a dress all day long, it's fine with me" he said as he left the room. Hinata heard him lock the door once he stepped out. She looked at the clothes given to her by…Naruto. Yes Naruto was there and was part of the kidnapping. Hinata could already figure out why he was here. She had long known that Naruto and Sasuke were friends, and that she knew how Naruto felt after what her father had done to him. She wanted to drop dead then and there. She knew that no matter how much she loved Neji and Naruto, they wouldn't help her in this situation, she held a heavy feeling inside of her. She felt betrayal, tragic end of friendships, loneliness, fear, and the thought of maybe dying. No, she couldn't give up. She can get through this, she can't lose hope now. She wiped her tears away and took off her dress and dressed up in the clothes Naruto had given her. It was a perfect fit on her, except the slippers were a little big.

She looked around the room a little, it was small and dark. The only sources of light were the rays of the moonlight coming from the window. She walked to the window and peeked from the small slits available between the wood. She could recognize the scenery, a vast field of different flowers and wild grass. It wasn't as beautiful as she remembered it, but it was beautiful nonetheless. She looked around more and noticed there was a second door near her bed. She was curious and opened it, inside was just a bathroom, windowless and clean. It seems they cleaned it for her personal use. There was a shower box, a sink, a toilet, and a small toothbrush with some toothpaste. She still felt some make-up on her face. She looked at the sink and turned the knob to see if it was working, then water came out. She cuffed her hands underneath it and washed her face. She saw a towel beside the sink, she took it wiped her face with it. She closed the door again and sat on the bed. She felt the chopsticks and jewelry still on her, so she took them off to make her feel more comfortable.

Her heart raced when she heard the hatches on the door unlock again. Someone else she knew came in, he had dark red hair and stood an average height for a man of his age. His empty green orbs shone under glistening light of the moon. His emotionless face remained so though he knew his position right now. He dressed in a tight black shirt and black cargo pants. Although Sabaku Gaara was familiar to her, they barely spoke a word to each other even though they met several times during some parties or events. It didn't much surprise her when he came in since they barely talked to each other. Although she was quite wondering why he had the character "Love" on his forehead, but it wasn't the right time to be thinking about that. She was nervous on what he would do to her. He grabbed her arm and said "Come with me". Being the way she is, she obediently followed while being dragged to wherever he was taking her. He brought her out of the room and seemed to be taking her somewhere. The outside of the room was no different from what she remembered. The once beautiful light blue walls were filled with dirt and cobwebs. The marks of some of the paintings which once hung were gone, and the floorboards were filthy and some footstep marks could be seen. Memories flowed into her mind as she passed each hallway and item. Crying over these things in fear and regret wouldn't mean anything…she thought as she reminisced everything in her mind, thinking of how things could've ended up like this.

They reached a door at the end of the hallway near the stairs. Gaara opened the door and pushed Hinata inside. Not knowing what would happen, she just stood there as Gaara came inside and locked the door behind them. A light suddenly opened, and she saw Sasuke, Naruto, and Neji inside the room as well. Neji or Naruto didn't say anything to her and didn't even bother to look at her. It pained her to see two important persons to her do this. She didn't want to cause any trouble, so she shut her mouth, avoiding any more commotion. She looked at the place a little, there were lights around and a chair stood ion front of a camera and there seemed to be some mechanical stuff nearby. Behind the chair was a white background which seemed clean. The room seemed as dirty as the other places in the house as well. Sasuke was beside the chair and motioned to her to come near him. Nervously, she walked slowly towards him so obediently. Once close to him, he took her arm and pulled her down to sit on the chair.

"Read this when we tell you to" he gave her a white piece of cardboard with something written on it "Okay guys, is the camera ready?"

"Almost" replied Naruto who was fixing it. The camera looked like an old-fashioned type model which needed huge film rolls. Neji seemed to be handling some lights and equipment, and Gaara was just leaning on the wall watching them.

"Hurry it up dobe, we don't have all day" said Sasuke.

"Shut up bastard! It's not as easy as it looks!" he said, not noticing that Hinata was silently watching him. She missed his humorous jokes and actions, his clear blue eyes always seemed to enlighten her, but even if she wanted to smile for him now, she didn't have the courage to even move her lips.

"Everything's set here" said Neji. Hinata then looked to Neji who seemed to have finished doing some stuff. After two weeks of not seeing him, this is what she got. One of the only people she would consider family, turned his back on her, and for what? Revenge…nothing is as sweet as revenge, in other words Neji wanted his pride back, at least from her point of view.

"Okay…" Sasuke looked to Hinata and said "When I point at you, read the stuff on that piece of cardboard. Say anything else besides what's written there and you'll regret it. Got it?"

"Y-yes…" she managed to blurt out one word amongst all the nervous pressure she was now feeling.

"Let's this over with" he said as he went behind Naruto and told him to get the camera started.

"Hold on…almost got it…there" he said as he placed his eye on top of the eye piece of the camera. The film started to roll, Sasuke pointed at Hinata, so she knew what to do. She looked at the cardboard and began reading it.

"De-dear Mi-mister Hyuuga…" she began This is a video they're sending to my dad! "We have your da-daughter in lo-lock d-down custody…i-i-if you want her to s-stay a-alive, then d-do th-this o-one si-simple th-thing…" What in the world… "Submit t-to every cr-crime you've committed. Yo-you kn-know wh-what you di-did…we-we do n-not want a-any money…a-and d-d-don't even th-think of a-anything c-crazy, be-because we-we can n-never assure your da-daughter's sa-safety…Be-because e-e-even i-if you d-do get the co-consequences fo-for su-submitting to your c-c-crimes, th-the Hyuuga Company wi-will not pe-perish…Hi-hinata will be a be-be-better leader th-than you for su-sure. Do-do not a-a-ir th-this o-o-on te-te-telivision or a-any t-type of br-broadcas-casting"

Naruto removed himself from the camera and everyone in the room, except Hinata, started moving around again. Naruto took out the film from the camera and gave it to Neji, who gently placed it in a wide, circular case. Gaara walked away from his spot and towards Hinata. He grabbed her arm again and pulled her outside once more, guiding her to her room which now stands as her prison cell. Back in the room which the three other men were in, two of them watched painfully as the most important person in their lives, was being put through such a painful experience.

"Dobe, get this place cleaned up" said Sasuke.

"Hey! Why are you acting like the leader all of a sudden?" said Naruto.

"Because Neji and I still have to bring this film to that man" said Sasuke.

"We have to go to the neighboring town to send this" said Neji "You can't keep a silent mouth about this so we'll go"

"Damn it…I always get left with these kinds of jobs"

"At least now you and that weak little poor excuse for a girl can…"

"You bastard!" he said all of a sudden "Don't think of me that way! Most of all, don't talk of Hinata that way either!"

"You saw how she talked in that video" he smirked "I've seen tons of girls with a lot of bravery, compared to her, she looks like she would jump off a cliff if you told her to"

"That's enough already" said Neji "We shouldn't waste any time Sasuke, let's go already"

"Hn, whatever" Sasuke followed Neji out the door and they left for the town.


Neji and Sasuke were both riding a second hand yellow car so that they seemed less suspicious. Sasuke was driving while Neji rode in the passenger seat. Neji looked out the window in a bored manner, but what he was really doing, was reminiscing everything that the old man Hyuuga had done. Hinata never knew the whole truth about why Hiashi would not let Neji take on the company, and why Neji left in the first place.


"Uncle Hiashi, it's me Neji, mind if I come in?" Neji knocked on the door of his uncle's room.

"Oh yes, come in" he said as Neji opened the door at once.

"What is it?" he asked his nephew.

"Uncle, with all do respect, I have been wanting to ask you if…"


"…if any member of the family can marry Hinata"

"What!" he seemed very pissed on what Neji had just said "I will not allow that, not on my life would I allow that!"

"But uncle, what if she says yes?"

"…I knew it…"


"I've been in this business long enough to know people like you"

"People like me?"

"You want to use Hinata to get a higher position in the company, am I not right?"

"Get a higher position!"

"Why are you repeating what I'm saying? Have you no original thoughts?"

"Do you really think of me that way?"

"I wouldn't be too surprised, especially by someone like you from the Branch family"

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" he said in a threatening tone.

"If you marry Hinata, who seems to have a certain liking for you, then you would be able to raise the name of the Branch family and eventually take over the Main family" Hiashi smirked inwardly at his nephew "I know you have many potentials Neji, but I must keep the name of the two families in tact. This was your fate, so bear with it. All your name is capable of is becoming head of the branch family, in other words the ones who safe watch this company"

Bastard…Neji said to himself as his eyes glared at Hiashi.

"I would never let Hinata marry someone like you" he said "Besides, you're her cousin, why would she marry you? All she sees you as is a brother, so don't expect anything more or less"

"I get it" he said as he turned his back on his uncle "I understand"

"Very well then…"

"I understand…and I see why you didn't want Hinata to be with Naruto" he said "Naruto was a good guy, and you know that. All you cared about was keeping the family name, I know better than you, uncle"


"Remember, I'm a genius right?"

"I will not stand for this. Even if you are my nephew, I will not allow you to talk down on me like that!" Hiashi snapped.

"How many more companies will you stomp on just to get what you want? How much more pain and suffering will you inflict on innocent lives just to make your name rise higher? How much pain will you let Hinata suffer?"

"OUT!" and with that, Neji went out of his uncle's office, finally fully understanding the truth about this family, and the fate he was born with. One answer stood, only Hinata can change this all. Yet deep inside his heart, his heart raged with so much anger that he could barely take it any longer. He wanted revenge…yes revenge…he wanted his pride as a genius, he wanted to move freely with his own will, he wanted Hinata to be happy…but why did his heart tell him he loved her more than cousin?


I never really noticed my feelings towards Hinata until a few years. I always thought of her as a little sister…I guess we can never be too careful. His thoughts came out one by one as they drove along the countryside. Hinata was a kind and wonderful person who always seemed to think about others before herself all the time. This is what he liked about her, but something in the back of his head seemed to always tell him to restrain himself from her. Maybe it was because they were related through bloodline. Plus, he was afraid on what she would say if he told her. Hinata wasn't the kind of person who would immediately say yes to something like that, and Neji knew that. He always thought Naruto was the best guy suited for her because she always seemed to so happy with him. He became even angrier with Hiashi when he made Hinata and Naruto break up all because he became poor. At the same time he couldn't bring himself to hate Naruto because it wasn't his fault Hinata fell in love with him, also because Naruto was also one of his close friends. The reason he was in this, was because he wanted Hinata to be happy after her father had shown his true side to his daughter, but he knew what he was doing now would never make anyone happy, he didn't care if he had to be hated for eternity, as long Hinata was happy in the future, nothing else mattered.

"We're almost there" Sasuke said all of a sudden. Neji looked in front of the car and saw they were nearing the village.

"Oh, right" he said as he placed the film in a box and placed a note inside it as well. They stopped in front of a bar which was filled with people and tons of cars parked outside. They took the box and went inside the bar. Once inside, they sat by the counter beside a good looking guy with long brown hair tied in a ponytail. He looked like he was just in his twenties; he was wearing a black leather jacket with a white shirt inside and a pair of blue jeans.

"Yo, Hoshi" greeted Neji.

"Ejin, long time no see" he said back. The reason he said Neji's name wrong was because they needed to talk in codes in public so that no one would be suspicious.

"You too, Kisuke" he said to Sasuke.

"Here's the package" Neji gave the box to Hoshi and ordered some drinks while they were at it.

"How're you gonna get it delivered to my wife?" asked Neji.

How're you going to get it to Hiashi? (Translation)

"I'll get someone from the doughnut shop to pick it up for me" replied Hoshi.

I'll get someone from the group to send it in.

"When will the next honeymoon be then?" asked Sasuke as he ordered some drinks as well.

When will it get there?

"Somewhat between next week and the week after that" Hoshi took a sip from his beer.

In two days at the latest.

"It seems the kids are doing fine" said Sasuke.

Hinata is doing fine with us.

"Yup, she's a great catch" said Hoshi "How long do you think 'til she graduates?"

Yup, she's very pretty. How long do you think until Hiashi gives in?

"Not too long" said Neji.

"The old girl's principal still owes me a lot from the last gamble" said Hoshi.

Hiashi will pay for what he did to my family. He'll pay dearly.

"Don't think of anything stupid to do" said Neji "C'mon Kisuke, let's go"

"Gotcha" said Sasuke as they both left the bar and back to the house.

Right now, the second part of their plan has just been ejected. Revenge will be theirs, their names will be as they once were, and the painful experiences which Hiashi caused will now be put to a stop. Wounds will heal, love will be restored, and at any cost Hiashi will fall. They felt too much pain to just ignore everything that has happened to them. Nostalgic music filled the hearts of their companions, they can never forget what fate has brought upon them and all the horrors that Hiashi had caused. He even killed people for the sake of making his company rise to the top. The man is a corrupt bastard who would sell out anyone and anything. He feels as if he was a god who can rule anyone to his desire. It was too late for apologies; people have suffered far enough just because of him. He will pay; they will make him cry until he bleeds with all the tears. No longer do these men care for his moving words and ambitious rights, this man had to be put to a stop before he wreaks anymore painful suffering upon innocent lives. This mission cannot fail no matter what.

End of Act Two.


Author's Notes: I'm really sorry if it took me so long to update! I ran out of things to write for so long after all those projects and stuff at school. I'm really sorry! I even stayed up until 1:00 am just to finish this!You can call me anything you want now for making you guys wait for such a long time! Please forgive me! I know, why don't you tell me that in review form? Thanks!

PS: Don't forget to keep sending votes to your favorite couple!






Signing out.