Summary: You have riches, fame, a wonderful life, all perfect, yes the life of an elite person is well wanted all over the world. We say that the people who are living these lives have n problems, and that their lives are perfect in every way. But…is this true? Enter the lives of a string of a few certain elite families. See how their lives are despite their ranking in society, is it 'perfect in every way'?

Hinata is the kidnapped by four men and all because they want to get back at her father. Will something bud from this incident?

Note: In this fan fic, Hinata has long hair. And the pairings will be based from votes.


Mado no soto wa yotei tojikometa ame

"Kyou wa gomen, to ka omou nara mukae ni kite"

Iitai kedo dame da...

(--Out the window is the rain that blocked my plans

"If you're sorry about today, come get me"

I want to say, but it's no use--)

Hoshi ni negatta sono yume wa

Hitotsu hitotsuzutsu kanau no ni

Anata ni chitto mo oitsukenai

(--Though the dreams wished upon a star

Come true one by one

I can't catch up to you at all--)

Ato san jikan de kyou ga owatchau n da yo?

Ashita aeru kedo oyasumi ga kikitai dake

Kenka nante iya da...

(--Is today going to end in another three hours?

We can see each other tomorrow, but I just want to hear "good night"

I don't like fighting...--)

Hoshi ni negatta sono yume wa

Hitotsu hitotsuzutsu kanau no ni

Anata ni chittomo oitsukenai

(--Though the dreams wished upon a star

Come true one by one

I can't catch up to you at all--)

Hoshi ni negatta sono yume wa

Hitotsu hitotsuzutsu kanau nara

Anata ni mottomo chikazukitai

(--If the dreams wished upon a star

Come true one by one

I want to get the closest to you--)

Konna mainichi de mo

Zutto tsuzukimasu you ni

"Omoide ni naritakunai"

(--We have every day now, but

I wish this would continue forever

"I don't want to become a memory"--)


(--For certain...--)

Hoshi ni negatta sono yume wa

Hitotsu hitotsuzutsu kanau no ni

Anata ni chittomo oitsukenai

(--Though the dreams wished upon a star

Come true one by one

I can't catch up to you at all --)

Hoshi ni negatta sono yume wa

Hitotsu hitotsuzutsu kanau kara

Anata ni mottomo chikazukitai

(--Since the dreams wished upon a star

Come true one by one

I want to get the closest to you --)

Hitotsu no kumori mo nai aozora ni

Futari de naretara ii ne

(--Since the dreams wished upon a star

Come true one by one

I want to get the closest to you --)

"Act One: Otanjoubi Omedatto!"

Friends until the end, all for one and one for all, best friends forever…common sayings, but these wonderful and cheerful words are said so loosely, with empty promises. These words no longer have meaning in the modern society, these words are said to fool a person for their own desire, greed, entertainment….love is slowly fading from this world…People have forgotten the sayings of their parents. Our parents discipline us to become obedient, generous, caring, loving, but these teaching slowly fade once our eyes are opened from the bonds of our childhood. Needless to say, we are merely repeating this cycle again and again in the world. In the life of four men, these words mean everything to them…

Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuuga Neji, Sabaku Gaara, though these souls have been bound to the darkness of the world, the world called a 'business company'. They have all the gold and riches they could ever ask for, yet all they wish for, is the company of each other. Friends, a beautiful word, but one stir of life changes everything…every single thing…

Hyuuga Hinata, female heiress to the Hyuuga Company. Shy, weak, nice, friendly, gentle…she is gifted in many ways. Her dream was to become a singer, it may be a usual dream for anyone, but it is what she has always wanted to become for a long time. She had the talent, and she is an expert at playing the piano. She could've easily obtained this, but to her despair, it because of her position that she cannot become such. Her father wants her ever so much to become the heiress, even though someone else was very capable to do so, her cousin Hyuuga Neji. Yet, being her cousin still didn't convince her father enough. He said he wanted his true blood to be the next owner of his company.

This is a story with a long tale to tell, angst, tragedy, romance, and such burning passion, combined in one tale of five people, whose lives change, thanks to one simple incident. And so my friends let us start from the beginning…


December twenty-seventh, a cold winter day in Japan, a normal day after Christmas, except for one family…Today, Hyuuga Hinata was to celebrate her fourteenth birthday in a formal way, just as every year she celebrated her birthday, all choreographed by her father and never in her own way. Always in a ballroom with strangers, never just a normal party with a few acquaintances, always the 'event of the season', never just a secret enjoyment. She had never done anything by her own decision, her father decided everything for her, her clothes, friends, school, hangouts, everything, except when and when not to breathe.

Hinata was asleep in her room that morning. Her room was a large oblong shaped room with only a few things. Her bed had blue covers and there were thin transparent white cloth hanging from bed posts. There was a side table with a lamp, an alarm clock, and a couple of picture frames, one with her and her family, and a picture of her and Neji together when they were little children. There was a white five foot closet filled with clothes, and beside it a white shoe cabinet for her, what else, shoes. A dresser stood by the wall, it had an oblong shaped mirror and there were different cosmetics, hygiene supplies, jewelry, and hair accessories. Besides that, there was a huge flat screen television, an air conditioner, a small crystal chandelier, a component and radio, a couch with a small table and an arm chair. There was another door which was her bathroom. The window was also big as the sun rays shone through the glass.

"Hinata…Hinata…Hinata!" a voice called from beyond Hinata's closed eyes. Slowly, she felt the painful light enter her drowsy eyes, in front of her was her younger sister, Hanabi, clad in a red tank top and jeans. The morning rays shone upon Hinata's face as she felt a new day coming forward.

"Hinata-neesan, what're you doing sleeping in?" asked Hanabi.

"I-I'm sorry…" Hinata got up from her bed as she felt the long strands of her hair fall from her head. She wiped away the strands of hair covering her face as she looked at her golden alarm clock, 8:34…

"Don't tell me you forgot what day it is today?" asked her ever so vigilant sister.

"What do you mean?" Hinata felt she had definitely forgotten something.

"It's your birthday silly!"

"My birthday? Oh yeah…! How could I have forgotten that!" Hinata eyes widened as she opeed her mouth once more to ask an important question "I-is Neji-niisan co-coming…?"

"Well…" Hanabi looked saddened as she heard these words. Hinata understood, he wasn't coming, after what had happened, why would he?


"Hinata, I will not allow you to just simply 'handover' your responsibility as the heir to the Hyuuga Company!" Hinata's father felt enraged after Hinata had just asked him to let Neji become the heir, instead of her.

"Bu-bu-but dad…Ne-neji-ni-niisan i-is mo-more capable than I-I am…he's intelligent as we-we-well…"

"I know that, but I want my own daughter to become the heir, not your cousin! Neji is not my son, he's the son of my dead brother! I will not stand such a nuisance to become the heir, Hizashi is a branch family member, the back-up family, and I will not stand his son to monitor my company. Neji might make us, plus he has affairs with commoners. Therefore he it will be an almost embarrassment for him to become my successor"

"Bu-but fa-fa-father…"

"End of discussion. There is no more to it" he signaled Hinata to leave his room. She looked down, yet she obeyed her father's instructions and left his room with no further annoyance. Once outside, she saw Neji leaning on the wall next to the door. The dimly lit hallway shadowed these two as Hinata's eyes grew with worry.

"Did…did you hear…"

"Every word of it" he said closing his eyes with his arms crossed. His black shirt slightly crumpled as the light from the chandeliers hung from above.

"Neji-niisan…I'm sorry, I didn't want father to say that I really didn't expect it…I don't think of you that way at all Neji-niisan…"

"I know that Hinata…" he said as he turned his back on her and went down the hallway "I'll be going somewhere for a while…I'll be back soon"


He stopped "Don't worry…I'll be back"

End of flashback.

"Hinata-neechan, Neji-niisan will definitely come back. I'm sure of it, I mean you're the only person in the main family he actually likes. He never liked most of us, I don't know why dad even made a branch family, its just wrong"

"I know…" her face was saddened. Neji was her favorite cousin amongst all, he was like an older brother, and her idol. So after that incident, she was always wishing he would come back. He's been gone for two weeks, and no one has seen him.

"Ne-never mind that neechan" said Hanabi as she gave Hinata a present wrapped in blue wrapping paper "Happy Birthday, I got it especially for you"

"Hanabi…thanks" she said as she opened it. Inside was a picture of her, Hanabi, and Neji, back when Hanabi was newly born. They were in the living room and little Hanabi was rested in Hinata's arms.

"I know it seems a little strange to let you have a picture of me when I was born, but it's the only picture wherein the three of us were together in" she said smiling.

"Thanks Hanabi…" said Hinata "I think I'll just freshen up a bit"

"Sure, see ya" she said as she left Hinata's room "Dad says there's going to be a dinner rehearsal at ten. I don't get why we have t have these rehearsals, we just have to sit, talk formally, don't look stupid, and be poised. The end"

Hinata laughed.

"Yeah, see ya" Hinata watched Hanabi leave. She placed the picture next to the one next to her picture of her and Neji together "Neji-niisan…when will you come back…?"


Hinata finished freshening up, she was now wearing a blue blouse with a short white skirt. Her hair was tied in a half ponytail with a white clip with a white flower on it. She put on some light make-up, a little lip gloss and some blush, nothing more. She was a simple girl, who just wanted a simple life and nothing more. Yet now, at eighteen years old she looked very simple, even though she is rich. Her father was planning a formal party later, together with the other rich people from other companies, and even some senators and important people as well. Of course, people her father invited. She went to a private school, and was only allowed to invite people with the same social status as her, which disappointed her of course. Her friends from the school, who were also rich, were Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura, Tenten Yang, and her so-called older sister Sabaku Temari; of course some of her male friends like Aburame Shino, and Inuzuka Kiba.

(Note: Since Tenten seemed Chinese I gave her a last name in Chinese)

It'll be the same as all my other birthdays…she thought as she walked down the hallway of her mansion Father invites people who I don't know, I stay with my friends and…oh yeah…Neji-niisan isn't here…She found the door to the room where the dinner was to be held, she slowly opened it and found a few people in the room. The room was had a very luxurious touch, cream-white walls, elegant curtains, ready set tables, and butlers and maids almost at their every whim. The only people in there were Hanabi, her father, and their official event planner, Mikami Kotoko. Kotoko has been always been planning their formal affairs like these, she was young and pretty. She had long black hair and chestnut-brown eyes which was almost as radiant as her lightly colored skin. Although Hinata does not know her that well, Kotoko is very close with Hanabi, even though there is a seven year difference between them. (Hanabi is 14, Kotoko is 21. To those who were curious)

"Hinata, you were almost late" her father said. Hinata felt slightly angered, she didn't even get a small 'Happy Birthday' from his mouth, Kotoko greeted her a happy birthday after her father's small rant.

"Hinata, change your clothes later, those are too juvenile for you" he said.

"Ye-yes…father…" Hinata said But you chose these for me thee days ago…She sat in the front chair of the long table in the center, around that table were other small round ones.

"Okay so this will just like the others" said Kotoko "After the guests have arrived, Hinata will be greeting only those who are approaching her after they greet her. She takes the presents if they give her any and then calls a maid or butler to put it away for a moment. When the dinner comes, you guys will eat and talk politely to the ones who will talk to you. When the desert comes, Hinata will stand up and make a speech of thanking people for coming. After a moment or two the musicians will start playing their instruments. Mr. Hyuuga, after dessert, you will stand up and also make a short speech about Hinata, and then you will ask her to perform a small number on the piano"

"It isn't necessary for me to ask her to perform" he said "If she shows that she has talent then someone might want her to become an artist, especially at her age now"

"Mr. Hyuuga, Hinata is eighteen now I'm sure she understands her position now. She knows she will forever stay the heiress to the Hyuuga Company, and one day she will own this company"

Nobody asked me for my opinion…thought Hinata Is it so hard to ask for a normal life? I just want to become an artist…why can't Hanabi or Neji-niisan just take the position of being the heir?

"And finally, Mr. Hyuuga at precisely twelve midnight, you will announce your special announcement" said Kotoko.

I wonder what it is…Hinata thought it might be another announcement about her and the company or something like that, again. Hiashi stood up and looked at Hinata "Hinata, since you are seventeen…"

"Eighteen, father"

"Eighteen…" he cleared his throat "Since you are eighteen, and haven't found a suitable suitor, I have found one for you"

"Fa-father…you don't mean…"

"You put Hinata-neesan into an arranged marriage!" Hanabi stood up and banged her hands on the table "Dad, how could you!"

"She is much better off with the man I have chosen than that man from the junk business" he said strictly "And you have no business in this Hanabi"

"What do you mean I have no business in this! Hinata-neesan is my sister! Of course I have the right to butt my nose into whenever I want to"

"Don't talk like a street child!"

"I am not! You always decide things for Hinata, for Pete's sake it's her eighteenth birthday!"

"Hanabi, that's enough…" Hinata pulled on her sister's sleeve "Father, I'm sorry…I'll co-continue wi-with th-this…"

"That's what I'd like to hear"

"You've always told us what to do, ever since mom and Uncle Hizashi died, when will you ever get over it!" Hiashi's eyes grew with rage hearing these words from Hanabi's mouth "We were happy so many years ago, together with mom and uncle Hizashi, can't you stay the same as you were before…?"

"Hold your tongue Hanabi!" Hiashi screamed in anger "You have no right to talk to me that way! Later, I will make that announcement public, and Hinata can forget about that man"

How can I ever forget him…you sorry excuse for a father…

Two years ago, Hinata has been going out with Uzumaki Naruto, the son of Uzumaki Yondaime and Uzumaki Yui, the owners of the largest ramen company. No one could still figure out how they became so rich by just selling ramen. Hinata has always had a little crush on him, and so did he. Eventually they became boyfriend and girlfriend. Of course, her father agreed with this, until that fateful day…


"Mom, dad!" Naruto screamed in the night as he found his parents, lying dead in the hospital beds. They have been in a car crash because of a reason that was Naruto's fault. Naruto wanted to propose to Hinata after they had been going out nearly a year. He couldn't find the perfect ring, so his parents decided to find one for him…but their mistake was to go out on that rainy day which was very tragic. They had found the ring, but due to the heavy rain, a drunken truck driver had accidentally smashed into his parent's car, erasing their souls from this world, forever.

"That bastard…why did he even drink while driving a truck!" he lay down by his parent's side while their corpses lay there eyes closed, thoughts disappeared from their heads.

"Naruto-kun…I'm so sorry…" said Hinata softly as she sat beside her boyfriend's side while he cried like he's never cried before.

"It's alright Hinata-chan…it's not your fault…" he gripped the covers which lay on top his parent's cold bodies. He couldn't believe they were gone…just like that, two people important to him were gone, the ones who had given him life, love, affection, taught him how to talk up to the time they taught him to love…

"Mom…dad…" Hinata wiped his face and small trickles of tears could also be seen from her eyes "Why…why…"

"Na-naruto-kun…I know how it fe-feels…when I lost my mother…I was ve-very distraught…but I've learned to li-live with it…" she said as she placed her hand on his back "I-I know th-this seems a little cliché…bu-but…I kn-know th-they're in a be-be-better place now…"

"What do you know!" he suddenly screamed in her face "At least you still have your father! You don't fucking understand how I feel now!"

"Na-na-na-naru-ru-to-to-kun…I…I…I…I'm so-so-sorry…"

"…I'm sorry Hinata-chan…" he hugged her in his arms as she silently wept for him "I lost control of myself…I'm sorry…"

"It's alright Naruto-kun…I understand…" he hugged him back as she felt his spiky blonde hair touch the side of her face. Naruto also felt her silky dark hair wrap around his fingers. He smelled the sweet vanilla aroma of her perfume which entered his nose sweetly, as she felt his skin beneath her soft and delicate skin.

"Hinata-chan…" he pulled away from her as he planted a small kiss on her lips "If you don't mind I'd like to spend some time alone with my parents…"

"Su-sure…" she left the room without another word. She went out, slowly taking another glance at the man who had to suffer such a painful fate. She wanted to somehow save him from this pain, she knew what he would do after this. First, he would act as if nothing had happened, then always plaster a happy smile on his face and continue on living as if it had never happened. She knew him too well, she didn't want to see him suffering like this, but what was she to do?

Five months later, everything went the same as usual. Hinata went out with Naruto, yet he hadn't continued with the proposal yet. And, since Naruto was the son of the company, well former owner, he was entrusted to run the company with all his power. Yet, this didn't all end happily, he was unable to govern the company well enough, thanks to his being gullible and kind. These kinds of traits just, how should I say this, weren't tolerated much in the multi-millionaire business. Finally…he was bankrupt.

One night, Hinata went out with Naruto, her treat, he was now living with one of his relatives Jiraiya, his uncle (let's pretend he is in this fan fic), she was worried for her love. What would happen to him in this sort of state? To her dread, when she came home, her father told her, no demanded she cut ties with him forever. Hinata, for the fact she was Naruto's first true love and he was her true love, followed her father's orders despite the fact that she was in such a position to go against him. But yet…her mind told her not to. Naruto was hurt, lost, desperate, distraught, all the pain he had inside of him, ever since his parents' death, and now he had lost his one true love. Everything, is gone. The same could not be told to Hinata, for she too was distraught with pain and sadness, as if all the sadness in the world was being lunged on her purposely.

End of Flashback.

Hanabi accompanied her sister to her room, while they talked and drank some tea. Hanabi and Hinata were both furious with their father after what he had just announced, Of course, Hanabi would be the one to keep on talk about this matter since Hinata would just rather keep quiet about things like these.

"Can you believe that guy!" Hanabi exclaimed as she raised her voice "The nerve! If he plans on giving me an arranged marriage he'd better be sorry he became my father. I can't believe he made you marry some rich guy whom you haven't even met! I mean, for all we know, he could be another obnoxious, self-centered, weirdo who thinks of nothing but money and looking good"

"Hanabi-chan, he is our father and I have to respect his decision…"

"Yes, but he has to respect our decisions once in a while too you know!" she said "And you two will only meet each other later at the party, which you didn't even plan"

"Hanabi-chan, I this is for the betterment of the Hyuuga Company then I am willing to take on any challenge. If I don't then what would happen to us?"

"Its your life Hinata-neesan, you can decide whether or not to take this on or not. I mean it's not like its only you who can actually do this job. Neji could take it on very well from my point of view"

"I tried talking about that with father, you know how that went"


"Hanabi-chan, I know what I am doing. Even though I know this will not make me happy, I know it will make dad happy"

"That's my point Hinata-neesan! You're only going to make him happy for his selfish needs"

"But going against him means I'm doing my own selfish needs" she said "Listen, after I've become the new owner of the company, I've already planned a lot of changes to make"

"Well…actually that's not such a bad idea"

"Dad can't boss me around anymore once I become the owner. Then I can say that I'm free, and afterwards, may after a month or two, I'll handover to the company to Neji-niisan. He deserves it more than anyone else"

"Good decision Hinata-neesan"

"Then maybe…even a little…pursue my own dream"

"To become a singer?"


"I know you can, you're a very talented singer and piano player. I mean, even if you weren't filthy stinking rich you'd become rich and famous anyway with your talent"

Almost like a ring of fate which I can't escape…thought Hinata.


Finally, the most awaited event of the night has arrived. Formal gowns everywhere, men in black tuxedos could be seen in every nook and cranny. Luxurious music could be heard everywhere as the sounds of the swaying music caressed peoples' minds into gentleness. Of course to one certain man, these were all just foolish lies and money-hungry thieves who were enjoying themselves. A raven-haired boy with onyx eyes stared blankly at the people around him as he sat down by the counter drinking exquisite wines and drinks. His black tuxedo combined with his cold nature gave him dashing looks, and stares from bypassing women.

I hate going to these things…the thoughts of a certain raven-haired boy stayed within his mind These people are all plastic garbage who want nothing but money. It's like when they lose it, their lives are taken along with it. If other people can live without money, then why can't they? Because their greedy, selfish, and disgusting bastards that's why, especially him. That bastard thought he could take away everything from just because I've lost everything as well…well he's got something else coming at him…and when the clock strikes midnight, our little flower will be ours…

"Good evening sir" a small toned girl approached him, dressed in a lavish pink gown. It was a tube dress with a long flowing bottom skirt part. The hem line was exactly fitted to her waist slightly showing off her wonderful curves. Her white eyes and soft delicate skin matched nicely with her long dark blue hair which was nicely tied in a bun behind her head with two chopsticks sticking out. Jewels and diamonds gave her such radiance that she must've been the reason why there is such an event.

"Good evening" he replied She's the one… "May greet you a very warm happy birthday Ms. Hyuuga on this cold winter day"

"Thank you very much Mr. Uchiha"

"Aah! There she is! The bell of the ball!" another group of rich men came towards them "Ms. Hyuuga Hinata, such an honor to meet you!"

"I must go, you seem quite busy" he said as he left.

"Ye-yes…" she watched him leave as the mean approached her.

"My you look ravishing tonight I do quite say" the man was slightly short and chubby with a mustache that went across his lips, and an obvious toupee hung from his thinning head "Just like your father, such an elegant man I say. If I were the young man I was before then maybe we could've gotten it 'on' don't you think so mademoiselle?"

"Uhm…I don't quite think so…" she blushed not out of shyness but of disgust. She hated it when men talked to her this way, it made her feel very uncomfortable being around such strange people. Plus, she knew they were just sucking up.

"Maybe then we could talk about a contract signing when you are the owner of the company Ms. Hyuuga. Then maybe these bonds of ours might how you dear say increase and that both our companies will exceed the limit!"

"I'll think about it Mr. Hayate. I have to go; my father seems to be calling for me"

"Ah yes, quite the obedient as we say. Carry on, you're father must be very proud of you. Happy Birthday by the way"

"Thank you very much" in fact Hinata wanted to get away from these people as quickly as possible. She saw Hanabi talking among her own batch of friends, well actually, the same people as Hinata. Hanabi was wearing a beautiful red dress with spaghetti straps and slits on the side. He hair was tied in a high messy ponytail with some braids sticking out, it looked messy but it was the look that made it look lovely.

"Hinata-chan!" called out her blonde friend Ino who was wearing a purple tube dress which fitted her body perfectly and a lavender shawl that went perfectly with it "C'mon over here"

"Co-coming!" Hinata went to her friends as she examined what they were wearing. Sakura was wearing a green dress that had spaghettis straps and a piece of cloth that hung from her gloves to the skirt. Her hair was done in a half ponytail that had small cherry blossom crystal on it. Tenten was wearing a cream white formal Chinese gown with pink glowers on it and had her hair done in a couple of buns with small jewels around them. Temari was wearing a lavender gown that was a tube on top and long lighter purple skirt which flowed down to the floor, it was simple but her diamond necklace sure did bring out her beauty even though her hair was in a simple bun and crystal dangling earring hung from ears simple, yet elegant.

"Hinata-chan, happy birthday!" they greeted all together.

"Hey Hinata" Sakura leaned in to whisper "Let me guess, your father planned this whole thing again didn't he?"


"Yet another fantastic party planned by the great Mr. Hiashi Hyuuga" said Tenten sarcastically "So, Hanabi told us…"

"…about your…arranged marriage" said Temari "Is it okay with you?"

"Yes, I'm very sure about it. He might tu-turn out to be a nice person…"

"I already explained this to Hanabi-chan, I'm very sure about this" said Hinata "Anyway, wh-why don't we just enjoy the night?"

"You're right, no point in wasting it" said Ino "Shika-kun didn't come, he said he couldn't fit in right with these people"

"He's upper middle class, do you think he'd actually get used to these?" asked Temari.

"Hey uhm…Hinata-chan, is Neji gonna be here?" asked Tenten.

"Sorry…" she said.

"Oh I understand…he might still be cooling his head off or something like that"

"At least Sasuke-kun made it…" said Sakura "If only I had the guts to talk to him"

"Why don't you try?" said Ino "Maybe when we dance after the dinner"

"Yeah, but he's the so called legend who's turned down a hundred girls, including beautiful women" said Sakura "I don't want to be a part of those people"

"It's alright" said Hanabi "There's no harm in trying right?"


"Yo! Hinata!" Kiba came along with Shino behind him, both wearing black tuxedos "Happy Birthday, I put your present on the table, you mind?"

"It's alright" said Hinata "Hello Shino-kun"

"Happy Birthday" he said.

"Look like the whole gang's here" said Temari.

"Hey, where're your brothers by the way?" asked Ino.

"Oh you know…Kankuro's trying to hit on women, and failing, while Gaara's just sitting down in a corner ignoring everyone and anyone he sees depending on who it is. You know their routines"

"If that Kankuro does get a girl I swear I'll die" said Sakura.

"The last time he got a girl was back when he was kindergarten right?" said Hanabi as she made the group laugh.

"Even Shino here could get a girl faster than him" said Kiba.

A small tingling bell was heard throughout the ballroom. The butler announced something when he had caught everyone's attention.

"Everyone, your attention please…" he bowed slightly from the stage "Dinner, is served ladies and gentlemen"

People gathered to the tables and started eating. Talking, chatting, and drinking all night long. But this happiness did not last long. Hinata's father stood up and clanged on his wine glass with his knife.

"Everyone, I would like to thank you all for coming here tonight to my daughter's eighteenth birthday party"

Everyone clapped. Hinata did as what they had done in the dinner rehearsal. She stood up and led herself to the stage in front.

"Thank you, now as you know my daughter is eighteen. I am pleased to announce that she will be married to the fine young man, who is also an heir to one of the biggest companies, everyone please welcome Mr. Shimokawa Katsushiro"

A young man with dark brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes stood up. He had a gentle manner and was adored by most people. Hinata knew him, and was shocked to find out he was her fiancé. Not only was he rich, but actually her mentor. He was a popular singer who had inspired her piano talents. Yet, he stayed only a mentor to her. For a part of her heart still stayed with Naruto. He walked up to the stage beside and stood her.

"I believe I am honored to be Ms. Hinata's future husband. We will hope for a bright future and that both our companies might rise" he said as he held Hinata's hand and made her wear a small diamond ring.

"Th-thank you" she said blushing.

"AAAARRGGHHH!" everyone panicked when they heard this scream. They looked around and saw people begin to faint and vomit. Hinata's friends, including Katsushiro was beginning to do this as well. A terror it was to see this happening, she watched her family suffer this as well.

What's going on? What the hell is happening here? What the…! Hinata started feeling bad as well. She felt her head drifting in several directions, and her stomach was letting out all the food she had eaten. Her body felt like it was swelling, her eyelids were getting extremely heavy. She tried to fight back the urge to fall…but to no avail. She had fallen deeply into a long slumber…


Hinata woke up, the next thing she knew, she was somewhere else. A place she did not recognize, her head still felt extremely dizzy. She tried to move, but her hands were tied behind her back, and so were her feet. Her hair was slightly messed up and a piece of cloth gagged her mouth. Her dress was also crumpled up. She was lying in a single sized bed with dusty covers. The room was sealed shut and heaven knows where she was right now. All she knew was…she was kidnapped.

"So…you're finally awake…"

She looked around and saw a dark figure standing in the doorway. She could barely make out the features, but eventually, made it out when they stepped into the light…


Author's Notes: Hey readers! My fifth fan fic! A Hinata centered fic! I was actually going to make this a Sakura thing but I thought about it, nah. Any way, I don't know if you even read these things so…And you guys need to vote for the pairing you like every time you like...




