WARNING: This story contains minor yaoi, which means boy x boy love. If you are not comfortable with this, than you are more than welcome to leave. Do not say that I didn't warn you.

With a worried expression, Shigure watched Kyou struggle as he ran a hand through his loose dark hair, sighing. " I thought we came here for Yuki," he muttered so no one could hear him.

After a few moments of intense pain, the cat finally began to breathe normally, calming down a bit.

' This is…so stupid. I can't collapse like this…I…can't be weak…damn it…' With more thoughts floating through Kyou's mind, he shook his head, forcing them away and let go of his now untidy hair. With his bangs still over his eyes, he motioned to get up, so by default everyone had backed up, all accept for Kagura.

He stood up a bit wobbly, holding onto the wall for support. Still breathing heavily, he murmured something in a tone he didn't mean to sound so weak, " Let's go…I'm fine."

Kagura put her dainty, small hands over her mouth, with her eyes still watering. " Are you…sure you'll be all right, Kyou-kun?" she asked almost hysterically. " Yeah." Kyou replied, not paying much attention to her as his eyes were fixed on Yuki's hospital bedroom.

' Damn that rat…he owes me…big time.' Kyou thought, realizing that he was clenching his fists again.

All of a sudden, he felt strong arms wrap around his waist so tight, he might choke.

Blinking wide-eyed, he looked down to see that Kagura was holding him like that almost as if she was giving the hint that she wanted to hurt him for making her worry, since she was the year of the boar. However, she knew that violence in public would be trouble, nonetheless in a hospital.

" Ah, Kagura, let go!" Kyou growled, trying to pry her off of him with all his strength, which wasn't very much. Kagura sobbed onto his chest in a childish way, " Oh, Kyou-kun, you scared me! Don't ever do that again!" she cried, hugging him tighter on each word.

Tohru and the others whom were watching just sweat dropped, and proceeded to going into Yuki's room.

As Shigure and Tohru entered the room, Hiro went back to sit at his chair, folding his arms in a cocky way as Kisa quietly started to have a conversation with him. Momiji, however, sprinted over to Tohru, smiling brightly as he fought the temptation not to hug the young girl, whom was only a year older than him.

" Konnichiwa, Tohru-chan!" he greeted, holding onto her arm instead of his other wish. Tohru smiled down at the rabbit in return, chuckling softly. " Hello to you to, Momiji-kun."

" Ah, Aya, I didn't think you would be here so early." Shigure commented as he stood over by his dear friend and cousin, the snake. Ayame looked up at him, still a little depressed but forced a smile. " I wanted to make sure Yuki was okay." he said to the novelist, still holding his brother's hand.

" Yeah, I understand," Shigure, replied, looking down at Yuki's sleeping face. It brought pain to him to see the rat in such a state, but he hid it, just like Momiji was doing with a smile.

The dog then looked up at Haru, whom was still looking as if he were about vomit all over them like the victims of evil spirits did in old horror movies. A bored expression overthrew Shigure as he stared at the cow, his arms inside of his kimono.

" …Haru?" he finally asked, raising a brow.

His name suddenly caused him to snap out of it, and Haru started to breathe heavily as he covered his face with his hand, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head. " I…can't stay in here. I'm going outside…for some fresh air…" and with that said, he ran off, down the hall and exiting the hospital.

Shigure blinked, starring after the boy. " Eh…how strange." he muttered, and then lifted his index finger and thumb to his chin, ' Maybe there's a "Gray Haru"…a side similar to a psycho-path!' Shigure mused, chuckling to himself of his little joke.

Just then, the off-duty doctor, Sohma Hatori walked into the room casually with a notepad in hand. Everyone turned to look at him, and said nothing. He walked up to where Haru was once standing and studied Yuki's somewhat peaceful face, writing something down.

Shigure blinked. " Hello to you too, Ha-san." he commented sarcastically, since the man hadn't even said a single word. Curious, Hatori looked up with an arched brow. He didn't say anything. Instead, he sighed and placed a wrist against his hip.

" Well anyway, all of you have nothing to be sad about anymore. Yuki will be able to wake up soon at the rate he's going in. The only reason he's alive is because the bullet only brushed pass flesh, and barely any part of the skull. I doubt he would miss on purpose, if his main goal were to kill himself, so I suspect that something must have distracted him. In any case, if it were not for Kyou, he might have passed away from blood loss."

Hatori took a seat in a spear chair with one leg crossed over the other. " He shouldn't have any brain damage, but he may feel woozy for a week or so." the dragon finished, resting his cheek against the top half of his hand, closing his eyes from the lack of sleep the previous night.

Ayame smiled silently to himself, feeling even more relieved than before. The others smiled, and Tohru clasped her hands together in joy, " Oh, so that makes Kyou-kun a hero, doesn't it? Maybe he doesn't hate Sohma-kun after all!" she said happily.

Shigure then added, " Yeah, it's no surprise to me. After all, I always thought they had a thing for one another, what with all their fighting. I believe that Kyou is the type to express his feelings in rage, ne?"

Tohru sweat dropped. " Um…that's not really what I meant…"

" Kyou-kun?" Kagura's voice could be heard in the room. It held worry.

Everyone turned their heads to see Kyou in the doorway, Kagura by his side, not embracing him this time. The cat looked stunned and wide-eyed, starring at Shigure with such a hate in his eyes it was indescribable. His jaw went slack and his hands started to shake slightly.

" Kyou-kun?" Tohru asked, worried from the expression on his face.

Snapping back to reality, Kyou clenched his teeth, turning and running away from Yuki's room, as far as he could get. His orange-like hair covered his eyes as he ran.

' A hero? A hero? I knew I shouldn't have come here! I could've just let that rat die--' Kyou stopped in his thoughts, his eyes going wide as he still ran, and then a moment after he shook his head, closing his eyes once more. ' Stupid rat…the only reason I saved you was…because…I wanted to beat you in a match! …Right?'

" Kyou-kun!" Kagura called after her love, and motioned to follow him but was stopped by Shigure.

Startled, Kagura turned to see that Shigure had gently grabbed her arm, stopping her from going anywhere. He smiled down at her in a comedic way. " You'd better not follow him," he suggested.

Kagura gasped, starring at her elder relative angrily. " But why? He needs me! It's your fault anyway!"

' Eh…I was only joking.' Shigure mused, and then sighed in a childish manner. " I think…the best thing for him right now is just space. It's not everyday you see someone try to kill themselves, ne?" he said, trying to reason with her the best he could.

Kagura pouted, still not liking the idea of leaving Kyou alone. Shrugging her arm from Shigure's grasp, and unhappily walked over to yet another chair in the hospital room, sitting down with one leg crossed over the other. She glared to the side, giving the hint that she wanted to be somewhere else.

Shigure sighed, running a hand through his hair. ' What a day…' he thought to himself, when it was still only noon.

Haru sat outside of the hospital on a small bench, keeping his head leaned back and his hazel eyes shut. The wind softly caressed his multi-colored hair back and forth, causing the ox some sort of peace.

At his sides, his hands were clenched into balled fists, at this he was trying to cool off some steam. He was acting so strangely ever since he got that dreadful call, the one that informed him that he had almost lost his love, Yuki.

Maybe the shock was just too much for him - maybe he just needed to make sure that Yuki was alright, and when he was, Haru had just broken down in sorrowful relief. He didn't know, but he hoped the answer would come soon, for the pain he was feeling was just too much to handle.

Just then, someone bolted out through the large entrance doors of the hospital, passing Haru in an instant. He opened his eyes to see who had run past him. Bewildered, he noticed that it was Kyou who was fading in the horizon.

Suspicious, Haru turned and looked at the hospital, wondering what had happened.

Meanwhile, with all of he talking and whispers inside of the rat's room, Yuki himself felt his dreams return to him, and yet they were much different than before.

Yuki stood in his bathroom, starring at himself through a mirror, and his hands were weakly pressed against the sides of a sink. His warm colored eyes were filled with tears and his was chewing on his lower lip, drowning himself in his sorrow.

He knew he was a mess, and so did everyone else. He felt so alone…Tohru's constant smile sent him into his own grief, envying her, for he knew he would never be able to smile like that. He was jealous of Shigure for always being happy…he was jealous of his brother for being so high spirited…

The rat suddenly yelled in anger for a mere instant, holding his head as he dropped to his knees, letting more of his sadness fall from his eyes.

Years of pain and torture suddenly flew threw his veins like a newly born virus, having poisonous volts of agony travel throughout him, inside and out. He hated himself - he hated everything about him. But most of all, he hated himself for having ever met the cat of the zodiac.

" …Kyou…" he muttered - so low in fact, that even he could not hear himself speak it. He seemed to tense down a bit at the name, but still, the pain just shot through him like arrows.

Yuki closed his eyes, breathing heavily as he stretched his left arm out, grabbing something not far from him. His pupils suddenly grew to one color - hazel brown, looking as if he were already dead. He gripped the object firmly in his palm, and sniffled.

He let his other arm fall to his side limply as he weakly stood up, holding onto the sink for support.

' …I want to leave this place…I don't want to live like this…I have no reason to…I…' Yuki drifted out from his thoughts as he closed his eyes as warm tears fled down his silk-like cheeks…

' …Can never…'

He sobbed hard, standing in his bathroom, alone.

' …Make him…'

With one last breath, he pulled the trigger.

' …Love me…'

Suddenly - the bathroom door flew open…

To everyone's shock in the hospital room, Yuki's sleeping form started to breath rather hard, and his hands subconsciously started to grip at the white sheets, making all their heads turn to him.

Hatori sat up in surprise as the machine beside the rat's bed started to make loud noises, signaling that the boy's heart beat was getting faster and faster. Ayame froze in his place and Tohru put her hands over her mouth, tears coming to her eyes, not knowing what to do in such a situation.

" Yuki!" Shigure exclaimed in a serious manner, looking just as bewildered as everyone else.

Quicker than ever, Hatori bolted from his seat and went over to his relative, immediately placing his hand on the boy's chest to somehow steady the rate at which his chest was moving. He quickly grabbing for some hospital equipment and turned to his childhood friend, Shigure, for a mere second.

" Shigure! Go - get someone!" he ordered, grabbing for a mask and placing it over Yuki's face as he struggled in his sleep, moving his knees and arms, making it extremely difficult for Hatori to help him. Without a second thought about it, Shigure ran out of the room.

Tohru and the others watched in horror as Yuki started to now yelp and yell in pain, as if feeling the force of his near death experience explode within him. The rat started to get a nosebleed as more time flew by, and all the while, Hatori was silently cursing as he did all he could until more professionals came to his side.

As fast as he could, Shigure ran down the halls, and came to the front desk of the hospital, since he oddly found no one in the halls, probably because of the fact that it was Sunday, and that most people were off from work, beside those who rarely worked on such duties.

The dog placed his hands on the edge of a young women's desk, catching his breath as he looked at her helplessly, knowing that his hair was probably a slight mess and his clothes were a bit out of place from running.

The young woman, with her hair wrapped in a bun and a phone pressed against her ear, looked up at Shigure with an unexpected expression. " Um…yes? Can I help you?" she asked, silently complimenting the dog on how attractive he looked in her thoughts.

Shigure swallowed, and said desperately, " The…there's an emergency…down that hall…it's…my young cousin, he…he needs help!" he said between breaths.

The nurse gasped softly and put the phone down on the receiver, and then picked it up once more as she dialed a number, probably calling for another doctor. " Which room is it?" she asked while the phone on the other line rang.

" D-D…774." he replied, fixing his clothes.

Outside of the hospital, Haru, whom was still sitting on a wooden bench, turned his head to look through the glass walls of the hospital, to see Shigure talking with the nurse at the front desk almost frantically.

Arching a brow, he quietly questioned himself on what had happened. He stood up. " …Yuki?"

Aoi's Corner

Whee - another chapter done. I rather liked this one; it had a lot of angst, which I love. And yes - the confession by Yuki was released as well, clearly revealing that he loved Kyou. Ha ha. Yaoi is such a wonderful thing, is it not?

Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, guys. I thank you for your reviews and I hope more come, I just love them! I hope I actually finish this story, though, and not lose confidence in myself to stop (Which I have done in the past, unfortunately.) Well - until next time! (Please excuse any mistakes I make in this story!)

Note - "ne" means "right", which I am making Shigure say a lot.