A/N: Hi guys, it's nice to be back with a new story at hand. If you're familiar with the FATAL FRAME series, then there's no problem on why I should explain this. I was inspired to make this story because first of all, I love Tekken; second, I'm currently playing Fatal Frame III: the Tormented and I love how scary it is. It's actually AU, since I've added this in the Tekken and in the Fatal Frame category. It's absolutely never going to be OOC. I don't know where the crossover department is whatsoever. But if there is, I don't care. LOL. This is like a walkthrough because I have had replayed the game, but actually I'm already at the final boss battle. So, I guess after I finish the last FMV, this story will finish too. No sweat, this is like a walkthrough! What happened in the game happens here. But since there's romance it's also somewhat different—all of my stories have romance. Okay, that's all, I'll be playing Fatal Frame now…see ya!

Disclaimer: I don't own Tekken or any of its character. They're obviously owned by NAMCO. I also don't own Fatal Frame III, coz TECMO owns it. And I'm just thanking these two great companies for creating our beloved games.


The Tormented

By: Elie


"Where am I?" Ling Xiaoyu asked herself in dread. Snowflakes were falling down her head. The air around her was blowing miasma—a noxious exhalation coming from decaying matter. She was in some sort of delirium. But standing in a grave courtyard enclosed inside some big manor seemed so real.

Craning her head to all sides, Xiaoyu fought the urge of quaking. The snow continued to fall but there was no drift of it except that it formed a small mound on top of each tomb. There was an old wooden wall around the courtyard too that seemed to enclose it. The place doesn't really looked that ghastly, it's just plain antique.

"How did I get here?" Xiaoyu swallowed. All she had remembered was nothing like this. She was just taking photos of an abandoned Japanese mansion minutes ago. They said that mansion was haunted…but maybe rumors were just rumors. Or was it minutes ago?

"The mansion…Jin was in the mansion…" Xiaoyu paused for a moment, rethinking what had really happened. Actually, she was finished taking photos of that mansion when Asuka Kazama, her assistant and her fiancé's cousin, came to call her for a break. But she was too reluctant to leave. She wanted to take one last photo of a barred hallway. After she took the shot of the hallway only, something appeared along with it. Something that wasn't there before…


That sound. It seemed like a bell's soft sound. Xiaoyu then felt her hair stick out. She looked again to all sides, hoping she could find the source of the sound because it was getting fainter and fainter by the second. But all she found was a big old wooden double door instead.

She began to move a few small steps toward it with the moon's light as her only guide. She was moving very carefully so that the graveyard soil won't get stuck on her doll shoes.


The sound was weakening. Xiaoyu walked even faster but she halted when something glowing lightly suddenly appeared in front of the door. It was a man. Xiaoyu started to wonder who it was. But she immediately recognized the blue polo shirt…the exact same shirt her fiancé was wearing during the accident.

"Jin?" Xiaoyu murmured and questioned in shock and amazement. She couldn't believe it. It really was her fiancé, Jin Kazama! And it seemed that he was heading for the door too. If only she could reach him before he goes inside. But wait, Jin is already…


Xiaoyu cried and ran toward him. She tried calling out his name for several times but to no avail, it just seemed that he wasn't able to hear her at all. Nevertheless, she kept on running even though vivid images of his memories kept flashing on her head. But as soon as she almost got there, he vanished. Or did he really just walk past the door?

Xiaoyu squinted in astonishment. Jin just walked past that door! She approached it herself, careful not to dig her shoes into the mud. But she suddenly tripped onto something. It was an old fashioned flashlight. Xiaoyu sighed at this in relief. Now she can go further in…deeper inside the manor.

Slowly, she picked it up. It was a small black single-switch flashlight carved with ancient Chinese characters at the side. Maybe it wasn't used for years because the bulb was a bit cracked. But something inside her was so sure that she's going to hold onto this for a long, long while. So, she turned it on, focusing at the door.

"Maybe if I go in…then maybe I would see Jin inside." She inhaled deeply as she began to push the double doors open.


The bell tingled again and Xiaoyu disgustingly breathed again the miasma. She was now finally inside the mansion. No more mud, no more snow…Just an old hall with a tatami mat and a deadlier air.


Jin appeared and walked ahead of her again. She turned her head and cried out for him.

"Jin, wait! I still have so much to tell you! Jin!"


A/N: To be continued…after my finals. LOL. I want to hear your comments, suggestions, death threats, etc…so please care to review. Thank you for R and R-ing!