Sorry guys, but this chapter SUCKS… I didn't get a lot of reviews last time, so I wasn;t very encouraged.

By the way.., I have a deviantart account:

Here's my Deviantart Link:

givgirlrox101. don't own Teen Titans. So sue me.

I squinted my eyes open and felt an unfamiliar feeling. That instinct that tells you that you aren't home. I tried to lift myself up off of the couch that I was laying on, but my head pounded and pounded, as if a gong was being hit repetitively.

"…Ugh…." Was all I managed to get out.

Without lifting up my head I looked around as best as I could. A marble staircase, a portrait of Thomas Wayne…

I was at Richard's house.

Suddenly, the memory of jumping from one motorcycle to the other came into my mind. I remembered feeling…safe. Then everything blurred.

"Oh, look. The extreme stunt-woman is awake," Richard said raising an eyebrow.

I opened my mouth to say something, but then my head pounded again. I held my head in my hand and slowly attempted to get up. As soon as I sat up on the antique couch, I gave him an annoyed look.

"I'm just kidding," Richard said, returning the look.

I looked at him for a couple of seconds…something was different.

"…Richard…" I said rather weakly after I took a sip out of a glass of water on the coffee table in front of me. "What…happened?"

Richard took a deep sigh and then began the story. Of how Rancid tried to take me, for God knows why, and that I HAD jumped from one moving motorcycle to another. And that I HAD landed safely.

But the big question was, WHERE did Richard learn to do the things he did?

Ignoring this question I looked around the enormous room. There were dozens of portraits of old, probably dead, guys. Then I looked at the grandfather clock next to the fireplace.

'Oh my gosh!' I thought 'It's one in the morning! Uncle Galfore is probably wondering where I am!' I immediately jumped up and off of the couch, but then felt weak. There was NO way I could get home.

"I have…to get home," I said clutching one side of my head. "My Uncle…is probably worried." I slowly sat back on the couch.

"We already called him. He's fine with you staying here."

'WAIT. HOLD THE PHONE…' I thought, my eyes growing wider. 'staying here?'

Richard had to have noticed my look, because he started laughing.

"Oh, come on! You'll stay in a GUEST room," Richard laughed

There was a long silence.

"Where's Bruce?" I asked looking around the room.

"Uh, Well, he's at…work." Richard said nervously.

"…at one in the morning?"

"Well, there was something wrong with the security system…" Richard said, picking up a motorcycle magazine on the coffee table and skimming through the pages.

There was another pause. Then I thought of another question.

"Where's Alfred?" I said, now staring at him.

"Well, Alfred's….hitting the clubs…" He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Whatever, I just need to go to sleep…" I said attempting to stand up, holding the armrest on the couch for support.

Richard gave a sigh. "Come on…" he groaned scooping me up, as if I weighed nothing at all.

He started up the ballroom-style stairs, cradling me in his arms. I looked at him with a shocked expression on my face. A couple days ago we were in a fight- now he's holding me! What gives?

"Uh…" I said, with wide eyes and an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, please. You should be happy that we're letting you stay…" He growled.

Why was he like this? He was never THIS mad…

When we reached the end of the West wing, he opened the door to reveal a GIGANTIC room with a canopy bed, a small couch and coffee table and a plasma TV on the wall opposite of the bed. And of course there was a door, probably leading to the bathroom, in the corner of the room.

Richard gently set me down on the bed. " There's already toothpaste and stuff like that in the bathroom. And here's some stuff to sleep in," He said tossing her an oversized T-shirt (probably his) and some Basketball shorts (also probably his).

He turned around to leave the room. Right before he closed the door I stopped him.

"Hey Richard…." He turned around to look at me, with a slightly angry look on his face.

"Thanks…" I finished, adding the slightest smile possible.

"No problem." He said, returning the small smile, then replacing it with a dignified frown. "Well, if you need anything, I'll be in my room…" he awkwardly walked out of the room.

I dreamily changed out of my t-shirt and Levis and threw on the oversized shirt and the soft basketball shorts. After brushing my teeth, instead of robotically slumping over to the bed, I, sort of, floated to it. Even though I had never even THOUGHT about sleeping here…I felt…safe.

Richard's POV:

I rolled over on my side, uncomfortably. I blindly groped around for my comforter, but couldn't find it.

Of course.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and gazed over at the bright red lights of my alarm clock:

4:34 AM.

'…great…,' I thought to myself. 'Just perfect…' And then, after that, my throat felt incredibly dry. 'even better…'

I yanked myself up off of the bed and dragged my feet one after the other down the hallway.

As soon as I reached the stairs, I noticed the T.V. was still on in the guest room…

…should I?

Well, all I was going to do was turn off the TV. I wasn't going to let her know I was in there at all.

Ok, here it goes…

I peeked into the room to find Kori asleep, with remote in hand.

Thank God she wasn't awake.

I tip-toed over to the TV and turned it of manually. I quickly looked over at Kori, who had suddenly turned over. She looked comfortable and content.

It was here and now that I admitted to myself that I kind of sort of…

…liked Kori.

As in I could TOLERATE her.

But there's NO WAY we could be friends. Roy already talked to me about being nice to her…he said something like "People like her and people like you just don't mix."

So it's either Kori or my reputation…

…at the moment, I definitely pick my reputation!

Well, at the moment…

What do ya think? Tell me! The review button is RIGHT THERE!

To my Reviews:

FallenTeenHearts: THANKS! I'm so glad I made your day! In fact, hearing that it made your day made MY day! Glad you like it! HOORAY FLUFF!

PixiePuff: Thanks! I needed that 

Wild Fantasy: Naw! Not AWESOME! But your comment means so much to me! Thank You! 3

samuraigurl1213: Yea I kno :-P But I couldn't use Roy or Red X cuz I'm usin them for something else….:-O Plus Rancid seemed like the kind of person to do something like he did (to me!) But go you!

mychemicalromancefan4life:Aw, Thanks! Glad you Like!

Tprinces: Hey buddy old pal! Yea! What a crap log!

Boylessgirl52941: Sank Youz!

And Zat ees it! So C YA later!
