
"You need to bring her back to life with your love."

"How in the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"Calm down, let me explain. Ok look, I didn't program how she could love in the microchip. So you can locate her with your love. You do love her right?"

"Yes I do." He said proudly.

"Then concentrate on Piper. Help her feel your love."

Leo had his eyes closed for a few minutes until he opened them.

"She's on the beach."

Leo handed the invention to him.

"You found it?" He said with disbelief.

"Keep it safe this time."

He nodded and Leo ran off to find Piper. He found her washed up on the shore not moving.

"Piper please get up."

There was blood flowing from her ear.

"Come on baby, wake up!"

Leo heard a helicopter over him with a Wyatt Corp sign on the side. It landed 20 feet away from him. He looked back down at Piper who had her eyes opened.

"Piper, you back?"

"You showed me the power of love. The least I could do is give it back."

They smiled at each other and Piper got up. She was pissed. She limped toward the helicopter. Leo watched from where he was at and pulled out his gun to cover her.

Leo's dad jumped out from it with a few guards.

"I won't let you take Leo away from me again!" Piper screamed at them.

"It can't be, you're supposed to be dead!"

"I am…"

She jumped up and kicked the guards down leaving a scared William scrambling in the sand.

"You won't get that invention, you might as well give up."

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at her.

"Guns don't hurt me."

"It's not for you."

He aimed it to the side and shot at Leo hitting him in the shoulder.

"But he's your son." Piper said shocked.

"He's not my real son. I didn't even love him as a son either."

Piper got angry and kicked the gun out of his hands. She caught it and aimed it at his head.

"You won't shoot." He taunted.

"You're pathetic."

"Am I?"

"You stole from your own friend."

"Because I was jealous of him. All his inventions and now your just another one of his inventions. The robot whore-"

Piper fired and he fell back on the sand. She heard sirens and dropped the gun. She ran toward Leo and held him.

"It's going to be alright."

"My dad…is he…?"

"He's not your real dad Leo. Yea he's dead."

A few cops rushed to them and took Leo in an ambulance.

Dr. Green had sent them and knew what was going on so they didn't charge Piper with murder. Weeks later when Leo was better they all gathered in the lab. Of course her sisters were there too.

"Thank you Piper." He said hugging her good-bye.

"It's no problem. I should be thanking you. For giving me a second chance in life."

Her and Leo had taken over Wyatt Corp and turned it around. Dr. Green had joined in and was now the head scientist there. Her sisters came to see her often. Piper still goes on missions. She's helped Inspector Morris in cases. She wasn't big on the media and Dr. Green refused to tell the world the story. But the story never got out and the media were ridiculous.

Piper and Leo had each other forever and no one will ever break their power of love.

The last chappie! Lots of action in it but William is dead! Thank you for sticking with me on this! Please review!