Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or the song "Eleanor Rigby."


Sam moved his head slowly to face the window and hoped he appeared still asleep. He had woken about five minutes before to the sounds of crying and heard Dean whisper "I love you." He didn't understand. It was almost like waking up in a different world. Dean hadn't cried for like…well…years. It just wasn't his style. And to hear him say, "I love you, Sam." That was weird but Sam had to admit it made him feel better. After all that had happened at the asylum, Sam didn't know how Dean felt about him. He hoped Dean understood that in his right mind he would never do anything to hurt him. Sam decided maybe it was time to 'wake up.'

He jerked as if awaking with a start and turned his head to face Dean. Dean's eyes stayed to the road but Sam could see his eyes were semi-puffy and his face was blotchy. His eyes shifted to Sam for a moment before returning back to the road.


Sam yawned and rubbed his eyes before replying the same.

"Hey…" he focused on Dean and sat up a little straighter in his seat.

"What's wrong?"

Dean never removed his eyes from the road.

"What are you talking about?"

"You look like you've been…"

"I haven't been doing anything but driving." Dean cut him off. Sam had to admit if he had woken up thirty minutes later, he would have never known Dean had been crying. He held his voice even and already the redness had faded from his face. Sam looked at him a moment longer then focused his attention on the snowy scenery flying by.


"That's what I thought…bitch."

Sam smiled in spite of himself and a quick glance at his brother proved he was too. Dean felt the uneasiness drain from him. Sam was alright.

Sam felt the uneasiness in himself subside for he knew Dean would be alright. Dean flicked on the radio and the familiar strains of the Beatles flowed through the speakers.

"Ah…look at all the lonely people."

And the Winchester brothers rode on.