
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.

A/N: Ever wonder what life is like for a werewolf? Well, step inside and figure it out. Got this idea while reading several werewolf books.

" " human talking

' ' human thinking


Chapter One: Dream

I ran. I ran through the bushes, scaring a crow as I did. The thing behind me wasn't going to give up. The thing was faster and stronger than me and I couldn't run anymore. My legs felt tired and my whole chest hurt. My lungs, my heart, everything began to hurt. Why was this thing after me though? I was alone for two minutes in the city, walking from work to home and then it chased me. I ran through the park, and started for the forest on the side of town.

The thing behind me howled and ran after me, smelling and licking the air. It caught the scent of my blood from where I accidentally cut myself. I hated to think that it was a real monster but then how could I explain the thing that was hunting me? I couldn't be able to, not after I fell, tripping over a log, skinning a knee. I looked behind me to see if that thing was there. It was, standing up on two hind legs like a human but it wasn't human. Not with a face like a wolf, it looked at me with yellow eyes and threw its head back to howl. I felt my blood turn to ice as it closed in on me. I grabbed the nearest thing to me and held it out in front of the full moon. It was a long stick but would it be effective against my non-human attacker?

Before I could even think, the creature had pinned me down and chewed into my shoulder. I screamed. The pain was great and I could feel my blood run down my arm and ruin my shirt. The creature backed up and held its wolf ears in pain. My scream was on a sharp note. Before I could scream again, shouts were heard and the creature ran.


I screamed. Sitting straight in my bed, I woke from the horrible memory. Every night since that attack I've been waking up to the horrible dream, knowing that it was real every time I saw my shoulder. I didn't tell anyone, how would they take this? The cops didn't believe me so who else would? I grabbed my shoulder and tried to ease the memory from my mind. No such luck. The pain back then was too great for me to handle and the memory is just as worse.

My bedroom door opened and my light was turned on. I was thankful for my heightened eyesight and my smell. It was my mother. She became worried for me ever since my painful incident. "Are you okay honey?" she asked me. I heard her worried tone with my human ears but with my new sense, I heard an upset tone, like she was disappointed in me.

"Yeah mom, I'm fine, just a bad dream," I said, hoping that she would go soon. The pulse in her neck was driving me insane.

My mother sat up and sighed. "You know sometimes I wonder where my little girl went. Get back to sleep Tea, you have school tomorrow." She left my room and I heard the door click.

A/N: Who did you think it was? Anyways, tell me in your review and please tell me if you like it.