I just had the sudden urge to update this story dunno why

Well here goes, hopefully I won't go off topic

Here ya go

Holy Shi-

"Holy shit Ulrich, you weren't kidding...this place is amazing" yumi said still dumbfounded

"Yumi I'm a lover not a liar" Ulrich replied with a smirk

"Why aren't you witty" yumi retorted

"I like to think so" Ulrich shot back

Yumi walked around the computer room, tracing her fingers over the super computer. Ulrich was amused by yumi's amazement. She really was beautiful. He couldn't help but stare at her. The way her eyes would open wide at everything new she found. How her mouth was open a little at the wonderful things she was witnessing. He snapped himself out of his trance

"Hey yumi, if you think this place if amazing...you wanna see something even more spectacular" Ulrich asked

"I dunno do I want to" yumi said walking towards him

"I'm sure of it" Ulrich walked past her towards the supercomputer

He created her a profile on the super computer. It only took a few minutes; Ulrich at least knew how to do that 

much on the computer. He set a timer for the materialisation on the scanners

"Alright...let's go!" Ulrich said grabbing yumi's hand again and headed towards the elevator

They descended down towards the scanner room. When the doors opened yumi yet again was in awe

"Holy sweet mother divine of James street" yumi said being even more amazed

"Hahhah what?" Ulrich asked laughing at her remark

"Ha oh...nothing" yumi said stepping out of the elevator

"Hurry up get in" Ulrich said ushering her in the scanner

"What! I have to get in there" yumi asked stopping cause she was scared to get into the scanner

"Yes now mush get in before times up" Ulrich said finally getting her in

"but I...ulrich...it-" yumi was cut off by Ulrich planting a kiss on her

"now, better" Ulrich said getting into her scanner

"...a little" yumi said smiling

The two of the got in. Within seconds both of them were being materialised onto lyoko. Yumi started to panic because she didn't know what was going on but before she could react she was suddenly in the air. 

After she was fully materialised she dropped to the ground. This being her first time of course she fell on her tush.

"Ouch...you could have warned me about that" yumi said getting up and rubbing her bottom.

"Wooohoah! You are looking mighty fine Miss Yumi" Ulrich said checking out yumi

Yumi was wearing the battle suit she has in the new episodes (I thought the geisha outfit made her look gay and manly) Ulrich noticed it stuck to her in all the right places. Every curve was insinuated

'Oh boy' was all he could think

"Wipe your mouth drooly" yumi said giggling a bit

"oh haha very funny" Ulrich said advancing on her "so how's that bottom of yours, need me to rub it Ulrich said wrapping his hands around her waist then slid them down to her bottom

"I think it needs a little rubbing...but why don't we leave that till later" yumi said with a smirk

"Oh, you tease" Ulrich said moving his hands away "well here you have it, this is lyoko"

"Now this right here, this is spectacular" yumi said looking around in amazement

"If you look to your side you have two fans, there your weapons" Ulrich showed her

"Weapons! Your shittin me" yumi said reaching for her fans "wow! There so pretty"

"Try throwing them" Ulrich suggested

Yumi threw one of her fans but it didn't go far and just fell to the ground. She went over and picked it up. She noticed Ulrich laughing a bit and decided to use him as a target "run little boy"

"After that lame attempt I don't need to worry" Ulrich said smirking a bit

"You sure about that" yumi said, she then aimed for Ulrich and threw it directly for his head. It was heading directly for his head and just as she aimed it knocked him on the head.

"Hey! What the hell" Ulrich said rubbing his head

"I may not be good at throwing but I have brilliant aim" yumi said as she caught the fan that returned to her

"You could have told me" Ulrich said still rubbing his sore head

"Aww come here" yumi said, she walked over and kissed the top of his head where it hurt, she cupped his cheeks and then kissed his cheek then the side of his mouth. Then finally landed on his mouth where her kiss was greatly accepted. Ulrich circled his arms around her waist pulling her in closer to him. Then the kiss was deepened with yumi's hand resting on the back of his neck. The kiss was so passionate. It started out so simple but I guess the two of them got carried away a 

bit. Their kiss was suddenly interrupted as yumi was hit in the back

"What the hell was that!" yumi asked rubbing her back

"Shit...we'll here's some practise for you, see those things" Ulrich pointed to the two oncoming creatures

"Yeah?" yumi answered

"Yeah there hornets, there not nice" Ulrich finished

"I see" yumi said

"well go on...kill' em" Ulrich said edging her on

"What...em ok" yumi aimed for one of the hornets. She threw it and hit the hornet dead on. She really did have great aim.

Ulrich threw his katana and killed the other one. After both had been killed Ulrich decided that it was time to go.

"Ok I think you've had enough fun...time to go" Ulrich said sheathing his katana

"Really...but no more monsters" yumi said looking disappointed

"Nope, not now anyway, but trust me this won't be your last visit

"ok fine, but how are we going to get back" yumi said looking at Ulrich. Ulrich looked back at yumi and started smiling

"like this" just then Ulrich brought out his katana in a flash and dug it straight into yumi's stomach

"wha- aah-" yumi said before being devertualised

When yumi was gone Ulrich stabbed himself in the gut and was brought back to the real worls

Yumi then feel out of the scanner collapsing to the ground. She felt exhausted.

"The first trip does that to you" Ulrich walked over and helped yumi off the ground. When she was up she punched Ulrich in the arm

"Why did you stab me" yumi said not knowing what just happened

"It's the only way to divertualise someone if no one is at the super computer" Ulrich said rubbing his arm

"You could have warned me" yumi said finally gaining composure

"I wanted to see you reaction" Ulrich said "now come on its time to go back to kadic

The two of them walked back to the elevator and rode it all the way to the top. Both of them walked out of the factory and yumi really didn't want to go back into the sewers so they decided to walk the scenic route. Whilst walking back Ulrich intertwined his and yumi's hands together. She looked at him and smiled. Yumi didn't know if it was to soon to be getting involved with Ulrich. She had only been attending kadic for 3 days. 

She decided to mention it to him later but right now she might as well enjoy the company

She had a lot of excitement for one day and right now she just wanted to bask in the company of a fine looking man. Here's hoping Ulrich was being serious when he said he changed

Cause she was starting to like him...a whole lot

Well that's it. After a good 2 years Heres the update. I am VERY sorry it took so long

Very very sorry. But I was more interested in my other stories

Well read and review and I will reply to all your reviews

