Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all the other character do not belong to me. They belong to J.K Rowling

Summary: Harry needs kissing lessons and who could be a better (or worse) teacher than Malfoy?

Warning: Bad Grammer.SLASH. If you don't like boy/boy relationships, don't read this.

A.N: This is my first fanfic and I hope you'll enjoy it! Please review v !


Chapter One

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong, indeed. That thing was the-boy-who-lived, Harry Potter. Draco looked around him and saw Potter staring at him, like he had been doing for the past week. He was also coincidently in the same place that Draco himself was, and these coincidents have been happening a lot since Monday. Very strange.. Draco contemplated the reasons for his nemisis's strange actions. He... can't have fallen in love with me, could he? He shook his head, Nah, impossible. He smirked as Potter started, embarrassed at being caught staring and scurried away, his two sidekicks in tow. Oh, well, we'll know soon enough.

He wasn't too worried about it. After all, what could Potter do to him?


"What did you just say!" Draco shrieked.

Harry winced at the racket Draco was making and peered nervously down the corridor. "Keep it down, Malfoy." Harry hissed.

Draco opened his mouth to make remark about how no-one tells a Malfoy to keep it down you XXXXX (add what you like), but stopped. The situation that he and Potter were in was too bizarre for one of their petty arguments. It was true he had been expecting something strange, but something like this? He had been out for a relaxing stroll, minding his own business when this black blur suddenly appeared threw itself at him and hauled him into a deserted corridor. He was just about to hex the attacker when he realised that the attacker was Potter and he stopped. Not that the reason he stopped was because the person was Potter -in fact it served as an even better reason to hex the attacker- he had stopped because of the oddly determined expression on his nemesis's face. "Hear me out, Malfoy." Potter had said and he, uncharacteristically had listened. If only he didn't... If only he didn't because the words that came out of that boy's mouth was what?

Draco breathed deeply and asked, more calmly this time. "You said you wanted what lessons?"

Potter looked down at the floor and fidgeted. Years passed as he fidgeted. He tried to clear his throat and failed. He was about to continue fidgeting when he saw a dangerous gleam in Draco's eyes that he recognised as the one Hermione had whenever she was about to lose it, and stopped. "Kis... Kis...Kissing lessons," he finally croaked out.

"Kissing lessons..." The blond boy repeated faintly. He stared at Potter. Potter had completely lost it. The pressure of having to defeat the Dark Lord must have caught up with him. "Come on, Harry." he said cautiously, taking the boy by the arm "We'll get you to see Madam Pomfrey."

"I haven't gone insane, Malfoy." Harry said hotly, brushing off Draco's hand.

"Oh crap, then you must be possessed. Wait here, I'll go and get Dumbledore."

"It's not that either! It's just that..." Harry's eyes darted from the floor to Draco's face, blushed and quickly looked back down at the floor again.

"Shit Potter," Malfoy moaned voicing his deepest fears; "You've got a crush on me haven't you?"

"You wish, Malfoy!" Harry exclaimed fixing one of his deadliest glares on Draco- which wasn't really effective- Draco thought -Not compared to the ones that the Mudblood Granger gives, it wasn't.-

"So, this wasn't some dirty trick you're playing to try and get me to kiss you?" Malfoy asked suspiciously.

"What on earth would make you think that anyone let alone I would want to kiss you?" Harry said, deeply exasperated.

Relief flooded through Draco at those words but he was also instantly indignant. "For no other reason than the known fact that I'm irresistibly sexy and unbelievably good-looking of course!" he said truthfully. "But that's not the point. What was all that gibberish about you wanting kissing lessons for?"

A long period of silence. Draco crossed his arms and waited. "Uh... Um... You know about the... Valentine Ball?"

Who wouldn't? Just a week ago, Dumbledore had stood up and with his eyes twinkling madly announced that there was to be a Valentine Ball on Valentine's Day this year. "A day for lovers!" the old man had sighed amongst the excited squeals of Lavender Brown clones. Absolutely ridiculous. Typical of the mad old bat to come up with something like that. This was worse than the ridiculous cupids that the idiot Lockhart had came up with. "Yes, I do." Draco sneered, silver eyes glinting maliciously as he saw Harry squirm with discomfort. "So what?" he pressed. Yes, this was what he used to - Potter torture.

Harry shrank from Draco's interrogation while resisting the urge to run outside and drown himself in the lake. What the hell was he doing? Asking for kissing lessons? From Malfoy? Out of all the students, teachers even at Hogwarts to ask, he just had to go and ask the great ferret Malfoy. Harry turned around, half expecting Voldemort to dash in and declare his never-ending love for Dumbledore.

"Well, Potter?" Malfoy said, interrupting Harry's thoughts.

Harry turned a pretty shade of pink. "Uh... I'm going to err... ask Cho to go with me..."

"Which is very surprising news, seeing as you have been going out with her since the fifth year." Malfoy drawled sarcastically. Truly he had no idea how Potter could manage to go out with that girl for such a long time. Sure, she was one of the prettier girls in Hogwarts but all that sniveling and whining that woman did was enough to put to put anyone off.

"Um... How do I say this..." Harry mumbled, "Ah! Um... What do people do after they finished dancing and all that?"

"Make out, have sex." Draco swiftly answered.

Harry's face was a delightful mixture of fascination and disgust. "No! Merlin, Malfoy. How the hell did you get such a sick mind? They kiss! People... kiss..." he trailed away bashfully.

Draco's face was another delightful combination of disbelief and awe. After all those years of having both women and men throw themselves at Potter's golden feet, here he was getting wimped out over the thought of kissing his own girlfriend. Unbelievable. And I here I was thinking that Gryffindors were supposed to be brave...or maybe Potter's just plain stupid -but then, that's Gryffindor behavior as well..."We...might...might kiss you know?" he heard Harry stammer.

"Isn't that wonderful! Our little pottykins finally getting to kiss his girlfriend..." Draco stopped and rewinded what Harry had just said. "Wait," he said slowly," You're not trying to tell me that you've never kissed the girl that you've been dating with for over a year?"

"Of course I have!" Harry said defensively.

"Then what are you squirming and squealing and worst of all asking me for kissing lessons for?"

Draco heard some mumbling that sounded like, "... not sure... really bad..." and suddenly comprehension dawned. Every single demented act of Potter's was clear now.

"You're worried that you're going to make a fool of yourself and get yourself rejected by Cho Chang because you're afraid that you're a lousy kisser."

Confirming his theory by the look on Potter's face he continued analysing, "So you decided to come running to me for help because," he smirked and adjusted his robes, "I'm a hell of a good kisser."

"I did not go running to you for help," Harry retorted looking revolted, "And what on earth would make you think that you are a (quote Draco Malfoy aka self-obsessed ferret) hell of a good kisser?"

"I'm not then?" Draco asked raising a mocking eyebrow. "Well, I guess you won't need any of my help then, would you, Potter?" Saying this, the evil teen turned and walked slowly away from Harry.

Draco counted slowly in his head - bet he cracks soon - He walked with even more deliberate steps. When he counted to six, he heard Harry crack. Yes, he actually heard the boy crack. Feet pounded up to him and Harry's hand leeched itself around his wrist.

"Okay, Malfoy. I know that you're a good kisser." Harry admitted grudgingly.

"You do?" Malfoy swung around and looked closely at Harry's face. "Strange," he mused a devilish look on his face, "I don't remember having shared any secret kisses with you, before..."

Harry blushed. "Quit it, Malfoy" the smaller boy pleaded weakly.

What if I don't want to? - Draco laughed quietly as Harry's face darkened into a magnificent shade of red -Harry is so cute when he gets flustered. "I would have loved to give you some private lessons," he said leaning closer to Harry, silver eyes never leaving the Gryffindor's emerald ones. "If I didn't hate you so much." he finished triumphantly. After all they haven't hated each other for all these years just so they'd start to be teacher and student in the art of kissing just for one crazy reason that involved in impressing Cho Chang.

The hope that had shone in Harry's eyes diminished. Why would Malfoy ever want to help him? He was so preoccupied in his own puny little worries that he had never thought about how Malfoy would have felt. Malfoy hated him. It was a known fact but hearing the words coming out of Malfoy's mouth made it so much more...hurtful. Not that he had any right to feel hurt. How could Malfoy not hate him? Thinking about all the things that he had done to Malfoy since their aquaintance made Harry feel more ashamed than he had ever felt in his 16 years of existence.

"Yeah," Harry said heavily and started to walk away, "Sorry for wasting your time, Malfoy..."

Draco was momentarily lost for words. He had thought that Potter would snarl back his hatred for him, not apologise and walk off looking absolutely revolted with himself. Seemed like Potter really was sorry -not that he needed to be seeing as it was you that started all the fights- Draco promptly squashed the (truthful) little voice in his head and decided that it was time for this foolishness to stop. This hatred thing was getting old.

"Harry!" Draco called out after the dejected Gryffindor. Harry turned and showed Draco the most depressing face that he had ever had the misfortune to come across.

"What?" Harry asked drearily.

"Seeing as you're in a state that is too depressing to be amusing even to me, I've decided to put our past differences behind us. How about that, Harry? Let's pretend that nothing bad has happened between us for the past... five and a half years." Draco said cheerily extending his right hand for Harry to shake.

Harry looked at Draco for a long while before tentatively shaking the hand in front of him. "Sure ...Draco." And all was right in the world again, birds chirping, bees buzzing -until Harry remembered the reason to why he and Draco were in this situation. "Would it be wise to bring the subject back to the kissing lessons?" Harry thought nervously.

"And that means that I'd be fine with those kissing lessons you wanted, of course." Draco said making Harry sigh in relief. Hey, something is seriously wrong, Harry Potter sighing in relief over something that I, Draco Malfoy said? We can't have that! So Draco -being the evil and ever-calculating Malfoy- added, "There will be price, of course."

Harry knew at once that he was doomed. The look on Draco's face said, "I know that we're not enemies anymore but that doesn't mean that I'm going to be any less evil, you know."

"How about this, in return for one kissing lesson, all you'd have to do is do something that I tell you to. Simple enough. Wouldn't you agree, Harry?" Draco said silkily. Both boys knew (one in pride and one in terror) that the things that came out of Draco's perverse mind would be far from simple and even if they were- would always result in something so terrifying that both trembled when they thought about it.(One in anticipation and one with:-terror again.) Harry knew that there was no way that he could say no.

Knowing that there was no way that Harry would say no Draco cast one last look at the endearing look of horror at Harry's face before sauntering away.

He was going to have a lot of fun with Harry.