Disclaimer: I do not own Witch Hunter Robin or Harry Potter...otherwise I would have made a second season of WHR.

Author's Notes:

Spoilers and Warnings: Despite being an AU fic, this story will have spoilers for the two series, so be warned in case you haven't seen all of WHR or read HP up to Half-Blood Prince. Also, because this is an AU fic, I will be altering some things mainly to make the two worlds correspond with each other. Beware.

Timeline: At this point in the Witch Hunter Robin series, the STN-J are still together. Roughly, the story starts in between Robin "acquiring" the Arcanum of the Craft/Inquisitor episode and Amon hunting Robin in "Loaded Guns." Amon has been told by Zaizen that Robin is a witch, but he has received no orders pertaining to her hunt/arrest.

As for the Harry Potter series, their part of the story starts at the beginning of their fifth year (i.e. Order of the Phoenix). This way Harry and his crew are of the same age as Robin and Sirius Black is in the story.


The figure is smiling on the television screen. He is perfectly aware that there are instruments recording his image, but he doubts anyone who relies on cameras for investigation will be able to stop or find him.

This disgusted Zaizen. As chief of the Solomon branch in Tokyo, it was his sworn duty to protect the innocent from harm caused by paranormal agents, mainly witches. Unlike ordinary officers, these supposed fearsome creatures met their matches in his men and women of the STN-J. Though the members came and went, he always had a few cold-blooded killers on the team to get the job done.

Zaizen had taken pride in his team, but he also became incredibly heartless to his prey. Why should he care anyway?

The man on the screen was murdering these people without giving them a fair fight. What kind of man kills people with a flick of a wand? The death blow should be weighed down with the very idea of killing and its consequences. One should not be able to simply mutter two ridiculous words and kill any person he or she sees.

Zaizen smoothed over his Italian-made suit and sat back in the leather chair. Pausing the video tape, the aging man caught a glimpse of a demon in the cloak. It had glimmering red slits for eyes and an indistinguishable nose. Did this thing even have one? The black hood hid every other feature and the cloak was nowhere near form-fitting. The only evidence in this video that he can rely on is an estimated height and an extra blurry picture for eyes - something easily attributed to a fake testimonial from an "eye-witness" without gathering suspicion.

At least this would give him a reason not to show his team the video. The images were not gruesome enough to get the idea across that this filth must be eliminated. Other commanders of different branches have agreed that if this is to be a rallying point for Solomon agents to attack the largest known group of witches, then the deaths must remain hidden or exaggerated. Operatives from Solomon's home base in Italy have taken care of the situation. Two hours after this had taken place, they had made sure that family's would be forced to cremate the bodies.

The operatives had done their duty well, even if it had been their comrades' bodies they were ordered to defile. That's what Zaizen liked about Solomon. The loyalty was beyond his expectations. Agents would kill their own mothers if they were said to be witches. And in reality, the complete annihilation of all witches is what he strived for.

If this thing had not attacked the STN-E, Zaizen would have ignored the other antics of England's dark witches. Solomon was already well aware of the death toll in Great Britain, but the numbers had a very high percentage of witches. It was worth the risk of innocent lives to turn a blind eye to the situation. Having the largest community of witches destroy each other in some epic battle would have proven to be quite entertaining - almost as entertaining as showing up on the winners' doorstep and wiping them out when they had their guard down.

However, this beast changed the situation, and Solomon has forced his hand. While other European branches were considered for the job of investigation, the STN-J had been chosen for a number of reasons.

Zaizen knew that he himself was trustworthy and already knowledgeable of the plans to kill all witches and craft-users. His team would also be the first in an experiment on behavior. He had two members who were craft-users, and Solomon was anxious to figure out what type of reaction they would have to a particularly tight-knit and well-developed community. Solomon wanted to know whether or not this false sense of security was strong enough to turn some craft-users away from their duties as hunters.

The STN-J was a particularly ideal first group because of the fail-safe already established in the team. While the question of turning traitor was an issue, the question of whether another agent could hunt another hunter was even more of a problem. Zaizen's own team leader had not only done so eight months ago, but it had been his former partner as well.

Solomon had been impressed by the dedication and loyalty to Solomon alone, without the emotional attachments to members of a lower order. With an assured option of killing the other agents once they've turned their backs on Solomon, the organization was more than optimistic in allowing the STN-J to be its first trial experiment. While Zaizen still had his doubts, he was also willing to build a better name for himself within the company.

Zaizen turned his attention back onto the screen. The copied tape was still paused on the looming black figure. This creature was going to meet its doom in his team and in Solomon. This mongrel's death was pinned the moment he stepped into that office. Solomon was invincible, inscrutable and unmerciful, even at the expense of its own members.

Zaizen ejected the video and threw it into the fireplace.