Shifted memories

By broken-smiles

At the end of a war there is a fight. There is a hero and a villain. There is good and evil. There is angst and tragedy. There is also victory and celebration. There is also hope and excitement. For one Harry Potter there is an end and a beginning. He will make self-discoveries and inner enlightenment.

But this is at the end of his trials, the end of the wizard's war. He will first have to grow up, learn, love, loose. He will face so much.

Before Harry was born there was a dreamer who saw a glimpse of a possible future. When the dreamer spoke the words a wizard took them as prophesy, as fact. This changed many lives. One change was the hiding and death of his family.

The wizard who sees himself as a leader gave "advice." The advice resulted in the tragic and violent death of Harry's family. The advice resulted in Harry becoming the boy who lived, prophesized equal executioner of he-who-shall-not-be-named, dark lord, villein. He is an orphaned wizard with no one in the world to be loved by, well no one not in prison, thought to be blown to bits or considered a blood thirsty animal every month but that's a different story entirely.

The wizard leader, who every year thinks himself wiser and more qualified to lead then any other, needed Harry to be safe. The wizard leader needed Harry healthy enough to later return to the wizarding world as a hero just in case the evil wizard was still able to attain power and threaten the wizardry world again. Really, the wizard leader had no choice. Harry would have to go to his only remaining blood relatives. It did not matter if Harry was happy only that he was alive. Dursley's hate magic and dislike abnormality in general. But this is a chance that the wizard leader would have to take. His hero may be damaged and weak but he would live. And that was all that mattered.

In another world the Dursley's overpowering hate would skew any and all good qualities they possessed and they would be just as miserable as the boy they consistently oppressed. In another world Harry would simple exist within their perfect normal word as an after thought to their own story. In this world Petunia is a mother. This is the same in the other world too, but in this world she is a mother first and a good gossiping homemaker third right after loving wife. Simply put, this Petunia had different priorities. So when baby Harry was left on her door step he looked too much like her baby sister and sounded too much like his cousin, her son, for her heart to bear and so she took him in and adopted little Harry as if he were her own.

Things were looking up for Harry. He had a new mom, a new dad and a new big brother. They weren't as good as his family, his mommy, daddy, paddy, moony, and wormy but at least he was loved. He was happy and content and the lovely new little family enjoyed many outings, family fun nights, dinners, and over all good times. Things started changing when harry started talking to an imaginary friend.

Now, Petunia was not too overly concerned with the appearance of Harry's imaginary twin bother after all Dudley had Tinker, his pet platypus. Where Dudley learned what a platypus was or how to pronounce it was anyone's guess but she was positive the boys were simply going through a phase and like every thing else they would out grow it. She remembered that her own mother had all kinds of stories of what she and Lily got into while playing pretend.

Sure enough soon Dudley was talking less and less to and about Tinker. He even forgot to feed him a few times. Harry still talked to Tom but he seemed to have less confidence then Dudley. Being shortest in the class and having the most horrid nightmares of torture and death seemed to do that to a child. So Petunia concluded that Harry just needed Tom longer to overcome his fear of other people and gain more confidence. Soon he would be just as out going as her Dudley. So she continued to love and nurture the boys as brothers even including Tom in family events She was slightly concerned with how Dudley was coping with Harry's having a "Twin" brother but overall thought it was good Harry wasn't completely dependent on Dudley.

Then the school burned down and Tom was holding the matches and the gasoline.


I rewrote (obviously) the first few chapter just cuz I didn't like how they flowed. I hope I've become a better writer. I hope to have the rest of the remodeled chapters out by next week.