A/N: Oh, why did this take so very long to write? Well, for one, I was on vacation for a month and a half. I did get some done, but I got a great amount finished in the past couple of days. So, without further ado, the warnings. Oh...mention of craziness, Enishi's foul mouth, and Kaoru gets really angry and starts hitting inanimate objects. I tried a different style of writing for this chapter. I wanted to wran you that it might seem to skip around a lot, since it switches back and forth between two separate groups of people. You know how the earlier chapters had a little note that said it was based on events of my life? Well, I got tired of re-hashing old memories. That kind of therapy never did me any good, really. So, the moment Enishi turns out to be a decent human being...that's where the "true to life" part ends. The only other possible warning I have for you is that they talk about Akira's murder. They discuss crime scene photos...eew.

Legal Stuffiness: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin, or any of the characters therein. Nobuhiro Watsuke, sole proprietor.

Thank you to the reviewer Lynn-Minmay who pointed out my misspelling of Mr. Watsuke's name. Ahem. Gomen, my dears.

Last time...

"Are you making threats?"

Only one word can characterize Yukishiro Tomoe's smile. Chilling. And Enishi suddenly felt as if his heart had turned to ice when she smiled up at him. Tomoe picked up her soda, and began walking out of the room. As a last ditch effort to stop her, he said, "What would Akira say, Tomoe?" That stopped her quick pace. She now stood motionless, her back to him, and he could hear the soda can's thin aluminum straining under a certainly white-knuckled grip. "Well, nee-san? What would he say, if he saw you now? Is this how you honor him?" The can gave way, and the brown cola spattered the floor, the carbonation hissing Tomoe's agitation.

Slowly, she turned back to him. The dark liquid clung to her hand, which also seemed to have begun bleeding from clutching the metal container. Her voice, for once, held emotion as it came out in a breathless whisper. "How dare you even speak his name to me, Enishi?"

Taking a very deep breath, Enishi stepped toward his sister. He pulled the can from her, and placed it in the sink, guiding her slowly over to the faucet, so that he could wash the blood away. "Nee-san, I just don't think that this is a good idea. Do you want to ruin more lives?" His sister's un-injured hand came around to slap his face, but he caught it, silently thanking Kenshin and Aoshi for the Kendo lessons. "Tomoe, it's too late to be defensive. Neither of us will have what we want. I can't help the way I feel about her, and you can't help your feelings for Kenshin. But I know that what I feel can't have any real result. There will be no happy ending for me." She shook free of him.

"Enishi, how…how can you say that?"

"When was the last time you actually looked at them, the way they look at one another?" He wrapped a dish-towel around her hand. Enishi could see the defiant and desperate light in her eyes. His own eyes narrowed. "You haven't taken your meds lately, have you, nee-san?" She looked away from him. Sighing, he pulled her out of the kitchen, and to their bathroom upstairs. "Come on. No arguing. You're going to take your pills, Tomoe. You can't go on like this…" Then, for some odd reason, Enishi felt a stabbing pain at the base of his neck, and he crumpled to the floor. The last thing he saw before everything went black was his sister's smiling face.

Chapter 7: A Dangerous Game

"Hiko, I wonder," The man sitting across from him drew on his cigarette, then exhaled slowly. The music teacher nearly coughed, but since that would be rude, he merely leaned back in his chair. Saito was an old friend, from a time when Hiko and he were not in such honorable professions. When he was twenty, he'd pulled Saito from the burning building that would have been death for both of them, and they'd vowed never to return to the life they once led. The man watched the red smoldering tip of his cigarette burning, and continued, "I wonder if that boy of yours is all right. As I understand it, from my nephew, he's being followed."

If Hiko Seijuro weren't acquainted with him, he would goggle at the man. He had ways of getting information that went beyond what one would normally think of as prudent. For instance, using his nephew, Soujirou Seta to gather information from the high school on potential criminal elements. The boy was extremely intelligent, and confident in his abilities, but Hiko wondered that he was altogether stable. No matter. Those issues would resolve themselves eventually. Sipping his sake, he sniffed. "By whom is Kenshin being followed?"

"I'm sure you remember Yukishiro Tomoe."

"Damn it, Tomoe…" Enishi sat up blearily, looking around. He'd been beaten down by a five-foot-two-inch tall girl with major emotional problems. And no medication. The room was familiar. When his vision cleared, he recognized his bedroom. Somehow, she had carried or dragged him here, and put him on the bed. He swung his legs over the side of the mattress, and went shakily to the door, swearing under his breath at the strange half-dizzy feeling. He clutched at his head, hoping that the oddly muffled quality of his thoughts would somehow solidify. Enishi cursed again when he found his sister had locked him in. Whirling around, he searched his room for any clue as to his sister's intentions. On his desk, there was a note, written in her tight, regular hand.


Be a good boy and stay in your room. I'll be back later to take care of you.



"Like fucking hell I'm staying in here." He went to the window. After pulling it open, he stuck his head out. Perfect. The drainpipe was nearby. He grumbled to himself as he sat on the windowsill, "Crazy bitch'll probably gut me if I do..." Now, all he had to do was get down it without killing himself.

"The girl who found Kyosato Akira dead a few years ago?" Hiko remembered both the girl and the boy. He'd taught Akira, and the boy had been a promising pianist. Tomoe had always struck him as a bit off-kilter. Though why he thought he could judge the sanity of others, he did not really know. He was certain that he was most likely one of the least sane people he knew. Saito's nod set the wheels in his mind to turning. "Is there any evidence as to why she is exhibiting such behavior?"

Hajime Saito smiled wolfishly and blew out another breath of smoke. "My nephew tells me that he overheard Himura speaking with the Kamiya girl and Myoujin Yahiko. They said that Tomoe's got some kind of crush or what-have-you." Something told Hiko that it wasn't just out of the goodness of his heart that Saito had decided to tell him this. He quirked an eyebrow at him, and the man nodded. "I have been monitoring her actions over the past few years. You took all those psychology classes. Why don't you take a look at this, and tell me what you think." A folder was slid across the sticky bar-room table toward him.

After looking for a long moment at the pale manila paper, he took it up, and opened it. His eyes widened. "Is all this true?" When he looked up at Saito, he saw that small smile that said all he needed to know. "Attempted suicide…alcohol poisoning…heavily medicated…" His eyes flew over the pages. Then, he got to the transcription of the call to the police department, when she reported the Kyosato boy's murder. At this, his eyes narrowed. "Is she the only one you've been monitoring?"

"Kaoru! Telephone for you!" The girl happily took the cordless phone from her mother as she ran past, on her way to the pool in the back yard. It had been her intention to do laps, but she could wait if she had a phone call.

"Moshi, moshi."

There was a slight panting on the other end of the line, then she heard Enish's voice. "Kaoru, are you okay?"

Confused, she said, "Yes, why?"

"I'll explain when I get to your house. Call Kenshin and get him there too. Anyone else you trust would be good too…No...on second thought...is there anywhere we can talk away from prying ears? There's something up with Tomoe." Enishi sounded extremely distressed. What was going on?

"The family dojo just up the street. I'll have people meet us there in an hour. How's that?" Enishi agreed hurriedly, and hung up. This was bad. She was starting to worry. It was just after dark, and she tried hard not to chew on her lip like she always did when she was nervous. Punching Kenshin's number, she tapped her foot nervously on the still-warm paving stones. When his gentle voice came over the line, she let it all out in a rush. "Kenshin, I need you and Sano and Yahiko at the dojo in an hour. Please, hurry. It's important." He started to stammer and ask her what this was about, but then agreed, finally noticing how upset she was. Then, she called Sano, and gave him the same speech for he and Yahiko.

After thinking for a long moment, she thought hard for the newest phone number she knew. After dialing it, her ear was greeted with a deep and very calm voice. "Moshi, moshi. Shinomori Aoshi speaking."

"Aoshi, I need you to come to the dojo, right away. Something bad is about to happen, and I need all of the people I trust to be there." He agreed quickly, sensing the tension in her voice just as Kenshin had. There was an icy feeling in her stomach. This was going to be a long night.

Saito shook his head. "No. We've also been looking at her younger brother. The boy's got a temper, and obsessive tendencies. He may have an...unhealthy relationship with his sister." Hiko shook his head, wondering at the allegation.

"No, I don't think that Enishi and Tomoe are having some kind of incestuous affair. That's impossible. Kenshin's told me that Enishi is trying to steal Kamiya Kaoru out from under him." Saito smirked. He had his theories, and he would follow them through. Nothing Hiko said would change that. "Well, I will say this. From what I have read here, and it is only a cursory analysis…I would say that closer monitoring may be necessary. And, I might need to tell Kenshin about this."

"By all means. Forewarned is forearmed. But Hiko,"


"Tell them all to be careful. Your students…the ones involved. Myoujin, Sagara, Kamiya, Himura…they all should be careful. I am not certain what might happen. What is your recommendation, then? Keep a close watch?" Saito crushed his cigarette in the ash tray, watching the smoke curl around his hand.

Hiko nodded, and said, "Yes. But you may take that file to a qualified psychologist. I only minored in the stuff. In fact, let me give you the name of my old professor. He's one of the few that are actually still alive." Scribbling a name down on a scrap of paper, he stuffed it inside the folder and handed it back. "Gensai is a good man, and if I call him before you get to him, he'll be more than willing to help. He specializes in abnormal psychology. Remember to be polite, Saito."

"Arigato, old friend." Saito put the folder back into his satchel, and Hiko rose to leave. "Hiko," Saito's hand was on his arm now. That must mean that he was completely serious. He very well knew that Hiko did not like to be touched. "Call me if you notice anything suspicious." Nodding, he gently shook free of Saito's hand and took his leave. On the way home, he wished that he'd had more sake. Perhaps he should get some?

Aoshi was the first to arrive after Kaoru, punctual to the point of being obsessive. He found her sitting on the floor, chewing nervously at her fingernails. There was something about the air in the dojo that was utterly tense. She looked up quickly, and beckoned him over. "What is going on, Kaoru-san?" Aoshi removed his shoes. After placing them next to the door, he seated himself next to her. She did not answer, but continued watching the open door nervously. He was not going to push her. So, he merely sat there, watching her stare at the door and biting her nails with sharp little clicks.

For a time, he watched her. There was something which was truly agitating her. He wanted nothing more than to make it all go away, so that she could smile again, even if it was not at him.

Not five minutes later, Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Myoujin Yahiko arrived. They all questioned her, Sano most sharply of the three, but she said nothing. Kaoru continued to watch the door, her anxiety rising by the moment. Who else was coming? When he asked the others, they professed ignorance. A few minutes later, Yukishiro Enishi stumbled into the door, rumpled, dirty and seemingly bewildered. Aoshi stared at the boy, whose eyes looked hunted and rather paranoid. When Enishi saw Kaoru, relief flooded his face. After toeing off his shoes, he walked shakily over to them. He collapsed in front of Kaoru, took both of her hands and breathed, "Thank God you're all right." He stared at Kaoru as if she would disappear. He then bowed his head, and his shoulders slumped forward, causing his shirt to shift, revealing an angry bruise where his shoulder met his neck.

The dark haired girl's blue eyes widened in shock upon seeing this injury. "Oh my God! What--Enishi? Are you all right?" When her surprise subsided, Kaoru shuffled forward on her knees, and pulled his shirt aside. Aoshi's eyes narrowed at the large, green and purple marks from where he sat, looking over Yahiko's shoulder. In a worried tone, Kaoru said, "What happened? Did Tomoe do this?" Aoshi's eyes narrowed as the younger boy looked up at Kaoru. He nodded. "But…why would she do that?"

Kenshin rose from his place on the floor. His tone had gone lower, and he closed the door and locked it. "Before he explains anything, Kaoru, we need to put some ice on that bruise." She nodded, and Aoshi watched the red headed boy move around the room, collecting a pillow, a narrow futon, and a chemical ice pack. When he cracked it, he placed it gently on the fresh bruise. "Help me move him, Sano." The two boys lifted Enishi, and placed him on the little futon.

"Make with the explaining, Yukishiro." Sano was not sounding pleased. Aoshi watched Kaoru's face closely. She was worried about Enishi. For that matter, Kenshin looked as if he were, as well.

When Enishi began to speak, his voice was dull. "Tomoe. She isn't taking her medication. She knocked me out and locked me in my bedroom. Got rid of the phone, too. I slid down the drainpipe." He looked at Kaoru again, and sighed. "I thought she was going to come after you, Kaoru. She's hell-bent on getting her hands on Kenshin, and I thought…I don't know what I thought. But I didn't want anything to happen to you. And Kenshin should know, too."

Aoshi leaned back on his elbows. This was a surprising turn of events. Yukishiro Enishi must feel very strongly for Kaoru to shimmy down a drainpipe and walk—half dazed—all the way over to her house. It was apparently his idea to gather them all here, as well. "Yukishiro-san," Aoshi said, "have you called the police?" Enishi shook his head. "Don't you think we should?"

"There's no need for that." A voice behind them said. They all turned to see Soujiro, standing in the doorway. When had he arrived? And how had he even gotten past the lock? Aoshi looked suspiciously at the fourteen-year-old. He had a shrewd look about him, which was not quite covered up by the cheerful exterior that he put up. The boy closed the door behind him, and quickly removed his shoes.

Kenshin stiffened as the younger boy approached. His voice became the low growl that Aoshi had only heard once before. "My very own police escort. What are you doing here?" Now Aoshi considered himself to be intelligent, and not at all slow on the uptake, so to speak. But this situation was killing him. He didn't know what was going on, other than the fact that something bad had just happened. It was almost enough to make him want to pull his hair out.

"I could ask you the same thing, if I didn't already know what was going on, Kenshin." Leaning against the wall again, the boy took in the group with a sweeping glance. "You all have no idea how much trouble you're in." Enishi tried to sit up, but Kaoru pushed him back down. Soujiro smiled over at Enishi. "Your sister…how well do you know her, Enishi?" The boy being addressed could not speak. He was just as dumbfounded as the rest of them. Except, it seemed, for Kenshin.

"Spit it out, kid, before I beat it out of you." That surprised Aoshi. He looked at Kenshin, who had just said something he thought would only come from Sano. There was something behind the red-head's eyes that made him flinch. Soujiro did not seem surprised by this, nor did he seem at all put off by it. He simply slid a back-pack from his shoulders, and opened it, pulling out a bright red envelope. Tossing it over to Kenshin, he nodded at him, indicating that he should open it.

Aoshi and the others drew closer. From within the confines of the envelope, Kenshin drew a series of photographs, all depicting a crime scene. Kaoru couldn't look at them, so she concentrated on making Enishi remain lying down. The photographs were gruesome. Aoshi did not recognize the young man in them, but he did recognize the wounds. He picked up one of the photographs, studying it. "This person was killed with a blade. And it wasn't done quickly, either."

Soujiro nodded, saying, "Very astute, Shinomori. Now, take a look at the hands. His wrists were bound, as were his ankles." Aoshi could see the rope-burns on the young man's wrists, and though there were no pictures of his ankles, he would take the other boy's word for it. He still did not understand.

"If he was bound, then where did the ropes go? Why were they removed?" Sano was looking at the first photograph. He squinted at it. "Soujiro," he said quietly, "Who is he?"

"Kyosato Akira. Yukishiro Tomoe's boyfriend, who was murdered three years ago. You remember, don't you, Kenshin?" The red-head nodded. "Akira lived next door to you, didn't he?" The others turned to look at Kenshin, who only nodded. "You weren't home that day, were you?"

Kenshin stood, and walked directly over to where the younger boy stood, handing him the red envelope. "No, I was not. I was with Kaoru and her parents in Nagasaki. What's this about, Soujiro?"

The dark-haired boy seemed intent on taking things at his own pace, however. He ignored Kenshin's question, instead walking over to where Enishi lay. Coming to rest on his knees, he looked down at the prone young man with his strangely intense gaze. "Your father collects antique katana, does he not, Enishi?"


"Two days before Kyosato Akira was murdered, he filed a report, stating that one of his most valuable katana had been stolen, yes?" Enishi nodded. Soujiro seemed satisfied. "Before either of you ask," he said as he glanced at Sano and Kenshin, "I got these photographs and the reports in my backpack from my uncle. I believe you know him, Sano?"

"Saito? He's letting you help him with an investigation? Wow. So, Mr. Wizard, what's your take on this, and how does it involve us?" Sano eyed Soujiro curiously. Aoshi did the same, since there was obviously more to this than he had originally thought. Some of it was beginning to come into focus, though not much. The more he thought about it, the more that cold weight seemed to settle in his stomach.

Kaoru had a strange feeling that she was in the middle of some weird slasher-film. Her mouth had gone completely dry, and had she not already been seated, she would have fallen over. Looking down at Enishi, she knew that he was coming to the very same conclusion that she had. Kaoru's small hands clamped down over her mouth, stifling a squeak. Soujiro smirked at her. "Hm. I see that the very last person that I would have thought…You're much smarter than I thought you were, Kaoru-san."

Yahiko looked confusedly at Kaoru, who was pale and seemed as if she were going to faint at any moment. "You okay, piggy-chan? What's wrong?"

Enishi smacked Yahiko weakly on the back of his head. "Haven't you figured it out by now, Myoujin-baka?" Frowning, he said, "My sister is not right in the head. Her boyfriend was murdered a couple of days after one of my father's katana just up and disappeared. Now, think. What the hell could it possibly mean?" Yahiko's eyes widened instantly, horrified realization surfacing in them.

Aoshi seemed as if he were frozen to the spot. Kenshin rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his hands, sighing tiredly. Sano frowned, and looked at Soujiro. "So, why are you here, Mr. Wizard? Why are you telling us this?"

Soujiro smiled again, softly. "I'm dedicated to the same cause my uncle is. As soon as I graduate from school, I'm going into the police department. He's letting me help him so that I can get some experience. But right now, the academy can wait. My top priority is seeing Yukishiro Tomoe put where she belongs."

"The funny-farm?" Yahiko's voice was innocent and curious. He was not joking in any way.

"For one who is criminally insane, perhaps. I wonder, though. Is she?" The young would-be detective mused aloud, sounding far too calm for any of their liking. Kaoru looked around at the boys in the room.

Enishi was almost unresponsive. His movements were sluggish, and that had little to do with the horrible bruise on his neck. Sano was looking ready to kill someone. Yahiko was still simply shocked. Aoshi was staring shrewdly at Soujiro, as was Kenshin. She gnawed at her lower lip.

The next words that came out of Kenshin's mouth made her gasp. "So, you're thinking that she needs to be put away before she kills me, right?" Soujiro simply nodded. The redheaded boy smiled sadly. "I can't say that she wouldn't succeed. Kyosato-san was relatively skilled, and exceedingly determined. He would not have died easily. If it came to it, I might be forced to kill her."

"Kenshin!" she heard herself cry out in a pleading voice, "What are you saying? Are you planning on dealing with her on your own? This is a job for the police!" When she tried to stand, she found that she was being held back by Enishi, who had hold of her right wrist, and also by Aoshi, whose hand was on her left shoulder. Looking from one boy to the other, she started to panic. "What is this? You people are crazy! Soujiro, please talk some sense into them!"

The young man was looking from Kenshin to Aoshi, then to Enishi. The exceedingly fast gears in his mind were turning at top speed, and to her everlasting horror, it looked as if he were actually considering allowing them to help. Kaoru simply settled down on the floor again, and forced herself not to jump up, grab the nearest shinai and beat the living hell out of each and every one of them. It took—needless to say—nearly every bit of cold, hard self-discipline she had.

"I would have to wait and see, Kenshin. Uncle Saito might have objections to involving any innocent civilians. Especially if you are already in danger." Kaoru's heart eased a little. Finally, someone was being sensible.

"Well," Sano said, "I'll see what I can do, at least." Everyone except Yahiko was surprised. He smiled wolfishly, and said, "I do know a few people of a less than honorable variety. They could look around for her. If she's hiding anywhere in the city of Tokyo—anywhere that they have their eyes and ears—I'll know in a matter of hours." Kaoru blinked at him, disbelieving. Finally, he explained why it wouldn't take long. "A girl like her would stand out in the better places to hide."

While this course of action would put none of them in danger, she still thought that actual cops should be handling things. When she said so, she was rebuked. "Kaoru-san, please. I think that we will need to consult my uncle." Soujiro's polite tone was almost enough to drive her absolutely insane. She made a sound that was a near-shriek of frustration.

"You people are all totally barking mad! What in the world are you going to do? You're not a cop yet, Soujiro. And you!" Her hand rose, pointing an accusing finger at Kenshin, "You! You're not killing anybody! I can't believe you're even considering this! Kenshin, you'll be arrested, and go to prison…" she somehow found the strength to pry both Aoshi and Enishi's hands off of her. "I can't let you do anything that will put you in danger. I can't let any of you do that." She had forced herself to her feet, and was now looking at them all. Their faces were all filled with shock. She still hadn't gotten through to them. Finally, she couldn't stand it any longer. Taking a very deep breath, she walked over to one of the training dummies—a wooden one, with two-inch-thick wooden appendages in various places for striking practice—and took out her frustrations on it, bare-handed.

Striking the wood again and again with her fists, she muttered things under her breath. "Idiots," was growled as she struck the top of the wooden post. "Foolish…stupid…brainless!" These words accompanied blows to the left arm of the dummy, and finally, when she yelled "Inconsiderate retards!" The wood gave way with a resounding snap, echoing off of the walls as the arm flew across the floor in splinters. Kaoru sank to the floor, hands bloodied, and leaned on the dummy, crying softly.

Kenshin, along with the rest of the boys, stared at Kaoru. She was a bloody, crying mess. He couldn't react fast enough. When he finally did move, he was not the first to get to her. It appeared that Aoshi recovered slightly faster than he did. The tall young man lifted her easily from the floor, and all Kenshin could do was watch as Kaoru buried her face in the front of Aoshi's shirt and soaked it with tears of anger and frustration. He knew that she only wanted him to stay safe, but he was sure that her worry was at least in part misplaced.

"That's enough." Surprisingly, it was Enishi who spoke. Kenshin's eyes glanced over at the boy who had pushed himself into a sitting position and was glaring forcefully at the intruder. Soujiro was returing the death-glare with only mild curiosity. "Soujiro, I think you should leave." When the boy tried to protest, Enishi shot him a warning glare. "Leave, or I'll get up, and I'll make you leave."

Nodding, Kenshin stepped forward, speaking in a low but rather threatening voice to the younger boy. "Go and speak to your uncle. Get as much information about the situation as you can. If it can be handled without our help, do it. But if anything requires my—or any of our—assistance, make absolutely certain that everything is done through official channels, Soujiro. If Tomoe is guilty of Akira's death as you seem to think, she is very dangerous, and I don't want any of us getting hurt. Got it?" The smile on Soujiro's face faltered only for a moment as he nodded, and he slipped out of the door silently.

Finally, Kenshin turned to where Aoshi still held Kaoru. She was still crying. He approached them, and tried to take her from the taller boy, but she was clinging blindly to the dark fabric of Aoshi's shirt, and shied away from his touch. Seeing her this way was more painful than any physical wound he had ever sustained. Kenshin wanted to hold her, to tell her that everything would be all right, but he couldn't. She flinched when he smoothed her hair away from her face, and it was like someone twisting a dull knife in his chest. After a long and very tense moment, Aoshi leaned down to whisper in her ear. She looked up at him, blinking. He smiled down at her kindly, and she seemed a little calmer. Kaoru looked around at the rest of them, who were all frowning in concern. A bit sheepishly, she wiped the tears from her face with the back of a hand. This action only spread blood from her knuckles over her cheeks.

The image was more than Kenshin could take. He rushed forward, and pulled a small handkerchief from his pocket, wiping the blood away. The last thing in the world he ever wanted to see was her blood. Aoshi looked at him, and a silent understanding appeared in his eyes. Kenshin knew at that moment why Aoshi was cradling her so protectively. His eyes strayed to Enishi, and he saw the same expression in the younger boy's eyes. Things certainly seemed to be getting complicated, didn't they? He sighed.

"Aoshi-san, can you take her back to her house? I'll take care of Enishi. Please make sure that her mother does not have a heart-attack, and I will see her later." As much as he hated the thought of being away from her, he needed to ensure that Enishi was safe. Blue eyes narrowed for an instant, then he watched Aoshi nod. Kenshin wasn't sure what he would do with Enishi, but he knew that the boy couldn't go home. Where would he be safe from his sister? He could think of only one place. Leaning down to Kaoru, he kissed her forehead. "I'll come to see you later, Kaoru-dono. Please, let your mother take care of your hands."

The small group dispersed, Sano and Yahiko leaving first. Aoshi forwent his car, opting to carry Kaoru all the way back to her house. Kenshin locked up the dojo, and helped Enishi to walk. It was only three blocks, but the boy was heavy. "Where are we going?" Enishi's voice was thick. Not for the first time, Kenshin wondered whether he had been drugged.

"I'm taking you home with me. Hiko will know what to do. And, if you're not safe with him, you won't be safe anywhere." Enishi nodded, simply leaning on the shorter frame Kenshin provided. The situation was tense. Kenshin, for all of his pretense, was far from stupid. He knew very well how both Enishi and Aoshi felt for Kaoru. But it simply was not in him to hate either boy for it. He couldn't bring himself to despise them as he thought he should. Enishi, as well as Aoshi, was the least of his worries at the moment, however. Kenshin's main concern was the fact that Tomoe seemed to be extremely unstable, and had some kind of obsession with him.

How far would she go to make sure that he did as she wanted? Would she hurt him? Or Kaoru? Yahiko? Her own brother was not immune to her rage, so how safe was anyone else? A few moments after he thought this, they were walking up the drive at the house he shared with Hiko.

After propping Enishi against the clapboards of the house, he fished his keys from the pocket of his pants, and unlocked the door. When he entered, he found Hiko sitting in the kitchen, a jug of sake open. Sipping lightly, he turned to see the two boys enter. "Kenshin?"

"Hiko, I think we have a problem."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed it. That was a b to write.

antilogicgirl: --waves little card in the air-- And...it's Tomoe...in the hall...with a candlestick!

Sano: --blinks-- You've got problems.

antilogicgirl: Shut up, bird-brain. Or do you want a fluff scene with Megumi?

Sano: Shutting up.

Enishi: Did she have to hit me so hard?

Tomoe: Yes.

everyone: ...

Soujiro: I appreciate you giving me such a large part in the chapter, but did I have to turn out to be the "bad guy"?

Kenshin/Aoshi/Enishi: ... You made her cry! Of course you're the bad guy!

Soujiro: Actually, it was Kenshin who did that. I just gave him the opening.

antilogicgirl: Enough out of you, idiot. No more crime scene photos for you. --yanks away red envelope--

Aoshi: (to self) At least I got to hold Kaoru again.

antilogicgirl: coughdesperatecough

Kaoru: It isn't desperation. It's fluff, and I think it's cute.

Aoshi: --blinks-- Really? --mentally punches air with fist while inner Aoshi does a dance of joy--

antilogicgirl: I rest my case.

Aoshi: ...