Note:Below is the full summary in all its glory, because it got cut off and I had to shorten it. I do this only because it'll give you more insight as to the full content of this story;)
When the Danny Phantom crew are stranded on a desert island they must face many dangers, including the Fenton Ghost Disabler, a vicious hurricane, deep ravines, quicksand, poisonous snakes, falling airplanes, large carnivorous felines, cannibals, volcanoes,and many more horrors, in an effort that quickly shifts from a goal of getting off of the island to simply surviving.
Clicking on the fanfiction, rather than seeing an author proud to showcase her latest work, you see a mushroom, white and specked with three green spots, and carrying a long red stick despite its lack of hands. The mushroom speaks:
'Oh, uh, hi, everyone! I bet you're wondering where the author of this story is, huh? Well, uh, she's not here right now, because she brutally hit herself in the head with her keyboard multiple times and typed a long row of random meaningless letters. Well, long story short, she's been working on this story rather than her other ones for a while now, and is about seven whole chapters in. Actually, she's just a little obsessed with it, to tell you the truth. Oh, yes. It's been "Marooned this", and "Marooned that", and "MUSHI, GET AWAY FROM THAT PLOT OUTLINE FOR MAROONED!" Yeah, talk about pure torture, and all I was going to do was use that paper to make a piñata and hit it with my stick…
'Ah, yes. I bet you're all wondering who I am, too, aren't you? My name is Mushi Kinoko, and "Kinoko" is the Japanese word for mushroom. "Mushi", on the other hand (if I had one, that is…) is the Japanese word for insect, or neglect. But, EP tends to write "Mushi" in Katakana, marking it out as a foreign word or name with a non-Japanese meaning. And if you were to write my name in Japanese, please call me "Kinoko Mushisan", or "Kinokosan". Although I can't call myself "san", because in Japanese culture it is considered rude to refer to yourself as "san". Or "kun" or "chan", too.
'Um, but I'm running away with myself here. Anyway, to present a story thought of by EP, brooded upon by EP, written by EP, edited by EP, and published by Schoolastic… Hah, just kidding. Published by EP. Before she hit herself over the head with the keyboard, that is.
'I'm guessing you came here to read it, which is sad really, because no one ever reads MY stories. Okay, so I haven't written any, but… Well, you wouldn't read them if I did, now, would you? No, I didn't think so. So, you'll be reading this now, I guess. And please, don't line up for my autograph afterwards, even though I'm sure you'll be wanting one.
'And now, why don't y'all read that prologue here, okay? Mushi signing out!'
Prologue: Hurricane Horror
Danny Fenton slouched in his seat, arms crossed, glaring at the man who was sitting innocently before him.
"I know you're planning something, Vlad," he growled, loud enough for only the multi-billionaire to hear.
"Oh, am I?" the man asked. "Really, Daniel, why must I always be up to an evil plot of some sort? Can't we simply put that all behind us, and get along?"
"You're not fooling anyone, Plasmius," Danny hissed. "I might not know what you're up to, but I know why you're up to it."
Danny glanced in the direction of his two parents, who were attending to a device in the middle of the airplane.
Jazz walked up to them storming.
"What kind of parents are you?" she berated. "You drag your entire family on a trip to the ends of the earth, just to try out your new invention on some ghosts that are supposedly haunting the Bermuda Triangle? And what is that, anyway?" By 'that', Jazz was probably referring to the invention which was currently the main object of her scorn, and her parent's interest.
"This," Maddie explained to her daughter, "is the Fenton Ghost Disabler."
"That's right! This baby," Jack said, patting the machine, "is designed to disable any ghost within a range of one hundred yards by paralyzing it with an ectoplasmically-charged electrical shock! The amount of time the ghost is disabled depends on the amount of electrical energy run through the Disabler, as well as things such as distance from the Disabler, power capabilities of the ghost; that sort of thing."
"Football field range," Danny said, with a somewhat amused look at Vlad. "Better hope the Packers aren't ghosts, Vlad, or I'll have actually found a good use for one of my dad's inventions."
"Oh, please!" Vlad scoffed. "Your father built the thing, Daniel, do you really think it will even work?"
"My mom helped," Danny said pointedly.
"True," Vlad sighed. "And dear Maddie can do no wrong..."
Danny snorted loudly, causing Vlad to glare.
"So, anyway, Plasmius," Danny began offhandedly a few minutes later, "why'd you decide to sponsor this thing, anyway?"
"Because, Daniel," the elder halfa explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "the Bermuda Triangle has been the source of many mysterious disappearances throughout the ages. Would it be so hard to pretend that Jack has been lost to the mysterious and unknown dangers of the area?"
Danny blinked, then looked out the window of the plane at the sparkling ocean below. "Wow, you give up your villainous plots more eagerly than Technus," he said.
Vlad narrowed his eyes. "Oh, but I haven't divulged all of my plot to you, Daniel. I highly doubt that you will be able to perceive the rest of my plan."
"Hmmm..." Danny said, mock thoughtful as he turned away from the window. "It doesn't have anything to do with the Fenton Ghost Disabler disabling a one Danny Phantom so you can put your plan into action, does it?"
"Oooh, you've discovered my evil plot! Whatever shall I do?" Vlad asked with sarcastic fear. "Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. This is why I'm the chess master in this game, and you are merely a pawn!"
"Hi, Mom!" Danny said, waving over Vlad's shoulder. Vlad jumped and turned around, but Madeline Fenton was still at the Fenton Ghost Disabler with Jack and Jazz.
Danny smiled smugly as Vlad looked back to him. "Cut it with the chess analogies, Vlad," he said as he got up. "Oh, and, another thing...GET A CAT!"
Danny walked over to join his two long-time friends, Tucker and Sam, in another part of the plane.
"So, what's Vlad up to now?" Sam asked.
"Well, let me see... If you guessed 'Vlad will use the Fenton Ghost Disabler to short out my powers, then push my dad off into the ocean and run off with my mom,' then you're correct! You've just won our million-dollar grand prize!"
"I didn't guess, but can I have the money anyway?" Tucker asked hopefully. Danny laughed and shook his head, turning to look out the window.
"Hey, is that a ship?" he asked.
"What? Where?" Sam asked. She and Tucker moved to their own windows, looking.
"There," Danny pointed.
A cruise ship could be made out, bobbing on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.
"Is what a ship?" Valerie Gray asked, coming up to them.
"That," Tucker said, pointing much as Danny had done.
"I think that's Paulina's Easter Vacation Party Cruise ship that we weren't invited on," Sam said, with a sideways glance at Valerie.
Valerie had been invited on the plane trip by Danny, who had sympathized with her when he heard that she was one of the four students in the Freshman year at Casper High who weren't in band or Chess Club and hadn't been invited on Paulina's cruise. Valerie had previously had nothing to do during the week-long break, and had jumped at the chance to spend some time with Amity Park's resident professional ghost hunters, particularly after she had heard that the trip was sponsored by her formerly-anonymous weapons donor.
"What cruise?" Jazz asked, coming up to join them as Valerie had done.
"The cruise which every fourteen year old student at Casper High besides us four is going on," Valerie said sadly. She sighed. "I know I'm not rich any more, but I somehow can't believe that I wasn't invited."
Danny, Tucker, and Sam exchanged glances.
"Valerie, Paulina's not your friend any more. She only hangs out with rich popular people, and wannabe-popular suck-ups like Star," Sam growled.
"Sam's right, Val. Besides, we're your friends now," Danny said, throwing his arm around the girl's shoulders in a gesture of friendship. Sam stiffened, and glared at Valerie, who smiled tauntingly back. Danny, unaware of the silent war that was waging between the two girls, frowned as he stared out the window.
"Hey, what's that?" he asked, removing his arm (much to Sam's relief) to point out the window.
Tucker, Sam, Jazz, and Valerie looked to the direction he was pointing in. To the front of the plane, barely visible because of the angle the window had to the nose, was a dark smudge on the horizon.
"It looks like a storm," Valerie said.
"And it looks like we're headed right into it," Jazz added. "Hang on, let me go talk to the pilot." And Jazz left to do just that.
"Hah!" Sam said, her nose pressed against the window. She was looking down at Paulina's cruise ship. "Look, Paulina and her party are headed straight towards it! Oh, I can just imagine them all, seasick!" Sam closed her eyes and smiled, envisioning a boat full of seasick jocks and preps.
"Well," Jazz said grimly, coming back, "I've just talked to the pilot. Apparently it's a huge thunderstorm cell, and we have to go right into it. There's not enough fuel to take us around."
"So what do we do?" Tucker asked.
"Buckle up and brace yourselves," Jazz said.
The storm was upon them a little more than half an hour later. It was not, as the pilot had said, a thunderstorm cell. It was a hurricane! Rotating winds buffeted the plane about, rain pattered so ceaselessly that it sounded like one continuous drumbeat of enormous volume. Visibility was nothing; only black shadowy clouds could be seen through the windows, occasionally illuminated by a sudden lightning flash. The accompanying thunder seemed to shake the whole plane.
"How does the pilot even know where he's going through all this?" Valerie asked.
"Built-in guidance and navigation systems," Jazz said knowledgeably.
The plane shook, veered temporarily to the side from a tremendous wind gust.
"Oh, I don't like this!" Tucker said. He jumped as thunder cracked loudly.
"It's okay, Tuck. We'll be fine," Danny said.
The plane veered again, tilting drastically. Balance was lost and several people fell; the Fenton Ghost Disabler fell over to its side and slid over to the door on the leeward side of the plane, knocking the latch off and the door open.
"Ahh!" several people shrieked simultaneously as the door opened and the storm came rushing in. Without a second thought, Danny jumped up, no one—thankfully—noticing the fact that he had phased through the seatbelt.
Danny, as well as his two parents, rushed towards the open door, the Fenton Ghost Disabler kept inside the plane by only a quarter inch of metal on either side.
"Danny! Go back to your seat!" Maddie shouted, but it wasn't heard over the wind and thunder, or the creaking of the tempest-tossed plane.
She, Jack, and Danny pulled and dragged on the device, attempting to pull it back into the plane.
"Almost there..." Danny panted as they fought against the pull of the storm and gravity. The plane lurched again, almost knocking them from the plane.
Danny gasped for air against the heaviness of the storm and the effort of trying to pull the device back into the bucking airplane. There was a horrible metallic, electric taste to the air, and his hair was standing on end. Danny could feel some strange energy condensed in the air, his instincts screaming at him to run, but Danny ignored them and pulled harder on the Fenton Ghost Disabler, feeling it pull free from the wall, pulling it inside the plane so he could close the door...
"GET DOWN!" someone yelled. Danny felt someone pull him down by the scruff of his neck, breaking his grip on the invention and pulling him further inside the plane.
The thunder boomed with earsplitting ferocity, more of a deafening crack than anything else, the lighting striking at the same time as the thunder. Danny turned his face away from the white-hot flash that seared through his eyelids, the tremendous heat burning him, hurting him, coursing through him with electrifying ferocity...
Danny heard himself screaming with pain such as he hadn't felt since the ghost portal accident.
And then it stopped, the air grew cool, and Danny fell into blackness.
An insane penguin-lover stirs, a keyboard lying next to her…
Huh! What the-? Oh. Ugh. Note to self: never hit self with keyboard.
Anyway, I'm guessing that you're all here 'cause ya read my story. Yes, I agree with most of the things Kinokokun said about me… MOST, mind you. But if it had anything to do with my stupidity concerning stories… Yes, sadly, 'tis true.
Okay, a few (andbyfew I mean...RUN NOW!)more notes to make here before I let ya go. To start, yes, I know, I've been absolutely awful concerning my other stories. 'The Halfa That Time Forgot'… well, the third chapter was only half-typed…'halfa' chapter, if you will…Oh, never mind, that was a really bad pun, I know. Sorry. But the chapter was only half-typed, and I can't get the reactions right… They just seem so darn OOC! And even if they don't… I'm just never satisfied with them. It always seems like I'm missing something… But, I guess I'll figure that out in the long run.
'Heightening Fears' is being quite cruel; I have the second half of the chapter typed, but not the first…'halfa' cha- Oh, forget it. Once is bad. Twice is torture. Anywho, I just can't start it. Awful, I know. Nothing sounds right. And I have such a nice action scene with Skulker… If you call Danny's leg getting broken 'nice', that is.
And, 'The Penguin and the Phantom' is not forgotten, just suffered a point mutation involving the deletion of… Ach, wait… Ignore that. Actually, I have the fourth and fifth chapters all nice and written up, I just can't get the third chapter down on virtual paper.
And I doubt that anyone out there is following 'Not All Smooth Snailing', but if you are by some random chance, I'm working on that one, too.
The reasons for my lack of updates run thus:
1..Writing an unnamed sad romance mystery-type story. It will never be read by human eyes, but I'm addicted to writing that thing.
2..'Marooned'… Yes, I'm absolutely obsessed with this story right now. If you don't believe me, when I was obsessed with 'THTTF', I wrote two and a half chapters. On this, I have written six and a half. And true, they are short, but… Gr.
3..Overwhelmedness. It's called havingaboutfifteen fanfiction ideas, plus four running, and not being able to get them down fast enough.
4..Semester finals. They're killing me. Running off on point mutations is proof of that. The only plus side is that school days are half the length…'halfa' leng- THREE TIMES IS WAAAAAY TOO MUCH ON THIS SAD LITTLE EXCUSE FOR A PUN! ONCE WAS BAD ENOUGH!
5..My parents went to New York City for four days, screwing up my schedule like you wouldn't believe. Yes, I actually have a schedule!
As you can see… I'm all disorganized. I think that list explains everything. And, as usual, my tendency to ramble has run away with my fingers. I shall attempt to stop now.
The good news I can bring you is that I named my nickel Phillip, and also that, because I'm already well into this story and obsessed with it, you can expect fast updates. Yes. Every two days at the very least will be my goal.
Okay, now I guess you'll want to review… Although all of my rambling has probably driven all thoughts of this story from your mind. Either that or it made you so scared that you wish to run very far away from your computer.
But if by some miracle you are still here, and still thinking of this story, I invite you to review with all forms of comments, compliments, complaints insults, praise, questions, prose, blunt inanimate objects being thrown, offerings to the penguin gods, ramblings, rantings, mutterings, jokes, witty banter, random senseless script, constructive criticism, destructive criticism, just plain old ordinary run-of-the-mill criticism, random acronyms for long names, all caps, helpful comments, hindering comments, and gifts of sporks.