'Myth Wars': Epilogue: "Beast Machines: Remnants":

It's been nearly a stellar-cycle since Lord Megatron's last communication... a single bot thinks as it floats through the space just beyond one of Cybertron's moons ...surely Lord Megatron must still have value for me...he could not have forgotten about me; could he have...?

The bot, in vehicle form, reflects distant dim light from Cybertron's Sun off of it's metallic body, slowly turns and looks at Cybertron through two small open ports on the front of it's vehicle mode. "Satellica to Lord Megatron...I am requesting special permission to return to Cybertron. Your reply is paramount, Lord Megatron." Satellica states, opening a channel to Cybertron but only receiving static as a reply. Surely Lord Megatron's communications are operational...what could be causing this extraordinarily long lapse in communication! Satellica thinks to herself.

She activates one of her outer thrusters, turning slightly up to view a constellation of stars. All I have had to do out here is stare at stars cycle-in, cycle-out... she thinks with great displeasure, ...the last time he even bothered contacting me was after that ship containing the bot he reported as being called Botanica came to Cybertron. My drones shot it down, as per his instructions, and he commended me on a job well done, but at that time or even later on he never asked me to return to Cybertron; instead giving excuses of being able to handle it himself and later on stating his new generals Obsidian and Stryka were 'more than enough'... Satellica retracts her arms into her satellite body and activates a line of vertical thrusters on her back. Since he is not responding at all, I surmise that it is my job to investigate the situation for myself...

Within a few cycles she comes to the near orbital space of Cybertron, having passed Cybertron's inner moon along the way. I have the distinct impression that Lord Megatron no longer requires my services, or worse has completely abandoned me... Satellica thinks to herself as she slows her approach and extends her satellite arms back out again. "Satellica to orbital drones: Search for any signs of Lord Megatron, no matter how minuscule. Surely if he can no longer communicate with me there will be signs of damage to the orbital communication relays, if nothing else. I can not accept that Lord Megatron has been simply 'ignoring' my calls all this time..." Satellica states, sending out instructions to her drones. They turn from their normal orbital patterns around Cybertron and start flying in all directions, scanning as they fly.

A few cycles pass by with no reply from any of the drones. Cybertron looks...different... Satellica thinks to herself, staring down at the bright blue planet below her with clouds in the sky and waves of green, red and various other colors shimmering up at her. Suddenly a drone signals her and she turns towards it's direction. At last...there is something! I knew that Lord Megatron had to be there still! I must access the status of the communication relays at once!

She thinks to herself. Satellica flies towards the drone that signaled her, slowly starting to see 3 large objects shimmering slightly in the dim Cybertronian sunlight in the distance; closing in quickly. "Drone, what is it that you have -" She stops in mid-communication as she activates her emergency thrusters; stopping dead in her tracks. "No...it's not possible..." She mutters, seeing two bodies floating in front of her.

"Obsidian and Stryka...but how..." She stammers out in disbelief. Stryka turns to her and looks at her. "Open communication channel to generals Obsidian and Stryka." Satellica states, knowing full well she can not communicate verbally in the vacuum of space. "You...what are you doing here...?" Stryka asks. "I should be asking you the same thing!" Satellica states, transforming into robot mode and floating over to her. "What are you two doing here, in space! Has Lord Megatron lost that much faith in my abilities that he now must send two planet-based generals to do my job?!"

"Not at all, General Satellica..." Obsidian states, floating around and unable to right himself in the vacuum of space, "...we miscalculated the outcome of a battle with a Maximal, resulting in us being ejected into space as if we were just scrap..." "And more to the point we can't do anything here! We're literally helpless; we don't have rockets and thrusters like you do!" Stryka adds, scowling at Satellica. Satellica responds by activating her saw-blade claw and hovering it in front of Stryka's face. "I would surmise that you are at a distinct disadvantage then, correct?!" She asks angrily, staring down Stryka.

Stryka remains silent for a moment then sighs. "Forgive my compatriot's impertinence, General Satellica..." Obsidian states, still floating in slow motion in front of Satellica as small bits of debris pass by them, "...we are in your care now, it would seem. Lord Megatron has not come for us at all; but that is to be expected as he has his own issues." "Issues?" Satellica asks. "Indeed. Our Lord has been...down-graded; trapped in a tiny body. Stryka and I were attempting to reclaim his Grand Mal base but we were unsuccessful; ejected into space instead. I can only speculate as to what happened to Lord Megatron after that." Obsidian replies.

Satellica rubs her chin lightly, thinking to herself. "So you're telling me that Lord Megatron was incapacitated and left to fend for himself? No wonder he hasn't communicated with me in quite some time...he's probably not even able to anymore!" She states. "In any event I would suggest that we return to the planet's surface at once." Obsidian suggests. "Yes; I know that something happened while we were in space...I saw the planet change!" Stryka adds, causing Satellica to look over at her. "What do you mean?" She asks her. "While floating around out here I saw a bright flash of light on the planet, then the surface changed into that new look it has now; all shiny with different colors and more clouds..." She replies. "Interesting...so it was not my imagination..." Satellica comments, thinking to herself momentarily.

She waves her hands, signaling two of her drones. "Take Obsidian and Stryka in your embrace; as they can not navigate in space..." she turns to the empty vacuum of space away from Cybertron, "...Attention all drones: Report to my coordinates at once: We are invading Cybertron!"

"Invading Cybertron?! Are you crazy?!" Stryka asks, now being held by a satellite drone. "Of course not. You stated that Lord Megatron was incapacitated and something obviously happened on the planet...that, plus the fact that Lord Megatron is no longer in communication with us, must mean that we must go planet-side and assist him immediately! There is no time to waste!" Satellica replies, waving her arms around as she speaks. Obsidian and Stryka merely look at each other and then her and nod in agreement. "Your judgment is indeed sound, General Satellica." Obsidian replies.

Within a few cycles all of the space drones have assembled; creating a small flotilla into the distance. "You had quite an armada..." Obsidian comments. "Not that Lord Megatron utilized it after we destroyed the distant Predacon outposts..." Satellica comments, "...he even incorrectly told me that they were in the orbital space around Cybertron! I did manage to find them based upon the coordinates however...so it's all relative to me in the end."

"Satellica: Blast Off!" Satellica shouts as she transforms into vehicle mode and retracts the arms of her satellite mode in preparation for entry. "Wait, what about us?" Stryka shouts suddenly, "We're going to burn up on re-entry!" "Not to worry; you shall be protected by a drone; they will act as shields for you. After all; they are just drones and are disposable." Satellica replies as she turns back towards the planet, "All drones, descend to the planet now!"

Meanwhile on the surface, shortly before this...

"I still can't believe that Cheetor is now our commander..." Nightscream comments sarcastically to Rattrap, "I always thought you should be in charge." "Don't give me that, kid. You always followed Optimus," Rattrap replies, lightly smacking him on the shoulder, "...let me tell ya, kid, during the Beast Wars Optimus did put me in charge, but times change, ya know?" "I thought you didn't remember anything about that?" he asks, slightly confused. "I did get some of my memories back from patching into ol' tank boy before I found out he was Rhinox, remember?" Rattrap replies.

"I hope you two are still doing work..." Cheetor replies, carrying a small plant in a techno-organic pot. "Of course, sir..." Nightscream replies with a small laugh as they return to watering some nearby flowers. "Even though the sparks have been freed and the bots all got their bodies back; our job is never done..." Cheetor replies, taking out one of his swords to uproot a small weed, "...we now must ensure that Cybertron remains beautiful and prosperous; keeping Optimus' dream alive."

"Oh no here it comes..." Rattrap mutters, covering his ears. Cheetor raises his leg, striking a pose on a rock and looking out over the reformatted Cybertron. "Optimus sacrificed himself for us...he believed in us until the very end and never gave up. He died to protect not only us but all Cybertronians...his vision went beyond Maximal and Vehicon, beyond Maximal and Predacon...he saw what we could not: The greatness that comes from an united Cybertron and the harmony that technology and organics can have if they co-exist in harmony. His sacrifice, along with Megatron's, was not in vain...and I will do everything in my power to ensure it stays that way!" Cheetor preaches. "Is he done yet? I've heard this so many times now..." Nightscream comments, pulling his fingers out of his ears.


"Can I help you with that, my dearest?" Silverbolt asks, looking over at Blackarachnia planting a tree. "You always know what to say, don't you...?" She replies, smiling at him as he walks over to her and helps her. "This place is amazing...I'm sure that the restored Cybertronians will love it!" Botanica states, looking up at the glass dome of an indoor greenhouse. "I hope so too...we went through so much for them, after all..." Blackarachnia replies, "...I still haven't met too many of them, but there was no one in the ones I met that I knew..."

"Don't worry about that," Cheetor states as he joins them, "...they can't all be someone we know. There were millions of inhabitants of Cybertron! Still, I'd like to see Rhinox and Big Bot again...or, even Depth Charge or anybody that we lost in the Beast Wars; though I can still barely remember any of them..." "I guess it's possible; though I don't know..." Rattrap replies as he rolls over to Cheetor, "...Megatron was only holding the sparks of those he captured and removed the sparks of on Cybertron, not those held within the well of Allsparks. But still, I guess it's possible that after the release of the sparks, those in the Allspark got released too. Who knows...only time will tell for sure." Cheetor nods in agreement and smiles at him.

"Hold on a cycle...I'm getting something..." Rattrap suddenly states, dropping down his visor. "What is it?" Cheetor asks, looking down at him. Rattrap's visor shines brightly as he rolls back a little. "...You ain't gonna believe this, but there's something coming in..." Rattrap starts, "...no, LOTS of somethings...hundreds..."

"WHAT?!" They all shout, now looking at Rattrap and having overheard his comments. "I can't tell what they are, but they're coming in from space; and over that way!" Rattrap points, and everyone looks to see a vast shower of burning objects entering Cybertron's atmosphere. "Well I could have told you that." Nightscream comments sarcastically, flipping his hair out of the way as he looks in that direction. "Maximals, move out! Let's check it out; it could be more incoming Maximals like Botanica!" Cheetor commands as he transforms into beast mode. The other Maximals follow suit and chase after him towards the incoming meteor shower in the distance; all the while a small metallic bird watches them from a nearby tree.

As the satellite drones finally finish re-entering the atmosphere, they start to slow their descent and transform into robot mode. Some of them change their legs into feet and walk around while others float above the ground, using their thrusters to levitate. As they approach and land on the ground Cybertronians flee in all directions, unsure and scared of the visitors from space. "What in the Allspark is going on here...?" Obsidian asks, getting released by the space drone that was holding him. "It's so...beautiful..." Stryka comments, looking around at the sheer overwhelming landscape before her. "I can't believe this is...Cybertron..." Satellica states, hovering above the ground and staring in disbelief as well.

"What did Lord Megatron do? This seems...impossible..." Satellica comments, turning to the other two Vehicon generals. "I do not believe that this is the work of Lord Megatron," Obsidian comments, regaining some composure, "...I am no longer detecting his spark." "WHAT?!" Satellica screams, grabbing him by the shoulders, "Lord Megatron MUST be alive! He is not so easily vanquished! It's near impossible!" "Of course it could be that he got another body or something...we did lose track of his spark when it was de-polarized as well..." Stryka comments, still staring in awe at the landscape, "...but I feel that he's really gone this time...there's a lot of Cybertronians running around; and that was not in Megatron's plan at all." "That is a most logical deduction." Obsidian adds.

"I don't believe it..." A voice comments and they all turn to see Cheetor and the rest of the Maximals standing a short distance away. "Maximals! They're still here?!" Stryka shouts angrily. "I am transformed!" All of the Maximals shout, transforming into robot mode and drawing their weapons. Satellica charges up her cannons on her shoulders as she stares down the Maximals when suddenly she feels a hand on her shoulder. "Don't." Stryka states, causing Satellica to turn to her in shock. "What is the meaning of this?!" Satellica asks, turning to face her.

"There is no more reason to fight, General Satellica," Obsidian states, "We lost the war." "Have you both lost your minds? I can't believe what I'm hearing...from Lord Megatron's generals, no less!" Satellica shouts angrily, staring down the two generals. "It's true...Megatron's gone; along with Optimus..." Cheetor adds, approaching them. "If I wanted to hear your opinion I would have asked for it, Maximal!" Satellica scowls, staring him since she's considerably taller than him, even if she wasn't floating already. "Is this true?" Stryka asks, going over to Cheetor. "Yes...Optimus and Megatron had a final battle...I didn't directly witness it in my physical body, but from what I witnessed as a disembodied spark I saw Megatron plunge into Cybertron's core with Optimus; which lead to a brilliant flash of light and then...the planet looked like this; and we were all back in our bodies...alive and all of the sparks freed as well."

Obsidian nods in agreement. "His words ring true for me; Stryka witnessed it from space and all of the evidence would support his statement." he comments. "Lord Megatron's...really...gone...?" Satellica asks, looking over at the Maximals and then back at the other two generals. "...Who are you anyway?" Rattrap asks, wheeling up to her. She looks over at him, calmed down to a slight degree but still on edge. "...My name is Satellica. I am the general of the Satellite Drones under ...the former Lord Megatron..." Satellica states, correcting herself as she speaks, "...I was the one responsible for shooting you out of the sky upon your arrival; as well as for shooting Botanica out of the sky as well."

"Are you serious? It was you?!" Rattrap growls, racing at her suddenly before Cheetor grabs his tail and holds him back. "Hey! Let it go; it's too late now!" Cheetor growls, pulling Rattrap back towards them. "Do not misunderstand, Maximal, I was simply following orders. If Lord Megatron had not told me to do it; I would never have shot you down." Satellica comments, "...still, I am sorry for what I did...now. For some reason, without Lord Megatron around, I feel I've lost all of my purpose in life now; and also I'm not really sure if what I did was right or not; following his agenda blindly..." "That was in your programming though, General Satellica. It was the same for all generals, even our predecessors Jetstorm and Tankor." Obsidian adds, placing his hand on Satellica's shoulder. "I can vouch for that..." Silverbolt comments with a groan.

"I'm still in disbelief though...this is a lot to take in..." Satellica comments, turning around and looking out over the horizon, "...Lord Megatron's destruction led to this?" "I'm not really sure how either, but with him and Optimus being reformatted; they ended up reformatting the planet as well..." Blackarachnia comments, standing next to Satellica, "...it's only been a dozen or so mega cycles since it happened, but it's a lot to take in, I know." "Actually, it does look similar to something I've seen before..." Stryka comments, causing Rattrap to suddenly look up at her. "Oh, that would be that hallucination-" He starts, only to have Botanica put her hands over his mouth, leaving Stryka with a blank stare before dismissing it.

Suddenly Cheetor stops and looks over at Satellica. "Wait...when were you made a general?" Cheetor asks her. "I was the first, before even Jetstorm, Thrust, Tankor or these two. I was made shortly after Lord Megatron took over Cybertron." She replies with a confused look. Suddenly Rattrap looks at her in disbelief. "No...you don't mean..." Rattrap begins, looking over at Blackarachnia; her jaw dropped in shock. "It would seem that means something to you all...care to fill me in?" Satellica comments, staring at them. "You're...you're not Satellica..." Cheetor begins, "...you must be someone else!"

"What nonsense is this now?!" Satellica shouts, throwing her hands up in the air. "First it was Lord Megatron dying then these two telling me the war over and now you're saying I'm not who I think I am or something?! I'm really starting to have trouble with all of this..." She states, shaking a bit. "Hmm..." Obsidian begins, "...I do remember this; Lord Megatron did mention about how that Maximal Silverbolt over there was once the Vehicon General Jetstorm..." "It's true! Rhinox was Tankor and Waspinator was once-" Nightscream begins when suddenly Satellica grabs her head in pain and screams.

"Satellica?!" Botanica asks, looking over at her as she holds her head. "No...no...NOOOOO!" she screams, shaking her head, "That name...why does it cause me such pain?!" "What's she talking about? Is she alright?" Nightscream asks, "All I said was Rhinox was Tankor and Waspinator was-" "ARRRGGGHHHHHH! NOOOOOOOOOO! MEMORIESS!" Satellica screams, falling to the ground and holding her head.

"What is it, Satellica? It's almost as if..." Cheetor begins when he suddenly realizes something, "...she knew him!" "Who?" Rattrap asks. Cheetor opens his mouth to speak, but leans over and whispers in Rattrap's ear. "She knew Waspinator?!" Rattrap screams, only to be smacked by Cheetor. "Why do you think I didn't say it out loud?!" Cheetor shouts, only to be interrupted by Satellica screaming in pain again. "My mind...what are these images...?" She cries out, looking around at the Maximals and the two Vehicon generals.

Rattrap rolls over to her and raises up his tail. "Maybe I can help you figure out who you were..." Rattrap comments, sticking his tail into her head. "What are you-" She starts, only to suddenly deactivate. "To finish her statement, what are you doing?" Stryka asks. "He's accessing her data-banks," Cheetor states, "...there might be some trace of the Maximal she once was in there. If she has memories, she might know who she was before; or maybe we can figure it out."

"Doubtful...you don't even have all of your own memories." Stryka comments. "Still it's worth a shot." Cheetor comments. "You guys are different, you wouldn't understand what it's like to be reprogrammed and forced to become someone else!" Silverbolt states, stepping towards them. "That is true, Maximal," Obsidian begins, "...even early on, with the Machine Wars as they were called, we always had our mission to defend Cybertron. Although our leaders changed over time, we always held true to who we were and our objectives. It would seem that the same can not be said for our Vehicon general predecessors, including Satellica here."

As Rattrap probes her mind, he sees them on a ship heading towards Cybertron. "Well that explains how she got here...but still no clue who she is or how she knows-" Rattrap starts when he suddenly stops in mid-sentence. "What is it?" Cheetor asks him. "No way...it can't be!" Rattrap shouts as he raises up his visor, "...Dinobot was...here? He made it back?"

"Dinobot! But he died on prehistoric Earth! I know he did...I remember it now..." Blackarachnia comments. "But she remembers it...and he looks...different..." Rattrap comments, resuming the video of her memories. He sees Dinobot holding his arm out, apparently with his hand around her throat though he can't see Dinobot's hand at all.

"That's not what I meant; you stupid bird!" the bot says, looking over at Dinobot as Rattrap continues to watch the memory playback, "I meant why Cybertron? You're a Predacon!" "In case you had not noticed; I'm a Maximal now!" Dinobot replies. Rattrap raises his visor and the playback stops. "Bird...Dinobot was a raptor..." Rattrap states, trying to understand it. "Perhaps she didn't know what his beast mode was?" Silverbolt comments. "No...there must be something we're not remembering..." Rattrap comments, resuming the video.

Rattrap watches as the ship is tossed around, under laser fire from objects near Cybertron too distant to be seen. He sees Waspinator bounce through her field of vision. "Well that explains how she know him, at least a little...also how Waspinator made it from pre-historic Earth back here to Cybertron." Rattrap comments. The ship zooms in closer and closer to the planet and she sees their attackers come slowly into view: an array of small Cybertronian defense pods; much smaller and weaker than the Satellite Drones and Satellica herself. "I was wondering who attacked them, since Satellica wasn't around yet...Megatron used the planet's own pre-existing defense array as a weapon!" Rattrap remarks, still watching as the ship plows through the pods and starts to heat up in re-entry. The video ends abruptly after that as everything goes black moments after the ship clears the atmosphere and slams into the ground.

"Well that didn't really answer anything..." Rattrap comments, raising his visor and looking at Cheetor. "Is there any more?" Cheetor asks, and Rattrap pulls down his visor again. "Let me check..." he says, scanning through her data-banks. "There is more...but this is on Cybertron now..." Rattrap comments as he starts watching the video.

It starts with two large doors opening and Megatron floating in his control harness suit; then turning to face her. "Bring them forward…" Megatron commands unemotionally as he summons the bridge to him from the door; piece by piece. Rattrap sees Megatron get closer and closer, realizing that she is moving closer to him by being carried. "Megatron…is that you?" she asks, looking up at him. "But of course…" Megatron smirks, "I'm surprised you made it here from Earth. Fortunately for you; you came after I deployed my virus; and my virus did not effect you…" "The virus was already deployed...?" Rattrap comments, still watching the video.

"What do you mean?" she states. "I made a virus that wiped out all life on Cybertron." Megatron states. "Even you are not capable of something like that!" she retorts. "Do not question me insolent one!" Megatron growls, "It was Cryotek; yes; but he's not here now. I can take credit for his achievements; after all; he will become part of me when the time comes." Rattrap raises his visor for a moment. "Cryotek...why does that name ring a bell...?" He asks, but everyone around him shrugs, "Still, interesting to know that Megatron didn't make that virus...figures ol' Megs couldn't do that; never really remembered him as the chemistry-expert."

"And what about Wazpinator?" Waspinator speaks up; Rattrap having missed part of the video while his visor was raised. "Well…considering you've been loyal to me in the past; to a point; and that I did implant the Thrust personality program into you…I shall spare you." Megatron states. Rattrap raises his visor again. "The Vehicon programs were already in them?! There's a LOT I don't remember!" Rattrap exclaims. "Just watch the memory recall, Rattrap! You'll miss something else-wise!" Cheetor commands and Rattrap lowers the visor again.

"I don't want to lose you to Thrust again!" she cries out with emotion, Rattrap having again missed some stuff. "Oh…?" Megatron queries. "Well…um…" she begins with a little shyness. "She's my birdie-bot! I love her!" Waspinator interrupts; causing her to sigh in embarrassment.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Blackarachnia screams, "Is that why that idiot wanted to go out with me?! He thought I was his old love interest?!" "There was something weird about that..." Silverbolt comments, "...but I don't remember Waspinator ever having a significant other..."

"Now, now…" Megatron begins as he gestures a couple of diagnostic drones over; which are carrying an empty shell. "What's that?" she asks, looking at the shell, with its long slender form, large shoulder pads, twin shoulder mounted cannons and jet thrusters. "That…" Megatron begins, "…is you." "At least we know we have her memories..." Rattrap comments, ignoring the video for a moment. "Playtime's over!" Megatron growls as he calls forth two spark extractors; located on the ends of long snake-like tubes. "Whatever happens Waspinator, I just want you to know one thing…" Nemesis states as the spark extractors move in front of them, "…I love you; and I will meet you again, one day…" "Wazpinator love you too…" Waspinator states with a smile.

"...I really wish I hadn't saw that..." Rattrap comments with a groan in his voice.

"Ugh! Such biological mush!" Megatron screams in frustration; pressing a button. Waspinator screams in pain as his body makes noise; like his circuitry being rewritten. "My name is Thrust…" Waspinator begins with a changed and deeper voice, "…and I shall obey you and your every command, lord Megatron." Rattrap raises his visor again, "...He already was Thrust? I wonder if the same thing happened to you and Rhinox?" Rattrap comments, looking over at Silverbolt. "I would assume it's possible, though I can not recall for certain." Silverbolt replies with a shrug.

"Noooo!" she screams as she Rattrap watches the video again, seeing her reach out in vain towards Waspinator only to have the video abruptly end again. "That's it..." Rattrap comments, looking up at Cheetor, "...No one ever said her name; nor did I see her face in a reflection or anything. I have no idea who she is; but evidently she was with us during the Beast Wars."

"That's impossible..." Cheetor states, thinking to himself aloud, "...I mean I don't remember everything, but I don't remember anyone who dated Waspinator, much less anybody else with us during the Beast Wars." "Whoever she is, the fact remains that she's not Satellica in her spark," Silverbolt comments, "...We need to return her to her former Maximal self. We owe it to her." Cheetor nods in agreement and turns to Blackarachnia.

"Well, it worked on you..." Blackarachnia begins, holding a spark extractor hooked to a scanning device and a container of green goo, "...since Optimus isn't here anymore to reformat her; I suppose this is the only way." The Maximals all look over at the two Vehicons generals who have been quiet all this time. "Do you have any objections?" Cheetor asks them. "No...actually, we would prefer to stay in our vehicle forms, to be honest..." Stryka states. Obsidian nods in agreement, "We feel that this is the best way to atone for our sins under Megatron; to be left with these bodies as a constant reminder of what we did wrong and why need to never do it again." Obsidian adds. "...I wasn't asking about that." Cheetor replies with a sigh, leaving the two generals to look at each other momentarily. "If you're referring to Satellica; do as you wish. She obviously was someone else before, so we have no objections." Stryka replies.

With that Blackarachnia places the device upon Satellica's body after Rattrap removes his tail interface from the back of her head. The device starts to work and Satellica regains consciousness, crying out in pain as the green goo drips out and the scanner spins wildly. Her body begins to glow and suddenly a brilliant flash of light flashes out, causing everyone to cover their eyes. At that exact moment all of the satellite drones fall dead; collapsing in piles of metal and deactivating completely.

As they all open their eyes a golden bird lays on the ground before them; her feathers shimmering in the light and mixtures of techno-organic patterns strewn throughout her body. Slowly she begins to open her eyes. "Wha...what...?" She begins, her voice distinctly different from Satellica's. "Welcome back, Maximal," Cheetor comments, reaching down to her with his hand, "...what's your name?"

"Maximal?!" She shouts, standing up and swatting away his hand. He steps back, stunned. "I am no Maximal, moron! I'm a Predacon...always have been and always will be!" She screams at him. "A PREDACON?!" Everyone shouts in disbelief, looking at each other then back at her. "You're the idiot who assumed she was a Maximal!" Rattrap shouts, smacking Cheetor; only to receive a scowl back.

"And for your information, my name is Nemesis!" She says, looking over at Rattrap now. "Nemesis? But that was the name of the Decepticon warship that shot down the Ark!" Blackarachnia recalls. "Duh! I was named after the ship! Something that iconic in Decepticon/Predacon history is worthy of being named after; wouldn't you agree?" She comments, flapping her wing at her. Blackarachnia looks at her, unsure of how to respond.

"What have I become? Where are all the rest of the Predacons?" Nemesis shouts, looking around to only see the two generals and the rest of the Maximals. "You're some kind of bird now...a phoenix, I suppose..." Cheetor comments, "...as for the Predacons; you're on Cybertron now; and a reborn one at that. There's no more factions; we're all just Cybertronians now." He comments. "Well, there are those Transcendent Technomorphs, or TransTechs as they call themselves..." Rattrap begins, "...those guys just appeared right after the reformatting, claiming to be a new breed of Transformer or something. I'm guessing that they were old-" "What does any of this have to do with the current situation?!" Blackarachnia shouts, staring him down. "...Nothing..." He replies, rolling back sheepishly.

"Huh? I...do remember...something like that..." Nemesis begins. "The TransTechs?" Rattrap asks. "No, coming to Cybertron, moron!" She shouts angrily, "...but I remember another Predacon with me...my..." She begins, then a tear forms in her eye, much to her surprise. "...I can cry...? But I'm a machine..." She states, wiping the tear away with her feather.

"You're a techno-organic beast now; you can cry...it's not unusual..." Cheetor comments, "...but you remember the other Predacon with you?" "Yes...Waspinator..." She says, "...is he...gone? You said no more Predacons were left!" Nemesis shots, staring at him with terror in her eyes.

"Well...he's not gone...exactly..." Cheetor begins sheepishly, looking over at Rattrap. "I'll go get him." Rattrap replies, rolling away. "Go get him?" Nemesis asks, looking at him in confusion. "You see...he was turned in Thrust...and then back into Waspinator...but the process was...um, not complete?" Cheetor states with a shrug.

Nemesis stares at him blankly, then sighs. "Just bring him here already! I'm sure that it's just a -" she states when she sees Rattrap roll over with him in a cage. "Wazzpinator not deserve this! Wazzpinator want freedom!" He cries out, being held in a small cage. "WASPINATOR?! What happened to your head?" Nemesis shouts, rushing over to him.

"...Who this?" Waspinator asks, looking over at Rattrap; causing Nemesis to recoil in horror. "You remember me, don't you?" She begins, then looks at herself, "...alright, I look different now, but surely you must remember your birdie-bot!" She says and just as she does, Waspinator's Thrust eyes light up. "Birdie-bot? You...you're here?! I remember now!" Waspinator shouts, buzzing about in his cage.

"Can you let him out?" Nemesis asks him, and Rattrap opens the cage slowly. "You have no idea how hard it was to catch him..." he comments as Waspinator flies out and over to Nemesis. Instantly Nemesis catches him in her beak and tosses him to the ground and holds him in her claws; much to everyone's shock.

"So...what's this I hear about you trying to date that spider-chick over there?!" Nemesis growls, glaring down at him. "You knew that?!" Blackarachnia shouts in disbelief. "Rat-boy over here was plugged into me," Nemesis begins, "I can remember some things from being Satellica now; but I really remember him activating my memories...especially a certain bug-boy of mine CHEATING ON ME!" "WAZZZPINATOR SORRY! DO NOT KILL WAZZPINATOR! WAZZPINATOR FINALLY GET NEW LEASE ON LIFE; NOT WANT TO DIE YET!" Waspinator screams, pleading for his life.

"How do I get out of these feathers?" Nemesis asks, looking over at Rattrap. "Huh?" He asks back. "Transform, you numbskull! Surely I must have a robot mode!" She shouts back. "You have to find your still-point and then say, 'I am transformed!'." Rattrap replies. "Like I got time for that!" Nemesis shouts angrily.

"Oh...so that's how it's done..." A voice states, and everyone turns to see a small shrew standing nearby, watching them from a rock. "Who are you?!" Botanica shouts, looking over at the shrew. "My name is Reflex...I'm a Maximal, like all of you!" She comments with a smile, "I was one of the reformatted bots you guys saved; but I didn't know how to transform...sadly..." she replies sheepishly.

"Great, another one..." Nemesis replies, still holding Waspinator in her talons. She focuses for a moment then says, "I am transformed!", transforming into a robot mode with golden wings and a small veil in front of her face. "You know how long it took me to do that, and you get it on the first try?!" Rattrap screams angrily. "I was an assassin in my previous life on prehistoric Earth; naturally I'm always in my still-point." She replies with a smirk. "But you just said 'Like I got time for that' a click ago!" Rattrap cries back. "What, can't I say something? It's troublesome to say a command code like that..." Nemesis replies with a wave of her hand.

"I am transformed!" A voice shouts from nearby and they turn to see Reflex still in her shrew form. "I guess it'll be a bit harder for me..." She replies, looking down, then suddenly looks up. "Hey...you guys wouldn't happen to know if a bot named Dinbous is here, do you?" She asks.

"Dino...bus?" Cheetor asks. "Yeah, Dinobus Prime!" Reflex replies with a smile, only to hear dead silence then look to see all of the Maximals with their jaws dropped. "...you don't know where he is?" She asks, confused.

"DINOBUS PRIME?! He's a Prime?" Cheetor shouts in disbelief. "You're talking about Dinobot, right?" Rattrap asks, holding her by the shoulders. "Yeah, him. He was a former criminal, fled to Earth with Megatron..." she begins, when Rattrap starts shaking her. "When in the heck did he become a Prime?!" He shouts, still in disbelief. "I don't know...he was one when I met him. I guess on Earth?" She replies between shakes.

"Yeah, it was on Earth..." Nemesis chimes in, "During that time of the Beast Wars that you guys called the Myth Wars; he became a Prime by getting a Matrix Annex." "Myth Wars? Sounds like someone's talking about myths alright..." Nightscream remarks sarcastically.

"Putting that aside, you knew Dinobot - er, Dinobus Prime?" Rattrap asks. "Yeah. He looked like a bird and he was big, powerful, strong with a brooding personality and such an incredible voice..." Reflex replies with joy in her voice. "Oh...that's why she called him bird-boy..." Rattrap replies, remembering Nemesis's memories.

"...I really need to find him." Reflex replies, looking at them, "Do you know where he is? I haven't found him at all...I've been looking all this time; then I saw you guys over here after that meteor shower and thought you might know something; since you seemed to be in on the action." "In on the action? Sister, we WERE the action!" Rattrap replies with a smug grin, "We're the reason Cybertron was saved! We came here from prehistoric Earth and fought Megatron's Vehicons and saved Cybertron!"

"Prehistoric Earth?" Reflex states with sudden intrigue, "...You weren't perhaps on a small shuttle that crashed to Cybertron with a giant robot ape, were you?" They all look at her in disbelief. "You were! I knew it! I thought I recognized your beast modes when I watching you!" Reflex replies with excitement, "I left a record of your ship's location in the aerospace records for you! I hope it was useful!" "It was you?' Blackarachnia shouts, "It was useful! I thought Megatron deleted everything, but those were still left...I was wondering how too, speaking that our ship landed AFTER he took control of Cybertron and there should have been no one left to record it, speaking that his drones probably wouldn't do it...I'd imagine Megatron would have kept that information to himself and himself only!"

"I feel that we have overstayed our welcome." A voice states and they all turn to see Obsidian and Stryka start to leave. "Honestly I forgot they were still there..." Nightscream mutters to Botanica quietly. "Where are you guys going?" Cheetor asks. "I'm not sure..." Obsidian continues, "...Perhaps we will retire, but for now I feel that continuing to defend Cybertron is still our mission. Farewell..." Obsidian states, floating away with Stryka. They all watch as they slowly leave. "Farewell...friends..." Cheetor replies somberly.

"They were nice..." Reflex replies, "...I'm so glad everyone's getting along now!" "Now?" Botanica asks her. "Yeah...it was chaos before. I was a reporter prior to Cybertron being conquered by Megatron...I witnessed the whole thing!" She replies. "Really? I've always wondered how Megatron took over Cybertron...please tell us about it!" Cheetor says. "I can tell you later..." she begins, "...right now I want to find Dinobus! I know he was here..." "Why do you want to find him so badly?" Nightscream asks her. "Because...he saved me...and I..." she begins with a shy voice, "...I sort of fell in love with him..."

"This day is just full of surprises..." Nemesis comments with a groan as Reflex continues to talk with joy in her voice. "He was so nice to me...he went to fight Megatron by himself; defending me from those Vehicons long enough for me to plant that information for you guys. Of course in the end they removed my spark, but I never forgot him...his courage, his honor, his amazing voice..." She says as she swoons over him in her own little world.

"I can relate to that..." Blackarachnia states, holding Silverbolt's hand. "I don't remember a Maximal reporter named Reflex...though it's been a long time since I was on Cybertron prior to the recent events..." Botanica states, thinking to herself. Reflex suddenly gets a sheepish look. "I...was also once a Predacon..." she states, looking away, "...I don't really want to talk about it though. I did become a Maximal though, and eventually a reporter for them."

"It would seem that you and Dinobus share a certain kindred spirit then." Cheetor comments with a smile. "Yeah!" Reflex replies with a sudden smile, "He was a Predacon before, like me, and became a Maximal...but he became a Prime, something I could never hope to be!" She starts laughing and everyone laughs a little too.

She closes her eyes and places her claws over her chest. "I am...transformed..." She speaks and suddenly transforms into a tall, slender robot mode. "Wow...she's...pretty..." Cheetor mutters to himself quietly, "...Dinobus is a lucky bot..."

"Just thinking about him made me calm enough to transform..." she states, "...I can't thank you enough for showing me how to transform. Now I feel I can face him; if I find him..." "I believe in my spark that you will." Cheetor replies with a smile. "It's possible that ol' Dino-butt survived," Rattrap comments, "...after all he did make it back to Cybertron."

"Indeed," Reflex replies with a sweet smile, "He's all I have now, he's my life. I'm making it my mission to find him and to be with him when I do. I know that he's out there...somewhere..."

She raises her hand to the sky and then closes it. "Even if he is gone; I will be re-united with him when I, too, join the Allspark..." she states somberly, then smiles again, "...But I prefer to believe he's alive and out there, waiting for me. I will find him...he showed me bots can change and become something more than themselves; they can become heroes and spark-mates. After all, if a Predacon criminal can become a Maximal Prime; anything's possible, right?"

Cheetor nods in approval. "If you find him...tell him I said hi, will ya?" Rattrap asks with a smile. "I will...thank you all again, for everything..." She says with a smile as she starts to walk away. "I will find you, Dinobus Prime...my one true love..."

They watch as she walks away, then Nemesis turns to Waspinator who's been buzzing around near her. "You'd better stay true to me now, like she is to Dinobus, you hear me?" Nemesis says with a sadistic smile. "Wazzzpinator understand...but Wazzpinator want to be able to transform like shrew-bot too!" He whines. "I can arrange that-" Blackarachnia begins as she looks at Nemesis, but Nemesis cuts her off. "No..." she says, looking at him, "...at least for right now, I like him like this. It's perfect to keep him in line."

They all start laughing together as the same small metallic bird watches them from a nearby tree. "At least they're happy again...seems like everyone's got a partner but me!" Cheetor comments with a laugh. "Don't forget about me!" Nightscream adds as they all start to walk away together. The bird flies away, off into the distance.

Far away, in a small metallic shack...

"Things certainly have changed...albeit for the worse..." A voice mutters in the darkness, staring blankly at 3 TV monitors. The small metallic bird lands on an open window and then flies over to the arm of the mysterious bot. "Ah, welcome back, Cro..." the bot states, raising his arm up as the bird transforms a little and plugs into his arm, "...what do you have to report?"

The bot sits quietly for a moment, then Cro unplugs and transforms back into a bird. "So...the Vehicons decided to play nice and one of them even got reformatted..." he states, looking around in disgust, "...how droll."

"I spent 2 stellar cycles in stasis after my failed body transfer with Megatron..." he begins, standing up; his blue Transmetal 2 dragon body coming into the light, "...'Cryotek, trust me', he said...I was a fool to trust Megatron yet again! After the theft of the Golden Disk I was framed for it by him no less! He even had a subordinate of his own, Gigatron, take the fall for it!" Cryotek slams his fist into one of the TV monitors, "...though I suppose that was for the best, since I was able to have my lawyer use that as proof of my innocence...Gigatron's imprisonment saved me, along with my own alerting of the Maximals to the theft; which lead to my promotion as a Predacon-Maximal ambassador...from there it was only a matter of time before the Maximals trusted me completely..."

He turns to a blank wall and runs his fingers across it, "...I suppose my protege was useful after all. Even in betrayal; someone I viewed as my own son was true to someone he viewed as his father; protecting me in a way I did not understand at the time..." He starts laughing to himself while Cro pecks lightly at his shoulder, "...The theft of the Golden Disk was totally worth it!"

"After my 2 stellar cycles in stasis, I awoke to find Cybertron lifeless; only controlled by Megatron and his drones..." Cryotek states, looking at Cro, "...you know that it was turbulent 30 stellar cycles between my protege betraying me and his return, but nothing compared to the time I spent plotting my revenge...then to be foiled by the Maximals defeating him...it's almost insulting! His spark was to be mine...he owed me that much!" Cryotek clenches his fist in anger, gritting his teeth as well.

He finally sits back down and summons the remaining two TV monitors, generating images on them. "No matter...for I have no discovered a more profitable gamble..." He looks at images of the Vok and Quintessons on the monitors and smiles, "...to think that the mere conquest of Cybertron and a simple disk from a worthless species once controlled my life and my destiny...but now I am my own master! Fate will bend to my will...all fates..."

He stands up, stretching his wings in triumph. "You and the other Deployers have proven very useful, Cro...watching over Cybertron in the shadows for me while I explored the multi-verse; thanks to the help of the Quintessons...who would have thought that they would end up being useful!" Cryotek laughs to himself, "...just stumbling upon some ancient technology left here by Alpha Quintesson after his experiments on Cybertron's past would send the Quintessons running; claiming that it was rightfully theirs and that I should return it...fools; how easy it was to strike a bargain with them and gain access to space bridges and time portals..."

Cryotek walks over to a small control panel and opens a space bridge. "...Now no one can stop me! The Vok, the Quintessons, even Unicron himself all are just pawns for my conquest of the multi-verse!" Cryotek laughs insanely as he walks into the space bridge, "No one is safe from the wrath of Cryotek...no matter what universe you may hide in!"