A.N: If you ask me there aren't enough Cass stories out there so I wrote one of my own. It's just something short. I started it a year ago and forgot about it. Found it again yesterday and finished.

Precious Love

Of course I didn't expect it to all end the way it did. I was a police officer, I knew the risks. And after what happened with the fire, I knew I was never going to be truly safe, short of changing my name and leaving all my friends behind for a new identity. But I always tried not to think about it.

It's not like I wanted it to happen. I mean no one really does, do they? You want to know something, I always believed that the people who took their own lives didn't want to die, they just wanted to be numb, to be immune to the pain of life.

I wanted to be immune to the pain of death.

Want to know what I regret most about my life? I never told people just how much they meant to me. My mum. My friends. I mean they knew how I felt the way people close to you always do, but I regret that I never told them because it was something they deserved to hear.

Then there was Sam. Same Harker. Maybe one I would've told him how I felt for him, maybe one day he would've told me. I always assumed there would be tomorrow and forever after that. But one day he was gone. Just gone. I was sorry I hadn't told him the way I felt, he'd never known that I loved him just as he seemed to love me.

I promised myself then that I'd never do it again. Never let a moment pass me by. When I loved someone I would tell them.

I met Simon and nothing had changed… Not until the very end. Locked in that awful place with his sister torturing me to death. I knew the truth. I'd let it happen again. This time with Nick Klein.

If there was one thing I wished I could do as I sat there with her abusing me and slicing my hair off. It was to see Nick and tell him I loved him.

That's my one message to the world: If you're in love, shout it from the rooftops, and never let a day go by without telling people what they mean to you. I took the future for granted and it wasn't until I died that I realised this was my greatest mistake. The sun will always rise to another day, but for me there will never be another sunrise, for me a new day will not come.

A.N: So what did you think. Review