A Day at the Beach

By: Kioko the pirate

Chapter 1: Getting to the beach

The summer was already more then half over and Kioko's time left on the planet continued to grow shorter. But not a single moment was wasted. It was a typical sunny, warm day on the island but some strong tropical storms were heading there way. So to take advantage of the perfect weather it was decided that the ohana would head down to the beach for a day of good old fun in the sun.

The kids were the most excited out of every one about going to the beach and were frantically running around their room gathering all of their beach toys.

"This is going to be so fun!" cheered Kina as he dug through their closet, pulling out pals and shovels.

"Yeah, I can hardly wait!" added Ashley as she shoved a Frisbee into a small bag. "But I really wish Mom didn't want us to wear these bathing suits." Continued Ashley as she held hers up to her chest. It was a simple one piece bathing suit with a tie-dye print on it.

"You mean… we were supposed to wear those?" asked Oki.

"Yeah… what did you think they were for?" asked Kina as he turned to face his older brother.

"Well I uh…" started Oki as a single bathing suit draw-string hung from the corner of his mouth.

Both Kina and Ashley notice right away. "You ate your bathing suit?" asked Kina in a shocked tone.

"Oooooh, you're going to be in sooo much trouble." Chimed Ashley with a smirk.

"Your… not going to tell on me are you?" asked Oki as he gulped down the string.

Kina and Ashley both looked at each other with wicked little smirks before turning away from Oki and getting into a huddle position. Oki looked on with a nervous look as his brother and sister whispered back and fourth. After a minute they turned back to face him.

"Ok, we won't tell on you under one condition." Started Kina.

"You have to clean the room for the next month." Finished Ashley.

Oki's nervous expression was instantly replaced by an angry one. "What? No way! I'm not going to clean the room by myself for a whole month… that's torture!" shouted Oki as he turned away and folded his arms across his chest.

"Well then I guess we have no choice but to tell." Said Kina as he walked up next to Oki.

"You wouldn't dare." Growled Oki as he looked at his brother out of the corner of his eye.

Kina just gave a smirk. "Oh Mom… guess what Oki did?" shouted Kina, causing Oki to look at him with a shocked expression. Kina was about to continue but Oki quickly stepped in front of him.

"Ok, ok… I'll clean the room for a month. Just don't tell Mom and Dad what I did."

Both Kina and Ashley gave satisfied smiles. "Deal." Blurted Kina.

"Now that that's settled, let's get back to packing. I don't want to forget anything." Said Ashley as she turned back to her bag.

Oki and Kina both nodded and quickly got back to gathering their toys. Meanwhile Stitch and Angel were in their room packing some towels into a purple beach bag. Stitch had a cheery smile on his face as he brought over the last of the beach towels. But Angel had a look on her face like she was thinking about something. Something that seemed to worry her.

Stitch did not fail to see his mate's worried expression. "Hey what's wrong? I thought you wanted to go to the beach." Asked Stitch with a concerned voice.

"I do… it's just that I've been thinking about something lately." Replied Angel in a quiet voice.

"Thinking about what?" asked Stitch as he wrapped his arm around her.

"It's nothing… don't worry about it."

"Are you sure everything's ok?"

Angel gave a small laugh as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm sure; it's just something that's been on my mind for awhile."

"It's not about me is it?"

Angel once again gave a small, half hearted laugh as she turns to Stitch and wraps her arms around him in a tight hug. Stitch gave a startled gasp but soon returned the hug.

"No, it's not about you, it's about me." Starts Angel as she rests her cheek on his shoulder. "But it's nothing too important, let's not let it ruin today. Ok?" Finishes Angel as she gives Stitch a small kiss on the cheek.

Stitch continued to look at her with a confused/concerned look. "Are you sure it's not important?"

"I said I'm sure. Now come on, I'm sure the kids are getting impatient. Plus I really want to get out there and warm my fur."

Angel pulled away from the hug and went back to packing the towels with a smile. Stitch scratched the back of his head in confusion; it was as if her entire mood had suddenly lifted. But Stitch couldn't help but think that she was hiding something. Despite his suspicions Stitch continued to help Angel pack.

A couple minutes later every one started to pile into the buggy and Nani's jeep. Jumba and Pleakly were already waiting in the Buggy and Nani was in the jeep. Lilo was carrying a cooler down the steps along with a few folding chairs. She gave a groan as she lifted the cooler into the buggy and then gave a sigh as she set it down.

"Why didn't you have Stitch carry that out?" asked Nani.

"Because, him and Angel are still busy with the kids." Replied Lilo as she walked over and hopped into the jeep.

After a few more minutes Stitch, Angel and the kids still hadn't come out of the house. Nani started to get impatient. "Come on you guys! We want to get there before all the good spots are taken!" shouted Nani.

"Well be there in a minute, Nani!" shouted Angel from inside the house.

Nani gave a frustrated sigh as she leaned back in the driver's seat. "Don't worry, Kioko said he'd meet us down there… he'll save us a good spot." Blurted Lilo.


Kioko was walking across the beach; he was wearing nothing but a black swimsuit (Of course) with a red stripe running down the sides of the legs. He was dragging a couple beach chairs behind him along with a small duffle bag. He suddenly comes to a stop as he spots a perfect little spot near a couple of palm trees.

"Well, looks like it's my lucky day. I managed to find this perfect spot… in the middle of tourist season." Said Kioko with a rather content smile on his face.

He placed the two chairs in the shade of the palm trees and set the duffle bag down on the ground. "I'm sure they'll like it here. What am I saying… they better like it here. Parking was a pain in the ass."

Kioko continued to set up his stuff; he set his duffle bag down, turning away from the two chairs for just a moment. He dug through the bag for a moment before pulling out a pair of dark sunglasses. He puts them on and then turns back towards the chairs. But when he turned around he found a large woman sitting in one of the chairs, a large picnic basket in the other chair.

"Hey, what the hell do you think your doing? Those were my seats!" shouted Kioko.

The woman looked up at him with a smug look. "I didn't see you sitting in them."

"I wasn't even three feet away from them!"

"That doesn't mean they were yours. For all I know these could be some one else's… I saw you going through that bag. You were probably stealing stuff. I know what you punk kids are like, with your hip hop and your pants falling off of your butt. You're all low lives, just look at those ridiculous stripes on your face. Are you in some sort of gang?"

The expression on Kioko's face at this point was pure anger. His fists were balled in fists of rage, his teeth were clenched, his upper lip twitched and a growl emanated from deep in his throat. After a minute or two Kioko managed to get his anger under control enough to speak… or in this case to yell.

"Listen Lady I was not stealing… this is my bag and those are my chairs! Even if they weren't mine you still aren't allowed to just walk up and take them!"

"Listen here young man, I am the senator's wife and I'm allowed to do anything I want."

"I don't care if you're the president's wife, you can't have those seats!"

The woman shot Kioko an icy glare before giving a shrug. Kioko gave another growl as the woman closed her eyes. "If you don't get up off of that seat, I will personally roll your fat ass into the middle of the street, and then call a steam roller to come flatten you into a pancake!"

"I'd like to see you try." Growled the woman as she glared up at Kioko.

"You'd like to see me try huh? Well come on then lets see what you've got."

"Oh boy, you've messed with the wrong woman today." Growled the woman as she got to her feet.

"I have, have I? Well, prove it!" yelled Kioko.


Lilo, Stitch and every one else had finally gotten on the way towards the beach. Every one except for Jumba and Pleakly were squeezed into Nani's jeep. All of the stuff was with Jumba and Pleakly in the buggy, which was following close behind. Nani, Lilo, Stitch and Angel were in the front of the jeep and the kids were in the back seat.

"I just love the smell of the ocean… it's so relaxing." Said Lilo as she smiled pleasantly.

"Your right about that." Replied Angel.

"I hope the beach isn't too crowded." Blurted Stitch.

"It shouldn't be we aren't getting there to late in the day." Replied Nani.

"Yeah, but you never know during tourist season." Added Lilo.

"Well we'll find out here in a minute… we're almost to the beach." Said Nani.

At that moment Angel turned around in her seat to face the kids, who were looking around excitedly. "Do you have your bathing suits?"

Kina and Ashley turn to face their mother but Oki continues to look out at the passing scenery with a nervous look. "We have our bathing suits but…" started Ashley.

"But what?" asked Angel as she raised her eyebrow.

"But Oki doesn't." finished Kina.

"And why not?" asked Angel as she looked at Oki. "Did you leave it at home?"

Oki didn't say anything at first as he slowly looked towards his mother. "Well, I uh…" started Oki as he nervously twiddled his thumbs.

As Oki tried to come up with an excuse his siblings saw a perfect opportunity to get their brother into trouble. "He didn't leave it at home." Blurted Kina.

Angel looked away from Oki and turned to face Kina and Ashley. "Then what did he do with it?"

At that moment Oki realized what his brother and sister were doing. He quickly looked towards them with a threatening look. But that didn't even slow them down.

"He ate them." Blurted Ashley with a small smile.

A dumbfounded/ surprised look instantly appeared on their mothers face. "You guy's said you wouldn't tell!" shouted Oki.

"We never shook on it now did we?" replied Kina with a smug look.

"Why you little…" started Oki as he began to growl.

Kina and Ashley both gave small laughs as they looked at their brother. "Just consider that payback for all of those noogies you gave us." Said Ashley with a small laugh.

"Yeah well… you can forget about me cleaning the room for a month!" shouted Oki.

"Oh no, you'll be cleaning that room." Blurted Angel in an upset tone.

Oki quickly looked towards his mother with a shocked expression. "What?"

"You heard me; Oki what did we tell you about eating things your not supposed to?"

"You told me not to." Sighed Oki as he looked down.

"That's right and you didn't listen, so for the next month you will keep that room clean." Scolded Angel as Kina and Ashley looked on, snickering slightly. "Don't push it you two, or else you'll be helping him." Threatened Angel as she looked over at Kina and Ashley.

Kina and Ashley sank into their seats as their ears dropped down to their shoulders. Angel gave the three of them one last look before turning back to face the front. She gave a heavy sigh as she rubbed her forehead.

"He's definitely your son." Blurted Angel as she looked over at Stitch from the corner of her eye.

Stitch gave a guilty smile as he scratched the back of his head. "Hey, I've gotten better. When's the last time I ate something that wasn't food?"

Angel raised her eyebrow and folded her arms over her chest as she looked over at her mate. "Last Saturday night… remember?"

Stitch's ears instantly fell down to his shoulders and his guilty smile was replaced by an uncomfortable one as he saw Lilo and Nani giving him weird looks. Stitch shifted nervously in his seat as he slowly leaned in towards Angel.

"Uh… lets not talk about that sort of thing here." Whispered Stitch into Angel's ear.

Angel only looked away with a small laugh. There was a moment or two of awkward silence before Nani finally spoke up. "Well, we're here."

The kids gave a joyful cheer despite the fact that they just got yelled at. Lilo gave a sigh as they pulled into the parking area. "I can't wait to hit that surf." Said Lilo as she looked out towards the crashing, blue waves.

"What do you mean 'Hit' the surf?" asked Angel as she looked at Lilo curiously.

"Oh! That's right…" started Stitch. Angel looked away from Lilo and over at Stitch. "You've never been surfing before. I can't believe that we've been together for all this time and I have never taken you surfing. We'll just have to remedy that sometime today."

"Surfing? That doesn't hurt does it?" asked Angel.

"No, no it doesn't hurt at all." Said Lilo with a smile. "It's really fun; you and Stitch will have a great time."

"Ok." Said Angel with a nervous look on her face.

"Hey look, there's Kioko's motorcycle." Blurted Nani as they drove past a sleek black motorcycle. "I hope he saved us a good spot."

"I'm sure he did, Nani. But let's find a parking spot first." Said Lilo as she looked around for a space.

After a few minutes and a few rude gestures exchanged between other cars trying to park, they finally found a couple of spots. Everyone quickly unloaded form the vehicles, the kids were the first ones out of the jeep. Stitch and Jumba unloaded all of the stuff from the back of the buggy and quickly joined up with everyone else as they stepped onto the beach.

"Ok, now we need to find Kioko. Hopefully he picked a good spot." Said Nani as she looked around for the pirate.

They looked around for a few more moments before Kina finally spotted Kioko. "Hey, isn't that uncle Kioko over there?" asked Kina as he pointed towards some palm trees.

Every one looks towards where Kina was pointing. There, underneath a couple of palm trees was Kioko, his head buried deep in the sand. "Yep, that's him alright. I'd recognize that swim suit anywhere." Said Lilo with a slight sigh.

The group made their way over to where Kioko was trying to pull his head out of the sand. "Well, at least he was for to be picking good spot." Blurted Jumba as he looked around.

Lilo gave another sigh as she walked over next to Kioko. "Yeah, but I wonder what trouble he got himself into. Come on Stitch, help me pull him out." Ordered Lilo.

The two of them grab onto Kioko's legs and give one good yank, freeing Kioko's head from its sandy prison. Kioko instantly sprung to his feet. "Ok, where'd that fat as-" Kioko suddenly stopped as he realized who had pulled his head lose. His eyes fell onto the kids who were looking up at him curiously. "-paragus get to? Yes, where did that fat asparagus get to?"

The entire group was now looking at him like he was crazy. Kioko looked around at every one for a few minutes, growing more and more uncomfortable and embarrassed by the minute.

"What?" asked Kioko after a few minutes.

A few minutes later the awkward silence had ended and every one was getting prepared. They set up a few blankets in the shade for the kids, a beach umbrella was placed on the opposite side of the chairs and the cooler was set in between the chairs.

"Nani, could you pass me the sun tan lotion?" asked Lilo as she removed her shorts and shirt, revealing a pink and red bikini. Nani hands her sister a bottle of sun tan lotion. "Do you need any Kioko?" asked Lilo as she squirted some on her leg and began to rub it in.

"No thanks Lilo, my skin isn't as sensitive to UV radiation. I could lay out here from sun up to sun set and I'd only get a little red."

Lilo gave a small laugh as she looked up at Kioko. "You think you aliens are so much better then us don't you?" asked Lilo in a joking manner.

They spent the next few minutes setting up and getting ready, but they finally were ready to have some fun. "Mommy, can we go into the water now?" asked Kina.

"Not yet, you and your sister need to put on your swimsuits. Oki, you don't need to, since you ate yours." Replied Angel as she started to dig through the bags looking for the swimsuits.

"Your not actually going to make them wear those are you?" asked Stitch as he walked over to her.

"Of course I am."

"Angel, they don't need to wear bathing suits." Stitch leans in towards Angel. "It's not like they have anything to hide." Whispered Stitch.

"Come on Mom, Dad doesn't think we need to wear them." Whined Kina.

"And their really uncomfortable." Added Ashley.

"Come on Honey; don't make them wear those suits. Me and you aren't wearing bathing suits, so why make them wear them?"

"I am not going to have my children thought of as animals."

"You know Angel, you've been taking the whole 'my children are not animals' thing a little too far lately." Blurted Kioko as he sat down on the end of the beach chair that was near by.

"I am not." Defended Angel as she looked up at Kioko.

"Yes you are." Replied Stitch. "I can understand not calling them pups, but you can't dress them like their human children."

"And why not?"

"Because you can't." started Kioko. "It's not like their going to pass for humans. I think the fur and the large ears would give that away."

"I don't know, I went for quite awhile as Kenny, and they still thought I was a human boy." Blurted Stitch.

"I know, that was just stupidity on the human's parts. But you don't need to hide their identities, Angel."

"I don't care, their putting them on." Replied Angel in a rather snub tone.

Both Kioko and Stitch raised their eyebrows at her tone. None of them said a word, but Stitch and Kioko both shot each other a quick glance before looking back towards Angel. After a moment Kioko finally broke the silence.

"Tell you what kids…" started Kioko as he looked over at Kina, Ashley and Oki. "You don't have to wear those suits. And I'll tell you how." At this point Angel was looking up at the pirate with a very disapproving glare.

"How, uncle Kioko?" asked the three of them in unison.

Kioko looked down at Angel, who was still giving him a cold glare. A large smile crept across Kioko's face, suddenly Kioko reached down and grabbed Angel under her armpits, lifting her off the ground so that she couldn't get away.

"Run!" shouted Kioko.

The kids instantly gave a cheer and bolted for the ocean. While their mother growled at both Kioko and Stitch. "Calm down Angel, it's not a big deal if they don't wear swim suits. It's just good that they don't sink like me." Said Stitch as he watched Kioko set her down.

Angel only looked at him with an angry stare and folded her arms over her chest. "Are you mad at me now?" asked Stitch.

"I'm upset with both of you." Growled angel as she shot Kioko a quick glance.

There was another short pause before Stitch slowly walked over next to Angel, who turned her head away. "I know how to cheer you up though." Said Stitch as he leaned in closer to her.

Before Angel could say anything, Stitch planted his lips gently on her cheek and lightly stroked the back of her ear. Stitch held this for a few moments, slowly causing Angel to lose her look of anger and replacing it with a look of content. After a few moments Stitch slowly pulled away, leaving Angel smiling.

"Feel better?" asked Stitch with a smile of his own.

Angel gave a small laugh as she looked at Stitch. "You know I can't stay mad when you do that."

Stitch just smiled back as he blushed slightly. "Ok, now that the sweet, tender moment is done, how about we start having some fun?" blurted Kioko.

"Yeah!" cheered Stitch and Angel.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" shouted Lilo.

"Well alright." Added Kioko.

Well, that's the end of this first chapter. I know this could have been a one shot, but it wouldn't have been as good. I also apologize for some of the language that was in this chapter… as well as the little crude humor. But there will be some more slightly crude humor and fowl language in the coming chapters. Anyway, I'll update as soon as possible. Please Review. Later.