Author:Your one and only LINA duh



Warning: Fluff, yaoi thoughts

Disclaimer: Dont own s-CRY-ed. Never will. Dont own the charaxters nothin. So dont bitch.

Summary:Ryuho/Kasuma After encountering eachother once again Ryuho and Kazuma start thinkg of eachother in ways they never expected to. Kazuma POV and Ryuho POV

Authoer's Note: This i one of my first fanfics as well as yaoi fanfics. Thats why im starting with only a sweet fluff. If im doing anything wrong please notify me so i dont get into trouble or bitched at. I think I'm honestly taking a bold step doing this but I really like the anime and I dont see too much Kazuma/Ryuho fics so i thought I would add one. Thanks so much.

Chpt. 1

Your Unbelievable

Kazuma POV

I can't believe this. We encounter again. Fighting once more... But it never gets old

The same bruises and blood sheded everytime.

It's never anybody else. Just me and you.

Why do I get so upsessed over you?

Your nothing special. Just a foe. A member of that idiotic team Holy.

You think your better then the native alters.

But your not. Your just like us. Though are alters may very.

Some strong some weak. They vary. But we are all still the same.

Special being placed on this damned earth to be looked down upon by humans.

You stand there with your nose in the air and scoul at everything thing that passes you.


Why cant you see? Your just like us low-lives you so deeply hate.

Espcially Me.

Doing whatever the boss tells you to do. You have no mind of you own.

Your all the same.

But... I still get that feeling...

Like... We're the same.

I will admit your alter is powerful. But so is mine.

We can never seem to beat eachother in battle.

We both leave with scars and bruises.

Not only in our body but are mind.

Why do you work with them. For Holy?

Do you have something to protect? Or do you just like those men barking you orders?

Why can't we just... get along?

What am I thinking about.We'll never get along. We're two different minds thinking incredibly differnt things.

Do you even have interest in me?

Or do you just plan to take me down like all the others?

What am I thinking of coarse you do.

But that's not happening buddy. Nope.

I'll keep fighting. I'll keep fight for the ones I love and for the ones I've lost by your team.

I'll never forget about all those alter users you've killed.

And my friend. My best friend! You killed him too! Damn you Holy Members. I'll kill each and everyone of you showing no mercy just like you did them.

But still... Everytime we encounter I hold back.

I can't help but be awed.

Awd but what? Everything.

Your alter, your grace, your eyes, your hair, and even that damned attitued of yours...

Ugh, I can't even believe myself when I think this.

But yes. Your Beautiful.

Beautiful in every way.

What I would give to hold you, to kiss that damn mouth of yours.

I've thought this many times before.

Each time slapping myself mentally for thinking such thoughts.

But not this time, no.

I can't hold them back any longer.

I want to be with you.

I want to touch you in every wich way you've never experienced.

But we'll always be enemies.

God everything you spat out was words of hatred.

Our love canver be.

Yes I love Ryuho.

It isnt just love.

Its hunger.

I want you Ryuho.

No I need Ryuho.


Note:Please tell me what you thought and what you think I should change... Ryuho's POV is coming in the next Chapter.