Later that night we went across the street to the Curtis's, just to hang out.

Johnny walked right in just as usual, without knocking, "Hey guys."

Steve stole Brent away from me, and carried him to the couch where he had been sitting before, "Uncle Steve has you now."

Johnny smiled at me, as he wrapped his arm around my waist, "Come with me," he took me through the kitchen, through the back door to the side of the Curtis's house, "Remember we use to make out here, before we were married. I use to stay at Pony's house, and you and I would just come out here," he backed me against the wall, and kissed my neck, "You use to tell me about the stars, and the places you would travel. I remember one time you told me you wish you could just stay in one place, and not have to worry about moving," he kissed my cheek, and moved his lips to mine, "That was when I knew I was in love with you, a month after we started going together."

I grinned, "As I recall you always kissed me on the neck when we use to sneak out here," he rubbed his hands up and down my arms, "Your arms are like ice," he removed his coat, and then covered my shoulder, then lead me back into the house through the kitchen, where Two-Bit was. I looked at my feet. It's not that I don't like Two-Bit, it's just I get sad now a days when I look at him. Two-Bit is tough, but Keith Mathews isn't what he may seem. He's been beaten by his parents just as much, probably more, then my husband has. I seen how he was with Johnny's parents, Johnny's mom came over to my house when Johnny was over, she was yelling and screaming at Johnny, Two-Bit was there to, he got in Mrs. Cades face, and told her that his mom, and her should go have lunch, because they got a lot in common hitting on there children for sport. That had been the only time I saw any seriousness come from him. That made me sad.

"You look like a pile of …" Steve was heard from the living room.

"My son looks like a pile of what, Steve?" My husband went up next to Steve, as I watched from the kitchen entrance.

"I said he looks like his mother," Steve looked at me, and grinned.

Soda laughed a little, "I don't think that's what he said Johnny."

Jen smiled at Steve, "He's a cute little boy," she smiled as I came into the living room.

"I think he looks like Johnny," I went and stood beside my husband.

"We better get back to the house, don't you think baby girl?" He looked behind at me.

Steve stood up with the baby, and then handed him over to me, "Now I could see Johnny in the kids face," he looked at Johnny, "He'll grow out of it though."

"Funny Steve," Johnny smacked our friend's stomach, "Come over to our house tomorrow night, that way we won't have to leave to go home like tonight."

"You could stay honey, I'll stay home with the baby," I shifted Brent in my arms.

Johnny looked around at everyone, and at me, "No, not to exciting here," he grinned as he took a cigarette from behind his ear, he waved to the other guys, "See you tomorrow guys."

The Next Morning

Knock! Knock!

I stirred in my husbands arms, as we laid in bed still asleep.

Knock! Knock!

"What time is it?" My husband asked in a sleeping voice.

"I don't know, the clocks by you," I turned to my side, and covered my head with the blanket.

Knock! Knock!

"It's seven in the morning," My husband wrapped his arm around me, "Who is at the door?"

Why is he asking me? "I don't know, I been asleep with you," I am not a morning person.

"I'll go check to see who's at the door," My husband sleepily kissed my head, and climbed out of bed, and started out the room.

"Johnny?" I propped myself on my elbow, "Put some pants on," I smiled as my husband put the jeans from yesterday on over his underwear.

He smiled at me before leaving the room.

"It's a beautiful morning, huh, Johnny?" Steve's voice was heard from some where in the house.

"Steve, you know what time it is?" My husband sounded a little annoyed.

"Well I told you I would baby-sit for you, and here I am, now go back to bed, and when Brent wakes up, I will get him," Steve walked pass mine, and Johnny's room, "Just ignore me, pretend I'm not even here Toni," he went towards our sons room.

"Kind of hard to do, Steve," I fell back on my pillow.

Johnny came back into the bedroom, and shut the door behind him, "I was really hoping to sleep in on my day off," he sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at me, "What's wrong with that guy?"

"I don't know," I sat up, and crawled behind where my husband was sitting, "Come here honey," I started pulling him back on his pillow, as I leaned beside him, then I started stroking his hair, "How's that feel?"

He looked up at me, then pulled my face to his, and kissed me, "Relaxing," he tried to force his eyes to stay open.

I leaned in, and kissed his forehead, "Go to sleep," I rested my head on his bare chest, feeling the denim of his pants as I rested my legs across his, "Just relax, and sleep."

He laughed a little, "I'm suddenly not feeling as sleepy now," he rolled on top of me, and kissed me, "I do want to stay in bed though."

I giggled as I felt my husbands hand sliding under my night gown, "We can't right now."

He grinned mischievously at me, "Sure we can."

"Steve's in the other room," I looked towards the closed door.

"We don't need him," He teased.

"That's not what I meant, I don't like when there is other people in the house," I tried to stare at my husband without blushing, "Why are you so cute."

"Am I now," He leaned in, and kissed me softly. He slid his hand under my night gown again.

I giggled as I pulled out from under him, and got to my feet, "I am going to take a shower, and get Brent's things ready so Steve wont have to do much," I put on my robe, as I made my way to my sons room, and looked at Steve, "I'll get his bottles, when I get out of the shower, there's one in the fridge already," I smiled as Brent just sat calmly in Steve's arm's, "Johnny will be…"

"Johnny will be with his wife?" My husband winked at Steve, "Thanks Steve," he started pushing me towards the bathroom, "Pity we only got one shower, and two people who need to get ready," he pretended to think, "How could we solve our problem?" He shut the door behind us in the restroom.

"Sounds to me your daddy, and mommy is working on making you a brother or sister!" Steve was heard shouting from my sons room.

"You guys and the winking, did you have to wink?" I teased.

"You better believe it Steve!" My husband said just to get me mad.

"Why did you have to feed his imagination more, by encouraging the idea of what we do in the privacy of our own home?" I stared at my husband.

"I like when we fight," He grinned.

"Why do you like when I get mad at you?" I took my robe, and pajamas off, along with everything else.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and whispered, "Because making up is the fun part," he led me into the shower.

An Hour Later

"I fixed four bottles for him, you know where the diapers are Steve, help yourself to our food, everyone else does," I stopped before leaving, and looked around, "Am I forgetting something?"

Steve laughed, "Yeah, you forgot to hand me your son," he walked over to me, and took my baby out of my arms.

"Thank you Steve, don't let Two-Bit put any beer in the baby bottle again," Johnny kissed his son on the top of his head, where there was already dark hair covering his small head, "We'll see you tonight Brent," he wrapped his arm around my waist, and lead me to our car.

I got into the passengers side, as my husband got to his side, "Let's go shopping for Brent's clothes."

He rested his right hand on the back of the seat, and started driving with the other, "Okay. Man our son sure is getting big."

I scooted next to my husband, "I know."

"So when should we start with the next kid?" My husband teased as we pulled in front of the clothing store.

I rolled my eyes, "Let's wait until Brent is potty trained, okay. Like two more years," I got out of the car, and waited for Johnny to do the same.

We walked around the store with a cart, looking at everything they had.

"Johnny? Johnny Cade?" A girl hurried up next to my husband, "I can't believe it," she wrapped her arms around my confused husband, "Remember me?"

"Johnny?" I stared at the girl, "You know her?"

My husband stared at her for a moment, trying to picture her, "Jewel Walter, we went to the same junior high."

"Yeah, so what brings you here?" She ignored me, and stepped closer to my clueless husband.

I grabbed his hand, "You want to push the cart honey?" I glared at the girl.

My husband looked at me like I just arrived there by magic, then back at the girl, "Jewel, this is my…" he looked at me for a moment.

"I'm his wife," I said making sure she saw my wedding ring as I took my husbands left hand.

Johnny grinned, "Yeah, she's my wife," he stared at me again, "My wife?" He seemed to be trying to remember my name, "This is my wife…"

Jewel glared at me.

I rolled my eyes becoming a little annoyed with my husband, I looked back at Jewel, "I'm Toni, and we are really busy, bye." He smiled a little at her. I lead my husband away from the girl, and looked at her again briefly, "It wasn't nice to meet you," I said in a sarcastic chipper voice.

When we got to the baby clothes, my husband glared at me, "That wasn't real nice, Toni."

"I did what I had to, so she'd know you're my husband," I tossed some sleepers in the cart.

"She was just being nice," He was so clueless.

"She was flirting with you."

He looked back at where we had been standing with her, "She was?"

I glared at him, "Yeah she was, and you forgot who you were for a moment."

"No I didn't," He wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Yes you did, I saw how you smiled at her, the same way you smiled at me," I felt tears in my eyes, but brushed them away with my sleeve, "You even forgot that I was your wife, and my name," I held up some baby clothes in his face, "These are for our son, incase you forgot about him too."

He put the clothes back in the cart, "Come on baby girl, I married you didn't I?"

"Oh so I'm suppose to feel like I'm the lucky one here?" I know I told him that in the past, that I was lucky having him, but now I was mad.

"I don't get all upset when you, and Steve tease each other, because I know you love me," He started pushing the cart to the check out stand.

When we got everything done for the days, we finally arrived back at the house.

I could here a girls voice from inside the room, "He looks like his dad," it sounded like Jen.

"Who ever that maybe," Two-Bit teased as my husband and I came into the house.

"I am not cheating on you," Johnny hadn't noticed the people in our house.

"I saw the look you gave Jewel Walters, at the grocery store," I walked to Steve, and took my baby in my arms, "Johnny everyone is here now."

"You have another girl, Johnny?" Darry glared up at my husband.

"Why would I?" he said louder as I entered the kitchen with our son, "I love my wife!"

"You don't ever get tired of me?" I smiled, I hated fighting with him.

He shook his head as he made his way to me, and then leaned down to kiss me, "Why would I get warn out of you, I said I love you, and I meant it."

I knew I had been wrong, but I don't like loosing an argument to no one.

That rest of the evening went as expected. Except everyone was surprised that I invited, Jen, over for dinner. Johnny was even shocked. I guess I rubbed her the wrong way whenever I saw her. Steve, and Jen left a while after, she is actually a real nice girl.

Two Bit was drunk as ever, and Shelia left two hours later, he didn't care though, "So Johnny," he wobbled over to where my husband was sitting with our son, "How about you letting me hold," he slurred as he spoke, "Let me hold him."

Johnny shook his head, "Not tonight Two-Bit."

"Come, come, come on," Two-Bit had his arms opened wide, then he looked at me, he tried to sound serious, "Toni, Toni, Toni, Toni," he started snapping his finger as he said my name, he grinned as if he had a new idea, "Johnny loves Toni, and Toni loves…" he fell back, and would had hit the coffee table if Darry, and soda hadn't been behind him, and able to catch him.

"Well we know a music career is out of the question for Two-Bit," Pony laughed as he watched his brothers carry there friend to the couch.

Darry looked at my husband, "You want us to carry him to our house?"

My husband shook his head, "We'll be fine, this happened before."

"I'll stay, and keep a watch on him, if that's alright," Pony looked at Johnny, "That way he wont go into the babies room," he looked at me, "We'll sleep in the guess room."

"Good idea kid brother," Darry, along with Soda, carried there friend to the empty bedroom, which Pony liked to call the guest room because we occasionally let the guys spend the night sometimes.

They came back out of the room.

Soda looked at me, "I got to go to bed," he ran out of the house, back to his house.

"Night Ponyboy, night Cade's," Darry caught up to his other brother as they reached there house at the same time.

"I think if Two-Bit is sleeping here, then Brent needs to sleep in our bed tonight," My husband looked at Pony, "We'll see you in the morning," then he led me to our room.

I smiled as I watched my baby sleep, "He's so beautiful," I put a night gown on, and laid beside my sleeping son.

"Just like his mom," Johnny crawled in bed beside me after he put on some pajama bottoms, he leaned across out son, and kissed me, "I love you baby girl."

I smiled as we laid there looking each other in the eyes as our son slept between us, "I love you to."