Disclamer: I don't own anything,I swear to God.

Chapter 3

Remus was woken the next morning by James hitting him with his pillow.

"Up! C'mon or you'll be late."

They received their timetables after breakfast. It took longer than usual because McGonagall had to check that they had achieved the necessary OWLs for each of their subjects. James, Sirius and Remus had passed well in all the subjects they were intent in pursuing and had no problems. Peter on the other hand, had struggled in some places and consequently was not accepted into NEWT Transfiguration.

Following this they all hurried off to a first period Charms lesson where they spent a frustrating hour trying to produce water without saying the spell out aloud, a task at which nearly the entire class failed to conquer but, as James pointed out, Professor Flitwick did not seem the least bit surprised. After that they had a free period which they devoted to making a dent in the slab of Charms homework they had managed to attract. Then lunchtime rolled around and they all trooped back downstairs.

Sirius and James were discussing the Quidditch trials (James was the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain) and because Remus was walking slightly in front, he was forced to look backwards every few seconds to add to the conversation.

It was during one of these moments that they rounded a corner and Remus ran smack-dab into Rowena Henderson who was passing with Lily Evans and a large armful of books, which went everywhere.

"I am so sorry!" cried Remus automatically, quickly bending to help pick up the spilt books.

"No, no, it's alright." Rowena replied sounding flustered. She straightened, juggling her armful of books and pushing handfuls of hair out of her face. Remus scooped up the remaining books and straightened too, then found himself face to face with the Mystery Girl.

She looked subtly different up close. She was skinner for starters, as though she'd been sick recently and needed a few decent meals. Her eyes were large and smoky grey, framed with long dark lashes.

Remus absorbed all this, then realized he was staring like at idiot and hastily offered the books he still held saying: "I'm really sorry, I didn't see you."

"It's alright," replied Rowena, "I didn't see you either." Then she smiled and held out her hand, "I'm Rowena Henderson."

It took him a second.

"Oh right!" He shook her hand feeling unbelievably stupid, "Remus Lupin."

"Remus…" said Rowena thoughtfully, "Oh yes! You're the other Gryffindor prefect! Isn't that right Lily?" She glanced expectantly at Lily who unbent enough to nod, but remained stubbornly silent.

Remus was not the least bit surprised at Lily's reaction to being cornered in the corridor by all four of the Marauders,but he didn't have time to dwell on it.

Sirius fixed his most handsome, most flirtatious smile in place, thrust his hand past Remus – nearly displacing James' nose – and gushed, "Hi, I'm Sirius Black. It is such a privilege to finally meet you."

Remus, James and Peter simultaneously gave Miss Rowena Henderson a grand total of two seconds before she fell wildly in love with Sirius and permanently forgot they existed.

Miss Rowena Henderson, as it transpired, had other plans.

While she gave Sirius a very intentional once over, her expression was definitely bemused as opposed to flirtatious as she shook his hand with a repeat of the charming smile and a cheerful "A pleasure."

"Oh no," answered Sirius, "The pleasure is all mine."

James caught Remus' eye behind Sirius' back and pretended to vomit.

"While we're busy introducing," said Remus trying to keep a straight face, "This is Peter Pettigrew and James Potter."

"James Potter? The James Potter?" cried Rowena enthusiastically grabbing James' hand, "Lily's told me all about you!"

Behind her, Lily squirmed uncomfortably.

"Knowing Lily," said James trying not to smirk, "That means nothing good."

"Well, she said you very good at Quidditch but completely unpleasant in all other ways possible." Replied Rowena buoyantly.

James gave Lily an oh-really? look over Rowena's shoulder and received a bugger-off-you-sod look in reply.

Remus' mouth chose that particular moment to blurt out, "How come you've just come to Hogwarts?"

Rowena looked at him in surprise.

"I mean," mumbled Remus blushing furiously, "most students start in first year not sixth year."

Rowena re-curved her mouth into its pretty smile. "I've been home schooled for five years."

"You can do that?" put in Peter.

"Obviously." Said Rowena with only the barest touch of sarcasm.

"Why?" asked Remus curiously, then hastily added, "Sorry that was a really personal question you don't have to answer."

Rowena waves the comment aside.

"I don't mind." She took a breath, "I get sick easily."

"You know we have a really good matron here." Interjected Sirius in a helpful tone.

"No, no," responded Rowena, slight exasperation entering her tone, "not muggle sick, magical sick, even St. Mungo's couldn't touch it. My parents figured it would be easier to work from home to my own schedule rather than go to Hogwarts and skip class all the time. They went through a lot of trouble with the ministry but they agreed in the end."

"And now?" prompted Remus.

"Well, I've been a bit better lately and I was sick off hanging around home all the time. It took a lot of begging but I got my way in the end."

There was that smile again. It was rather distracting.

"Well," said Remus awkwardly, "Good luck."

"Thanks." Rowena replied looking pleasantly surprised.

"Rowena," interrupted Lily, "If we want lunch we better get going now."

"Oh sure Lily," replied Rowena unfazed. Then she turned back to Remus, James, Peter and Sirius. "I'll see you around, I hope."

"It was very nice to eat you… meet you!" blurted Remus horrified.

Rowena tried valiantly not to laugh. She managed to gasp agoodbye before Lily grabbed her arm and towed her off.

"Go out with me Evans?" asked James politely as Lily passed him.

"No!" Snapped Lily, quickening her pace dragging the now giggling Rowena with her.

Rowena paused briefly to wave at them before Lily yanked her around the corner.

"Strike two thousand and sixty four." Sighed James.

"Very suave performance Remus," said Sirius grinning, "but you might want to consider taking your foot out of your mouth next time."

"Shut up." said Remus irately, but he went red anyway.

A/N There Spoogal! I updated! To all: Sorry it's been so long but I'm on holidays now so with a bit of luckthe next chapter should be up soon!