HEY HEY PEOPLEZ! Welcome to a new story by firesong77... that's me, in case you didn't know.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Monkey Team, but I do own Matt, the drunken idiot on Punk'd, and Gwen and Emily, the two hosts and helpers for Punk'd. Yay!

Read and Review please! This will be the last TV story thingy. Thanks again to everyone that reviews!


Chapter one - Chiro

Hey everyone, and welcome to Punk'd. Punk'd is where we prank celebrities. Today we will be targeting Chiro. As he takes the bike for a spin, he gets more then he bargained for. Matt will be our bike thief, Emily is our tow-truck driver and Gwen is the parking inspector. Jinmay also has been asked to help us. Uh oh Chiro, beware, the Punk'd crew is on the loose!

Chiro was riding down the streets of Shuggazoom on his Sun Riders motorbike, care free and completely unaware that he was about to be punk'd. Apparently, Jinmay had wanted to see him, and asked him to bring the bike.

Chiro suddenly came to a red light, and he came to a halt. While waiting for the lights to turn green, a man with crazy brown hair, who we know is Matt, ran up to him, shouting in a drunken fashion.

"Gerrof the bike, mate!" he yelled, waving his hands around in the air. Chiro blinked.


"gErRoF!" he screamed. Chiro jumped in fright.

"Hey!" Chiro cried in protest. "Do you know who I am?"

Matt nodded. "Yarr, you're dat freaky monk-ay boy. NOW GIMME YA BIKE, PUNK!" He grabbed Chiro and uselessly attempted to drag him off the bike.

"Hey!" Chiro shouted again, "Don't make me Monkey Fu you!"

Matt laughed. "You can't Monk-ay Fu me! I'm a well-respected and highly dignified citizen of Shuggazoom. NOW MOVE IT OR LOSE IT, BUSTA!"

Chiro, absolutely freaked out, jumped off the bike and ran on to the sidewalk. Matt triumphantly jumped on the bike, slammed the helmet on his head and stepped on the accelerator, zooming through a red light, screaming like a psychopath as he went.

Chiro watched him disappear around a corner, horrified. He then decided to follow Matt.

When Chiro ran around a corner, he came face-to-face with his Sun Riders motorbike. In a no-parking zone.

Chiro went over to his bike, just as Gwen the parking inspector slammed a ticket on the windscreen.

"Hey!" Chiro shouted in protest. "You can't do that! Some drunk guy stole my bike and parked it here!"

"That's not my fault." said Gwen. "It's your bike, so it's your responsibility. And you have to pay the price."

Chiro stared at Gwen, his mouth wide open. "How much is it?" he said.

Gwen looked at the ticket. "Two hundred bucks."

Chiro stared at Gwen in horror. "(Censored), man! I don't have that much!" Chiro tried to pull his bike away, but Gwen grabbed the handles and pulled it back.

"Sorry, Chiro. Your gonna have to pay the fine right now, or we'll tow it away." said Gwen. "Come on, pay up!"

Chiro emptied his pockets. All he had was fifty cents.

"You can't take my bike!" yelled Chiro, "I need it!"

Gwen shrugged. "The law's the law, mate, and you just broke it. Well? You got the money?"

Chiro shook his head helplessly, so Gwen pulled out her mobile and called Emily the tow truck driver.

"Hey, Em? Yeah. He can't pay up. Bring the tow truck. Looks like it's the wreckers for him."

Chiro gasped. "You can't destroy my bike!"

Gwen turned off her phone and faced Chiro. "I can and I will."

Suddenly, a tow truck rounded the corner and parked right next to Chiro's bike. Emily stepped out.

"So," she said. "Shuggazoom's major celebrity is broke?"

"I'm not broke!" Chiro shouted. "I just don't ride around the streets of Shuggazoom with two hundred dollars in my pocket!"

Emily grinned. "In other words, you're broke?"

"No!" Chiro yelled. "Now gimme my bike back!"

"Nope." Emily answered. "Your bike is now mine." She dragged the bike on to the tow truck, and jumped back in.

Chiro leapt into the passenger seat. "I'm coming with you. I'm gonna sort things out."

Emily shook her head. "No you're not. I have to take this bike four hours out of the city. You aren't coming with me."

Chiro spotted Matt walking drunkenly down the street. "Hey!" he shouted. "That's the guy who stole my bike!"

Gwen frowned. "Well, don't blame him! Your bike, your responsibility!"

Chiro gasped. "I don't believe this!"

"WOOOO-AAAAA!" cried Matt, spraying beer everywhere. Then he started to sing, "I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout!" He demonstrated by placing one hand on his hip and one like a spout, "When I get all steamed up, then I SHOUT!" Matt jumped in the air, kicking, "I like alcohol! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" he screamed in ecstasy. Chiro looked plainly freaked out.

"Listen man, have you seen a psychologist lately?"

"No," replied Matt, grinning stupidly, "What's a psychologist anyway?"

"Never mind," grumbled Chiro, "GIMME MY (censored) BIKE BACK!"

Emily smiled. "So," she said. "How does it feel?"

Chiro glared at her. "Having my bike taken off me? Terrible!"

Emily shook her head. "No! I meant, how does it feel getting punk'd?"

Chiro stared at Emily for a moment, and then saw Gwen and Matt laughing their heads off. "I hate you all!" said Chiro, laughing with them. "That is so mean! How could you do this to me?"

"Well," said Gwen. "Sometimes for the money, sometimes we just want to laugh at you."

"Do I still have to pay that fine?" asked Chiro.

"Yeah, cough up." said Gwen.

Thank you for reading, now for reviewing. Please review. Next chapter, Sparx. (BTW, Chiro didn't pay the fine)