cookiiex: I need some coffee.

Just What We Needed
Authoress: cookiiex
Chapter FOURTEEN: Time

"And then he was all like 'It's my land'. Well then Yusuke-sensei whooped his ass with this energy that came from his finger! Pyuu! Pyuu! Dude that was amazing!"

"Nah, that was great but not as good as Kurama-sensei. Now he took gardening to a new level. Did you see that killer rose. He took the cake man. I should try going to Ino's place for some."

"Now way, you're both wrong. Did you see Hiei-sensei. No he was amazing. Yo, he was faster that the world. Zip! Zam! He was just a blur! And he sliced the monster like it was cake!"

"You're all wrong. The coolest thing was Kirara! Did you see how she got to be like a big lion. And she flew!" Naruto interjected. The three unamed shinobi looked at him like he was a wierdo.

Sasuke, who had just heard the dobe's loud voice, came into the tent and yanked Naruto out. Before turning to leave he bowed.

"Sorry for bothering you, please continue." And with that he dragged the blond boy back to their own tent.

Tenten was braiding her hair when suddenly Ino and Sakura bursted through the opening of the tent. Temari glared.

"And to whom do I owe this lovely visit to?" Ino stuck her tongue out.

"We wouldn't have came here if those fangirls in the tent werem't blabbing about how cool that fight was." Ino sighed. She may be a fangirl but she had her limits too. She looked up with pleading eyes. "And besides, beauty sleep is essential to a young women's life. Would it be okay if we.. stay here tonight?" Ino asked, topping it off with a sweet smile.

Hinata looked to the other two girls to get a confirmation. They did ask nicely, she supposed. It wasn't like they were demanding to stay.

Tenten sighed and Temari took that as a 'yes'.

Temari glared at the girls suspiciously and nodded. "Fine, but try anything and," She gestured to her neck and ran her thumb acrossed it.

Sakura slauted her nervously. "Of course." She and Ino took their seats closer to Hinata; they deemed her the least threatening of the three.

Tenten began to regret her decision once she saw the looks Sakura gave her. She ran her brush through her hair and started braiding the other side. She groaned in her mind.

'This is going to be a long night.'

"So Sasuke, you gona tell us what really is up with you and Tenten?" Sasuke groaned. This question again?

"I thought I said there was nothing. Seriously there is nothing what so ever going on between us." Well it was true, he just decided he didn't need to tell them about the sibiling relationship he and Tenten shared.

Naruto let out a disbelieveing grunt. "Yeah right, and I'm sure you think me and Hinata are engaged in a SM relationship."

Sasuke blinked. He rested his chin on his palm. "So that's your relationship with her. Figures, I always did think she would get you whipped."

Naruto's face then resembled a tomato. "THAT'S NOT HOW IT IS!" He suddenly felt a cold chill rush through him. He turned and his face dropped. "OH, COME ON , NEJI! YOU KNOW I WON'T DO THAT, ESPECIALLY NOT WHEN SHE'S YOUR COUSIN!"

Neji looked unconvinced. Shikamaru scratched the back of his neck.

"So you'll do it if she's not Neji's cousin?" Naruto let out an aggravaited 'ah'.

"Come on Shikamaru! Who's side are you on?! Don't make me talk about you and Ino!"

Shikamaru smirked. "Oh please, what dirty laundry do you have on me?"

"Wasn't there a certain blond girl that you gave RED roses to on Valentine's Day? Or that time when she was sick you went to her house EVERYDAY to give her HOMEMADE soup?"

Shikamaru shrugged. "We're teamates. You on the other hand go out of your way for another team's girl. Like walking her home sometimes from HER training grounds knowing damn well her OWN teamates could do it. Sasuke's right, she will get you whipped."

Naruto just sat with a hurt face.

"Oh and Naruto?" Naruto looked up at Shikamaru's smirking face.

"Do you need some ice for that burn?"

"RARGHHH! You guys are so mean!" Shikamaru and Sasuke bursted out having a laughing fest.

Naruto, knowing they won't let him live it down, started talking to Neji. "Neji , you know I won't do that to Hinata, right?"

Neji looked at him before nodding. He ran his brush through his hair. "I know," Naruto looked at him with hope in his eys. Finally someone who understands him!

"I'm pretty sure she'll be the one on top. You don't have the guts to do it." Naruto's jaw dropped to the ground, resulting to more laughter from the two.

Naruto's face twisted in anger. "Yeah, well, you shouldn't be talking! Being the big chicken you are you didn't even tell Tenten you liked her!"

Neji looked at him with a scowl. Naruto was surprised. He had expected a blush atleast.

Neji then turned back to brush his hair. "Why would I tell her such a lie? Besides she's not the greatest looking girl." That made Sasuke stop laughing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Neji shrugged.

"She isn't anything too special. Most girls in the village are prettier than her."

Sasuke grabbed Neji by the collar. His glare was intense as it bore into Neji's purple ones. "You, who many think is blind, shouldn't be saying that." With that he let go of Neji and plopped on his sleeping bag.


The trio was left to watch Sasuke sleep soundly. Naruto turned to look at Neji.

"You know, he has a point. Why would you say things like that?" Shikamaru nodded. "Tenten may not be as attractive like most girls but that's cause she's a fighter."

Neji didn't say a word. The truth is he didn't know either. What had compelled him to say that about his teamate? He rubbed his neck.

And what had compelled Sasuke to stand up for her?

He had heard the other two talking about him ("You know, he just has a big stick up his ass.". "You said it.") but he was too busy thinking about what Sasuke did. He was pretty sure that Sasuke's grip had tightened on his collar. His eyes glared at the comb in his hand.

Was Tenten that important to him?

"So I have a feeling this is urgent, seeing how you are bringing children to my castle." Sesshomaru began, only to be interrupted Yusuke.

"You bet your fluffy ass it is!" Sesshomaru glared and was about to strike Yusuke until Kagome pulled on his tail.

"Stop we need to find out what's wrong." That caused the two to quiet down.

Sango looked down before looking up with serious eyes.

"Naraku's back, and now he has more lackeys than ever." Sesshomaru's eyes hardened. Everyone knew what that meant.

"Is she back?" Sango looked to her side, at Hiei.

"We're not sure but there is a possiblilty she is." Sesshomaru inhaled sharply before exhaling.

Kurama, who had been holding Kagome's hand, tightened his grip. "But that isn't the only problem. He had found a way to travel to different periods of time. We're in trouble if he finds out we're here."

"That's a problem, we nearly didn't escape the last time we ran into him." Kuwabara remarked.

Yukina nodded. " The last few battles they had, I couldn't heal their wounds as effeciently as before, when this started." Kagome looked sympathetic.

Inuyasha's eyebrows knitted in confusion. "There is just one thing I don't understand; why were you gone for so long?". Kagome and Sesshomaru looked at the group expectently.

"First time we went we blasted into another time period, it took us atleast three years to figure out how to get out of it. After that we were able to track down Naraku and follow him through time. However during those trips of time traveling, he picked up some willing people to join him." Kurama explained.

"That's when it started getting harder. During some time in Egypt he sent a whole village after us. And then there was that time with the vikings." Kurama sighed. Kagome engulfed him in a hug.

"I'm glad you're safe. I'm glad all of you are." Kagome's eyes roamed the group. Nearing the end her eyes widened in shock. Then she started counting them with her pointing finger.

"I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,.." Her eyes landed on Sango.

"Where is he?"

Everyone but Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and herself looked down. Sensing something wrong, she let go Kurama and found her hands on Sango's shoulders. Their eyes met. Frightened blue eyes with sad brown ones.

"Where is Miroku?"

cookiiex: OMG 2 in the morning. OO