A/N: Again really sorry about the lack of updates.

Jesse stared at the same line in his book that he had read at least thirty times in the last five minutes. Really he was thinking of Kira. It had been two weeks since Dave had caught on to them and Jesse had done his best to spend as little time over at his mom's as possible. He even went as far as to tell his mom that he wanted to live with just his dad for a while. Of course Merial had been pissed at first and said no but all it took was a little well placed whining and she finally backed off. Jesse felt a little bad about putting his mom through this, he really didn't care about staying with her it was just that if Dave knew that he was nowhere near Kira then he was safe.

Of course that means I haven't spent more than a minute with her in the past week and a half. Of course that would be fine if I could stop thinking about her every five freakin seconds. I haven't had so many god damn wet dreams since I was like thirteen. Fucking Dave.

Jesse was pulled of his thoughts of hatred towards his uncle when Rose walked into his room. She carefully walked closer to him. Lately he had become extremely angry over the simplest things. Mostly because he hadn't seen or touched Kira in far too long and it was starting to get to him.

"Jesse. Can you walk me to moms?" Rose asked timidly. Jesse rolled his eyes and sighed. No. I can't because our fucking uncle will tell dad that I'm dating our sister if I go within three feet of her.

"Why? Have dad drive you." He said as he tried to concentrate back on his reading.

"He went to work and Larkin is busy and Dave went with daddy." Rose stated, before she pouted her lip and gave her puppy dog eyes. Jesse had taught her to how to use them on their mom when she was younger. Okay I taught you so you could get an extra cookie, not use them on me. And try as he might. He could not stop from looking at her sad face.

"Fine! But we're going now so go grab your stuff." He said as he got off the chair and went towards his mirror. His hair was sticking up at odd angles because he had fallen asleep right after showering. As he smoothed it over he glanced at the clock. It was almost two in the afternoon which Jesse prayed meant Kira would be out with her friends. Rose had told him that Kira was spending more time out of the house. He wasn't really sure how he felt about this. Hopefully she hasn't given up on me and traded me in for a better boyfriend who can I don't know hang out with her without having to sneak around.

Thinking about this only depressed Jesse even more and he shook his head to get rid of these fleeting thoughts. Praying to god that Kira would not be in the house when he dropped of Rose, of course she would have to be or he would not be able to leave Rose alone. She wasn't quite old enough to be left alone especially now that everybody was acting so strange after the hurricane. And Jesse knew his mom would seriously kill him if he did. So either he had to see Kira or sit around a house that he knew Kira spent her time in. This should be so much fun! Jesse had never wanted to commit bodily harm to himself so bad in his life, anything to get out of having to see her. Anything. Rose knocked on his door again and came in with her small duffel bag of toys she wanted to bring with her. They had enough clothes at each house to no longer have to cart them around. Without saying a word Jesse grabbed her bag and started walking out the door. Truth be told he was still pissed at rose for blabbing, but he couldn't exactly come out and scream at her. Rose of course had no idea what she did was wrong. And technically she hadn't, Jesse had never told her to not say anything to Dave.

Halfway to their mom's house and Jesse had still yet to speak to Rose. She babbled on and on about what she had done that day or the cool new Spanish song their dad had taught her. Jesse could tell that Rose knew he was upset at her. He had never gone so long without talking to her. Even when their parents split up he spent his time around Rose, never leaving her side. Jesse had always been more concerned about Rose than himself and for the first time in either of their lives he was actually so pissed at her he honestly refused to really even look at her; only casting sideway glances at her to make sure that she didn't fall to far behind. Rose had had it.

"Jesse are you mad at me?" She asked grabbing his arm to make him stop from walking off.

"No." he said and tried to keep walking. After a couple of seconds he noticed she was not with him. Turning around he saw her standing there in her bunny t-shirt and jean shorts. Her head barely over his belly button, and her eyes large and deep brown; they looked so sad. He realized he should stop being so angry at her. She was only seven for Christ's sake. Its not like she knew what she was doing was so wrong. And it wasn't wrong. I'm the one dating my damn sister. She only told Dave because she didn't understand what she saw. She was confused and it's not her fault. It's not like she is sued to relatives being half dressed in bed together. Jesse walked back to her and stared down at her. Her own eyes never broke contact with his. He decided to stop being so pissed right then and there.

"I'm not mad at you; it's just that what you told Dave got me in a lot of trouble. And I am pissed because I don't like it when Dave is mad at me."

"Why did you get in trouble?" she asked her eyes full of questions that Jesse knew he could not answer.

"Well, what me and Kira were doing is not something we were supposed to do. And Dave found out and now I am in big trouble. It's like that time you took mom's earrings when you know you shouldn't. But you wanted to wear them around to you stole them and then you lost them down the sink. Remember how mad mom was. She wasn't so mad that you lost them but that you knew what you were doing was wrong but you still did it anyway. It's kinda like that." He hoped that she would understand and not want to press the issue anymore, but of course this was Rose. She was born curious.

"But what were you doing that was wrong? You were just saving her from a bad dream."

"Yea but I should not have saved her from that nightmare in just my boxers and she should have been dressed. Brothers and sisters do not do those things when they are not wearing any clothes. Okay we just acted inappropriately, which means in a bad way." Jesse hoped to god that he explained this well enough to her to make her understand, but not enough that when she got older and thought back on this moment she could figure out the secret meaning behind those words. Rose seemed fine with that though and grabbed Jesse hand as she pulled him to start walking the rest of the way back to their mom's house. He tried hard to keep Rose happy and even chased her for a few blocks, forgetting how much he had missed her. Though we he came to the all too familiar corner his new and improved mood darken fast. Within minutes he would be face to face with the girl that he wanted bad but couldn't have, well at least for a while; until Dave finally calmed down enough from all this to completely forget about this. He could see the house now as the got ever closer to it. He couldn't see anybody's car in the drive way, which he took as a good sign because it most probably meant Kira, was out for now. Hopefully god didn't hate him today and Tom or his mom would beat her home so he wouldn't have to face her.

They both walked through the door, the house was silent, and no lights were on. Thank you god, she's not here. Jesse closed the door with his foot, and placed Rose's bad down on the floor. He walked to the kitchen to grab a water bottle. The heat in Florida this time of year was insane, and now they didn't have air conditioning. So basically they spent all day sweating to death. As he went to grab the water he heard the door open again.

"Rose, don't go outside without telling me, mom will kill me if I don't know where you are all the times" he yelled out. Especially if she comes home to find you playing in the street. Jesse twisted off the cap and took a chug. He almost choked on it when he saw her walk in. Her eyes wide open, her mouth formed a grim smile, and her lips looked tight and way to small. Jesse felt his eyes roam over her before he could stop himself. She was wearing a jean skirt, a white wife beater and white flip flops. Her hair was in a loose pony tail, and she had no makeup on at all. Crap. Fuck. Shit. She looks so good; I forgot how big her eyes are. God I miss those lips. Fuck Jess do not think like that. They stared at each other for at least a minute before Kira could bring herself to talk.

"Jesse…"She couldn't seem to find the words to finish whatever she was gonna say.

"Hey…" Jesse hated how awkward they were being. They haven't talked in two weeks but they shouldn't be this weird. We've seen each other naked for Christ's sake. Jesse took a breath then held it.

"Kira, I miss you." He sighed out, exhaling all the air out of his lungs, and he was blushing so bad he could almost see his red cheeks. He glanced up to see her smile and look at the floor.

"Good…so can we start seeing each other again or are we still hiding from Dave." Kira couldn't keep the bitterness out of her voice towards the end. Jesse could see her eyes flash and her posture change. Haha she absolutely hates Dave.

"Kira, you have to understand that if we were to spend too much or in this case anytime together Dave would know and tell my Dad who would then tell my mom who would then tell your dad who would then kill me, and if he kills me we won't ever get to spend anytime together, ever. At least this way eventually we will get to spend time together in a little while when Dave forgets this to work on some alien theory." Jesse walked closer to Kira, slowly closing the distance between them until he could feel her body heat. Kira smile faltered a tiny bit before she threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. Jesse rapped his arms around her waist. He held her as close as possible. Rose is in the house. Rose! Rose! Rose! Jesse knew he should pull away from her, but he couldn't now. Her could feel her tears soaking through her shirt. A car pulled up in the drive way, followed by another. Jesse could hear his mom talking to someone. Then the door opening and Dave's voice floating through the kitchen.

"Yea Russell wanted me to come pick up Jesse from here to work at the house."