a/n: Sadly I do not own Naruto. Dattebayo does.

ch-3 A friend in need.

'I hope Sakura is okay' Sasuke thought.


"Minna" Naruto said. Ino looked and Sasuke yawned.

"What is it Naruto?" Sasuke asked 'coldly'

"Ohayo-gosimasu!" Naruto greated. Everyone groaned of exhaustion. Then they heard a knock on the door.

"I got it!" Ino said as she opened the door. Stood in front of her is none other than Sakura Haruno.

"Hey Saku-chan. Why don't you come in?" she insisted. When she did come in, she was surprised that Naruto and Sasuke was also there.

"Uh Ino?"


"Why are they both here early in the morning?"

"Oh they uh-"she stuttered.

"We stayed over night to sol-" Ino and Sasuke knew what Naruto was about to say so Sasuke interrupted him. "soldiers! Playing with toy soldiers!" he twitched.

"Uh, anyways Ino can I talk to you later afternoon? I have to tell you something" she said. Ino and her Sasuke saw on the corner of her eye that there was a single tear.

"Sure, park at 4?" Sakura nodded.

Ino smacked Naruto on the head. "You almost told her!"

"Told her what?"

"That we were trying to solve her problem!" she scolded.

"Well jeez I didn't know" he scratched the back of his neck. While the two was arguing Sasuke thought 'Naruto's really an idiot…'

'But I wonder why she was about to cry. I bet it was Itachi who made him cry!'


'But why should I care? She has a big forehead scuffs and Ino's my girlfriend anyway'

"Sasuke?" Ino asked one more time.

'But she only has a big forehead because she doesn't have bangs.. and she is kinda cute too.. wait what am I thinking?'

"SASUKE!" Ino yelled at his ear, him going back to reality.

Sasuke jumped a little but he didn't show it "Huh? What?"

Ino sighed. "You've been spacing off lately. I'm worried."

"Ino, I'm fine. I just have to have some time alone" Ino and Naruto looked at him worriedly and confused.

"Ino I have to go to. I have to buy some food" Naruto said.

"Lemme guess. Ramen?"

"Yeah! How'd you know?" he looked amused of how she found out.

"Mostly 80 of what you eat is ramen."

"Ohh.. well I'm off!" the blond boy said.

They hadn't realized that Sasuke has already left Ino's home. He decided to go to the park since there weren't any places he wanted to go to. He sat on the swing where he usually see Sakura when she has to think.

'This isn't right! Sakura isn't the right person for me! Isn't she?'

'She might be if you admit it'

'Who are you?' Sasuke asking his own mind.

'I am your father'

'What! Nooo!'

'I'm just kidding! I am your conscience'

'Oh great. Now I'm crazy, my own head is talking to me. I might be dreaming.' He doesn't realize that he's daydreaming and people are staring at him of how he barely blinks.

'Geez boy, you need a rest'

'Sure after now I don't know what to do! I am confused!'

'I'll give you an answer. You are in denial!'

'What the hell? No I'm not!'

'Don't argue with me! I'm your conscience'

'So? What's your point?'

'Ugh! I give up. I'm just saying that you're in denial. Ooh look! Sakura's heading your way!' and as his conscience told him so, he snapped back to reality.

She still looked so down even if Sasuke's brother left about a week ago.

"Oh hey Sasuke, I didn't know you were here. I must be going now." She turned around and started walking away.

"Matte" Sasuke muttered.

"Nande?" she said with out facing him.

"I want know why, I mean, what's wrong. Does it involve my brother?"

"A part yes, and a part no," she muttered. There was a pause but she started talking again.

"I'm not trying to be rude but, why do you even care of what's happening to me right now?"

"I don't know myself either," and that answer made Sakura even more curious.

"Why don't you sit with me? Just until Ino comes? It is only 2:30 anyways" Sasuke asked.

"Sure, I guess," there was yet another silence. Sasuke didn't want to talk because he might just make her feel uncomfortable. Sakura didn't know what to say since he didn't talk to him that much.

"So, what's up?" he asked.

"He forgot," she sadly said.

"Forgot? Forgot what?"

"Our anniversary. It was yesterday. He did say before he left he would send me a letter before our anniversary and he doesn't forget stuff easily too."

"Well, maybe the mailman didn't send it to your house yet."

"You know better Sasuke that, that rarely happens."

"Oh right. Sasuke get a hold off yourself!" he said to himself.

"You know that talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity" Sakura joked.

"Yeah, yeah, and Naruto eating only ramen wont make him go anywhere," he replied. She giggled.

"Hehe, you're funny, no wonder Ino chose you. And I thought you were also cold to other people too," she commented.

"Was that a compliment? Anyways I'm not always cold to the people around me. I just, you know-"

"To make you look cool?"

"No. I got used to it since my brother and I got into a fight once."


"Before that argument, he told 'Sasuke, have some backbone. You're too nice to everyone.' And after the fight he told me that I have to prove that I'm better than him"

"Ino and I had an argument when we were young. But we got over it and promised that we'd be friends for a long time," she said. It was 3:30.There weren't that much people around. Most of the people there were couples too, over the bridge, sitting on the bench, on the grass or under Sakura trees. There weren't that much kids too so they were lucky enough to go to the swings.

"Hey, if something happens, I'm here for you," he said. She stood up from the swing and so did Sasuke. After about 3 seconds Sakura cried. Sasuke didn't know what to do, so he gave her a hug. A 'it's-okay' or 'everything will be fine' hug.

"Shh.. it's okay. I'm here. Even if Ino is mine, you are still a friend so I also have to care for you, if not she will kill me tonight," he said. Well, it's true in a way that's sounds like a joke.

"I'm just grateful that you're here today. You made me open up today unlike the others. Ino tried and so did Naruto but it didn't work. Somehow you were the key," she sobbed.

"I am also glad I went here," he smiled, put his arm around her shoulders. "Why don't I buy us ice cream huh? My treat,"

'I am glad. That I went here today and got to talk about our problems'


Tell me what you think! And for the people who likes Sasuke cold to others..

I'm sorry that I made him OOC! Btw hoped you liked this chappy.. I didn't actually have time since my desk is covered with homework. Ooh well… ja ne!

Luv Emiko and Keiko…

note: Keiko helps make the story so also thank her