A/N: Hello, I am Nakiato and welcome to my first Naruto fanfiction. I'm hoping you enjoy and I'm also thinking that its going to be a long one, the longest fic I've ever written to be exact. Reviews and flames welcome, although the latter will be ignored. If anybody is opposed to this fic, you are more than welcome not to read it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did I'd probably be rich and out making mroe wonderful manga for you to enjoy. Oh yeah.. and Itachi would be my bitch. )
Naruto was the last person on earth that anybody wished to fall for. In fact, Naruto was often the last thing on the minds of most people---unless of course they feared for their lives from the demon laying partially dormant inside of him. As far as most people were concerned, he was just a nuisance---somebody to be ignored---to not even acknowledge as being alive.
And so, it was understandable that Sakura was quite shocked and upset when she discovered about a little tryst that had occurred behind her back. In fact quite just didn't seem like a strong enough word.
And that brought her to her current location---standing outside of a small bar located on the outskirts of town---hoping to get smashed and looking forward to the hangover that would result the following morning. She wouldn't have to see them if she was to ill to go out training right?
She heaved a sigh and entered. The air was thick with the stench of tobacco---a smell she wasn't fond of but would get used to before the night's end. A few heads turned as she approached the bar and many perverted stares were ignored as she gingerly weeded her way through the tiny shack.
She was bumped by a rather large and sweaty man and she asked herself why she hadn't settled for one of the cleaner more appropriate bars further in town. Because I'd have to see them---thats why. She was quick to remind herself.
Finally she reached her destination---quickly catching the eye of the bartender who waddled over to serve her---while polishing a glass with a slightly dirty towel.
"What can I serve a perty lil' thing like ye self?"
She frowned at his poor use of language, "Something strong, I don't care what the cost."
The barkeep nodded and promptly shuffled off to fetch her some rancid smelling alcohol. Sakura took the chance to look around the bar---what wasn't hidden in thick clouds of tobacco smoke that is.
The place was filthy at best. Everything seemed to be covered in a gray or black film---from all the smoking no doubt. Rather large round men sat at small tables---so crowded that they almost touched at the small stools they sat on seemed ready to break. Occasionally she could see a waitress of sorts slip in and out between tightly packed bodies although prostitute seemed a more fitting word to describe them.
Sakura heaved a sigh---she really had wandered into the wrong side of town. The promise of getting piss drunk was the only thing that had attracted her---that and the hopes of avoiding anybody and everybody that she knew.
Had she been in a better mood---she would be enjoying a much more interesting party back in town with her friends. She would be in a much more sanitary location and her personal hygiene would still be intact. Had she been back in town she would be enjoying Naruto's party---the party held in the honour of Konoha's new Rokudaime.
To hell with Naruto. To hell with Team 7 in general.
Somewhere between her inward cursing and her glaring about the musky bar---the barkeep had slid her a glass filled to the brim with a deep golden coloured substance. Sakura took one whiff of the drink---wrinkled her nose in disgust at the heavy alcohol smell that it carried---and finally sucked back as much as she could without puking.
She could almost see Tsunade shaking her head sadly at her as she consumed the pungent liquid---but who was Tsunade to tell her what she could and could not do. She quickly pushed the mental image aside and continued on her mission. She believed she was more than old enough to take care of herself by now---her twenty-first birthday was set at less than an hour away.
The time ticked by slowly as she consumed alcoholic beverage after alcoholic beverage. She let her arm go limp and slammed the glass into the hard counter top.
The barkeep frowned at her drunken state and shook his head firmly. "Yer business is much appreciated missy, but I dun' need no ninja causin' trouble out here because one of their little missus' went an' got herself drunk to death."
Sakura frowned and hissed a warning. "Give' goddamn drink, now!"
That was right when she broke down into an emotional drama. The barkeep was quite nervous and unsure what to do with the out of control and hysterical young woman.
"Now look here missus'. Maybe ye should head on home now."
Sakura looked up at him through puffy red eyes and shook her head firmly---almost falling off of her stool in the process.
"If I go'home. N-naruto."
The barkeep glanced around nervously. He couldn't get a straight sentence out of the woman. Just his luck that he would get stuck with a piss drunk crybaby this close to closing time.
"Its really late missus'. This here bar is gonna' be closin' real soon."
Sakura stared at him blankly and he gave up. She'd better hope somebody she knew came along to fetch her---or she would find herself seated outside on the front step.
It was just at this rather awkward moment that a certain Hyuuga Neji made his presence known. He sat beside Sakura at the bar---giving her a rather pitiful look out of the corner of his eye as she stared at him meekly.
He quickly noted her drunken state as she slid off her stool---swayed about on her feet for a moment before ultimately slumping over onto him. With a disgusted look he took her by the arm and dragged her out of the bar and into the empty streets.
Neji was awakened to the rather unappetizing sounds of retching coming from his single bathroom. With an incoherent grumble he gathered himself off of his couch, and marched promptly into the bathroom. Just as expected---a blossom covered head was being held over the porcelain bowl as the poor girl puked her guts out.
With a frustrated huff the teenage boy approached her. He was unsure of what to do---should he rub her back? Neji's fingers twitched at the thought. Did he really want to touch her? She had been located in a more than filthy enough bar full of prostitutes and drunkards. The only reason he had been there was to collect an owing to himself---she on the other hand had meant to get piss drunk.
And now she's paying the price.
A pitiful moan pulled him back to his senses. For a small moment emerald eyes were fixed on his own pale counterparts. Such moment was quickly broken as she returned to her retching in the toilet.
Sakura flinched slightly as she felt soft, unsure fingers press themselves lightly to her back. She let out another moan as they proceeded to stroke up and down her back---effectively relieving some of the tension from her sore back. Her illness decided to give her a break and she sat back from the toilet---taking the warm towel that was given to her and wiping off any and all remnants from her face.
"Thanks," she mumbled into the soft piece of cotton. She could feel a blush spreading across the bridge of her nose---just how embarrassing was it to be giving your guts to the porcelain bowl of a boy you had never really spoken to before?
Neji just nodded and remained framed by the doorway. He was unsure of what his next move was going to be. It wasn't exactly fun to deal with a hangover---not that he would have known from experience.
Sakura stood suddenly, bracing herself against a marble counter top as her vision swam. Her throbbing head screamed in protest as she straightened herself up and glanced into the mirror out of the corner of her eye. She winced at the vision of herself that she saw. Her hair was messy---in desperate need of a brush and a wash. Her eyes were rimmed with a deep shade of pink, all in all she looked like crap. She lowered her head in shame.
"S-sorry about this," she fumbled around desperately for the right words, "I'll head home right now."
"Are you well enough?" The sound of Neji's smooth, deep voice, was enough to make her lift her head to catch his eyes. What she saw there surprised her. Eyes so normally void of all emotion had very briefly been laced with something she couldn't quite put her finger on.
"You'll have to walk by Naruto's."
Sakura frowned and nodded her head firmly. "With all do respect, I can make my way home quite easily."
Neji shrugged before leaving the small bathroom. Sakura watched his retreating back as he made his way into what she could assume to be the kitchen. With a few moments to spare---Sakura took the opportunity to peer around the small apartment from her current position just inside the bathroom.
It was fairly cramped and small. It was something that she had never envisioned the Hyuuga prodigy inhabiting---for some reason Hyuuga estate just seemed to go along with the silent character. She supposed however that this was partly due to the fact that he was in fact a member of the cadet and not the main branch of the prestigious clan.
Sakura quickly turned on the taps to the small bathroom sink. There was no way that she would go about walking the streets of Konoha in such a poor looking state. That would just scream for attention---attention she wasn't really ready for.
The warm water was a soothing and much welcomed relief to the soiled skin of her face. She allowed herself to melt away into its soft touch, a soft warm touch that she had dreamed of for as long as she could remember. Sakura glared at the mirror---ignoring the wave of nausea that threatened to reclaim her.
She wouldn't allow herself to think that way. She had to turn around and walk away---walk away from all the nights she spent dreaming of being with him, all the moments together that she had cherished. She quickly smoothed out her hair with a bit of water and exited the small room.
Neji was waiting for her in the living room, a small bindle fixed in his hand. As soon as he saw her, he approached, offering the packet to her.
"It'll help. With the nausea at least."
Sakura took the package with a polite 'thank-you' and bid him farewell. As she was rounding the corner to exit the building that his apartment was located in---she heard him say something quietly.
"You can't avoid them forever Sakura. They were your team-mates regardless, and now Naruto is your Hokage. You can't not see them together."
She hesitated but then hurried on her way. His words seemingly lost in her wake.
It wasn't until about two weeks later that she saw him again. He was out at the market, presumably purchasing his weekly groceries. Much to her relief she had been able to avoid him quite a bit un-suspiciously. The last thing she wanted on her mind right now was the worry of being judged by the Hyuuga.
She could see him approaching her out of the corner of her eye, but she pretended to be engrossed with choosing vegetables. A large cartload of fresh items cut off his way to her and she quickly took the opportunity to escape from him. As she turned however, her shoulders sagged in dismay as her route of escape was blocked off by yet another male body. A male body so perfect it could only belong to one Uchiha Sasuke.
She cursed her luck and narrowed her eyes, willing for him to disappear. Luck was not on her side this day it seemed, as he was standing next to her after taking only a few swift strides.
"I didn't see you at Naruto's party."
He had leaned in closely so that she could hear him over the hustle and bustle of the crowded marketplace. She could feel his warm breath tickle her cheek---effectively distracting her. Thinking she hadn't heard him properly, the Uchiha attempted again---only to be cut off by her rushed response.
"Thats because I wasn't there," she hissed at him, malice evident in her feminine voice.
She attempted to turn, to get away from him as quickly as possible. She felt like he was smothering her and she needed to get away. Now was not the time or the place to get into discussion with him as to why she was absent---it was a topic she didn't particularly feel like discussing with him at the moment anyways.
He grabbed her arm, effectively halting her second escape attempt.
"We need to talk."
"No, we don't Sasuke." She turned slightly so that she could see him properly. "I have nothing to say to you Uchiha-sama."
With a quick twist of her arm she was gone. The crowd closing into the space where she once stood---leaving the Uchiha baffled and hurt by her parting words.
Sakura ran as fast as she could, given the large population of the market currently. At her side---full bags swished and bumped into her slim thighs. Ragged sobs broke free from her chest as she tried to get as far away as possible from her former love.
At least this makes good training.
She smiled to herself bitterly as she rounded a corner---one of the few alleyways that was free from bustling shoppers. Keeping her hand flat against the brick wall, she navigated its dark depths. Despite the fact that it was barely noon---the close proximity of the two buildings allowed very little light to penetrate fully down to the ground.
'We need to talk'
Thats exactly what he had said to her. She struggled to keep back the sobs that had become more frequent and powerful.
There was nothing left to talk about. He had made his decision, they had both made decisions. Maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much---but it was kept secret from her. They had known each other for many years, practically grown up together.
So why couldn't they just tell me. Talk to me instead of keeping me in the dark.
Sakura stumbled as her eyes blurred with fresh tears. Nine years apparently meant nothing to the two young men. Nine years wasn't enough for them to stop toying with her heart.
A little ways off, blanketed by dark shadows---two pale eyes stared pityingly at her. Two pale eyes that could see everything---yet understand nothing.
A/N: Reviews welcome and appreciated. I would love to hear reader feedback and opinions on this story. This chapter fell a little bit shorter than I wanted it to, but it seemed like such a perfect place to cut-off.