Disclaimer magic eightball of life> "I already know what you want to ask!" So? magic eightball of life> "Get over it! You're never gonna own it" sigh...

Part Eight:

In Your Dreams

"Gohan, I know what complications this could cause, but I can't help the way I feel about you. I've felt this about you for so long." Trunks rasped out after a breathtaking passionate kiss. "Gohan, please tell me you feel the same way."

"I always have, Trunks. I always have," Gohan breathed out as they pulled together for another kiss. Gohan traced the Trunks' lips, fulfilling the long awaited for taste of his suppressed love. Trunks moaned blissfully as he parted his lips for his own pleasure as well.

In the early hours of predawn, they found the rest they so dearly longed for falling asleep in each other's warm embrace, soothing away each other's nightmares with dreams of bliss of the life they would soon share together. It was more than what either of them had ever expected. They were both in complete and utter ecstasy.


Bulma greeted Chichi in the kitchen with the smell of a delectable breakfast. "Chichi, you don't have to cook all the time. I would have cooked breakfast, especially after how much you cooked last night." She smiled gratefully at her friend.

"Bulma, I appreciate the concern. I really do… but you don't know how lonely I've been these past few years of not have Gohan around. I'm so happy that I feel like I can do something for someone other than my self again. I really DO want to cook for everyone." Chichi smiled wistfully as Bulma sat at the table with her coffee. "Speaking of those two, I wonder why our boys aren't up and at 'em yet. I figured they'd come runnin' at the first whiff of something cooking."

Bulma and Chichi both laughed, humored at the remarks about their Saiyan sons. "They were both up late last night. I caught Gohan up wandering around when I came down for a cup of tea. He said he couldn't sleep, and then Trunks came and joined him. They had a late night snack, typical Saiyans." They smiled still wondering why they weren't up already. "I'll go wake them up."

"The only thing that will wake them up is the mention of food." They shared another laugh as they walked chatting down the hallway towards the boys' rooms. Chichi was slightly shocked at the empty bed that greeted her in Gohan's room. She was about to mention it to Bulma, when she notice her friend beckon her to the doorway of the next room.

They both smiled as they were greeted by Gohan and Trunks sleeping wrapped in each other's arms. Gohan was startled awake by the sound of quiet snickering. He looked up over Trunks' shoulder to see their mothers staring questioningly at him, causing him to blush furiously. He slowly eased himself away from Trunks' warm embrace to greet them at the doorway. "Umm… I can explain… I…"

Bulma held up a hand to hush him. "What? Did you really think we didn't figure it out? I would have been surprised if you two hadn't gotten together sooner or later." She smiled warmly and Chichi had clung herself lovingly to his left arm as he nervously scratched the back of his neck with the other.

"I understand that this does mean we don't get grandchildren, but I just want to see you happy, son." Chichi lovingly whispered at his side. Her words put a smile a mile wide on his face. "Gohan, I'm happy for you both."

Their attention was adverted to Trunks as he started to stir, "Gohan…?" Trunks called out his name after noticing he was in the bed alone. He was only with him a few hours, but already missed the warmth of his love's embrace. They had fallen asleep after only sharing a few passionate kisses, both had been too nervous to push the other too far. Gohan walked over to stand beside the bed and gently shake Trunks awake. Blue eyes looked up sleepily to see dark eyes staring down lovingly. They shared a quick kiss before they joined their mothers to head towards breakfast with their mothers.


Warm laugher and conversation filled the dome as the newly formed couple sat close sharing their turns of tales about adventures, catching up on years of separation that had forced them apart. Time had brought them together again, to be closer than ever.

"So, are we going to get to start planning a wedding?" Bulma asked playfully making both the young men turn a deep crimson.

"Umm…." Gohan was at a loss for words. He smiled brightly at Trunks who blushed even harder at that and buried is face in Gohan's shoulder.

"Well, I think we'll give you two time to talk about it on your own. I mean you two DID just start dating last night, if that's what you want to call it. Anyways, there is going to be plenty of time for that, but I think the worker's crews are looking for men to help rebuild. I thought you two were going go help…" Gohan was thankful for his mother's intervention as he stared in thought for a moment while nodding. He had forgotten about that.

"What do ya say, Trunks? Wanna be on the building crew with me?"

Trunks looked up with bright blue eyes, smiling into his lover's embrace, nodding at the proposed question. "Yeah, I think we should get there as soon as possible." Gohan nodded and pulled Trunks up with him, heading off to get ready to work. Bulma and Chichi listened to the blast of wind the two of them caused as the flew off at high speeds towards the downtown area.


"It feels kind of weird knowing the boys are together again, huh?" Chichi asked Bulma over a cup of tea.

"Yeah." The reply was a pleased sigh.

They both looked at each other happily as they entered the living room and turned on the T.V. Bulma sat typing on a lap top while Chichi knitted, they waited for the boys to get home.