Now the disclaimer.

I don't own FMA! (a dream would come true)

Authors note: Sorry I uploaded the wrong chapter here is the real chapter 10 °

Out of little Black eyes

Chapter 10: Worries and News

She just smile at the boy, gave him a kiss on the forehead.

He blushed 10 shades of red.

"Goodnight Ryan. Sleep tight" And with that she began to sleep. (Credits to beautifly92)

Roy was curies about what Riza thought of him. But she didn't tell. He would ask her again when he was to his old size. Now he still was in this body and going to day-care.

"Why can't I come to work with you? I going to behave, I promise"

Riza looked down and saw those little black eyes.

"Ryan I can't take you to work. It would be boring and you have much more fun with the other children."

"But I want to be with you" he whined.

"No. Here you go, have a nice day" He was standing in the playroom watching Riza leave as a chaos was behind him. He turned around and saw a lot of tissues on the floor.

What the hell is going on? This is nasty …

He walked past a boy with snot hanging out of his nose. The most children were coughing or blowing their nose or sleeping. It looked like the pest has broken out.

The caretakers were running around, trying to take care of all the sick children.

Meanwhile Riza was running around in the military building. Getting documents form all sorts of people. She hated the Lt. Colonel Piber. She was always discriminating her work and all. She wished that Roy would be back soon. She missed him …

And Roy missed Riza, as his old body. Being 5 years old was very hard. And now there was a virus going around the day-care. He wished that he would live through the chaos.

Riza was sitting in her chair as suddenly the phone in front of her started to ring. She straightened up and answered the call. "Military Office Roy Mustang, here Riza Hawkey speaking".

"Oh really, I see I will come as soon as I can."

She put down the phone and went on her way. She hurried down the streets to pick up 'Ryan'.

"Hi Riza" Roy went up to Riza relieved he was allowed to go.

"Ryan! How are you feeling?" She bent down, worried eyes.

"Good" he just grinned and started to walk.

Riza had to take him to work but was happy that Hughs was willing to watch him. As Riza turned the corner, Hughs pushed Roy into his office.

"What the heck was that for?" Roy grumbled

"The Elrice brothers called they will be in Central in 2-3 days."

Roy jumped into the air, did a little victory dance and beamed at his best friend.

"Roy Mustang, the great Flame Alchemist will return. Then I am going to kick that Lt. out of MY office. I'm the only one that is allowed to sit in MY chair."

Roy continued his little dance and Hughs sweat dropped.

Suddenly Riza came into the room and Hughs started to dance like Roy.

Riza chuckled at the sight of a grown man and a boy dancing. She was finally allowed to go home.

Suddenly 'Ryan' coughed. She rushed to him took him up and put her hand on his forehead.

"Ryan your getting a temperature. The faster we get home the better it is" She put on his jacket and lifted him up again. After some moaning Roy let him be carried home.

Riza really walked fast. Well he didn't know if it was walking anymore. He could see that the big military building got smaller and smaller.

They were faster home than expected.

As soon as they entered the apartment he hopped down from Riza's arm and started to make his way to the kitchen. Riza meanwhile went into the bathroom to get the first aid bag.

Roy took a glass of water and drank it quickly. He was very firstly.

Riza came back with a thermometer.

Oh oh, that is not good …

"Say Aaahhh and put your tongue up." Roy did as told and Riza slid the thermometer into his mouth. As it started to peep she took it back out.

"Just a little temperature. Go change and then I will give you a bit medicine."

Roy didn't like the idea of getting sick. Mater of fact he hated being sick. He always felt miserable and tired. It was worse than a hangover. Well, he got used to those.

But He will be gone the day after tomorrow.

He was finished changing and Riza was standing in the kitchen with a big spoon full with brownish gooey stuff. Roy took some steps back, trying to find an escape but it was useless.

"Where are you going to go? If you don't take the medicine then you won't get better."

She went down on her knees and holding the spoon in Roy direction.

"But it looks grouse"

Roy said with a big gulp. He would not take that stuff. Never.

"Oh come on Ryan. If you don't take it I will …"

She pinched him into his little red cheek.


And with that he already had the spoon in his mouth. He was going to spit it out again, but …

"Don't think of it mister."

He took all his courage to swallow the medicine. His face twitched because of it's bad taste.

He will note that he will let Riza pay. She will pay for that he had to swallow that stuff. Against his will.

"So now hurry to bed and you will feel much better in the morning"

He slowly walked to the couch. Still making plans how he could let Riza suffer for that.

He could maker her swallow a whole bottle of it. Or he could let her swallow a gallon. Or even more.

Yes, Roy was on revenge.

And with that his day ended and the last day started.