A/N:Hello! This is my very first story posted on this site. I hope everyone likes it!
Disclaimer:I don't own anything you recognize in this story.
Chapter One: The Human Village
The sun was directly above them as the group relaxed in a grassy field. A lazy breeze blew across the plain, briefly cooling the hot summer air. A little girl danced happily in the wind, smiling and giggling like little girls do.
And then it happened. Nobody saw it coming; it took everyone by surprise. One moment the air was filled with the sound of a child's laughter, and the next a deep, low growl rumbled across the meadow.
Rin was hungry.
From his perch atop a large rock, Sesshoumaru glanced at her curiously. She blushed.
"Sorry, Sesshoumaru-sama," she said.
Sesshoumaru looked at her, wondering why she was apologizing for such a thing. Oh, well. "Are you hungry, Rin?" he asked unnecessarily.
She nodded.
"Jaken," Sesshoumaru said.
The little green imp scurried over. "Yes, Lord Sesshoumaru?"
"Bring me Ah'Un's saddlebag," Sesshoumaru ordered.
Jaken nodded. "Right away, my lord!" he said. He hobbled over to Ah'Un, who was resting under a cherry blossom tree and munching on a dandelion. Jaken untied the brown leather saddlebag and carried it over to his waiting master.
Sesshoumaru received the bag and loosened the string that held it closed, opening it with one hand. After a moment of searching, his fingertips brushed against something hard and smooth. He lifted it out.
"Rin, come here."
Rin walked over. Sesshoumaru handed her the object, which she took from him with a large smile. It was a small round thing. A gold coin.
"We are not far from a human village," Sesshoumaru informed her. "Go and buy yourself some food, and bring it back here. We will go no further today."
Rin grinned brightly at him. "Thank you, Lord Sesshoumaru!" she said. "Which way is the village?"
Sesshoumaru pointed South, opposite the way they had come. He knew it was there because he could smell it.
Rin took off running. Promising not to be long, she disappeared into the trees.
Rin arrived at her destination quickly enough. The village wasn't large, but it was larger than some she had seen. Like Kaede's, for instance.
A tall, wooden fence outlined the village, and a sizeable gate bordered the entrance. Rin entered the community a bit shyly. Being in new places never ceased to make her a tad nervous.
People hurried about their business, practically ignoring the little girl that just appeared. That didn't bother her. Sometimes no attention was better than negative attention, and she would much rather have people ignore her than be hostile toward her.
Now, onto the task at hand. Rin sniffed the air, trying to detect any sign of food. A pleasant scent filled her nose. It smelled sweet and delicious, like warm berries.
Rin began her quest to find the origin of the wonderful smell. Weaving her way between the villagers, she found herself enthralled by all the sights and smells of the place. There were foods she'd never seen before that looked quite tasty indeed (although her heart was still set on the warm berries), and a nice little shop was selling kimonos in every design and color she could imagine. There was even a light blue one with hot pink lotus flowers!
Rin caught herself staring. Shaking her head, she continued her search for the aroma that was making her stomach growl so violently. So violently in fact, that she began to wonder if the crowd around her could hear it too.
Apparently not.
Rin was about halfway through the town now, and directly in front of her was a house. The smell of berries was without a doubt coming from there.
Rin sprinted toward the hut. She carefully opened the door, and a wave of the sweetest-smelling air hit her right in the face.
Her stomach rumbled loudly in approval.
A young woman was sitting on a bamboo mat near the center of the room, staring at a small stone oven. She turned her head when Rin walked in.
Rin immediately felt embarrassed. How rude of her to just walk into someone's house like that.
"I'm-I'm sorry," Rin stammered, backing away.
The young woman just smiled kindly. She had green eyes that smiled when she did, and long black hair which she wore in a low ponytail. "It is no problem, child," she said.
Rin felt relieved.
The young woman studied her for a moment, then smiled again. "You look hungry, dear. Would you like something to eat?"
Rin smiled back. "I would very much, please!"
The woman beckoned her with a hand. "Well, come here, silly girl. Don't lurk in the doorway."
Rin obeyed.
"What is your name, child?" asked the woman.
"Rin," Rin responded.
"Rin," the woman repeated. She smiled. "That is a very pretty name, Rin. My name is Kimiko. It's nice to meet you."
Rin liked Kimiko. She smiled a lot. "What are you making, Kimiko-san?" she asked, hovering over Kimiko's shoulder.
Kimiko smiled. Again. "I'm making a pie."
"What kind?"
"Nut and berry."
Rin grinned. Her nose was never wrong. "Is it done yet?" she inquired anxiously.
Kimiko laughed. "Yes, Rin. It's done now."
Rin clapped her hands happily and stood back as Kimiko removed the pie from its stone prison and placed it on the floor between them.
Rin's mouth watered as Kimiko cut the pie and handed a piece to her. "Thank you, Kimiko-san!" she exclaimed. Not a minute later, her pie was gone.
Kimiko blinked at her, then laughed. "I was right! You were hungry! Would you like another piece?"
Rin shook her head, handing her companion her dish. "No, thank you, Kimiko-san. That was enough for me, and I need to leave now. Thank you for the pie." She held out her coin for Kimiko to take.
Kimiko just smiled. "Keep your money, dear. I'm just glad I could help."
Rin stood up and bowed politely, then left.
A pair of eyes peered around the corner of a house, the owner of them concealed in the shadows. The eyes watched a little girl, maybe eight years old, skipping happily through the sea of villagers. The child stopped for just a moment to finger a kimono that was on sale at one of the shops. She looked at something in her hand, then at the kimono, then appeared to change her mind and continue on her way.
A/N: End of chapter 1! Please tell my what you think! Even if you didn't like it!