Once Again I am a man who has traveled the country. I've seen many sights, because I never stay in one place for too long (it's a mandatory obligation of my profession). Yes, a bard's life is a hard one. Having nothing, but my lute and blanket, I depend entirely on my music to survive – constantly wandering from place to place, looking for new opportunities to earn a few coppers..
Now, as I said, I've traveled the land. Throughout my moving, I've encountered many extraordinary tales, and for a while I thought nobody could surprise me. But, I tell you now, that I was dreadfully wrong. For, not so long ago, I happened to come across a rather unusual yarn. Sit down, traveler, and hear what I have to say.

It was a lone autumn day, about a week before Autumn Harvest, and I was just leaving Togatic. Cheery little town, but too small for my taste. I know, some folks love the quaintness, and so does a bard. But, tiny towns tend to be a bad place for our kind. If you stay too long and get too well-known, you sort of peeter down to nothing, because everyone's heard your voice and it isn't special anymore.
As I was saying, I was just leaving, and the day was clear. Why, there wasn't a breeze blowing, and the clouds were just about gone. The sun was high, and I was in a good mood; anxious to get to the next town and all. The road was broad, worn out by countless carts tugged by oxen, but surprisingly, no one was traveling today. Not that it mattered. I wanted a little peace and quiet so I could relax and rest my voice. As I continued my walk, I was no more then 30 paces outside Togatic, when I noticed an old woman seated beneath a huge tree.
At first, I thought she was an almsnatcher, you know, one of those beggars that likes to disguise as helpless elders, then robs you for all you've got. But, as I approached, intending to pass her up, I looked at her face and saw it said otherwise. You couldn't tell from her attire, but she had a regal air to her, as though she were once a ruler, and from the dignified way she held herself, I knew she was used to the well-to-do life. As I stopped, she stood up and bowed in the traditional acknowledgement.
" Good sir, would you be so kind as to spare any news you have of Peonyflower?"
I shook my head sullenly. Peonyflower was a large city-state, controlled by the even larger Chorvala province.
" No, good woman, I can not, for I have not been to Peonyflower in quite some time."
She turned to go. I continued.
" However, since we are so close, I think it would be of little trouble to go there and find out."
Her face went white with shock.
" Good sir, do you jest? Peonyflower is more then 6 days travel, is it not?"
" No, kind woman," I laughed, " You are currently standing outside Togatic. Peonyflower is merely a day's trip from whence we stand."
My information must have been overwhelming, for she sat back down heavily.
" My sense of direction has declined," She laughed harshly, " Or, perhaps, deep down, I wished to return."
" Lady, if it does not offend, could you possibly relate to me your story?"
" Story?"
" From your speech, I gather you must have had many an undertaking in your lifetime…" I could use a new tale to tell, I told myself.
" I don't know…it doesn't seem right…."
Her puzzling answer did little to satiate my curiosity. I pushed further.
" Who do you speak of, good woman?"
" No one…"
" Please, kind woman, do not leave me in suspense."
" Ah, but is that not what you've done many a night?"
I realized she was implying me, as a bard.
" Oh, no," I laughed playfully, " I am an honest bard. My tales are told that night, and that night alone."
She laughed.
" You are a spry young man! Much like…"
She stopped.
" Oh, but that's silly," She spoke softly to herself, then more briskly, " Very well. Sit down, young one. I will relate to you the tale of my life."
I sat back against the trunk of the tree, and listened as the woman began to weave her yarn. In my mind, I saw her not as she was now, but what she'd been…so many years ago…

*** The Olde Woman's Narrative***

I was not always as you see me now. Once, I belonged to the great Chorvala house. My father was the most powerful of men, ruling over 7 city-states, inside our province, and surrounded by 4 smaller provinces that constantly waged war.
The Princes of these provinces were not at all pleased with my father, or Chorvala. Our territory was a barricade for their attack on the others, and it didn't help that my father remained a neutral barrier. It worried my father greatly that he had no heir, because there was constant talk of annexing his region after his passing. Then, one day, my mother fell slightly ill. This brought my father much panic, for she was the light of his world, and without her he would not be who he was. He was also hoping she would bear him a child. Soon, thankfully, she recovered, and everything went back to normal, until one day…
" Oh, Nellie. I don't know what's come over me."
" Hush, everything'll be just fine, milady."
The Princess looked down at herself. For weeks, she'd been growing fatter and fatter, and she didn't know why. Her lady-in-waiting, a girl no older then her, tried to remain calm for her mistress.
" Oh, Nellie, what am I to do?"
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Immediately, a servant's voice emanated from the entrance of her room.
" Milady, I've brought the nurse to see you. She says she can help."
" Send her in, please."
There was a scuffling, and a plump old woman waddled in mumbling, and fluffing through the things in her basket. She was not in the room 4 steps, when she gasped. This scared the queen.
" What is it?! Am I going to survive?"
" Oh, milady, you've nothing to worry about."
" What do you mean?"
" Milady, you're not suffering. In fact, I would believe you have been blessed."
" What's that?"
" Oh, milady, is it not obvious? You're going to have a baby."
My mother had fainted dead away when she'd heard. Both the nurse and the lady-in-waiting had to carry her to the bed so as not to harm the babe. She was still shocked, when the Prince returned and was informed. He was ecstatic.
The night I was born, everything in the house was still. Though, watching the birth of a new child was against the laws of our country, except for the midwives and maids, you could still hear the commotion throughout the house.
The Princess face was wreathed in pain. Her lady-in-waiting stood by her side, trying to sooth her, and the midwife murmurred reassurances.
" That's it, milady."
All was silent throughout the house, and everyone waited, holding their breaths. Suddenly, an ear-splitting wail set up. Fear…who was it that cried? Suddenly, the midwife was out in the corridors, carrying a small bundle in her arms.
" It's a girl! Her Grace has born a girl!"
" An heir!"
The servants cheered shortly, then returned to their work, murmurring as they went. Meanwhile, the Princess lay against her bed heaving with the effort, hair limp and wet, nightgown much similar. She motioned for them to bring her the baby, and looking down she smiled.
" Lovely…"
With light curls of auburn brown, and bright green eyes, it was clear she was an intelligent neborn.
From then on, I was the treasure of the Province. For the next 15 years, I was taught the ways of Chorvala, and drilled into the etiquettes of our region, until the day of my fifteenth birthday. Now, normally, my birthday was a small gathering of friends and family, but this was a special day. It heralded my transition from girl to woman, and that I was ready to be married. So, of course, my mother wanted it to be a splendid ball…one to be remembered…
" Sakura!"
" Coming!"
Sakura's grown quite a bit from when she was a babe. Her infant adorableness has now matured into feminine beauty. She swirled around in her beautiful dress of yellow satin, as her lady-in-waiting, an old woman named Marie, looked on.
" It looks lovely, milady. Just a few alterations to match the times."
" Oh, I'm so excited! Dancing, and laughing…"
" Sakura, please! Hold still, or I might stick you!"
Sakura quieted, and stood stock still as the woman fixed her bodice, rounding out the sides of the collar and tapering in down so it came to a point. After looking over her work, Marie carefully began to check the hem of the gown.
" Oh, you've grown so much since the last time. Well, save me from having to size down your dresses."
" Marie!" The old woman cackled as Sakura blushed. True, her figure had matured a little.
After she was sure the hem was fixed to perfection, Marie gave her work a once over, before giving Sakura a little shove to the door.
" Come now, milady, why don't you go help your father welcome the guests."

*** Guests

I was so excited. This was going to be the grandest ball ever, lasting from noon to midnight, and every eligible Lord and Lady was invited along with their eldest child. My mother was in a last minute flurry, assisting in watching the servants hang the decorations, and furnish the tables.
" No, no! That tapestry just will not do!"
" But, milady, this is the one used…"
" This is Sakura's fifteenth birthday! I will not have anything amiss. Now," She waved her hand dismissively, " Take it away!"
The manservant scratched his head, then called for assistance as he dragged the heavy drapings away.
" Mother!"
" Sakura!"
The Princess approached her daughter, and hugged her, before producing a fine necklace in front of her. A tiny gasp escaped Sakura as she looked at it. The pendant was simple, a young rose that was slightly open and made of the finest onyx.
" The black rose!"
" Yes. A gift from your father and I. To herald your entrance, into the wonders of womanhood."
" And the pleasures!"
The Princess glared at her lady in waiting, who was now almost 27 years. Nellie only grinned mischieviously. Sakura's mother turned back to her daughter and motioned her towards the gardens.
" Go, and relax now. There will soon be too much commotion."
Sakura hurried towards the gardens, stopping at the entrance. It was over-run with weeds near the edges, but the inner square was untouched, as it was completely made of marble. In the center, was a beautiful fountain, with water gently splashing out of several pots held by tiny cherubs. She sat down carefully by the edge, toying with the necklace. The sun shone brightly, and everything was quiet. As her fingers examined every inch of her little jewel, something caught her eye in the brush. It was shaking, and as she turned, something flashed by her eyes. SNAP! With a crack, the chain of her necklace broke, and with a plop, the onyx rose fell into the murky basin of the fountain.
" Noooo!!!"
Sakura watched as the little sparrow whizzed by. She tossed the broken chain aside, and peered down into the dark waters. The pendant glistened…so close and yet so far.
Tears threatened to break, but she calmed herself, and promised to come back after the banquet to fetch her little flower. Carefully, she made her way out of the gardens, and back to the front entrance, where her father had started to welcome the guests.
" Sakura!"
Sakura spotted her father, and stepped forward as he motioned to her. A man stood in front of him, and beside him a boy about her age.
" Sakura, may I introduce the Lord of Peonyflower, and his eldest son. Syaoran, this is Sakura, my daughter."
Sakura forced a greeting, but found that the boy would not answer. She took a disliking to him immediately, as he glared at her with cold eyes, and disdain. She looked questioningly to her father. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to notice.
" Sakura, I must attend to the other guests, and I have to speak with Syaoran's father, so why don't you show Syaoran around?"
Sakura turned in disbelief, and would have argued, but her father gave her a warning look. She turned, and motioned for Syaoran to follow her. Starting with the rooms, she worked her way around the mansion, until they were at the last of the house, the gardens. At first, she'd been nervous, pointing everything out rather rigidly, but after a while, when she realized he was listening, she relaxed and seemed to ease into the role. Sakura made certain, to avoid the little fountain in the center, concentrating mainly on the flowers.
" And that one over there is a…"
" What's that?"
This was the first time in 1 hour he'd spoken. Sakura looked in the direction Syaoran pointed. It was the fountain.
" Oh that?" She fiddled nervously with her dress, " Just an old granite fountain. Nothing all that interesting."
Syaoran watched her eyes carefully, noticing the way she dismissed the very center of the garden's attractions. He walked slowly in its direction, and pushed the subject a little further.
" It's very pretty…"
" Yeah…" She agreed, " Not as pretty as…"
Sakura caught herself just in time. Seeing Syaoran still looking at the water and the fountain, she walked over and pulled his arm slightly.
" Let's get back inside."
" If that's what you wish."
She was surprised at his mannerism - so polite for his face, but shook her uneasiness off. With a last glance back at the fountain, she quickly returned to the front entrance. Syaoran followed a pace behind.
More guests had arrived, and Sakura immediately rushed to the one she knew the best; Syaoran forgotten.
" Tomoyo, I'm so glad you could make it!"
" Sakura!"
They embraced briefly, before Tomoyo waved for Sakura to move closer.
" Sakura, I just wanted to warn you about a rumor I heard."
" What's that?"
" The Prince of Hatoma Province is paying a visit…I heard him talking last time when he visited us…"
" He went to IvyStand?"
" Yes. And you know what? He's bringing his son here."
" ROBERT?!!!!"
Sakura shrieked. Tomoyo hushed her fearful friend; luckily there was too much noise already for anyone to notice.
" Yes."
" Oh. I don't think I can bear him another…"
" Well, watch out."
" Why?"
" No…its too horrible…Forgive me…I'm sorry I brought it up."
" What?"
" Well, you see that boy over there?"
" Who?"
" The one that just came in from your garden?"
" Oh, you mean Syaoran? Yes, I do."
" Well, you ever wonder why he's so solitary?"
" Not really."
" Sakura!"
" Well, I think its an inbred thing."
" Shame on you! Haven't you heard?"
" No."
" He isn't the eldest."
" But, my father invited the eldest…"
" The eldest ELIGIBLE heir."
" …You don't mean…"
" He originally wasn't suppose to be here. His sister was."
" Well, why didn't she come?"
Tomoyo hesitated.
" Well…"
" Well? Are you going to tell me, or leave me hanging like a gasping cod?"
" She had to leave the family in disgrace."
" Whatever for?"
" Because she and Robert…had an affair."
" No!"
" Yes, and during it…Robert managed to get her…"
" So…that's why…"
" The family refuses to acknowledge her, and her sisters and brothers are heartbroken…"
" Oh, that's dreadful."
Sakura felt guilt overwhelm her.
" He must think me awful…"
" Who?"
" Never mind. Please excuse me."
Sakura walked slowly over to Syaoran, who stood off to the side deep in thought. She forced a smile, but his eyes merely inquired as to why she was there. She began to apologize…
" I'm really sorry, for the way I acted when we first met…you see…its just…I recently…"
She hesitated, trying to decide if she should tell him about the necklace incident or not…He noticed, and nodded curtly, stopping her short.
" It's all right. I could see you didn't look to happy when you came in."
They were silent for a while.
" The musicians are tuning their instruments."
" Hmm." Was her only reply.
" Would you care to dance?"
" Me?" After what how she'd acted? This boy really was nothing like he seemed...
" Of course. Who else would I be addressing?"
She was about to answer, when an arm encircled her waist, and spun her around, putting her face to face with…
" Robert?!!!"
" The one and only."
Sakura was expressionless, trying to hide her disgust. Syaoran's face darkened as he saw Robert, and he turned to leave. Fearing to be left alone with Robert, she turned in his grasp and called.
" G-good sir, were you not inquiring of a dance?"
" Oh, Sakura," Robert tsked, "You don't want to dance with such low-breeds."
Syaoran continued to walk on. Pulling herself from Robert's grasp, she followed Syaoran a short distance before he turned.
" Come on, Sakura, dance with me." Robert insisted.
Robert grasped her hand again, and without much thought, fear registered.
Syaoran, picking up her pleading look, addressed Robert.
" Please excuse me, sir. But, I believe the lady has reserved her next dance…for me."
Syaoran stood waiting, and Sakura slipped out of the mumbling Robert's hand and slipped her arm into Syaoran's, who escorted her to the ballroom. Her heart was racing, as she thought of the narrow escape she'd just made. They stood in position.
" Thank you."
" For, what?"
" Getting me out…"
" The pleasure is all mine."
The two partners were silent as music filled the air.
They danced for nearly an hour, mostly because Sakura didn't want to run into Robert, when a servant entered from atop the staircase in the center of far wall.
" The Prince has announced that the banquet is to begin. Please step forward as I call your name. The first family shall follow the Chorvalan royal family."
Sakura hurried to her mother's side, and waited as the guests lined up. First came the Lords and Ladies under Chorvala Province rule.
" The Lord and Lady of Peonyflower, and their son, Syaoran; the Lord and Lady of Meliyao, and their daughter, Cherese…"
It continued down the line: Jaio, Catrech, Keppefield, Laurencu, and Fablica.
Then came the visitors from outside Chorvala province: The Prince and Princess of Hatoma Province, and their son Robert; the Prince and Princess of Ivystand Province, and their daughter Tomoyo; and last, the Lord of Mitchellstone and his daughter, Lagopha. Once all were clear on the ranks, the seating began. The tables were set so that one side had twice as many seats as the other. This was so the parents were both able to be seated in front of their child – who sat opposite. Sakura sat at the front side of the table, with Syaoran beside her, followed by the Cherese…and so on.
Syaoran went over the schedule in his mind: for two hours, the guests were allowed to talk, getting to know the guests beside them. Then, the banquet, followed by dessert. Then more dancing, until midnight, when the guests were ready to leave.
He turned, and found himself staring at a rather plump girl, about a year younger, twirling a strand of her golden blond hair. He watched her for a second, before turning his eyes back to his dinner plate. How was he going to survive the next 2 hours?


For the first half an hour or so, Syaoran took his time, looking at all the decorations. He was agape, as he realized everything matched perfectly with everything else: The china was exactly the same white as the banner hanging off the ceiling, and the silver of the forks, was neither a shade lighter or darker then the one next to it. All the goblets were glass, and sparkled like small lights, they were so clean. He muttered to himself, wondering how anyone could stand having a lady, much less a mother, who was so obsessed with the color coordination of everything.
Carefully, he stole a glance to see what Sakura was doing, only to find her looking at him too. They turned, both red-faced at being caught, and spent the next half an hour trying not to make eye-contact.
Sakura gulped nervously. She wanted to make a good impression, but she wasn't sure what to say. She tried to think up a good conversation piece, something to start, and finally managed to choose a pretty nonchalant topic. His country. More original then weather, and less personal then about himself. And, that's exactly what she did. Or tried to anyway.
" Syaoran?"
" Hmm?" He turned his lion gold eyes on her.
" What's…"
" Excuse me, what's it like in your country?"
Sakura felt like screaming. All this time, and the Duchy of Meliyao had to pick now to start her turn.
" Well," Syaoran thought a little," Its…"
" Oh I see."
Syaoran was a little confused. So was Sakura. Wasn't he suppose to finish first? Sakura excused her behavior - perhaps she's just nervous, and doesn't realize how many rules of etiquette she'd just broken in the five minutes of conversation.
Syaoran, too, was in a forgiving mood, and tried to continue.
" Yes…Peony…"
" Chorvala, may be bigger, but it isn't half as pretty as my home."
Sakura felt her face go slightly red, and she tried to calm herself, knowing emotion wasn't the way to go.
" Well, I think Chorvala is quite beautiful."
Sakura tensed up a little. Was that Syaoran defending her? It only made her feel foolish, not having a ready retort to save Chorvala's reputation. Nevertheless, Cherese went on.
" Well, maybe to these people's limited views, but they've never seen Meliyao. Having seen this place with new eyes, I think the rumors were exaggerated."
Syaoran heard a gasp of indignation escape Sakura, and when he turned around, found her back facing him. He groaned under his breath, partly in anger and partly in pity. Who was this girl, who insulted her own city-state's capital without so much as batting an eyelash, at the risk of losing everything? Did she not know whom she was within earshot of?
" In fact, were it not for my parents, I wouldn't be here at all."
Sakura couldn't take it anymore. One more second, and she'd be breaking more etiquette rules then even Cherese could imagine. There was no way she'd be able to sit and endure this for an hour. Luckily, a miracle came her way. Her father was listening to a servant, and stood up.
" I'd like to inform you all, that the cook is a little behind today preparing the food, so I'm inviting you to stand up and enjoy yourselves a bit longer. I'm sorry for the disturbance."
That was all the distraction she needed. Sakura wasted no time, in weaving her way past the crowds, into the gardens and towards the fountain. She had time, might as well use it. She carefully leaned down, and peered into the water, hoping to catch a glimpse of her beautiful onyx rose. As she bent closer, another face entered the reflection, startling her so, that she almost fell into the basin, were it not for an arm reaching out.
" Forgive me, lady, I didn't mean to frighten you."
Sakura, regaining her composure, assured Syaoran she was fine, before resuming her sweep of the pool. He sat down beside her.
" If I may ask, what are you looking for?"
" Oh, nothing." She got back up in disappointment. It wasn't there.
" Would it happen to be this?"
Sakura looked up. In the palm of Syaoran's hand, lay the little onyx rose, intact, and dry. Her eyes widened.
" How did you…"
" I got it out of the fountain…"
" I can't believe…you…OH THANK YOU!"
She hugged him ecstatically, eyes closed in appreciation.
Unbeknownst, he stood up awkwardly, a blush creeping up his face. Sakura stood back, realizing for the first time how tall he was compared to her. She gripped the little pendant to her bosom, so glad to finally have it again. He smirked. For some reason, seeing her happy made him happy as well.
Suddenly, she reached up, and before he could protest, pecked him softly on the cheek, and flashed her first genuine smile at him that day.
" Thank you, so much!"
She raced back inside, and he stood there unblinkingly. His hand automatically reached up to touch his cheek where it tingled slightly from her touch…odd…
Sakura found an extra chain, and returning it around her neck, went to go show Tomoyo.
" Oh, Sakura, its beautiful! They don't make anything like that in Ivystand. Where did you get it?"
" Mother gave it to me, for a birthday present."
" Oh, now I'm jealous…oh look. Make haste, their telling everyone to go back in. I'll see you after the banquet?"
" Most assuredly!"

*** Singing

Sakura returned to her table to find Syaoran already seated. She watched as he did his best to ignore Cherese and her twirling hair. He looked ready to yank it clean off her head. Seeing he was facing her direction, she tried again to engage him in conversation.
" Syaoran, you never told me what your country was like."
A snort was emitted from Syaoran's right, Ms. Meliyao.
" Well, its not as pretty as here in autumn…"
A laugh high and squeaky, like a piglett squeal.
"…but I'd have to say our winters are the most gorgeous. White snow, fresh fallen every day…best winter spot in all of Chorvala…province of course.."
Sakura nodded politely. She'd never actually been there, so it wouldn't be truthful to agree. Suddenly, she gasped, followed by a groan.
" What?"
Syaoran turned in concern.
" No its nothing."
" You sure?"
" No…its just…"
" And now, for the enjoyment of all the guests, my daughter Sakura, will play her harp and sing for us."
Sakura lowered her flushed face, as she heard Cherese groan.
" Syaoran," The Duchy whined, using his name for the first time," why don't we find something else to occupy ourselves, while the little girl sings?"
" You go. I would rather like to hear the voice of the fabled mermaid soother."
Sakura glared as Syaoran smirked. Why did her dad have to spread that pet name around? Cherese only grunted in disdain.
" Humph………..wait! I want to sing too!"
Sakura nearly fell off her chair.
" But, you don't know the lines…"
" I'm not singing with you! You're going to play, and I'm going to sing."
" If that's what you wish...." She mumbled bitterly.
A murmur went through the crowd as she stepped forward, and sat behind Cherese. With a great heave, Cherese opened her mouth….and what came out was worse then any kind of torture known to man.
Syaoran gritted his teeth, beneath his lips, trying to look like he was listening, when in fact he was hoping she'd stop for his sake. Sakura didn't even bother trying to accompany – there was no way to reach the notes Cherese was reaching, not on a harp. It was only misfortune, that she'd happened to pick the same song Sakura had been planning to sing.
Sakura had to admit, the girl had the technique down pretty well, trying to imitate one of those warbling nightingales. It was just tragic that she didn't pick up the softness as well, or the sweetness for that matter.
The last shrill note caused the three closest goblets: Sakura's, Syaoran's, and Cherese's, to shatter into dust. The room was silent as she returned to her seat, and servants cleared away the broken glassware, replacing it with new ones. Sakura stayed, unsure of what to do next. Her father saved the moment.
" And now, as promised, Sakura will now sing and play."
Sakura bit her lip in apprehension. Would they like her singing anymore, then they liked Cherese? Carefully, she strummed a few chords, only to hear a groan from the audience.
" Is that all you can play?"
Someone else, utterly astounded by Cherese's stupidity, called out.
" She's tuning her harp."
Cherese backed down in embarassment, but distaste was written across her face.
Sakura gulped, then ran her fingers across her harp, rippling music filled the room. And softly, she began to sing, purposely using the same song Cherese used, simply as a way to show that she didn't like to have people stealing what was rightfully hers to begin with, namely the entertainment which she'd been working on for quite some time.
" Echoing my songs of joy, I see you coming down the pathway here. So long, I've waited for you, so long since you've held me close to you.."
Everyone was quiet, as the harp and voice grew louder.
" Across the sea you traveled far, never knowing quite where you are. All I know, across the land, across the water, I'll never lose my heart…to any, but you."
Cherese mumbled her disdain. So, Sakura was a little songbird, so what?
" And when the mountains call my name. May the world be there to see me...And let the light…bring me….to you…"
She stopped with a series of fading ripples. Polite applause filled the dining room, and Sakura returned to her seat, quietly aware of the fact that Syaoran was smiling at her proudly, and Cherese was glaring angrily. Suddenly, Chorvala's Prince stood up again.
" The cooks have informed me, that they are ready with the banquet, so without further ado, let the banquet begin."

*** Dinner is Served

Sakura watched as the first plates were brought out: Salad. Delicate leaves of lettuce, mixed with herbs, and a vinegar sauce of some kind. Sakura was about to eat hers when a voice interupted her.
" Still haven't started?"
Cherese sat back, her plate completely empty. Sakura looked at Syaoran expecting his plate to be empty to, but instead she found his as full as hers. Syaoran ignored Cherese, and began to eat his salad slowly. Sakura followed his example, and was just finishing up when the next dishes were brought in.
A soup of some kind, and once again Sakura was just about to start, when Cherese piped up again.
" Tired from all that singing?"
She looked up, and once again found that the entire bowl of soup had disappeared.
"Or just not a speedy eater." Cherese piped.
Syaoran was looking at his soup, and continued to eat at the pace all the others were. Sakura did the same, and finished just as they were bringing in the first of the platters of quail.
Sakura felt her mouth water a little as she smelled the delicious birds all roasted to perfection, with a light sauce and accompanied with asparagus. As the platters were set down, she reached carefully out to get one, when suddenly, a hand touched hers. She looked up, and saw Syaoran reaching out. He picked up a medium bird, with a generous helping of asparagus, and put it down on her plate. Sakura glanced at her mother, only to find her smiling in good humor. The Princess whispered something to her husband, and he smiled too.
Syaoran was about to sit back down, when he heard a clearing of throat. Cherese was staring at him expectantly. Sighing, he picked up another quail, and placed it on her plate. Picking up another one for himself, he was just about to start eating when there was another clearing of throat. He looked, and almost choked as he saw the nearly empty skeleton of the quail on Cherese's plate. With a look of suspicion, he put another quail on her plate, larger this time, and proceeded to eat his.
Just to be sure, he stole a glance at Sakura, and was relieved to see that she was still eating the same quail he'd first given her.
Less then 1/8 of the way through his, and there was another clearing of throat. Sakura turned to look this time, and went wide-eyed. Two empty skeletons lay on her plate. Sakura looked down at her own, which was only about ¼ of the way finished, and wondered how anyone could eat two. She watched with a deep pity, as Syaoran grudgingly offered another quail, larger, which Cherese gladly accepted. Cherese noticed Sakura, and her eyes glittered with challenge, as if mocking the fact that Syaoran was helping her and not Sakura. Sakura ignored it.
Sakura finished hers, and turned, only to feel a shriek try to work its way up her throat. 8 large skeletons were heaped onto Cherese's plate, and Syaoran was currently adding another 9th bird to her plate. The servants quickly cleared away all finished plates and replaced them with clean dishes.
Syaoran quickly finished his, and seeing the others still meticulously cleaning their birds, he decided to talk with Sakura.
" So, what does the Autumn Harvest celebrate, exactly?"
Sakura stopped chewing for a second, swallowed inperceptibly, and paused to think.
" Well, its to celebrate the grapes that grow in the vineyards…"
" You know, Meliyao has the most wonderful wine…"
Sakura bit her lip, and turned. Doesn't this girl ever stop? She turned pleadingly to her mother, but she was busy. She heard a slight 'ahem' and turned to see Syaoran. He silently apologized with his eyes, and did his best to save the topic.
" Does it celebrate anything else?"
" Well, mostly the harvest of the grapes. They usually have a fair, where they take the harvested grapes, and make jams, jellies, and tarts for the people."
" Meliyao has a fair too. Only we do apples. Apple pies are so much better than grape tarts!"
Sakura couldn't stand it anymore. She turned around completely, refusing to make eye-contact for fear she would break into tears in front of them. When, her emotions were in control again, the next course was about to be served. Fish. Syaoran tried to serve Sakura, but she refused profusely, until finally giving in despair. She glanced up, and saw the intrigue in her parents' eyes. Her father had a suspicious twinkle, which meant he was planning something. But, before she could further watch, he turned to the Lord of Peonyflower. Syaoran didn't mind serving Sakura – at least she didn't have him getting up again and again like the Duchy. Once more, there was a clearing of throat, and Syaoran sighed. Here he goes again. What was he? A personal manservant?
Sakura finished the fish faster, and prepared to get another serving. Syaoran was about to get up, but she shook her head.
" You can have your rest. I can get it myself."
" …"
" Come on, Syaoran."
" Bless your soul."
He sat back down to finish his fish, until he heard the next clearing of throat, at which he sighed and got back up again. It would have been more worth it to get Sakura's too, waste less time. Sakura got herself some, then ate. Deciding against another, she began to fiddle with her necklace. Unfortunately, Cherese happened to see it.
" What is that?" She asked.
" My necklace."
" Where'd you get it?"
" My mother gave it to me."
" Hmph. Where'd she have it made?"
" I don't know. A private jeweler, I suppose."
" Hmph. Could have fooled me. Looks like one of those trinkets you get at a peasant fair."
" It does not!"
" Believe what you like. Your mother's a cheap."
Sakura was aghast. She sprang up from her chair, and walked away fuming, towards the gardens. Instead of sitting by the fountain, she continued down a set of stairs, towards the garden maze. In the daylight, she could find her way through with ease, but at night…and with her mind fogged with anger, this was another story.
For 10 minutes or so, she continued to run through it, aware of footsteps behind her. She continued through it till she was at a dead end. Realizing her mistake, she turned around, and found herself face to face with a shadowy figure.
" Agh!"
She fell backwards, and once again felt an arm around her, keeping her from toppling to the floor.
" Forgive me, lady."
Sakura leaned against the shrubbery for support. Her heart was pounding, and Syaoran had given her quite the scare.
" Are you all right?"
" Yes. I'm fine."
" You shouldn't run off like that."
Sakura started to walk away. If only she knew which dead end she was in.
"…I was worried…"
Sakura stopped. Syaoran was worried about her?
" Come on. Why don't we go back?" He moved towards her.
Sakura started to walk away again.
" Not, just yet." She answered.
" Why not?"
" I don't really want to go back yet - you go."
" Well, if you're not going, I'm not."
Sakura turned around again.
" Good sir, don't let me spoil your fun. Go…"
" As a code of honor, I am not to desert a damsel in distress."
" I am not in distress."
" Okay…"
Sakura bit her lip as Syaoran walked away. Should she call him back? No. Carefully, she treaded her way through the maze, working her way around, trying to remember which way was which. Finally, she gave up, and sat heavily down on a bench that was at the center of the maze. She knew that. But, she couldn't remember which way was out in the dark.
" Are you going to let me help you now?"
Sakura jumped with a little yelp. Syaoran stepped out again, laughing a little as she glared at him.
" Can you kindly stop doing that?"
He swept her a bow.
" Forgive me lady."
" How long have you been following me?"
" Oh, for quite some time now. You didn't think I'd go back on my code did you?"
Deep down, Sakura was relieved.
" So, now will you let me help you?"
" Fine."
She heaved a great sigh, then began to examine her necklace in the dark.
" It must be very pretty. But, wouldn't you like to see it in better light?"
She nodded a little. He grabbed her wrist gently, and began to pull her through the twists and turns of the maze. After a moment, there was a burst of light, and Sakura saw that they were once again at the start of the maze. She exited after him, but stopped. He came back.
" What's wrong?"
She hesitated, then shook her head and continued.
" Nothing."
Well, to her relief, only her parents had noticed her absence, and they took it in themselves not to raise alarm. Their relief was obvious as Sakura seated herself again, Syaoran following. The next platter wasn't there yet, and Cherese was busy sitting on her chair.
" There you are!"
She waited, and Syaoran heaved another sigh, before serving yet another piece of fish. He sat down, but instead of eating, turned to Sakura.
" May I see your necklace?"
" What would you want to see that piece of junk for?"Cherese muttered.
Sakura hesitated. It was true somewhat. Where the others were wearing diamonds with gold, her little onyx rose seemed trivial.
" Please, may I see it?" He tried again.
She nodded, and unhooked it from around her neck. Ignoring Cherese completely, he examined the onyx.
" Wonderful craftsmanship."
" Diamonds would have made a prettier rose." Cherese muttered.
" Diamonds can't make a black rose."
Cherese sat back huffily, and within seconds her food was gone.
The next platter was the main course, a roast hart, and Sakura could see the greedy hunger in Cherese's eyes, and the despair in Syaoran's. Sakura looked around, and motioned for a nearby servant to come over. He stooped down.
" What can I do for you, milady?"
" Do you see the girl there?"
" The Daughter of the Lord and Lady of Meliyao?"
" Yes."
" Yes, I do, milady."
" Well, she has a slight vocal problem."
" I could tell from her earlier…"
" Hush."
" Pardon."
" Now, I have to say that you've done a marvelous job, except for one thing."
" What's that?"
" You heard what I said. She has a vocal problem, and needs someone to help get what she wants."
" Oh I see."
" So, the next time she clears her throat, I want you to step up and get her food."
" Beg, your pardon?"
" Exactly as I said. When she clears her throat, you are to step up and get her food."
" All right, milady. An odd thing indeed."
Sakura smirked. The manservant took his place behind Cherese. Sakura reached to get her own food, but, once again Syaoran played the gentleman. It was obvious both his and her parents were pleased by the display of attention. And, right on cue, there was a soft clearing of throat. Syaoran was about to rise, when Sakura tugged at his sleeve. He turned to her in question, and she shook her head just so he could see. He sat back down doubtfully, and began to eat his section of hart. Cherese turned around from speaking to the guest beside her, and was irritated to find her plate empty. She glared over at Sakura, who was the picture of innocence, then at Syaoran. With almost careless ease, she cleared her throat again, louder. Immediately, the manservant came and served her up some food.
Cherese was confused, and slightly embarassed as the host looks up questioningly. Why was one of his manservants answering to one of the guests without explicit orders? Guests should be able to serve themselves. Cherese smiled nervously, having been humbled slightly. Meanwhile, Syaoran grinned, finally able to enjoy his serving in peace. Sakura continued to eat innocently, though Syaoran had a pretty good idea what she'd done.
The banquet was normal from then on, the hart followed by a short break of wine. Sakura, thinking everything was back to usual, started talking again.
" So, if my father and I were to pay a visit to Peonyflower, what would you recommend for brunch?"
" Hmm.." Syaoran tried not to laugh, " Most likely…the…"
" Now. For dessert, fellows, we have…"
There was a gasp of admiration, as the servants brought in a huge honey-sugar sculpture of a wolf. It was set on a side table.
" Help yourselves."
Everyone got up, and began to talk with others. Sakura moved over towards the sugar statue. Syaoran smiled.
" What's it made of?"
" Sugar, honey, and some lemon for a sour twist."
" Hmm. I'm going to go try a little. Would you like some as well?"
" Yes, please."
" All right. I'll go get us some."
Sakura was once again rendered speechless as Syaoran walked to go get two plates of the dessert. As she sighed in admiration of his gallantry, a hand suddenly reached out of nowhere and shoved her down.
Syaoran heard a communal gasp, and turned to see Sakura sprawled across the floor. He put down the plates he held, and rushed to her aid.
" What happened, milady?"
Before she could answer, a fuming Cherese separated the two, and glowered down at Sakura.
" I tried for the last 3 hours, and it doesn't seem to be getting through to you. I don't like you flirting with my betrothed."
Sakura's eyes went wide with shock. Her father raised and eyebrow. Cherese's parents were about as confused as young chicks newly hatched.
" You lie!" Syaoran hissed.
" It may be a lie now, but it won't be in another month. My father promised me, that I would be able to choose whichever Lord's son I wanted."
Sakura was aghast. She tried to get up, but Cherese pushed her back down again. Immediately, Sakura's father came to her rescue.
" Young lady! What impertinence is this, treating my daughter this way? Do you realize you are committing a felony, worth the loss of your titles!"
Cherese stood defiantly.
" Your daughter, has been flirting with my beloved!"
Cherese's father came up behind her.
" Cherese. It's true, I did tell you that your husband's choice was to be yours…"
" See?"
" But, I also remember mentioning that it had to be a bachelor."
" What does he look like?"
Cherese pointed at Syaoran.
" Such an impertinent little girl!" The Lady of Peonyflower was appalled. " Was she not listening?"
" To what?" Syaoran asked.
" Five minutes ago, you father and I were just discussing your wedding details."
" Wedding details?" Fear.
" Yes, of course, when your father and His Grace saw your attention to young Sakura, we decided it would be the perfect way to strengthen our alliance. So, we're making out the contract."
All was silent. Cherese's let out a high-pitched squeal.
" NOT FAIR! Father, you said…"
" I said your choice had to be a bachelor."
" Well, he was a bachelor before! I saw him first!"
" And by the way Cherese, must I remind you, that you have not yet reached the legal Meliyaon age for marriage?" Her mother clucked.
" It's only a year or two away…"
" I will not have you married before your time! Breaking Meliyaon law, can you imagine? I don't know where she concocted such a ridiculous notion!" Her mother sighed.
Sakura through all this, sat on the floor, shocked at her father's announcement. Marriage?
" Now, if everyone is satisfied, let us continue the celebration!"
The host began to clear the guests back to their tables and the dessert. Sakura realizing her awkward position, got up unsteadily, and instinctively grabbed the nearest shoulder to keep from falling; Syaoran's. He grabbed her hand, and helped her up, though his mind was still elsewhere.
Marriage? Until now, the idea had never struck him. Sakura was fazed, and wandered her way towards the garden. Cherese saw her, and immediately her anger bubbled again. Secretly, she followed Sakura, pocketing one of the table utensils as she went…
Sakura clutched the stairway railing for support. Married? To Syaoran? Hmm…
She heard a rustling behind her, and was no more then 2 paces away, when Cherese walked silently out. She opened her mouth to scream.
" Don't even bother, Sakura. No one can hear you, they're all inside."
" What, do you want?"
" Oh, you know perfectly well what I want. I want Syaoran. But, you! You took my chances away from me."
" Cherese, please understand, the wedding plans are as surprising to me as they are to everyone else!"
" Oh, I don't care about the wedding plans. Because, once I'm done, they won't be yours anymore, they'll be mine!"
" Cherese, what's going on?"
Cherese let out a harsh crow.
" Oh, don't play naïve. Can't you see the knife? I plan for you…to suffer an…unfortunate accident."
Sakura backed her way through towards the maze. Cherese followed, too clouded with her hate to notice.
" And when Syaoran is at the peak of his grief, I'll marry him in pity."
She laughed at the wisdom of her plan.
" But, I can only do it, if I get rid of you!!!!!"
Sakura broked into a run as Cherese followed her into the maze. Her heart was pounding, and her breath was ragged. She could hear footsteps echoing through the maze, and the crazed laughter of the love-sick girl following.
" Sakura…I'll find you! Don't you worry! I'm not that dense. I know this maze only has one entrance, and one exit. One in the same. I'll starve you out! Don't worry. Stay in there for all I care. It just gives me a chance to work my magic on Syaoran! He'll be mine yet!"
Sakura was panting as she ran further into the center of the maze. She could still hear footsteps, but they were receding now. No, they were coming back. Receding. Stopped. Coming back.
" You little wretch!"
Sakura stopped. Listening.
" Come out here and face me!"
Fear moved her further and further inward. She felt her lungs would give out, and her dress was already torn in fifty different places. What was she to do?