A/N My very first Duke fic! I hesitated a bit before writing this, because of the writingstyle these kind of stories acquire. English is not my native language, so forgive me if I use any strange words or sentences. Before we start the story I want to thank all of the great writers on FF, they really inspired me to write my own story, after reading all of their wonderful stories. Thank you all! Now let's git it on!


The air was hot and humid, as if the tension was mounting for a thundering summer storm. Dark clouds were already forming on the horizon, but the sun was still beating down on the bare backs of the two young men who were working in the field. Trying to get the crops inside before the storm would hit full force.

"Bo, you almost done?" Luke asked, wiping a trail of sweat from his brow, before casting a glance at his cousin who was still busy throwing large sacks into the back of the truck. He stretched his body, wincing as a few kinks in his muscles made themselves known.

Looking at the stack he'd made, a large grin spread itself on his face.

"Well cuz, looks like we beat that storm again. And you know what that means", Luke shook his head, already knowing what his younger cousin meant. And with a longing look, they simultaneously said, "Crawdad soup…"

Well folks, looks like everything is going peachy on the Duke-farm. Now doesn't that sound strange to you? Peachy and Duke in one sentence? I would leave that fridge closed if I were you, something's bound to happen…

Clapping his yawning cousin on the back, Luke grabbed his shirt after throwing the final sack into the truck. With a worried look, he watched the dark clouds roll in faster then he'd expected.

"Well, I think your appetite needs to wait a little longer, you forgettin we got to bring this truck back to the Learson farm before dark?"

Bo managed to look so disappointed, Luke had to chuckle at his forlorn expression. A grumble startled the two, but instead of looking up, two pairs of eyes went to Bo's stomach. The two cousins were about to break out laughing, when a large thunderclap lit up the sky and shook the ground.

Still chuckling they headed towards the truck, knowing they would make it to the Learson farm if they hurried.

"Hey Luke, how come we always borrow the Learson truck? The Mackenzies have a much bigger one right?"

"Yeah, they probably wouldn't lend it to ya. Remember Betty-Jo?"

Bo frowned, before smiling dreamily, "I sure do. We had some great fun at her hayloft", he frowned again, "but what does she-" he stopped himself from going any further, as the thought came to him, and he murmured, "Betty-Jo Mackenzie… Whee cuz, don't go any further, I know what you mean. Her daddy sure had good aim, those buckshot's stung real bad!"

Luke had to laugh at his Casanova cousin, "Just be glad the Learsons live on the other side, and they only have a son."

Their light banter continued, while the storm came closer. The wind was picking up, causing the large truck to swerve a little, and despite Bo's driving skills he actually had trouble keeping the thing on the road.

They were only half way there, when the storm broke full force. Two large thunderclaps rattled the old truck, and had the Duke boys rattling in their seats.

"Ehh, wasn't this supposed to be a small storm? This looks like a full red-blooded hurricane," Bo said with amazement apparent in his voice. Luke nodded solemnly, looking at the thundering trees before them with worry in his face.

"Just keep your eyes on the road, with this weather there must be some branches on the road."

Bo nodded, remembering where they were, in the middle of nowhere, trees all around them and no houses for miles.

The darkened sky cast an aerie blue green glance on the world around them, making the looming branches transform into large claws, grabbing for any creature that dared to enter the road they were protecting.

After the next big thunderclap the storm seemed to still, right then and there. A light drizzle of rain silently beat against the windows. Both Dukes looked at each other with wonder in their eyes. Could it be over so soon? And just when Luke was about to speak up, the brightest flash appeared before the large truck, temporarily blinding the two. Not a second after the flash, the earth shook and the sound of a canon being shot sounded so close, both boys felt a ringing in their ears so loud, it was the only sound they heard for a second.

And when they finally got their bearings back, seeing the storm return in full force, with large gusts of wind and rain, already making large pools on the road, making it slippery and muddy, another flash, even brighter then the one before, sliced through the air. And this time the thunder felt like it had been imbedded into the flash.

"Luke!" Bo yelled, his voice barely able to be heard over the thundering world around them. Luke was holding on to his seat firmly, seeing how Bo was jerking the wheel, desperately trying to keep the vehicle on the road. Turning his attention back on the road, he was just able to see the slight movement in front of them on the right side, before he shouted towards his cousin.

"Bo, look out!"

Two pairs of frightened eyes saw the large tree fall, one foot was put on the brake with such force, the vehicle skidded even harder on the slippery ground, and one tornado-like gust of wind blew the vehicle forwards even more.

Two screams tore through the truck, when the tree hit it full force. The sound of crunching metal resounding in the cacophony of sounds.

And suddenly, there was silence. No more thunder was heard, flashes disappeared in the distance, and only a steadily falling rain was left. Leaving one, almost unrecognisable, wreckage behind.

Don't you just hate it when you're right? Well I sure am. I'll tell ya, those boys can find trouble, even when it's hiding from them…