AN : Some of the readers wanted an update so this is it. This is more in Harry's POV. Sorry if the title sucks but I didn't have any ideas. The story starts when Harry goes through the barrier and goes to the Dursleys for his last summer there.

Disclaimer: I still don't own anything except the plot.

Their Last Happy Summer

As soon as Harry entered the Muggle world, he looked for his aunt and uncle. He wouldn't be surprised if they' d forgot to come. Then he heard his name.


He turned around and saw Mrs. Weasley.

"Hi Mrs. Weasley. I'm looking for the Dursleys. Have you seen them?"

"Yes, they are over there. Harry, dear, are you coming to Bill's wedding this summer?"

"Of course."

"Good. I'll see you there then."

Harry followed Mrs. Weasley and he saw the Dursleys. He went over to see them.

"Come on boy, we need to get back home," said uncle Vernon.

"Why are you looking so sad?" asked Dudley after a few minutes.

"It's none of your business," replied Harry.

During the ride to the Dursleys' house, he didn't say a word. When he arrived, he went straight to his room. He lied on his bed thinking about everything. Why he had broken up with Ginny, the death of Dumbledore and his search for the Horcruxes. The simple things like his Apparition test and Bill and Fleur's wedding didn't cross his mind at all.

His weeks at his uncle's house were the worst since his second year. Since they knew about Sirius' death, he couldn't threaten them of writing to him.

He was counting the days until his 17th birthday. At last, it was just one day before he could leave this horrible house.

"Uncle Vernon, aunt Petunia, tomorrow is my birthday and I won't be under your responsibility anymore. Can you give me a ride to my friend Ron's house?"

"Of course! If it's to get rid of you forever, we'll drive you anywhere," replied uncle Vernon.

That night, Harry sent Hedwig to tell Ron he'd be there tomorrow.

The next morning, he woke up early to pack all of his things. At around 11 o'clock, Harry and uncle Vernon got in the car and drove to Ron's house. They arrived there 3 hours later.

"Good bye, boy. Hope I'll never see you again."

Ron went to greet his friend.

"Hey Harry, it's good to see you again," said Ron.

"It's good to see you too."

"You arrived just in time for Bill's wedding. It's on the 6th of August, in one week."


The days he passed at the Weasleys was way better than his stay at the Dursleys. He was happy to see Ron and Ginny again even if he felt a bit awkward around her at the beginning.

On the 5th of August, Hermione arrived.

"Hermione! I thought you were coming after our Apparition test," greeted Ron.

"Did you really think I would miss the wedding? Are you not happy to see me?"

"Of course, I am. I'm always happy to see you"

"Thanks. That's a better welcome," she said, kissing him.

"Are you two together?" asked Harry.

"Yes! Since the ride on the Howarts Express. But you were sleeping," Hermione answered.


The next day, everyone in the house was excited. They all got prepared and after they joined Fleur's family for the wedding. After Bill and Fleur were married, they did a reception where there was food and music. Ron was very happy and he ate a lot.

"Ron, are you going to finish eating before all of this ends? I want to dance with you," said Hermione.

"I'm coming."

He went with her and they danced a lot. They saw that Harry had asked Ginny to dance. For the first time since the funeral, Harry looked sincerely happy.

When the wedding ended, the Weasleys all went back to The Burrow.

"That was a happy wedding. I'm very happy Bill chose that girl to be his wife," said Mrs. Weasley finally accepting Fleur in her family.

Harry, Ron and Hermione went to Ron's room to be alone.

"I guess this was the last time something happy is going to happen for a long time," said Harry.

"Yeah, I guess. But there's still the rest of the summer. There's going to be plenty of time when we can have fun," replied Ron.

"You're right. We should enjoy every second of it. It may be our last summer where we're going to be happy before the war."

"Maybe. But after that, I'm sure we'll be happy the rest of our lives," said Hermione.


They talked a bit more and went to bed.

AN: This is the end. I don't think I'm gonna write more on this story. Sorry if this chapter wasn't as good as you expected. And I know maybe some of the events went fast but I didn't want this to be too long either.

And I wanna thank all those who reviewed. Thanks a lot.